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1、Unit 5Module 3 Culture and history Grammar The Present Perfect The Present Perfect TenseTense 现在完成现在完成时时Educational exchangesRead and learnI Iveve to use chopsticks. to use chopsticks.ItIts s a fantastic experience so far. a fantastic experience so far.I Iveve a bit of tai chi. a bit of tai chi.WeWe

2、veve already already a lot about Chinese culture and history.a lot about Chinese culture and history.The teachers The teachers havehave us to Chinese painting as to Chinese painting as well.WeWeveve also also to paint some pictures ourselves. to paint some pictures ourselves. I I haventhaven

3、t much success yet.much success yet.I Iveve many new friends. many new friends.Grammar A The present perfect tense 现在现在 完成时完成时We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that happened in the past but have a connection to(与与有联系有联系) the present(现在现在) in some way (在某一方面)在某一方面).1.构成:主语构成:主语+助动

4、词助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词+其他其他2.第一种用法:第一种用法:强调强调过去发生的动作过去发生的动作对现在对现在对现在对现在造成的造成的影响影响或结果或结果。(用用过去发生的事过去发生的事来说明来说明现在的现在的现在的现在的情况。因为过情况。因为过去做了,所以现在怎么怎么样。去做了,所以现在怎么怎么样。)3. 例句中例句中“have seen”是说话之前看的,正因为过去看过,所以是说话之前看的,正因为过去看过,所以现在的结果是已经现在的结果是已经know了。所以用完成时,而不用过去时。了。所以用完成时,而不用过去时。A: Do you know about th

5、e places of interest in Beijing? B: Yes, I know. because 再如:I have studied History for two years.I studied History last year. 第一句是现在完成时,明确表明从两年前一直到现在(包括现在)都在学历史,已经学两年了。而第二句只表明去年学历史了,不知道今年(现在)或还在学。-Would you like to have dinner together?-Thanks, but I have just had my dinner. (吃是在过去,但表示现在的结果:吃饱了,不用再吃

6、是在过去,但表示现在的结果:吃饱了,不用再吃了,所以就婉言谢绝了吃了,所以就婉言谢绝了)A: Oh dear! I cant buy anything now.B: Why?A: I have lost all my money!(丢发生在说话之前,丢发生在说话之前,但强调现在的结果:现在没有钱了,不能买东西但强调现在的结果:现在没有钱了,不能买东西了。了。)(对现在造成的影响)(对现在造成的影响)而而一般过去时只表示过去的情况,体现不出现状如何一般过去时只表示过去的情况,体现不出现状如何。如:如:I lost all my money yesterday. 只表示在昨天丢了钱,只表示在昨天丢

7、了钱,但表示不出现在找到没有但表示不出现在找到没有,是否有钱。而是否有钱。而 I have lost all my money.就表示就表示现在现在没有没有没有没有 钱了。钱了。A: Who knows Li Mings home?B: I know, because I have been to his home. 去过去过是发生在过去,但强调是发生在过去,但强调现在的结果现在的结果:即:即知道他知道他的家在哪里的家在哪里。所以用完成时。所以用完成时。注:注:have been to :“去过去过”某地某地. 说话人回来了。说话人回来了。 have gone to “去去了。现在不在说话之地

8、。例了。现在不在说话之地。例如:如:Tom isnt here, he has gone to Beijing.Would you like to play football with me?Id love to, but I cant, because I _(not finish) my homework yet.A. didnt finish B. havent finishedBI/You/We/Theyhave madehave not madea lot of new friends.HaveI/you/we/theymade a lot of new friends?Yes,No

9、,He/She/It(单三单三)HasYes,No,you/I/we/theyhas madehas not madehe/she/ithe/she/ithave.have not.a lot of new friends.made a lot of new friends?has.has not.现在完成时的肯定句,否定句,疑问句现在完成时的肯定句,否定句,疑问句肯定句:肯定句:have/has + 过去分词过去分词否定句:否定句:have/has + not + 过去分词过去分词(在在have/has 后加后加not)疑问句:疑问句:Have/Has 提到主语之前提到主语之前Grammar

