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1、SAT基础写作基础写作5龚朝辉龚朝辉武汉新航道学校武汉新航道学校基础阶段如何准备基础阶段如何准备w作文话题:作文话题:一、成功与失败一、成功与失败二、从众与创新二、从众与创新 三、乐观与悲观三、乐观与悲观四、人生价值观四、人生价值观五、真实与谎言五、真实与谎言六、科技与教育六、科技与教育七、团体与个人七、团体与个人w我们的任务:我们的任务:积累词汇、短语和句型,提升写例子的能力积累词汇、短语和句型,提升写例子的能力wOver the last two decades, the world has become increasingly aware of environmental damage

2、 caused by technology and industrialization. There are various international non-profit agencies, such as Greenpeace, and lobbying movements that continue to protest against the destruction of nature. In response, many companies have changed their policies to become eco-friendly, and new technology

3、has shifted from adding pollution to the world to recycling and reusing energy and material. Of course, there are exceptions, but current technological innovations are increasingly beneficial to the environment and human lifestyles. Assignment: What is your opinion of the claim that the benefits of

4、new technology always outweigh the costs? wTake for example, hybrid cars, which run on electricity and gas. When environmentalists began protesting against the massive amounts of carbon emissions produced by oil-run transportation, car companies took note and began producing electric and hybrid auto

5、mobiles. Now Toyota, Honda, Ford, and GM, among other automakers produce such cars, and the Toyota Hybrid has become increasingly popular among green activists. The most popular hybrid car models produce less carbon emissions than the standard set by the Environmental Protection Agency. The relative

6、ly inexpensive price tag and reliability of hybrid car types also benefit consumers as well as the environment. wAnother new innovation that has proven its usefulness is the rapid transit system, more commonly called the subway or metro system. Almost every major city in the world now has one, and t

7、hough this system was first created in the 19th century, recently advancements made to current systems have improved efficiency and simplified usage. For example, the Shanghai metro system has recently increased the number of lines running the World Expo, adding dozens of miles track and increasing

8、mobility around the ever-developing city. This allows visitors and residents to easily navigate a metropolis, and commute from home to the office. The metro systems around the world also tend to be electrically run, which also lowers carbon emissions and fuel dependency. Riding the metro has also be

9、en simplified with public transportation cards that deduct fares easily with a swipe on a machine. wThough transportation around the globe is still heavily reliant on oil and gas, new innovations increasingly abide by an eco-friendly mantra. Much the world is vey aware of the dirty footprint humans

10、have left on nature; of the heavy damage construction and industry have wrought. Paired with new environmental protection standards and policies, technology and innovation will prove ever more advantageous to humans as well as the earth. 语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊科技的利弊 ( (新新P306)P306)ChineseEnglish 知道

11、,认识到知道,认识到 越来越越来越 环境破坏环境破坏工业化工业化城市化城市化非盈利机构非盈利机构语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 知道,认识到知道,认识到 be aware of越来越越来越 increasingly环境破坏环境破坏environmental damage工业化工业化industrialization 城市化城市化urbanization 非盈利机构非盈利机构non-profit agencies语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 游说活动游说活动抗议对自然的摧毁抗议对自然

12、的摧毁生态友好的生态友好的回收,再利用回收,再利用科技革新科技革新对对.有利有利语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 游说活动游说活动lobbying movements抗议对自然的摧毁抗议对自然的摧毁protest against the destruction of nature生态友好的生态友好的 eco-friendly回收,再利用回收,再利用recycle and reuse科技革新科技革新technological innovations 对对.有利有利be beneficial to语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊

13、科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 人类生活方式人类生活方式大量碳排放大量碳排放靠石油驱动的交通靠石油驱动的交通快速交通系统快速交通系统汽车制造商汽车制造商绿色倡导者绿色倡导者语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 人类生活方式人类生活方式human lifestyles大量碳排放大量碳排放massive amounts of carbon emissions 靠石油驱动的交通靠石油驱动的交通oil-run transportation快速交通系统快速交通系统rapid transit system汽车制造商汽车制造商automakers绿色

14、倡导者绿色倡导者green activists语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 降低对能源的依赖降低对能源的依赖公共交通公共交通全球范围内全球范围内提高效率提高效率严重依赖于严重依赖于有利的有利的/ /有优势的有优势的语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 降低对能源的依赖降低对能源的依赖lower fuel dependency 公共交通公共交通public transportation全球范围内全球范围内around the globe提高效率提高效率improve efficiency严

15、重依赖于严重依赖于be heavily reliant on 有利的有利的/ /有优势的有优势的be advantageous to 语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技的利弊科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 不断发展的城市不断发展的城市从家到办公室从家到办公室过去几十年,世界上的人过去几十年,世界上的人越来越认识到科技和工业越来越认识到科技和工业化所导致的环境破坏。化所导致的环境破坏。/ 世界上很多人了解到人类世界上很多人了解到人类给自然留下的肮脏足迹,给自然留下的肮脏足迹,意识到建设和工业带来的意识到建设和工业带来的重度污染。重度污染。语言表达日积月累语言表达日积月累- -科技

16、的利弊科技的利弊ChineseEnglish 不断发展的城市不断发展的城市even-developing city从家到办公室从家到办公室commute from home to the office过去几十年,世界上的过去几十年,世界上的人越来越认识到科技和人越来越认识到科技和工业化所导致的环境破工业化所导致的环境破坏。世界上很多人了解坏。世界上很多人了解到人类给自然留下的肮到人类给自然留下的肮脏足迹,意识到建设和脏足迹,意识到建设和工业带来的重度污染。工业带来的重度污染。Over the last two decades, the world has become increasingly

17、 aware of environmental damage caused by technology and industrialization. Much of the world is vey aware of the dirty footprint humans have left on nature; of the heavy damage construction and industry have wrought. 虽然过去几个世纪人类见证了越来越好的虽然过去几个世纪人类见证了越来越好的生活质量,人类活动正在给地球带来越多生活质量,人类活动正在给地球带来越多害处。害处。While the past few centuries have witnessed increasingly better quality of human life, human activity is doing more and more harm to the Earth.



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