英语专业写作王星主编 section 4 writing effectively 1

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1、Unit1CoherenceWhat is coherence?Coherence generally means natural or reasonable connection. In language communication, it refers to a logical, orderly and aesthetical relationship between parts, in speech, writing, or argument. In other words, When sentences, ideas, and details fit together clearly,

2、 readers can follow along easily, the ideas tie together smoothly and clearly, and the writing is coherent. Coherence is an important principle which we should abide by in academic writing. Coherence in a paragraph refers to the way the sentences are arranged and to their relationship to one another

3、. When a paragraph is coherent, the sentences are arranged in a clear and logical order, the transitions are smooth and natural, and ideas flow smoothly and gracefully from one sentence to the next. As a result, the reader finds it easy to follow the writers train of thought.vPractical methods for a

4、chieving coherence1.Repetition of a Key Term or Phrase (page 150)vExampleExample: : The The problem problem with with contemporary contemporary artart is is that that it it is is not not easily easily understood understood by by most most people. people. Contemporary Contemporary artart is is delibe

5、rately deliberately abstract, abstract, and and that that means means it it leaves leaves the the viewer viewer wondering wondering what what she she is is looking at.looking at.vSurfingSurfing-the -the art art of of riding riding a a wave wave on on a a pointed pointed board-board-is is the the wil

6、dest, wildest, fastest fastest natural natural water water sport sport known known to to man. man. In In recent recent years, years, surfingsurfing has has developed developed into into a a major sport around the world.major sport around the world.2. Pronouns(page 150)vExampleExample: : When When sc

7、ientific scientific experimentsexperiments do do not not work work out out as as expected, expected, theythey are are often often considered considered failures failures until until some some other other scientist scientist tries tries themthem again. again. ThoseThose that that work work out out be

8、tter better the the second second time time around around are are the ones that promise the most rewards. the ones that promise the most rewards. vNo No organ organ of of the the body body is is less less appreciated appreciated than than the the skinskin. . One One of of our our biggest biggest and

9、 and busiest busiest organs- organs- and and the the most most telltale-telltale-it it mirrors mirrors of of our our health, health, our our age, age, and our race.and our race.4.Sentence Patterns (page 152)vExampleExample: : (from (from a a speech speech by by President President John John F. F. Ke

10、nnedy) Kennedy) And And so, so, my my fellow fellow Americans: Americans: ask ask not not what what your your country country can can do do for for you-ask you-ask what what you you can do for your country. can do for your country. vIn In the the long long history history of of manmans s inventivene

11、ss, inventiveness, discoverers discoverers seem seem to to fall fall into into two two classes. classes. The The first first is is the the ingenuous ingenuous person person who who sets sets out out to to find find the the solution solution to to a a problem. problem. The The second second is is the

12、 the lucky lucky one one who who appears appears to to stumble stumble upon upon something something by by accident.accident.5.Transitional WordsvWhatisatransitionalword?vAwordusedtoshowtransitionsuchashowever,asaresult,inconclusion,above,andbut.Thepurposeofatransitionalwordistolinktheprecedingandth

13、efollowingsmoothlyandlogicallysothatitiseasyforthereaderstounderstandwhatyouaresaying.v附附 加加 : in addition, and, similarly, likewise, as well as, besides,furthermore,also,moreover,andthen,too,notonlybutalso,even,besidesthis/thatv顺顺序序:first(ly),initially,tobeginwith,second(ly),then,next,earlier/later

14、,followingthis/that,afterwardsv结结果果:as a result, thus, so, therefore,consequently, it follows that,thereby,eventually,then,inthatcase,admittedlyv对对比比:however, on the other hand, despite, in spite of, though,although, but, on the contrary, otherwise, yet, instead of, rather,whereas, nonetheless, even

