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1、第二章第二章 血液一般检测血液一般检测(Complete Blood Count)School of Medical Laboratory Science School of Medical Laboratory Science HuXin HuXin 胡胡胡胡 昕昕昕昕(Blood Routine Test)Contents and Learning ObjectivesThe measurements in a CBCCriteria for collection of proper specimensReference value for human and blood clinical

2、 significance- Be able to interpret CBC information sheets What does a complete blood count measure? What does a complete blood count measure? RBCWBCPltRBC (erythrocyte) = Red blood cell Hb = Hemoglobin Hct = Hematocrit WBC (leukocyte) = White blood cell DC = Differential count Plt (thrombocyte) = P

3、latelet *How to collect a complete blood count sample? Sample collection - Site - Strict aseptic technique - ?Blood Service Clinical Laboratory the First Affiliated Hospital EDTA-K2How to interpret complete blood count results? Reference value RBC Hb成年男性成年男性 (4.0 5.5)1012/L 120 160 g/L 成年女性成年女性 (3.5

4、 5.0)1012/L 110 150 g/L 新生儿新生儿 (6.0 7.0)1012/L 170 200 g/L 1. RBC & Hb贫血贫血(anemia)Thalassemia1)Hematocrit,Hct ( packed cell volume,PCV)2. Other Red cell indices Elevated or lowered Hct is accord with the change of RBC ,so the clinical significance of HCT can refer to the RBC and Hb0.552) Mean RBC in

5、dices useful in diagnosing the type of anemia g/L 3) RBC Distribution Width,RDWThese cells exhibit a large variation in size. The RDW is a numerical indication of this morphologic abnormality. This value indicates the degree of red cell size variation or how much difference exists between the larges

6、t and smallest red cells. 2)TOTAL LEUKOCYTE COUNT (TLC)法国法国ABX血球计数仪血球计数仪Micros60 Leukocytosis acute infection certain medications haemolytic diseasesPhysiological high Pregnancy (infant) In the afternoon than in the morning In emotional stress (anxiety) After strenuous exerciseNormal values: 4 10109

7、/LLeukopenia certain infection autoimmune chemotherapy, radiation therapyNeutrophil (Ne) Lymphocyte (Ly)Eosinophil (Eo)Basophil (Ba)Monocyte (Mo)DIFFERENTIAL LEUKOCYTE COUNTClinical Significance Ne:a增多:如增多:如急性感染或炎症急性感染或炎症、急性溶血、失血、粒、急性溶血、失血、粒 细胞白血病等。细胞白血病等。 b减少:感染性疾病如病毒感染及伤寒、血液系统减少:感染性疾病如病毒感染及伤寒、血液系统

8、 疾病如再障、物理化学因素如接受射线、疾病如再障、物理化学因素如接受射线、 单核巨噬细胞功能亢进等。单核巨噬细胞功能亢进等。 Ly:a增多:感染性疾病如增多:感染性疾病如病毒感染病毒感染、肿瘤性疾病、肿瘤性疾病、 及移植排斥反应等。及移植排斥反应等。 b减少:应用肾上腺皮质激素、免疫缺陷性疾病等。减少:应用肾上腺皮质激素、免疫缺陷性疾病等。(50 70)(20 40) M: a.增多:某些感染如感染性心内膜炎等、增多:某些感染如感染性心内膜炎等、 血液病如单核细胞白血病等。血液病如单核细胞白血病等。 b.减少:无重要临床意义。减少:无重要临床意义。Eo:a.增多:增多:变态反应性疾病、寄生虫病

9、、皮变态反应性疾病、寄生虫病、皮 肤病、肤病、某些恶性肿瘤及传染病等。某些恶性肿瘤及传染病等。 b.减少:无重要临床意义。减少:无重要临床意义。Ba:a.增多:见于慢性粒细胞白血病、骨髓增多:见于慢性粒细胞白血病、骨髓 纤维化、变态反应性疾病等纤维化、变态反应性疾病等。 b.减少:无临床意义。减少:无临床意义。(3 8%)(0.5 5%)(0 1%)4)PlateletCauses of thrombocytopenia : Viral infection Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) Medications DIC Liver disea

10、se Autoimmune disease Hypersplenism Pregnancy Bone marrow causes Partially clotted sample Platelet clumping in the blood collection tubeHigh Platelet Count (Thrombocytosis)Malignant tumorPolycythemia veraSplenectomyHow to perform a complete blood count test? 1. 血细胞自动化分析原理:血细胞自动化分析原理:1)三分类:)三分类:电阻法原理

11、(电阻法原理(Coulter Counter.)Wallace Henry Coulter (1913-1998)2)五分类技术:为基于流式通道的三维分析技术)五分类技术:为基于流式通道的三维分析技术COULTER PRINCIPLE -X轴:体积(fL)-Y轴:相对数量1)WBC/ BASO histogram2)Red cell histogramGaussian distributionMCV&RDW下面下面介绍介绍几种贫血时图形变化:几种贫血时图形变化: v(4)叶酸及维生素)叶酸及维生素B12缺乏引起的巨幼细胞性贫血(缺乏引起的巨幼细胞性贫血(D):直方):直方图波峰右移,峰底增宽,

12、显示明显的大细胞不均一性。给予叶酸或图波峰右移,峰底增宽,显示明显的大细胞不均一性。给予叶酸或维生素维生素B12后,正常红细胞逐步释放入血液,而病理细胞并未完全后,正常红细胞逐步释放入血液,而病理细胞并未完全消亡,检测时即再出现双峰形,说明治疗有效。消亡,检测时即再出现双峰形,说明治疗有效。 v(3)铁粒幼细胞性贫血()铁粒幼细胞性贫血(B):直方图显示红细胞呈典型的):直方图显示红细胞呈典型的“双双形形”性改变(即同时存在着两类型的红细胞,一种是小细胞低色素性改变(即同时存在着两类型的红细胞,一种是小细胞低色素性红细胞,另一种是正常形态的红细胞),故出现波峰左移、峰底性红细胞,另一种是正常形


14、。一性。不同类型贫血红细胞体积分布直方图 Vocabularyvenipuncturesyringeiodineperspirepicahydration therapyerythropoietinaplastic anemiahaemolysismegaloblastic anemiasideroblastic anemiarheumatic disease steroidtyphoidmalariatuberculosisdengue infectionslupusneutrophilia leukemia neutropeniahematonosiscortinendocarditischronic myelocytic leukemiabone marrow fibrosisbone marrow fibrosisblood transfusiondisseminated intravascular coagulationAspirinReferences



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