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1、1-3 /不可译性翻译标准方法与文本类型Informative text: (信息性文本)Expressive text (表达性文本)Vocative text (祈使性文本) 翻译标准方法与文本类型informative text: (信息性文本)includes news, business letter, user manual, official and public document, non-fictional text, legal documentsTranslation method: free translationCriteria: accuracy, readabil

2、ity信息性文本 (Informative text)nUnemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade.A. 十多年来,失业人数一直顽固的拒绝压缩.B. 十多年来,失业人数一直居高不下。C .失业人数总不收缩,这个问题已经持续十多年了。Expressive text (表达性文本)Including literature, essay, novel, poem, drama, autography.Translation of these texts are expected to convey bo

3、th meaning and form, the artistic effect, the unique flavor, such as diction, sentence pattern, rhetoric, as well as other non-conventional use of language.Translators should be keen enough to identify these stylistic elements and try to represent them in their translation. 2. 表达性文本n包括: serious imag

4、inative literaturen authoritative statementn autobiographyn personal correspondencenTip: nGauge the degree of its deviation from naturalness, from ordinary language and reflect this degree in your translation.表达性文本-个性化语言n这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可就没这个店啦。”nA. The street peddler hawked: “Now or never!”nB. T

5、he street peddler cried: “Come and buy! Youll never get them later.”nC. The street peddler hawked: “Please buy! Dont lose the golden chance!”nHawk: to try to sell goods, usually by going from place to place and trying to persuade people to buy them 表达性文本文字风格nRest belongs to the work as the eyelids t

6、o the eyes.Stray Birds by Tagore|休息与工作的关系,正如眼睑与眼睛的关系.表达性文本文字风格nLet life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.1. 让生命像夏天的花朵一样美丽,让死亡像秋天的叶子那样.2. 让生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美.表达性文本诗歌徐志摩的一首著名的有韵诗偶然(1926):我是天空里的一片云,偶尔投影在你的波心 你不必讶异, 更无需欢喜在转瞬间消灭了踪影。你我相逢在黑夜的海上,你有你的,我有我的方向; 你记得也好, 最好你忘掉,在这交会时互放的光亮

7、。nI am a cloud in the sky,nA chance shadow on the wave of your heart.nDont be surprised,n Or too elated:nIn an instant I shall vanish without trace.nWe meet on the sea of dark night,nYou on your way, I on mine.n Remember if you will.n Or, better still, forgetnThe light exchanged in this encounter. n

8、 (100 Modern Chinese Poems, 香港,商务印书馆 1987年版) nI am a cloud in the sky,nCasting shadow on your heart of lake,n Dont be surprised,n Or too elated:nI will be soon floating by.nWe meet on the sea of dark night,nYou on your way, I on mine.n Remember if you will.n Or, better still, forgetnThis encounter a

9、nd the light.n还君明珠泪双垂,恨不相逢未嫁时.nWith thy two pearls I send thee back two tears:nTearsthat we did not meet in earlier years!3. Vocative text (祈使性文本)Includes advertisement, political and religious speech, debating speech that attach more importance on readers response and the effect of the promulgation

10、. Dont just see beauty. Open your mind and feel it. With the top up, the all new Volvo C70 is a sporty couple with dramatic head-turning style. A mere 30 seconds later, with the top stowed below the rear deck, its an open-air convertible that possesses power for passionate driving. 广告Volvo C70 不仅外型优

11、雅, 驾驶体验更加卓越不凡. 置身车内,仅需30秒,车篷即可滑入后盖板下方,变身成双门跑车,而且车头可灵活转动。您可尽享大自然的气息,在碧海蓝天之间纵横驰骋。nIs life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take: but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! n -Patrick Hen

12、ry演讲|难道生命就那么宝贵,和平那么美好,|竟值得不惜以镣铐加身、屈身为奴来换取吗?|上帝啊,阻止他们这样做吧!我不知道其他人|会怎么选择;至于我,不自由,毋宁死!可译性和不可译性n语言文字特有的现象,如构字,音韵,某些修辞格,具有浓厚民族色彩的词汇,浓缩历史文化现象的典故,成语。可译性和不可译性n方豚翁老先生抱孙心切,刚占了个周易神卦,求得,是“小畜”卦,什么“密云不雨”,“舆脱辐,夫妻反目”,“血去惕出无咎”。 -围城n译文:Old Fang Tun-weng, eagerly awaiting a grandson, had just divined a lot from the I

13、Ching. It was the Little Beast lot: “Dense cloud, no rain.” “The spokes burst out of the wagon wheels. Man and wife roll their eyes.” “Blood vanishes and fear gives way, no blame.” (Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K. Mao)n鸳鸯笑道:“鲍二家的,老祖宗又拉上赵二家的。”贾母也笑道:“可是,我哪里记得什么抱着背着的,提起这件事来,不由我不生气!”(第四十七回)n“It was Bao Ers wife

14、,Old Lady, not Zhao Ers”, said Faithful, laughing.n“Thats what I said, didnt I?” Grandmother Jia snapped. “Well, Zhao or Bao, or brown cow, how can I be expected to remember such things? The very mention of them makes me feel angry”nHarwks 放弃了把“抱着背着”的语意显化的方针,巧妙地利用“Zhao”和“Bao”的发音特点,仍然从音韵的角度出发,找到了与之语音

15、类似的brown cow (cow:贬 俚女人,婆娘),既符合当时的场景,又体现了修辞特点。(冯庆华,2006:282) n修辞n1. You cannot fight, you cannot flee, you have to learn how to flow.文化内涵n鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。nTwo dogs strive for a bone and a third runs away with it.nWhen shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game.Principlen1. 保留交际功能n2. 尽量保存原文的修辞美。nA Bed

