But 用法小结

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《But 用法小结》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《But 用法小结(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ButBut 用法小结用法小结but 一词在英语教材中复现率极高,用法也颇为复杂,现总结如下:一、conj。 “但是”,“可是”,“而且” English may be hard,but it is the most important of all.英语虽然很难,但却是最重要的。注意:but 不能与 although 或 though 连用,因为它们是连词,故不能同时出现在句子中,如:虽然他是个孩子,但是却懂得很多。Although he is only a child,but he knows a lot. ()Although he is only a child,he knows a

2、lot.()He is only a child,but he knows a lot.()二、adv. (=only) “仅仅” “只是”I cant tell you but one thingmy age.我只有一件事不能告诉你,即我的年龄.You have but choicesfollow me or refuse me。你只有两个选择,要么听我的,要么拒绝我。三、prep.“除了”(多和不定代词连用)1、 接人称代词They are all wrong but her/she。除了她以外,他们都错了。* 用 she 时,but 为连词。2、 接介词短语You can put it

3、anywhere but on the floor. 你就是不能把它放在地上。You can find that kind of thing nowhere but in England。这种东西只能在英国找到。3、 接形容词Shelooks anything but well.(She looks ill.) 她看来是病了。The park is all/anything but beautiful.这公园一点也不美。4、 接数词I know them all but two。 他们当中我只有两个不认识的。He lives in the next house but one。他住在隔壁的隔壁

4、.She lives in last house in the street but two.她住在这条街的倒数第三家。* next but one/two 隔一/两个;第三/第四 Last but one/two 倒数第二/第三5、 接不定式He wanted nothing but to stay here for another day。他只是想在这再呆一天。I have no choice but to tell you the truth. 我只有告诉你实话。There was nothing to do but (to) wait till help came。 只有等待救援了。*

5、 如果谓语动词为实意动词 do 的某种形式时,but 后的不定式要省略符号 to.如:I can do nothing but let him know。 我只能通知她。They did nothing but complain. 他们只是抱怨。6、 接从句Nothing would contend him but (that) I must come。 必须我来了他才能满意。Theres no question but (that) he will succeed. 他一定会成功的。四、由 but 构成的几个常用结构1、 but for “多亏” “要不是” 多用于虚拟语气But for y

6、our help,I wouldnt have succeed。 要是没有你的帮忙,我就不会成功.2、 notbut “不是而是I meant not he but you should pay attention to pronunciation。我说不是他而是你要注意发音。3、 not onlybut also “不但而且”Not only he but also I am interested in pop music. 不但他而且我也对流行歌曲感兴趣. 该结构可以并列任何两个句子成分,在并列两个主语时,要注意谓语动词与就近的主语一致.4、cannot help but “不得不,后接动词原形We cannot help but admit that the Chinese people are a great people。我们不得不承认,中华民族是一个伟大的民族.当然,but 的用法还有很多,这里就不再赘述。



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