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1、The Solitary Reaper孤独的刈(割)麦女William Wordsworth威廉 华兹华斯写作背景华兹华斯生于英格兰西北部湖区一律师家庭,八岁时离家求华兹华斯生于英格兰西北部湖区一律师家庭,八岁时离家求学,爱好大自然和诗歌。学,爱好大自然和诗歌。1787年进剑桥大学。年进剑桥大学。1790年暑期徒年暑期徒步游历法国、瑞士、意大利。步游历法国、瑞士、意大利。1791年毕业后徒步漫游了威尔年毕业后徒步漫游了威尔士。他曾多次到苏格兰各地游历,广泛接触大自然和乡村风士。他曾多次到苏格兰各地游历,广泛接触大自然和乡村风土民情。这首诗据说就是他游历时的收获;另一种说法认为土民情。这首诗据说

2、就是他游历时的收获;另一种说法认为是诗人读了朋友哈金森的一则日记后写的。哈金森在日记中是诗人读了朋友哈金森的一则日记后写的。哈金森在日记中写道,在一次远足中,他偶然看到一位苏格兰高地农家女在写道,在一次远足中,他偶然看到一位苏格兰高地农家女在麦田里一面劳作,一面唱歌。歌声悠扬哀婉,凄切动人。这麦田里一面劳作,一面唱歌。歌声悠扬哀婉,凄切动人。这些材料经过诗人点化,成了这首脍炙人口的抒情诗。些材料经过诗人点化,成了这首脍炙人口的抒情诗。 V. Themes of Wordsworths poems1.natural impressions2.the feelings of the common

3、people3.harmony between humanity and natureStanza 1: The poet heard a Scottish girl singing while reaping in the wheat field.1Behold her, single in the field, 2Yon solitary Highland Lass! 3Reaping and singing by herself; 4Stop here, or gently pass! vt. look at=yonder: overthere苏格兰西北部高原The poethesita

4、tes.or恐惊5Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 6And sings a melancholy strain; 7O listen! for the Vale profound 8Is overflowing with the sound.哀伤的曲调=valley=girlHer voice is like water.捆Behold her, single in the field, Yon solitary Highland Lass! Reaping and singing by herself; Stop here, or gently pas

5、s! Alone she cuts and binds the grain And sings a melancholy strain; Oh listen! For the vale profound Is overflowing with the sound. 看她,在田里独自一个,那个苏格兰高原的少女!独自在收割,独自在唱歌;停住吧,或者悄悄走过去!她独自割麦,又把它捆好,唱着一只忧郁的曲调;听啊!整个深邃的谷地都有这一片歌声在洋溢 Stanza 2: The poet is surprised to hear such a beautiful song in so remote a p

6、lace.1No Nightingale did ever chaunt 2More welcome notes to weary bands 3Of travellers in some shady haunt, 4Among Arabian sands =chant歌唱可爱的音符groupoasis绿洲where travellers take a restunder the trees.deserts in most of the ArabianPeninsula 半岛nightingale夜莺a bird good at singing5A voice so thrilling nee

7、r was heard, 6In spring-time from the Cuckoo bird, 7Breaking the silence of the seas 8Among the farthest Hebrides .动人的=neverherald 信使of spring, comingin April andleaving inAugustcuckoo杜鹃鸟Ireland EnglandScotlandHebridesIn Spring people on the Hebrides are excited to hear the cuckoossong after a long

8、winters silence.No Nightingale did ever chauntMore welcome notes to weary bands Of travellers in some shady haunt,Among Arabian sands.A voice so thrilling neer was heardIn spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,Breaking the silence of the seasAmong the farthest Hebrides. 从没有夜莺能够唱出从没有夜莺能够唱出更美的音调来欢迎结队商,更美的音

9、调来欢迎结队商,疲倦了,到一个荫凉的去处疲倦了,到一个荫凉的去处就在阿拉伯沙漠的中央;就在阿拉伯沙漠的中央;杜鹃鸟在春天叫得多动人,杜鹃鸟在春天叫得多动人,也没有这样子荡人心魂,也没有这样子荡人心魂,尽管它惊破了远海的静悄,尽管它惊破了远海的静悄,响彻了赫伯里底斯群岛。响彻了赫伯里底斯群岛。Stanza 3: The poet doesnt understand her song but knows it is about something sad.1Will no one tell me what she sings? 2Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow

