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1、Part Two: In-class Reading Post-ReadingPost-ReadingVocabulary Exercises Translation1.Directions: Read the following pairs of sentences carefully and discuss with your partner how the same word is used with different meanings in each pair. To be continuedPart Two: In-class Reading Post Reading Vocabu

2、lary1. Vocabulary ExercisesB. The majority of people intend to save, but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left.1) saveA. If you could lend me $5, it would save me a trip to the bank.A. make it unnecessary for sb. to do something unpleasant or inconvenient B. keep money for future u

3、seexplanationTo be continuedPart Two: In-class Reading Post Reading Vocabulary2) missionB. The British trade mission is on its way to Moscow. A. He has been sent on a peace mission to Africa.A. a special assignment given to a person or groupB. a group of important people or experts sent to a foreign

4、 country3) doA. Will next Friday do for our meeting?B. How would you like your steak done?A. be suitable or acceptableB. cook explanationexplanationPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading Vocabulary4) exposeB. He was exposed as a liar and a cheat.A. Wounds that are exposed to the air heal more quick

5、ly.5) modestyB. The modesty of their home belies their great wealth.A. His modesty, considering his world-wide fame in his field, was endearing.To be continuedA. leave something no longer covered or protectedB. make known (something secret), reveal A. behavior in which one avoids talking about ones

6、abilities, qualities, or possessionsB. the quality or state of being not large in size or amount, or not expensiveexplanationexplanationPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading Vocabulary6) observeB. Do they observe Christmas Day in that country?A. He also studies and observes the behavior of babies.

7、 7) flightB. Its an hours flight to Paris from here. A. We walked in silence up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor.To be continuedA. watch someone or something carefullyB. obey (a law, rule or custom)A. a set of stairs between one floor and the next B. a journey in a plane or space vehiclee

8、xplanationexplanationPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading Vocabulary8) bowB. Ella wore a big bow in her hair.A. Professor Hook sat at his desk, bowed over a book.To be continuedA. bend your body over something, especially in order to see it more clearlyB. a knot of cloth or string with a curved p

9、art on either side, used especially for decoration9) pick upA. He picked up the book from the floor.B. I picked up a few words of Turkish when I was in Istanbul.A. lift something up from a surfaceB. learn something by watching or listening to other peopleexplanationexplanationPart Two: In-Class Read

10、ing Post-Reading Vocabulary10) takeB. She took what he said as a compliment.A. It will take time for her to recover from the illness.A. need or requireB. understand or interpret in a particular wayexplanation2. Directions: Column A is a list of words from the passage. Find in Column B a word similar

11、 in meaning to each of the words in Column A.Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading VocabularyTo be continued1) expose a. achieve2) abrupt b. workable3) accomplish c. convince4) surpass d. sudden5) feasible e. reveal6) assure f. exceedColumn AColumn Bedafb cPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading V

12、ocabularyh. goodbye7) discourage g. dissuade8) Inevitable k. disappointment 9) farewell i. praise10) caution j. respect11) compliment o. change12) honor l. suggestion 13) proposal m. unavoidable 14) modify n. warning15) frustration Column AColumn BgmhnijlokPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading Voc

13、abulary3. Directions: Read the following passage carefully and fill in the missing words. In Japan, there are two types of marriage: the so-called love marriage and the arranged marriage. The love marriage is the type we are familiar 1)_, where the couple meet independently without the assistance of

14、 a go-between or matchmaker. Although the 2)_ marriage was predominant in the past, the 3)_ of Japanese marriages today are love marriage. Estimates vary, placing the 4)_ of arranged marriages at anywhere from 25 to 50 percent. The modern system of arranged marriage is somewhat 5)_ to blind dating i

15、n the United States. with arranged majority proportion/percentage similar To be continuedPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading VocabularyWhen a young woman 6)_ marriageable age (now about 25 for a Japanese woman), she and her parents compile a packet of information about her, 7)_ a photograph of h

16、er in kimono (和服和服) and descriptions of her family 8)_, education, hobbies, accomplishments, and interests. Her 9)_ then inquire among their friends and acquaintances to see 10)_ anyone knows a man who would be a suitable husband for her. The person 11)_ does becomes the go-between, showing the pack

17、et to the potential bridegroom and, if 12)_ parties are interested, arranging a meeting between them. (The man provides a photograph and information as well.) Such 13)_ often take place in the restaurant of a posh (豪华的豪华的) hotel. including background parents if/whether who both meetings To be contin

18、uedreaches Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading VocabularyThe go-between is present, usually along with representatives from both 14)_. If the young couple feel inclined, they will begin 15)_, with marriage as possiblebut not inevitableresult. It is not uncommon for a woman to have 10 or more suc

19、h introduction 16)_ she finds the man she wants to marry. The young man and woman make the final 17)_ about marriage between themselves, though they seek the advice and approval of their 18)_ and their go-between. Some Japanese feel that romantic love is not the most important ingredient in a succes

20、sful 19)_; perhaps this belief is borne out by the fact that the divorce 20)_ in Japan generally is lower than in the United States. The divorce rate for arranged marriages in Japan is lower than love marriages.dating before decision parents marriage rate End of Vocabulary Exercisesfamilies Part Two

21、: In-Class Reading Post-Reading TranslationTo be continued2. Translation:Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.1) 这首歌你要是唱几遍的话,孩子们就会学会歌词的。这首歌你要是唱几遍的话,孩子们就会学会歌词的。(pick up)If you sing the song several times, your children will begin to pick up the

22、 words.2) 我们尽力使那位紧张的老人相信乘飞机是安全的。我们尽力使那位紧张的老人相信乘飞机是安全的。(assure that)We tried to assure the nervous old man that flying / air travel was safe.Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading TranslationTo be continued3) 缺乏维生素会导致夜盲缺乏维生素会导致夜盲。(inadequate, vitamin A)An inadequate supply of vitamin A may lead to n

23、ight blindness.4) 我会用计算机,但是一说到修理计算机,我就一无所知了我会用计算机,但是一说到修理计算机,我就一无所知了。 (when it comes to)I can use a computer, but when it comes to computer repairing, I know nothing about it.5) 很多母亲试图在她们的女儿身上实现她们的梦想。很多母亲试图在她们的女儿身上实现她们的梦想。(many a)Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter.Part T

24、wo: In-Class Reading Post-Reading Translation6) 恶劣的天气使人们不能去参加旅行恶劣的天气使人们不能去参加旅行。(discourage from)The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade.7) 我给了他一些药丸以减轻他的痛苦。我给了他一些药丸以减轻他的痛苦。(ease)I gave him some pills to ease his pain. 8) 这份工作需要每年去国外三个月。这份工作需要每年去国外三个月。(involve)The job involves traveling/working abroad three months each year.End of In-class ReadingGo to After-Class Reading



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