九年级英语上册 Module 9 Great inventions Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet课件 外研版.ppt

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1、Unit 2Will books be replaced by the Internet?.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1Mistakes in the _ (印印刷刷) should be pointed out at once.2_ (发发展展) of agriculture and industry needs careful planning.3 A free _ (交交 易易 ) agreement would be advantageous to both countries.printing Development trade 4How long wi

2、ll the _ (电电话话连连接接) of the telephone take?5The news of victory _ (传传遍遍了了) throughout the country.6He owed me 50, but could only pay half that _ (数量数量)7More new machines will be installed to _ (代代替;取代替;取代) the old ones.8They won by a _ (单单个个的的) goal after extra time.connection spread amount replace s

3、ingle .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1The bridge _ (finish) in three weeks.2 Scientists sometimes _ the human brain _ (compare) a computer.3Will books be _ (replace) computers?4You should get your clothes _ (wash)5When was PRC _ (found)? will be finished compare to replaced by washed founded .用适当的

4、介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1My father went to work _ having breakfast this morning.2Have you ever imagined what our houses will be _ in the future?3We should listen to the teacher carefully _ class.4The threeyearold girl has begun learning to write words _ paper.without like in on 5My father always worked into m

5、idnight _ those days.6Paper has mostly been made _ wood _ the 19th century.7 Today many people like to download something _ the Internet.8_ a way Im glad you made that mistake. You will learn a lot from it.in from since from In .单项选择。单项选择。( )1.Before you buy these clothes, youd better _ their prices

6、.【高频考点高频考点】AcompareBofferCpracticeDprovide()2.(2017宿宿州州模模拟拟)My cousin told me that he could eat three big apples _.(导学号:导学号:34094075)Aat timeBat a timeCsome timeDsome timesA B ()3.(2017合合肥肥科科大大附附中中期期末末)Please _ your homework before you hand it in.(导学号:导学号:34094076)Alook forBlook afterClook outDlook

7、through( )4.(2017芜芜湖湖29中中月月考考)Many foreigners prefer things that are made in China _.(导学号:导学号:34094077)Awith handBin handsCby handDby hands D C ()5.Ill buy something to eat _ to work.Aon your wayBon the wayCon my wayDin my way()6.What will the Internet be _?Ain future Bon the futureCwhen the future

8、Din the future C D ( )7.(2017淮淮南南五五校校联联考考)You can compare him _ a candle but you cant compare him _ other teachers.(导学号:导学号:34094078)【高频考点高频考点】Ato; withBto; toCwith; toDwith; with()8.I found _ difficult to get to sleep because the man upstairs made much noise.【高频考点高频考点】AitBthisCthatDhimA A ()9.Hes g

9、ot a large _ information.(导导学学号号:34094079)Anumber ofBamountCamounts ofDamount of()10.How soon _ all the work _?In a week.Awill; finishBis; going to finishCwill; be finishedDare; going to be finishedD C .根据根据汉语汉语意思完成下列句子。意思完成下列句子。1大家看一下笔大家看一下笔记记和相关和相关资资料。料。You may _ _ the notes and other study materi

10、als.2我一次只能我一次只能带带两个。两个。I can only carry two _ _ _.3手工做鞋是很慢的。手工做鞋是很慢的。It is very slow to make shoes _ _.look through at a time by hand 4在某种意在某种意义义上上说说,他,他们们起了重要的作用。起了重要的作用。_ _ _, they played an important role.5如若不信,如若不信,请请拭目以待。拭目以待。If you dont believe it, _ _ _.In a way wait and see .完形填空。完形填空。(导学号:导

11、学号:34094080)What is the most important invention of all time? Is it the written word that helps us to record information? Is it the telephone that lets us talk to people _1_ all over the world? Is it the car that lets us travel at great speeds to meet _2_? Umberto Eco, an Italian writer, thinks it i

12、s something quite different.He says the most important invention might be right in front of your _3_. He is talking about a simple pair of glasses.Modern eye glasses were _4_ about 1,000 years ago. They were more than just a convenient way _5_. Before glasses, writers, scientists or teachers _6_ cou

13、ld not see properly had to memorize everything. After about ten years of poor eyesight, they could not remember well enough _7_ could not work. Glasses meant that people could work into their old _8_. People who wanted to remember some information could _9_ and read it. Eye glasses are one of the wo

14、rlds greatest inventions and were probably _10_ by the people who designed the first telephone and car.()1.A.fromBinCofDabout()2.A.otherBothersCthe otherDthe others()3.A.eyesBnoseCearsDmouth()4.A.heardBseenCfoundDinvented()5.A.to watchBto readCwatchingDreadingABADB()6.A.whichBwhyCwhenDwho()7.A.andBo

15、rCsoDbut()8.A.ageBnameCclassDfriend()9.A.write down itBwrite it downCwrite down themDwrite them down()10.A.givenBboughtCsoldDwornDAABD.阅读阅读理解。理解。(导学号:导学号:34094081)Trevor Baylis was born in 1937 in Kilburn, London. He is known for inventing the windup radio (the clockwork radio)Trevor was an excellen

16、t swimmer. At the age of 15, he swam for Great Britain. Later, Trevor started his own swimming pool company.In the early 1990s, he saw a TV program. He learned that in many areas in Africa the only means of communication(通通讯讯方方式式) was the radio. However, electricity and batteries were too expensive

17、and too difficult to get there. Trevor wanted to help those people. He invented a windup radio which could play for 14 minutes with a twominute wind. His invention was showed on the TV program Tomorrows World. Two businessmen showed a great interest in it. With the money they invested, Trevor develo

18、ped his invention and started a company called Freeplay Energy. In June of 1996, the Freeplay radio was awarded the BBC Design Award for Best Product and Best Design.( )1.Which of the following words cant describe Trevor?AKind.BSilly.CHelpful.Dclever.B ()2.We can learn Trevor was good at _ when he w

19、as young.AswimmingBrunningCinventing thingsDreading()3.Many Africans got information _ in the early 1990s.Aon the InternetBin newspapersCon the radioDon the TVA C ( )4.What does the underlined word “invested” mean in Chinese?A投投资资B储储蓄蓄C拍拍卖卖D调查调查()5.This passage is mainly about _.Alife in AfricaBa great inventorCthe history of the radioDa great radioA B



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