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1、t年级英语下册UnitlCanyouplaytheguitar(第4课时)s配tionB( 2a-2c )学案(新版)人数新目标报1Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 第四课时Section B (2a2c) 【学;二:l目标11.学会刮目,people,h。肘,beg。dwith, center, weekend, make friends, help (sb. ) with sth. 等。2.能熟练朗读课文,能够写招聘广告。3.了解各种招聘用语能表达自己的需求。【学习重点】通过阅读广告,理解如何编写广告内容,再联系写海报。【学习难点】如何编写海报。【学习提示】Pl

2、ay games: 1. Lets spell. 2 . . Quick questions. Task 1 【学习提示】学写坏节指导已主主主主主主旦旦1 . Review the w。rdsphrases and sentences。nP5. Students mark the ne. w w。rdsand Chinese meanings in the text . 2. Finish the exercises.情景导入生成问题Ask students to talk ab。uttheir abilit ies and what they like t。d。.Like: I can ca

3、nt I like t。.and 自学互研生成能力Task 1 Lets read new words and phrases. 1. I can read. (我会读)。nthe weekend, teach, musician, t。day,make等。2. I can盯ite. (我会写)(1)和交谈ta.lk_with_ sb. (2)是空闲的be_free(3)在周末。n_weekends(4)交朋友make_friends(5)在某方而帮助某人坠le一些4坚且一旦L【学法指导】1/3 but I t年级英语下册UnitlCanyouplaytheguitar(第4课时)s配tion

4、B( 2a-2c )学案(新版)人数新目标报1Old pe。pl eshome敬老院English speaking students讲英语的学,生teach music教音乐Task 2 【学习提示】1. Read the passage quick,ly and silently, t hen answer the questi。ns.2. L。kthr。ughquickly t。findthe main idea. 3. Underline. the sentences y。udont understand. Task 3 【学习提示】1. Intensive reading. 2. I

5、 can retell. 【备注1- - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - , 3. I can understand. (我会理解)(1) We need help at the .!且一旦旦坠;二home.我们敬老院重赞助。2/3 , 雪t年级英语下册UnitlCanyouplaytheguitar(第4课时)s配tionB( 2a-2c )学案(新版)人数新目标报1(2) We need you t。坠i立!且且sp。rtsf。rEn.1!:lish- soeakin.l!. students. 我们需要你来帮助讲葵语的学牛做锻炼。(3)监you旦旦L旦虫。ldpe。

6、ple?你擅长和老年人打交道吗?Task 2 Lets read 211 and understand it. Fast Reading. (快速阅读)Answ er the questi。ns:见所附光组:Task 3 Intensive reading (精读)(1)自读课文,理解意思并把方拖里的ABC填j!lj括号肉。(2)细读课文,完成 纭。(3)根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(的。见所脱光敛(4) ! can retel l (我会复述)用第三人称转述Peter,Ma Huan, Alan会和不会的事情交流展示生成新知Pre sh。wSh。win gr。ups.(Time: six m

7、inutes) Task l : First , the students read thew。rdsand phrases, in gr。ups.Then, re,ad t。getherand sum up the usage。fthew。rds.Task 2: First, the teacher ask the student s write the new w。rdsand phrases. Then, m a,rk the wr。ngw。rds.Task 3: First, students finish 2a, 2b, 2c and check the answers 1n gr。

8、ups.Prom,。tionshow: Class show. (Time: sixte,en minutes) Task 1: l. I can understand. (1) Student s translat e the phrases int。Englishby answer ing quickly: (2) Read t。gether.Task 2: Lets read 2,a, 2b and understand it. (1) Fast reading. (2) Re,ad together. Task 3: Intensive reading. 1. I can finish the exercises. 2. I C四retell.当堂演纺、达成目标见所附光组:课后反思查漏补缺收获存在困惑:3/3



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