10、 exerciseEric has been in Beijing for a week. Complete his email to his mother with the present perfect tense of the verbs in brackets.have methave playedhas cookedhave studiedhave seenhavent visitedhavent doneGrammar B The present perfect tense with Grammar B The present perfect tense with alreadya

11、lready, , yetyet, , everever and and never (never (还有还有还有还有just, beforejust, before) )主要动词主要动词否定否定注意:句中有注意:句中有already, yet, ever, never, just的,不一定都是现在完成时。的,不一定都是现在完成时。例如:例如:She is already 90 years old. I never go to the park.I have just eaten my dinner. I have seen him before. 现在完成时第二种用法现在完成时第二种用法现在

12、完成时第二种用法现在完成时第二种用法 表示从过去某一时间一直延续到现在表示从过去某一时间一直延续到现在(包括现在在内包括现在在内)的动作或状态的动作或状态 。即表示即表示“一件事到现在为止已经做完了或存在了多长时间了一件事到现在为止已经做完了或存在了多长时间了”。常与。常与since和和for引导的时间短语连用。例如:引导的时间短语连用。例如: A:She has moved to Dalian. B: How long has she lived in Dalian? A: She has lived there since 2011. =She has lived there for 3

13、years. 注意:在第二种用法中,谓语动词需要用注意:在第二种用法中,谓语动词需要用延续性延续性动词,如上句中动词,如上句中live。 从这个意义上,动词分为从这个意义上,动词分为延续性动词延续性动词和和非延续性动词非延续性动词(也叫瞬间性动词,也叫瞬间性动词,结束性动词结束性动词)。 延续性动词:延续性动词:be, live, stay, do, study, have等。等。 非延续性动词非延续性动词: die, leave, come, go, arrive, buy, become, end, join等。等。 不能说:不能说:I have come here for two hou

14、rs. 因为因为come是非延续性动词。应是非延续性动词。应该改成该改成I have been here for two hours.即:非延续性动词要想与即:非延续性动词要想与for或或since引导的一段时间连用,要改为意思相近引导的一段时间连用,要改为意思相近的延续性动词来代替,如上句的的延续性动词来代替,如上句的come改为改为be。再如:。再如:The old man _(has died, has been dead) for a month. 把非延续性动词把非延续性动词die 改为可延续的改为可延续的be dead。这方面知识以后再进一步学习。这方面知识以后再进一步学习。 ha

15、s been dead1. 自从我出生就一直住在这里。自从我出生就一直住在这里。 I _ here _ I was born.2.Im a teacher. I _(teach) for twenty-two years.3.3.你在这所学校学习多久了?近一年半了。你在这所学校学习多久了?近一年半了。 -How long _ you _ at this school? -Nearly one and a half years.4. I have _(arrived, been) here for an hour.have livedsincehave taught have studiedbe

16、en1. I _ already _ (watch) the film. I _ (watch) it last week. 2. _ he _ (finish) his work? Not yet. 3. _ you ever _ (be) to Hong Kong? Yes, I _ (be) there twice. 4. _ you ever _ (eat) a chocolate sundae? No, never. 5. Wheres Li Ming? He _(go) to the teachers office. 6. Shanghai _ (be) a small town

17、hundreds of years ago. Now it _ (become) a large city. 7. Hes already had lunch, _he?8.Shes already 90 years old, _she? have watchwatch Has finished Have been have beenHave eatenhas gonewasHas becomehasntisnt 完成下列中完成下列中译英英练习。1. 你吃你吃过汉堡包堡包(hamburger)吗?2. 我我刚刚丢了我的数学了我的数学书。3. 我以前从来没去我以前从来没去过那个那个农场。5. 你

18、已你已经看了看了这部部电影了影了吗?看了。?看了。6. 我哥哥我哥哥还没回来。没回来。7. 她已她已经看看过这本本书了。了。8. 你吃午你吃午饭了了吗?还没呢。没呢。Have you ever eaten hamburgers?I have just lost the maths book.I have never been to the farm before.Have you seen this film yet? Yes, I have.My brother hasnt come back yet.She has already read this book.Have you had/eaten lunch yet? Not yet.



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