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1、第二课时第二课时关系副词关系副词 where, when ,why1. This is the house. I was born in the house. - This is the house where I was born. - This is the house in which I was born. 关系副词where,在定语从句中作地点状语.e.g. The building is very new. He lives in the building. The building where he lives is very new. The building in which

2、 he lives is very new.2. Well never forget the day. We joined the Party on that day. - Well never forget the day when we joined the Party. - Well never forget the day on which we joined the Party. 关系副词when,在定语从句中作时间状语e.g. 5:30 is the time. My plane arrives at Pudong international Airport. 5:30 is th

3、e time when my plane arrives at Pudong International Airport. 5:30 is the time at which my plane arrives at Pudong International Airport.3. The reason is to invite you to the party. I called you for this reason. - The reason why I called you is to invite you to the party. - The reason for which I ca

4、lled you is to invite you to the party. 关系副词关系副词why , 在定语从句在定语从句中作原因状语中作原因状语That is the reason. He did that thing for that reason. That is the reason why he did that thing. That is the reason for which he did that thing.Ill never forget the day _ my hometown was liberated. Ill never forget the days

5、_ we spent together last summer. when/on which which/that /-His father works in a factory _ radio parts are made. His father works in a factory _ makes radio parts. where/ in which which/thatI knew the reason _ you cried just now.I knew the reason _ he gave to you. why/for which that/which/-Question

6、 关系代词还是关系副词?关系代词还是关系副词?当先行词是表时间当先行词是表时间, 表地点和表原因表地点和表原因的的 词时,一定要注意分析从句的结构,词时,一定要注意分析从句的结构,如果缺少主语或宾语时,关系词应该如果缺少主语或宾语时,关系词应该用用 which 或或 that或省略或省略, 缺少时间状缺少时间状语,地点状语或原因状语时,才能用语,地点状语或原因状语时,才能用 when 或或 where,why 11. The place _our school is located is called ChangQiao Estate. where, in which12. The seven

7、 days _ we stayed in Paris went by quickly. when, on which13. The reason _ the teacher asks us to spell all the new words and phrases is obvious. why ,for which14. This is the Internet address _ I got the piece of information. where , from which15. The workshop _ we will visit tomorrow is only a sto

8、nes throw from our school. which , /, that16. Mr. Zhu will always remember the year _ he spent in Brisbane. which, /, that17. Mr. Zhu will always remember the day in 1991 _ he arrived in Australia. when, on which18. Italy is country _ you can find a lot of great sculptures and paintings. where, in w

9、hich19. This is the restaurant _ Mr. Wang used to work as a chef. where, in which20. I dont know the reason _she was so angry with me. why, for which21. The map doesnt show the place _ I was born. where, in which22. Why dont you ask the teacher _ knowledge of Western painting is perfect. whose介词加关系代

10、词的用法:介词加关系代词的用法:A. 介词位于关系代词前介词位于关系代词前 prep.+关系代词关系代词which或或whom,不用不用that 和和who 不能省略不能省略e.g. Language is a tool. People communicate ideas with each other by means of language. Language is a tool by means of which people communicate ideas with each other.A. 介词位于关系代词前介词位于关系代词前e.g. He is the man. I lear

11、ned the news from the man. He is the man from whom I learned the news.e.g. The hotel stands by the seaside. We stayed during our holidays in the hotel. The hotel in which we stayed during our holidays stands by the seaside.B. 介词位于定语从句末,可用介词位于定语从句末,可用that/which/whom,并且关系代词可以省略。并且关系代词可以省略。e.g. This is

12、 the house. I lived in the house two years ago. This is the house (that/ which) I lived in two years ago.e.g. He is the man. I learned the news from the man. He is the man (that/ whom) I learned the news from.1 Do you know the boy to _she was talking? 2 Do you know the boy _ she was talking to? 3The

13、 pencil _ he was writing with suddenly broke. whom who/whom/that/- which/that/-确认关系代词前的介词确认关系代词前的介词一一 :考虑从句中词组的搭配:考虑从句中词组的搭配The man with whom you shook hands just now is head of our department.二:考虑和先行词的关系二:考虑和先行词的关系Well never forget the day on which we joined the Party.1.In the dark street, there wa

14、snt a single person _ she could turn for help.2.His walking-stick, _ he cant walk, was lost yesterday.3.The knife, _ we cut the bread, is very sharp.4.I dont think the number of people _ this happens is very large.5. This is the teacher _ I lived 10 years ago.6. Do you remember the days _ we stayed

15、together in America?7. I knew the reason _ you cried just now.8. On the hill were maple trees the leaves _ had turned red.to whomwithout whichwith whichto whom with whom on/during which for which of which9 This is the hero _we are proud . 10 I want to find the pen _I wrote the letter .11 School will

16、 break up on July, _ we will have got our school reports.12 China has many rivers, _ the Changjiang River is the longest.13 13 The games _the young men competed were difficult.14 The runner _you are asking is over there. 15 The person _you should write is Mr. Ball. of whom with which by which time a

17、mong which in which about whom to whom注意介词注意介词+ whose的用法的用法I thanked Tom, with whose help, I succeeded in passing the final exam.We will visit the great scientist, in whose honor the prizes were given.The residents, all of whose homes had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.定

18、语从句谓语动词为固定的介词短定语从句谓语动词为固定的介词短语时,介词不能置前语时,介词不能置前It is not necessary to look up in a dictionary every word we come across in our reading.The painting we are looking at is one of Qi Baishis works.不能使用不能使用that的定语从句的定语从句1.非限定性定语从句中,不能用非限定性定语从句中,不能用that 引导引导2.介词之后不能用介词之后不能用that引导定语从句引导定语从句.This is the her