16、of RosesThrough the ages, roses have become one of the most recognizable symbols of love, romance, and beauty. They frequently appear in the work of the worlds best writers. Who could ever forget words like Shakespeares “ a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”?Roses have also left their peta

17、l trail through the music world. Bon Jovi put them on everybodys lips with their hit, “Bed of Roses”. And Bette Midler brought tears to the worlds eyes when she sang about them in her love song, “The Rose”.Peoples desire for beauty knows no limits. And through the years, the quest for the perfect ro

18、ses has developed into a fine art. Known as hybridizing, rose breeding can produce spectacular results. Breeders have developed bronze, black, and blue roses, and have even come up with a thornless rose. HomeworkExercise nConsumer debt in the UK has reached an all time high of trillion. Meanwhile, a

19、dvertising spending recently passed the 19 billion mark. With the average person being exposed to 3,000 adverts a day, it is no coincidence that 80 percent of Britons admit to regularly over-spending.n在英国,消费者债务已经达到历史上最高水平一万亿英镑.广告费用也在最近突破190亿英镑大关.平均每人每天要受到3000个广告的狂轰滥炸,无怪乎80%的英国人承认自己习惯性过度消费。 A Bed of

20、RosesThrough the ages, roses have become one of the most recognizable symbols of love, romance, and beauty. They frequently appear in the work of the worlds best writers. Who could ever forget words like Shakespeares “ a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”?Roses have also left their petal t

21、rail through the music world. Bon Jovi put them on everybodys lips with their hit, “Bed of Roses”. And Bette Midler brought tears to the worlds eyes when she sang about them in her love song, “The Rose”.Peoples desire for beauty knows no limits. And through the years, the quest for the perfect roses

22、 has developed into a fine art. Known as hybridizing, rose breeding can produce spectacular results. Breeders have developed bronze, black, and blue roses, and have even come up with a thornless rose.n对大多数人而言,颜色是挑选玫瑰时最重要的一环。传统上,不同的玫瑰传达不同的信息。粉红玫瑰可代表友谊,黄玫瑰表达你的歉意,红玫瑰当然代表爱情喽,而白玫瑰则令人联想到纯洁。 A Bed of Roses

23、 an essays title: attractive, brief, summarizing, novel,Option of the title translation: 玫瑰花床玫瑰花坛, 玫瑰絮语,玫瑰飘香,玫瑰趣闻知多少,玫瑰的故事,浪漫的生活,Tip: connotative meaning: connotative meaning: easy and comfortable easy and comfortable environment.environment.In ancient Greek, people In ancient Greek, people were ver

24、y rich, they live a were very rich, they live a luxury life, strewing roses luxury life, strewing roses petals on their beds.petals on their beds. nwhat do you expect the language features of an essay?Light-hearted, popular and everyday language, interesting,n1.Through the ages, roes have become one

25、 of the most recognizable symbols of love, romance, and beauty.n2.They frequently appear in the work of the worlds best writers. nAge: a generationAn extended period of timen1a:从古至今,玫瑰作为爱情,浪漫和美丽的一种象征,广为认同.n1b:古往今来,玫瑰成了人们公认的爱情,浪漫和美丽的象征.n2a:它们经常出现在世界最优秀的作家的作品里.n2b:而且频频出现在世界文豪的作品里.n3. Who could ever fo

26、rget words like Shakespeares “ a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”?n3a:谁会忘记莎翁名句: “玫瑰就算换个名字,依旧芳香醉人.”n3b:莎翁名句 “玫瑰失其名,亦不减芬芳”,着实令人印象深刻.n4. Roses have also left their petal trail through the music world. Bon Jovi put them on everybodys lips with their hit, “Bed of Roses”. And Bette Midler brou

27、ght tears to the worlds eyes when she sang about them in her love song, “The Rose”.n在乐坛里,玫瑰也留下了瓣瓣芳踪。邦乔飞乐团红极一时的单曲玫瑰花床,是大众琅琅上口的歌曲。贝迪米勒演唱的情歌玫瑰,更是打动了全球听众的心。Tips: 1. proper name translation: consult the recognized translation2. During E-C translation, remember Chinese prefer 4-character words, which can

28、create clear-cut rhythm and sense of literary grace.3. Inflection of English3. Inflection of EnglishFlexible change between part of speeches, while Chinese has to resort to empty Flexible change between part of speeches, while Chinese has to resort to empty words, such as “words, such as “在在, , 着着,

29、,了了, ,过过, ,已经已经” ”nPeoples desire for beauty knows no limits. And through the years, the quest for the perfect roses has developed into a fine art. n人类对美的渴求是无止境的。多年来,对完美玫瑰的追求已发展成一项艺术。Tip: Desire for: 渴望如果译成:人类对美的渴望是无止境的。考虑上下文和搭配是否和谐。n对大多数人而言,挑选玫瑰时颜色是最重要的。传统上,不同的玫瑰传达不同的信息。粉红玫瑰可代表友谊,黄玫瑰表达你的歉意,红玫瑰当然代表爱

30、情喽,而白玫瑰则令人联想到纯洁。nTo most people, color is most important when choosing a rose. Traditionally, different color roses convey different messages. Pink can mean friendship, and yellow says your are sorry. Red, of course, expresses love, and white is associated with innocence.Tip:英语中避免重复使用同一个词(特别使用的修辞除外),或重复表达一个概念,为避免重复,可使用代词,类属名词,如:object, thing, people, creature ,近义词等。中国美学讲究平衡与对称,重复较多。e.g. You can choose between option No.1 and option No. 2. The former needs the latter requires



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