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1、Ut 1i oder tono ngeonylongersufr froon purposeecncered abogo throughs downt tired fet along witon inlmdwdup1._ahig television;et gofo walk.2.estaeeary_arrve bfoeark.3.The cotry has_ony war.4.Te argoigto_e singing5.She_your safet,you should com bcearlieex t6.AlhoghI a new coer, I_my lsmae vr well7.I

2、didnt do t_.t as a accen.8._,and 5adyol g 12.9.She oftn_heaaches.10. I hae _vrythingthat he teachersai.Uit2caseofsuh apay a at iatprsetmae us fcmupven ifbe ased oneive t notcommunica watthe endome vyages 1._,more thanhafoou bo wet coes towar2.wdays Chna_importa_in th wor.3.Aumer of quesions_at th me

3、eng_she is workn abrad she wll cme back nxtyear.5Thisply_arue story.6.Well ha an xm inglish_Jnuary7.I think youdbetter_our pre timebetter.8._ ciee greatscess i ourwor, we shoudo b proud.9We anow_ eopl nh othersie of the rldb using iret.10.Th footallmachwas pt off_the terible ete.it be fond cae aouth

4、nge oes midmake u onesmindive ive s ualprertob familiar wthfind otgveoutbringu1.Can you_ what tme the rainlav?2.Chidren are _i a tte wa yteieductedmathers3.Many bs_playig fotbal ftershoo.4.Li Pig_ atchinT t ome_ goingout or paying.5.Ar you_ he ppuarog?6.e s abrghtr, she neer_.7.Oc he hs _, nohinan c

5、hange .8.My brothr does o _the deas of a oo.9.His fathe g u erly_ adoe eercise outside10. h docor pesad my faer to_ smokingaddrinkint muUnit4right awayas fin uindig oube burieisffrfrombepru ofeve ifa great umer ofat an de appe nin theend1.hwa_her son.edi e atunirity adnowisadoctor2.Th houebaga thake

6、, so all th udents ust lve the hue_.3.nfften terriblesecnds alarge ity lay_.4.e act_he ws dctor5.Sne shleft, e is _ hs wrk.6.My fate as _ hi heartillness for but 0 eas.7.The yar i _.8.uch _ peopled bausete quke hppend whie theywre sleping9.Tesoles orane emto _ hoe peosoere _ the nger.Uit 5oryaboutas

7、 a matter of faetubequl too ofwoke sentncedutinprsnin rbeome to owebowplse hartbe eefm1.tev geat difficly we me, el neer_.2.If yo cant fiish he wok on tim, youl e _.3.Your parent re _ y: domakeapoe call to thm4.he hasbeen _ oryear nd islookigorwad oeing i work aai.5.People expect to _ pollto andlive

8、in pleatenvironen.6.-I thugt you wuldn id.-Wll,_ I, but ouhould he askeme fir7.evra pepleweeiled n manywe ur hena bmb_t thebusy eet8.onas rid n Paris,h_ or thwrng hi famlyhad doe.9.A s Jew,Eitn ws orcd to eve ishomelad after Hitlr_.10. Thgvenentha _ worki party to look intothrofruabuse.11. He_ deh b

9、ecse of killing soeone on pupose.12. Thewo worker shou _ themen in pysnc hy do thesmeork.Book 2Unt a arblng tolsthantake parinreturn forto nessurprisein earofthink highly flo inte isno dubt thtrather tainoth ord1.Ateaf 50 er wr sent e desert_ h buried annt it2.The policeave eceive thletter and thear

10、e _it.Igaimsome apples_hislp.4Te heamer_me bcause ofmy oerfrmane5RecntlyIve found a re Qiynasy vase.Bt dt know whetesoul_me.hld man sa omeGerman_the Amber Ro nd mvng it away.7.He i an eplorer _ a sailr8.hen w tries wee_, troops of armi were nto batef to igh.9.Much_,he ask ws fnied in ony onwee.Unt2t

11、ake prt istnd oa eli chge ate aoherr the honour fevery fo yearsmake a baaindsre to stholuntebe amitd ocoete fore replacd ith.I am ue thathe wil_ Beijiivrsitytis mmer.2More ha 1,000 cmpetiors took at nthe cptiti to_he frs pre.Eveyou ears,many ahletes fom iferent cotries_thOlymic ams.4Evry onein ur ca

12、s is fhing_ our classinecopetiin.m oming to ondonmy stes coming_.6TheAmcn flag_ free an juce.7Johnwsategie_b punised.8The moior wll be _when the hea echer i ay9.She_hthebookeller ove te pric.fter the lass,te students le_.Unit 3incmmongbydea wth a wayshare wthasa resultaswellamke pihth l oafter alwat

13、ch veri eoplacebe filledwih1.Will you please_m chld wile Iamout?2.Toetwo brohers no only lok alike, butasothey have a lot_3.When Iam back o schl rom sic leave,I ll_ fr t medlesos.4._, he hs ben very uccessful5.I cno hnk of ay to _thesaesmanatthedor.6. ad grea ogess in Englis_ M.Li.7.Look Littl Tom s

14、 tars.Dot coldhi._, he snya bo of six8.Thee months_ eforeI n bou it.9.Yourunelieve orshoul e _s.10. When e got he nws tht w won, the m_laghtnit 4ieoutcoding tinpeai angers ttuceed ino harm tours inolaugerprotectfrompy attentn tcome ino big rlief1.The w county_ oyto years o.2._ the teche, h e fa bein

15、d other tuenss aresut flazines.3.Te genmetisdoing is betto_those ar aimas_being unted.4. hadwarned hi ftssible daner,but he dint _i.5.Elepants wl_ ifmen ralowedt hoot aman s thewise.6.Chidrns ves are_evey tie h crssthe ad7.Thew comuniies live together_.8.earnte unny soy,all o us_9.Why dnt o ta ut ea

16、ly_ y onthave o hrry?10. No n was hur,and ellsmile_.Uit5dream ot be honesatahtoi cahpljoksoelay onbe familia withor eak upiaionsort tabovell1.The achcots200 Yuan_.2.I_ thi typefmachine,so Ihkcan lp yu.3._,ae sure yu keep i touch.4.It i the ind f trip thatos of us a nly_.5._, dotblieve watu said ju now.6.Th hop carg less i thecstomer pay_.7.h boys_TomThey hidhi shoes and h ct fith.8.Sntencescan be _ nto ords an praes9.Pleas_ th hingsouwant t kp nd hrweveryhngelse away10. Many peoplenow_ theIneetfo nws.



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