19、o (whom/ that) we are proud of.I want to find the pen with which I wrote the letter. Bamboo is hollow, which makes it very light.They did rather badly in the maths exam, which was not what I had expected. which 指代整个句子指代整个句子The chemistry exam was postponed.It was exactly what we wanted.The chemistry

20、exam was postponed, which was exactly what we wanted.The chemistry exam was postponed, which was exactly what we wanted.The chemistry exam was postponed, and it was exactly what we wanted.第三课时第三课时他拒绝和我说话,这使我很生气。他拒绝和我说话,这使我很生气。He refused to speak to me, which made me angry.Jack 通过了所有的考试,这使他父母很通过了所有的考

21、试,这使他父母很开心。开心。Jack passed all his exams, which pleased his parents.关系代词关系代词asas引导非限定性定语从句,修饰整个引导非限定性定语从句,修饰整个主句主句1. 表示说话人的依据、态度、解释或评论表示说话人的依据、态度、解释或评论,含有含有“正如正如”的意思。的意思。 As一般置于句首。一般置于句首。e.g. As we know, water resources are very limited on the earth.e.g. As was expected, he did it successfully.2. 常用常

22、用as的结构:的结构:asas, soas, suchas, the sameas e.g. He used such expressions as he could find in the text.e.g. There is as much water as is needed.e.g. She wears the same kind of the clothes as her sister does.Cf: 关系代词关系代词as & which1. Tom was absent. That surprised his teacher. Tom was absent, which surp

23、rised his teacher.which引导的定语从句不能放于句首引导的定语从句不能放于句首2. The earth is round. It is known to all. As is known to all, the earth is round. as引导的定语从句可以放于句首引导的定语从句可以放于句首 定语从句与并列句定语从句与并列句注意:并列句用连接词注意:并列句用连接词and, butand, but来连来连接的接的1. Mr. Li has three daughters, none of _is an engineer.2. Mr. Li has three daug

24、hters, but none of _ is a dancer. whomthem 定语从句与单句定语从句与单句1.The mother told the lazy boy to work, _ didnt help.2.The mother told the lazy boy to work. _ didnt help.whichIt练习:练习:There are 56 students in our class, most of _are girls.A. which B. whom C. them D. thatB注意标点符号。两个单句间用句号,注意标点符号。两个单句间用句号,而定语从

25、句两个句子间用逗号。而定语从句两个句子间用逗号。Today the man came to the meeting on time, _ was unexpected. which _ we know, smoking is harmful to our health. As The sun heats the earth, _ is very important to us. which She wears the same kind of the clothes _ her sister does. as1._was natural,he married Jenny. A.Which B.

26、That C.This D.As2.Such signs_we use in the experiment_ Greek letters. A.as ,are B.as,is C.that,are D.that,is3.I passed him a large glass of whisky,_ he drank immediately . A.that B.as C.which D.who4.She is very good at dance,_everybody knows. A.that B.which C.who D.asDACD5.It was raining, _ was a pi

27、ty. A. what B. that C. the which D. which6._has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules. A. Which B. What C. That D. As7.We do the same work _ they do. A. which B. as C. than D. likeDDBEx 6: Is this the woman-scientist _you want to see?whomEx 7: The books _ are written by Mr. Zhu are very us

28、eful. whichEx 8: These magazines _tell people how to cook are very interesting.whichEx 9: The news _she told me the day before yesterday was not true.whichEx 10: The cell phone _Miss Whalen is using cost her only $1.which用用适当的关系代词连接下列句子。适当的关系代词连接下列句子。1. The student is from America. She sits next to

29、me. - The student who sits next to me is from America. 2. The pupils were very nice. We visited them last month. - The pupils whom we visited last month were very nice. 3. The novel was interesting. I read it. - The novel which I read was interesting. 4. I liked the English composition. You wrote it

30、 last week. - I liked the English composition which you wrote last week. 5. I like the students. I am teaching them. - I like the students whom I am teaching. 6. She is the nurse. I told you about her. - She is the nurse whom I told you about. 7. I must thank my teachers. I have learned a lot from h

31、er. - I must thank my teachers whom I have learned a lot from. 8. This is the lady. Her husband is a professor. - This is the lady whose husband is a professor. 9. China is a country. Its history goes back thousands of years. - China is a country whose history goes back thousands of years. 10. Mr. S

32、mith teaches a class for students. Their native language is Chinese. - Mr. Smith teaches a class for students whose native language is Chinese. 11. I apologized to my friend. I spilled her coffee. - I apologized to my friend whose coffee I spilled. 12. I have to call the man. I picked up his umbrell

33、a by mistake. - I have to call the man whose umbrella I picked up by mistake. 只能用that,不能用which的定语从句1. 先行词为不定代词: all, something, anything, much, little, everything, none, the one等You should hand in all that you have. We havent got much that we can offer you. Everything that can be done has been done.

34、 定语从句定语从句(三三)关系代词和关系副词用法的区别:关系代词和关系副词用法的区别: 取决于定语从句中的谓语动词取决于定语从句中的谓语动词- 及物动词后面无宾语,要用关系代词;及物动词后面无宾语,要用关系代词; 不及物动词要用关系副词;不及物动词要用关系副词;e.g. I still remember the day _ we spent together.Cf: I still remember the day _ we worked together.that/whichwhen/on whiche.g. I like to take my vacation in the mountain _ is quite and beautiful.Cf: I like to take my vacation in the mountain _ there are many plants.e.g. That is the reason _ he gave us for his action.Cf: That is the reason _ he did that thing.which/thatwhere/in whichthat/whichfor which/why



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