广东省中山市高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing 英语读写任务课件 新人教版选修7

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1、UNIT4 SHARING (TASK WRITING) If you bring happiness to tell a friend, you will obtain two joy;if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half. -BaconShare Task 1: What can we share ?ObjectsObjectsEmotionsEmotionsExperiencesExperiences(books, songs, food) (happiness, sorro

2、w, tears) (travelling, failing in an exam) 1.Writeanexperienceofsharing.段落写作:描述一次你或熟悉的人的分享段落写作:描述一次你或熟悉的人的分享经历。(。(60-80字左右)字左右)时态:一般过去时篇章结构:承接句过程感受2.Whydoweshare?(reasons)3.Howdoweshare?(suggestions/examples) Task 2: Practice Task 2: PracticeUseful expressionsBeginning:Whenspeakingof,Icant/couldnthe

3、lprememberingItoccurstomethatI/myfriendhadasimilarexperience.Oneofmy(friends)experiencesisaconvincingexample.IshallneverforgetwhenIwasremindsmeoneofmyexperiencethathappenedseveralyearsago. Task 2: PracticeUseful expressionsEnding:FromthisexperienceIlearn/realize/knowthatFinally,notuntilthendidIreali

4、ze Task 2: PracticeUseful expressionsEnding:FromthisexperienceIlearn/realize/knowthatFinally,notuntilthendidIrealizeBeginning:Whenspeakingof,Icant/couldnthelprememberingItoccurstomethatI/myfriendhadasimilarexperience.Oneofmy(friends)experiencesisaconvincingexample.IshallneverforgetwhenIwasremindsmeo

5、neofmyexperiencethathappenedseveralyearsago. I shall never forget the day when I was a student in Junior 2. One day I won a prize in a speech contest, so I told my best friend Jimmy immediately. Hearing that, he was so happy that he gave a big hug. To my surprise, I felt much happier than before. No

6、t until then did I realize the benefit of sharing, because the more things we share with others, the more happiness we can have. (76 words) Sample Task 3: Why do we share ?1.virtue,significant,anxietySharingisagoodvirtue.Sharingplaysasignificantroleinourdailylife,becausesometimesitshelpfultoreduceou

7、ranxiety.2.sharehappinessandsorrowWhenyoushareyourhappiness,itwillbedoubled;Whenyoushareyoursorrow,itwillberelieved.Useful expressions Task 3: Why do we share ?3.bebeneficialto Sharingisbeneficialtoourgrowth.4.makeadifferenceto Allyoursharingwithothersdoesmakeadifferencetotheworld. Maybewhatyouhaved

8、oneistiny,buteveryeffortcounts,becausemanyhandsmakelightwork.Themoreyourshare,thebrightertheworldwillbe.Useful expressions Task 3: Why do we share ?Reasons:1.Sharingenrichesmydailylife.2.Sharingbringsusenjoyment(confidence,friendship)3.Sharingisofgreatbenefittomeandbringsmefriendship.4.Sharingyourha

9、ppinesswithothersnotonlyincreasesyourhappiness,butalsogivesotherpeopletheopportunitytotastethejoyfulmomentyouexperienced.Useful expressions Task 3: Why do we share ? Sample: For one thing,itissharingthatenrichesmy daily life and brings me happiness.Besides, sharing with others can impressothers that

10、 you trust them. For another,Sharingbringsmeasenseofhappinessandsatisfaction. Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance (香香味味) will remain in your hand.赠人玫瑰,手有余香赠人玫瑰,手有余香As the Chinese old saying goes:As the Chinese old saying goes: Task 4: How can we share ? In my daily life, I will keep shari

11、ng in mind.1.develop/ form the habit of, donate, encourage, ease, relieve,3.participate in some commonweal organizations (公益组织公益组织)/ public services (公益事业公益事业)4.become a volunteer5.volunteer to do sth./ contribute (oneself) to6.dive into/ make contributions to Task 4: How can we share

12、?Sample 1 In my daily life, I will keep sharing in mind. In fact, sharing is a kind of help. For example, I will participate in some commonweal organizations(公益组织公益组织) and become a youth volunteer, who offers help to others. No matter how hard it is, I will spare no effort to help those in need. Tas

13、k 4: How can we share ?Sample 2 In my daily life, I will keep sharing in mind. When I have some delicious food, I will share it with friends, because the moments we eat and talk happily often make my heart full of joy. When I feel upset, I will share my sorrow with my parents, because they will comf

14、ort me and give me some suggestions. When I overcome some difficulty in my daily life, I will share it with my depressed friends, because they can be inspired by the experience of success and become confident again.1以约以约30个词概括短文的要点;(个词概括短文的要点;(名名p192)2然后以约然后以约120个词就个词就“学会分享学会分享”的主题发表的主题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点:你的看法,并包括以下要点:1)简单分析独生子女不懂得与人分享的原因)简单分析独生子女不懂得与人分享的原因2)以你自己或你熟悉的人的一次经历,简述分享)以你自己或你熟悉的人的一次经历,简述分享(sharing)的好处。)的好处。3)你的看法)你的看法 Homework



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