15、 though, compared with, in contrast,alternativelyv肯定:肯定:obviously,certainly,plainly,ofcourse,undoubtedlyv条件:条件:if,unless,whether,providedthat,for,sothat,dependingonv定义:定义:is,referto,mean,thatis,consistofv举举例例:forinstance,forexample,justas,inparticular,suchas,namely,toillustratev理理由由:since,as,so,beca

16、use(of),dueto,owingto,thereasonwhy,inotherwords,leadto,causev时时间间;before, since, as, until, meanwhile, at the moment, when,whenever,assoonas,justasv总总结结:inconclusion,insummary,lastly,finally,tosumup,toconclude,torecapitulate,inshortAchieving coherence through transitional wordsvTherearemanywordsinEn

17、glishthatcueourreaderstorelationshipsbetween sentences, joining sentences together, such as however, therefore, in addition, also, but, moreover, etc.vBilingualism is commonly defined as proficiency in two languages. However, bilingual people rarely have an equal level of competence in all aspects o

18、f two languages. On the contrary, many bilinguals are only able to use each of their two languages fluently in specific areas of their daily life. For example, one language may be spoken at home with family and friends and the other at work or in school or college. Consequently, one language will be

19、 restricted to more colloquial uses and may be only rarely if ever used in writing; the other will be used in more formal contexts and writing skills will be necessary. Moreover, bilinguals speaking together may switch from one language to the other in the course of a single conversation. Such shift

20、s seem to follow the linguistic needs and feelings of the speakers as they move from one topic to another. The choice of one language or the other therefore seems to be influenced by the identity of the speakers, the context and the topic of communication.Exercise1Matchsentences1-4totheircorrespondi

21、ngsentencesa-daccordingtotheconnectiveused.Notethatoneofthenumberedsentenceshastwopossibleanswers.Typethelettera-dintheboxaftertheunderlinedconnective.v1 Itisnoteasytoacquireanative-likepronunciationinaforeignlanguageiflearningbeginsinadulthood.However,_v2Itisnoteasytoacquireanative-likepronunciatio



24、n.bdabcKey to and Comments on Exercise 1Sentence 1 may be followed by either sentence b or d because however has a wider range of meaning than in contrast. However may often be used in place of in contrast. Note that sentence 3 could not be followed by sentence d.However: adding a fact or a piece of

25、 information that seems surprising or seem to disagree with what you have said,On the contrary: showing that you disagree completely with what you have said.In/by contrast: comparing objects or situations and saying that they are completely different with each other. Key to and Comments on Exercise

26、1Exercise 2Use the connectives provided to complete the blank spaces in the following pairs of sentences. Use each connective once only. moreover,incontrast,inotherwords,consequently,howeverv1Allchildrenwhohaveanormalupbringingaresuccessfulinlearningtheirmothertongue._,theacquisitionofaforeignlangua

27、gelaterinlifeoftenpresentsfargreaterdifficulties.v2Allchildrenwhohaveanormalupbringingaresuccessfulinlearningtheirmothertongue._,iftheyhavetheusualsocialinteractionswithotherhumanbeingsandreceiveanappropriateeducationatschool,theybecomecompetentusersoftheirfirstlanguage.3 Allchildrenwhohaveanormalup


29、pbringingaresuccessfulinlearningtheirmothertongue._,itmaybeconcludedthatchildrenwhoareunabletousetheirmothertonguecompetentlyhavereceivedanupbringingwhichhasbeenabnormalinsomeway.In contrastIn other wordsHoweverMoreoverConsequentlyOut-of-classExercisesThefollowingparagraphswouldbenefitfromtheadditio

30、nofconnectivesinsomesentencestomakethemmorecoherent.Readthemcarefullyanddecide:1 whereconnectivesareneeded;2whatconnectiveswouldbesuitable.SoaddaconnectiveinsomesentencestomakethemmorecoherentA.(1)Theuseoftwolanguages,orbilingualism,isthenormalwayoflifeforhundredsofmillionsofpeoplethroughouttheworld






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