10、 3 For old, unhappy, far-off things, 4And battles long ago: sad音符are about(Her song is like water.)long time ago5Or is it some more humble lay, 6Familiar matter of to-day? 7Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain, 8That has been, and may be again? 低俗的小调such as the natural death of her parentsWill no one

11、tell me what she sings?Perhaps the plaintive numbers flowFor old, unhappy, far-off things,And battles long ago.Or is it some more humble lay,Familiar matter of to-day?Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,That has been, and may be again?她唱的是什么,可有谁说得清?哀怨的曲调里也许在流传古老,不幸,悠久的事情,还有长远以前的征战;或者她唱的并不特殊,只是今日的家常事故

12、?那些天然的丧忧、哀痛,有过的,以后还会有的种种?Stanza 4: The poet was so moved by her song that he could never forget it.1Whateer the theme, the Maiden sang 2As if her song could have no ending; 3I saw her singing at her work, 4And oer the sickle bending;girl镰刀=whatevercf.余音绕梁,三日不绝The poet was carried away by her song an

13、d almost forgot his journey.5I listend, motionless and still; =overlistening attentively6And, as I mounted up the hill, 7The music in my heart I bore, 8Long after it was heard no more.登上I bore the music in my heart.我把那支乐曲牢记心头。The girl sang over her work.The solitary reapers song left an unforgetable

14、impression on the poets mind.Whateer the theme, the Maiden sang As if her song could have no ending;I saw her singing at her work,And oer the sickle bending;I listened, motionless and still;And, as I mounted up the hill, The music in my heart I bore,Long after it was heard no more.不管她唱的是什么题目,她的歌好像会没

15、完没了,我看见她边唱边干活,弯着腰,挥动她的镰刀我一动也不动,听了许久;后来,当我上山的时候,我把歌声还记在心上,虽然早已听不见声响 Genre:Structure:Rhyme Scheme:Meters:Theme:lyric poem 抒情诗four 8-line stanzas共四节 每节八句ababccdd (except lines 1 & 3 in stanzas 1 and 4)iambic tetrameter四音步抑扬格 The poet is fascinated with a Scottish peasant girls beautiful song.语音,格律语音,格律

16、该诗分四节,每节八行,共三十二行,每行大体上包括四个抑扬格的音步,尾韵一般为a b a b c c d d。前四句是隔行押韵,后四前四句是隔行押韵,后四句是两个对偶句。句是两个对偶句。 特点:既有规律又不单调 节奏“Reaping and singing by herself;”“Stop here, or gently pass!” “Breaking the silence of the seas” 和 “Long after it was heard no more.”押韵 一四两节一三句不押韵 音韵美:重复同源词 动词sings、sang,名词song及分词singing等三个同源词

17、FIGURES OF SPEECH反衬 用夜莺和杜鹃反衬少女歌声的优美暗喻 、通感 声音在作者眼中 变为有形的事物呼语 BEHOLD HER /O LISTEN反复 同源词反复类比 少女的歌声与夜莺和杜鹃的歌唱 诗人与旅人 及赫布里群岛象征 MOUNT UP THE HILL 象征着人生的旅途反问 语言特点语言特点语言十分简朴,诗意明白易懂,但它清新自然,意境优美,语言十分简朴,诗意明白易懂,但它清新自然,意境优美,如一幅画,一幅有声有色的画如一幅画,一幅有声有色的画 意象意象 意象,就是对我们的感觉能起刺激作用的具体形象意象,就是对我们的感觉能起刺激作用的具体形象 视觉意象视觉意象(visu

18、al image):single in the field,motionless and still,oer the sickle bending等;动觉等;动觉意象意象(kinaesthetic image):reaping and singing,stop here or gently pass,cuts and binds,breaking the silence,mounted up the hill等听觉意象等听觉意象(auditory image),如:,如:sings a melancholy strain,overflowing with the sound,welcome notes, plaintive numbers flow,humble lay,song,music等等 THEMEThe poet is fascinated with a Scottish peasant girls beautiful song.(与其说这旅人是被歌声打动,还不如说是被割麦女的孤独打动,因为他们有着一样的孤独 )从多个角度描绘了孤独的收割人忧郁动听的歌声,着重表现了苏格兰高原上一位年轻姑娘真实而丰富的内心世界。



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