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1、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?课前预习Section B一、重点单词一、重点单词1. _ 夹心面包片;三明治2. _ 黄油;奶油3. _ 火鸡4. _ 莴苣;生菜5. _ 片;块;段 6. _ 感恩节sandwichbutterturkeylettucepiecethanksgiving7. _ 传统的;惯例的 8. _ 秋天;秋季9. _ 漂泊者;旅行者;游客10. _ 英格兰 11. _ 庆祝;庆贺12. _ 混合配料;(使)混合;融合13. _ 胡椒粉;柿子椒14. _ (使)充满;装满15. _ 烤箱;烤炉traditionala

2、utumntraveler/travellerEnglandcelebratemixpepperfilloven16. _ 盘子;碟子 17. _ 遮盖;覆盖;覆盖物;盖子18. _ 接待;服务;提供 19. _ 温度;气温;体温 platecoverservetemperature二、重点短语二、重点短语1. _ _ _ 一张;一片;一块 2. _ _ _ _ 大吃一顿3. _._. 用把装满4. _ _ _ 一个接一个;依次 5. _ _ _ 感谢6. _._. 把切成7. _._ 覆盖;用覆盖apieceofhaveabigmealfillwithonebyonegivethanksfo

3、rcutintocoverwith名师点津【1 1】Do you _like_ lettuce in a sandwich?Do you _like_ lettuce in a sandwich?你喜欢在三明治里夹生菜吗?你喜欢在三明治里夹生菜吗?【知识点知识点】 like 的用法。【讲解讲解】 (1) like作动词,意为“喜欢”。like doing sth. 喜欢做某事(经常性)like to do sth. 喜欢做某事(一次性) (2)like还可用作介词,意思是“像;如一样”。【举例举例】 I like reading books. 我喜欢看书。I like to go and pl

4、ay football this afternoon. 今天下午我想去踢球。He looks like his father. 他看起来和他爸爸一样。【辨析辨析】 would like与feel like would like 意为“想要”, 相当于want, 但语气比want 要更加委婉,后接不定式作宾语。 feel like 意为“觉得;想”,后接动名词作宾语。【举例举例】 I would like to go to Guangzhou next year. 我想明年去广州。I feel like having a rest. 我想休息一下。【学以致用学以致用】1.I would like

5、 _ (introduce )you to Lisa. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)()2.I feel like _ basketball. A.play B.to play C.playing D.playedto introduceC【2 2】FirstFirst,put some butter on a put some butter on a piecepiece of bread. of bread. 首先,首先,在一片面包上涂一些黄油。在一片面包上涂一些黄油。【知识点知识点】 piece 的用法。【讲解讲解】 piece n. 意为“张;块;片;篇;条;段;件”,是可数名词。表示

6、不可数名词的量时,可用“基数词piece(s) of不可数名词”。有时,一些可数名词也可用此结构。【举例举例】 There are two pieces of bread on the table. 桌子上有两块面包。How many pieces of sandwiches do you need?你需要多少片三明治?【学以致用学以致用】()There is _ bread on the plate. You can eat it for breakfast. A.few B.many C.a cup of D. a piece of D【3 3】It is always on the fo

7、urth Thursday in November, It is always on the fourth Thursday in November, and and is a time to giveis a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. thanks for food in the autumn. 这一天通常是在十一月的第四个星期四,是一个为秋天的食这一天通常是在十一月的第四个星期四,是一个为秋天的食物表达谢意的时候。物表达谢意的时候。【知识点知识点】 “It is a time +to do.”句型的用法。【讲解讲解】 it is

8、 a time+to do 意为“是做某事的一个时间”, 相当于its a time for doing。its time+to do意为“到该做某事的时间了”。同义句型还有: its time for sth. (是该做某事的时候了)。 【举例举例】 It is a time to get together for them. 对他们来说,这是一个相聚的时间。Its time to read English now. 现在到了该读英语的时间了。Linda,its time for our math class. Hurry up. 琳达,快点。到了上数学课的时间了。【学以致用学以致用】()I

9、ts 10:00 in the evening. Its time _ to bed. A.to go B.go C.to going D.goesA【4 4】Here isHere is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. dinner. 这是制作感恩大餐火鸡的一种方法。这是制作感恩大餐火鸡的一种方法。【知识点知识点】 Here is 句型的用法。【讲解讲解】 Here is.意为“这是”。在这个句型中的be动词是由其后的名词来确定用is还是ar

10、e, 在进行确定时遵循数量原则,由靠近它的那个名词的数来决定,即遵循“就近原则”。【举例举例】 Here is an apple on the table.桌子上有一个苹果。【学以致用学以致用】()Here _ a table and two chairs. A.isB.are C.was D.wereA【5 5】NextNext,fillfill the turkey the turkey withwith this bread mix. this bread mix. 下一步,下一步,用面包混合物填满火鸡。用面包混合物填满火鸡。【知识点知识点】 fill with短语的用法。【讲解讲解】

