六年级英语上册 Unit 6 E-friend(第2课时) 牛津上海版

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1、牛津深圳版牛津深圳版Unit 6 E-friendsSection BLearning aims1.了解第二部分课文。了解第二部分课文。2.掌握重点单词或短语:掌握重点单词或短语:(1)get(2)be from与与come from的区别的区别3.字母字母f,v,th在单词中的发音。在单词中的发音。Warm-upTrue FriendsFree talk1.Do you often communicate with your e-friends?2.What do you talk about with your e-friend? PresentationWhat do you know

2、about Kitty?Useful expression(1)getget 获得,到达get sth 获得某物get to 到达例如:(1)我想获得一些水。Id like to some water.(2)我得去取点水。I have to get a little water.(3)我怎么才能到达医院呢?How can I get to the hospital?(2)be from与come from的区别be fromcome from含有be动词属于动词短语,相当于一个动词例如:(1)他来至北京。He is from Beijing. He comes from Beijing. (2

3、)他来至北京吗?Is he from Beijing?Does he come from Beijing?课堂练习课堂练习按要求完成下列各题。(1)Did Tom arrive at the airport?(同义转换)Did Tom_ _the airport?(2)他努力工作,因为他想获得一些钱。(翻译成英语)(3)They are from the USA.(同义转换)They_ _the USA.(4)Amy来至哪里?(用两个句子来翻译)gettoHe works hard,because he wants to get some e fromWhere is Amy from?Whe

4、re does Amy come from?Ask and answer(1)Where is Kitty from?(2)How old is Kitty?(3)How many people are there in Kittys family?(4)What do Kittys parents do?(5)Whats Kittys favorite subject?根据课文内容,完成下列问题。She is from China.She is 11years old.There are four people in her family.Her father is a pilot,her

5、mother is a nurse.Her favorite subjects are Maths and Music.Complete the card for Kitty.mumbrother BenHappy Primary SchoolMusicsing readplay table tennisWould you like to have e-friends in other countries?What would you like to know about your e-friends?S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other c

6、ountries?S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in China.S2:Id like to know about his family.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in Australia.S2:I

7、d like to know about her school life.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in Canada.S2:Id like to know about her favorite food.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S1:What would

8、 you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in the UK.S2:Id like to know about her favorite subjects.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in the USA.S2:Id like to kn

9、ow about her favorite animals.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in China.S2:Id like to know about her hobbies.Think and writeWhat do you know about Gary?the USelevenfivefriendteacherStar Prima

10、ryScienceEnglishfootballchessPronounceWhich food do you like best?food食物The roof fell in.roof屋顶find fall fruit fly/f/f/下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿间的缝隙中通过,引起摩擦,发音时声带不震动。这个音标发音的关键就在于上齿要咬住下唇,否则发出的音一定是不准确的。fWhats this?This is a van.van 厢式货车They are family.They live together.live居住voice vacation vacation /v/v/和/f/的主音相同

11、,发音时两音口型基本相同,下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿间的缝隙中通过,引起摩擦。发音时,声带震动,不要忽略声带震动,另外要注意上齿与下唇的咬合,气流通过唇齿间,不要发成/w/的音。vSharp eyes读出你所捕捉到的单词。读出你所捕捉到的单词。liveroofvanfoodI think it must be very delicious.think想,认为Whats this?It is a tooth.tooth牙齿Thank you very much.thank感谢Youre welcome.He is very fat.She is thin.thin瘦thing death math

12、 /发音时,舌尖微微伸出,置于上下门齿之间,舌身成扁平。舌尖和下齿之间的气流通道非常窄小,气流从舌齿间的窄缝中泄出,声带不震动。时常会错把/读成/s/或/f/thWe must ntice the traffic lights when we cross the road.Then we can keep us safe.then然后,之后I went shopping with my friends.with和,带有I visited the Great Wall during my summer holiday.the这个(表示特指)What are these?They are penc

13、ils.these这些this that those /是除/以外的又一个舌齿音,/与/的主音相同,发音时,先将舌尖微微伸出,置于上下门齿之间,舌身成扁平,舌尖和下齿之间的气流通道非常窄小,气流从舌齿间的窄缝中泄出,但/是浊辅音,发音时声带必须震动。thth 清辅音 /death math 浊辅音 /this thatGames摘苹果thinktooththankthinthenwiththethese巩固提升巩固提升Listen and circle.1.fan van2.smooth tooth3.leaf live4.then thin5.fairy very6.think finger

14、选出最佳答案5.找出划线部分发音不同的一项。A.that B.think C.tooth D.death1.How can I get_there.A. to B. / C.with D.at2.He_ from the USA. A.are B. is C. come D.is come3.Where_ they from?A. do B.are C.does D.is4._Tom come from?A. Does B.Is C.Do D.AreSummary1.了解了解Kitty and Gary.2.掌握单词或短语:掌握单词或短语:(1)get(2)be from与与come from的区别的区别3.字母字母f,v,th在单词中的发音。在单词中的发音。Homework1.网络上所交的朋友都可信吗?2.网络上的东西都可信吗?观看此新闻之后,和你的同学谈谈你们对网友的看法。Have a good time!



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