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1、第五章 第四节 定语从句的译法英语中的定语从句是比较复杂的语言现象,与汉语的定语相比较,有两点相异之处:(1)汉语的定语比较简单,一般放在所修饰的名词前面,英语的定语从句则放在修饰事物的后面,一般比较长,是个完整的句子。 (2)汉语的定语一般是形容词修饰名词,而英语的定语从句分限定性和非限定性的,尤其是非限定性的定语从句,对所修饰的名词限定性并不强,有时兼有状语化的职能,不仅仅起定语作用,译时要根据汉语的表达习惯进行转换。一、译成定语若定语从句与主句的关系比较密切,且在译成汉语时完全可以用“的”结构来直接修饰主句有关的词,那么就没有必要将其与主句拆开,而直接译成定语即成。1. In this

2、course, the third world, where the largest part of world population live and where abundant natural resources still lie hidden must play its due role.在这一过程中,拥有世界最多人口、丰富的自然资源沿未开发的第三世界应发挥它应有的作用。2. The time will surely come when the Chinese people will realize the four modernizations.中国人民实现四个现代化的日子一定会到

3、来。3. The (the Grand Canal) met a pressing need by linking the Yangtze Valley, which had become the economic center of the country, with the North, which remained the political center.这一大运河满足了将已成为全国经济中心的长江流域同仍是政治中心的北方连接起来的迫切需要。4. And then Gratiano, who loved to copy what his lord did, thought he must

4、 make a speech like Bassanios.随后,一举一动都喜欢模仿他主人的葛莱西安诺,觉得他也应该说几句像巴萨尼奥那样的话。5. Our hope and vision was to forge a Sino-American relationship which would contribute to world peace and the welfare of our two people.建立一种有利于世界和平和我们两国人民幸福的中美关系是我们当时的希望和憧憬。二、分句译法有些定语从句结构较复杂,虽说是语法上的定语从句,但在意义上独立性较强,和主句是两个并列句子。翻译时

5、将此类定语从句单译成一个句子,置于主句之后。1. He gave me a book which I kept to this day.2. We wish to express our satisfaction at this to the Special Committee, whose activities deserve to be encouraged.他曾送给我一本书,(这本书)我直保存至今。在此我们对特别委员会表示满意,特别委员会的工作应该受到鼓励。3. Relations between China and Denmark which dates back in January

6、 1950 is friendly.中国和丹麦之间的关系一直是友好的,这种关系可以追溯到1950年1月。(这种关系从1950年1月就开始了。)中国和丹麦之间的友谊从1950年1月就开始了,而且一直很友好。4. Kissinger and his small group of aids toured the Forbidden City, where the Chinese emperors once lived in lofty splendor.基辛格和他的一小组随从参观了故宫,从前的中国皇帝曾在这故宫里过着奢华显赫的生活。5. The grammar school legally coul

7、d only teach the classical subjects for which they had been founded.按规定文法学校只能讲授古典学科,这些学科的办学宗旨本来就是如此。三、压缩溶合法There be 句型中和谓语动词是be 的句子中所含的定语从句,一般与主语的关系比较密切,翻译时通常与主句溶合在一起译,往往可以把定语从句当成主体,译成谓语部分,把主句中的主语充当主语,从而把复合句融合成一个简单句。1. There are events taking place at this time which dim our hopes and lessen the pro

8、spects.2. There has never been a man around me who wrote so many memos.目前发生的一些事情使我们觉得希望渺茫,前途暗淡。在我周围的人当中从来没有人写过那么多的备忘录。3. There used t be dozens of people who stood a long line for hours in order to buy some pork4. We are people that are ready to support the cause of other nations.过去常常有数十人排长队在那里站几个小时

9、,为的是买一点猪肉。我们的人民总是乐于帮助兄弟国家。(支持别国人民的事业)四、重复译法重复译法指的是首先译出定语从句前的主句,然后重复先行词(或者说把代表先行词的关系词还原为先行词),再把定语从句译成定语置于被重复的先行词之前。1. Sometimes when he came he was silent and moody, and after a few sarcastic remarks went away again, to tramp the streets of Lincoln, which were almost as quiet and oppressively domesti

10、c as those Black Hawk.有时他进来会少言寡语,闷闷不乐,发几句尖刻的议论后又起身离开,继续漫步于林肯市的那些大街,那些几乎和黑鹰镇的街道同样冷清、同样沉闷、同样把生活关在各家屋里的大街。2. They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives.他们正努力去实现那个理想,那个每一位中国人珍藏于心中的理想,那个许许多多中国人曾为之献出了生命的理

11、想。五、转译法(状语化译法)有些定语从句兼有状语从句的职能,在意义上与主句有状语关系,表明原因、结果、目的、让步、假设等关系。1表条件(假设)Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist.谁如果认为理性知识不是来源于感性知识,那么他就是个唯心论者。2表原因He didnt remember his father who died when he was 3 years old.他不记得他的父亲了,因为他三岁时他的父亲就去世了。3表结果I

12、n 1955, the Party developed an acute crisis of revisionism which almost destroyed the Party.1955年党内产生了一次严重的修正主义危机,(结果)几乎使党(美国共产党)遭到毁灭。4表目的He wishes to write an article that will attract the public attention.他想写一篇文章以引起公众对这一事件的注意。5表让步Mrs. Smith, who has been married to her husband for nearly 20 years, still doesnt know him very well.史密斯夫人尽管结婚20年了,但她仍不太了解她的丈夫。6表时间A driver mustnt talk with others or be absent-minded who is driving the bus.司机开车时,不许和人谈话,也不能走神。



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