11、fill v. 意为“(使) 充满;装满”。fill.with.意为“用把装满”。【举例举例】 He filled the box with apples. 他用苹果把盒子装满。The glass is filled with water. The glass is full of water. 玻璃杯里装满了水。【熟记熟记】 fill. with. 用把装满be filled with./be full of. 填满;充满了【学以致用学以致用】()1.My father is going to fill the basket _ oranges. A.with B.of C.in D.at2

12、. The room is filled with heavy smoke. (改为同义句)The room _ _ _ heavy smoke. Aisfullof语篇理解【1 1】 阅读教材阅读教材P61-2bP61-2b课文课文“Thanksgiving in the United Thanksgiving in the United StatesStates”,判断下列句子的正(,判断下列句子的正(T T)误()误(F F)()1.Thanksgiving comes on the fourth Thursday in November. ()2.The first travelers

13、 from England came to live in America about 400 years ago. ()3.Turkey is a large goose. ()4.To make a turkey dinner, we first need to mix some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper together. ()5.To cook a turkey needs an hour. TTFTF【2 2】 再仔细阅读短文,选出下列各题的最佳选项再仔细阅读短文,选出下列各题的最佳选项()1.Whats the traditiona

14、l food on Thanksgiving Day? A.Pumpkin pie. B.Turkey. C.Easter egg cakes. D.Roast chicken and salad. ()2.What dont people do on Thanksgiving? A.Give thanks for food. B.Remember the first travelers from England. C.Have a big meal at home with family. D.Say“Happy New Year”to each other. BD()3.What do p

15、eople need to make a turkey dinner? A.A turkey. B.Some bread pieces. C.Onions, salt and pepper. D.All above. 【3 3】 本课时主要短语串联应用(用方框内短语的适当形式填本课时主要短语串联应用(用方框内短语的适当形式填空)空)Dturn on, have a big meal, serve sth.,a piece of, cut up, fill.with, cover.with, at a high temperature, one by one, one more thingEac

16、h April 20 is a big day for the whole family, its Joys birthday. And this year, shes turning fourteen! Look, everyones busy preparing. Liz can make fruit juice. She 1. _ one apple, one mango and some strawberries, put the fruit mix into the blender, and then she 2. _ the blender. Here it is, juices

17、ready!Whats in Carols left hand? Right, its a very big 3. _ cake. And its very thick. She cuts it into two layers(层), rubs some sweet jam in between(在两层间涂上甜果酱), 4. _ the top layer _ cheese and fruit slices, and then shecuts upturns onpiece ofcoverswithplaces brown chocolate pieces around the cake. B

18、ang! A beautiful birthday cake is done!Whats Mom doing? Well, shes making a roast chicken! She 5. _ chicken _ mix of different sauce and vegetables, puts it into the oven. The chicken will be well-cooked in half an hour 6. _. 30 minutes passes, everyone begins to 7. _ food and drinks 8. _. Wait, 9.

19、_, wherere the birthday candles(蜡烛)? Relax, Henrys got them. fillswithat a high temperatureserveone by oneone more thingFinally, its time to 10. _. “Happy birthday, Joy!”have a big meal习作乐园请根据下图提示,以“How to make an apple milk shake?”为题写一篇短文,简单介绍一下苹果奶昔的做法。要求:要求:1. 条理清楚,语句通顺,书写规范;2将上述图片所提示的内容全部体现在文章中;3

20、80词左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 【1 1】 思路点拨思路点拨该篇习作谈论苹果奶昔制作的过程,在写作过程中要明确以下几点:1. 仔细观察图片,用简洁的语言写清楚所用的各种原料。2. 运用表示先后顺序的first,next,then,finally等词,将各种原料按照先后顺序合理地搭配,写成一篇连贯的食物制作的短文。3. 可运用祈使句,并配以恰当的短语,使文章充实丰满。【2 2】 粮草先行粮草先行审题卡:体裁1. _基本人称 2. _基本时态、语态3. _相关词句4. 首先;然后;接着;最后 _5.切成碎片 _6.将倒入 _7.爱吃甜食 _说明文说明文第一人称、第二人称第一人称、第二人

21、称一般现在时一般现在时first, next, then, finallycut. up into small piecespour.intohave a sweet tooth【3 3】 佳作欣赏佳作欣赏How to make an apple milk shake?How to make an apple milk shake?I can make wonderful apple milk shake. Let me teach you how to make it. You need three apples,some ice cream and a bottle of milk. Fi

22、rst,peel the apples and cut them up into small pieces. Next,put the apple pieces and ice cream into the blender. Then pour the milk into the blender. If you have a sweet tooth, add some honey. Turn on the blender and have it work for about one minute. Finally,pour the apple milk shake into a glass. Now its time to enjoy it! Do you like it? Isnt it healthy and delicious?



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