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1、人教版八年级上unit8基础检测无听力人教版八年级上册unit 8基础检测一.用所给词的正确形式填空1.You should shake the bottle before(pour) the orange juice.2.Finally, my close friend succeeded helping me solve the mathproblem.3.do you prefer a_ sandwichor a hamburger?4.It is warm in spring , hot in summer, cool in and cold in winter.5.Tom enjoy

2、s(set)off fireworks(0花)to c elebrate_ the Spring Festival.6.Every year, my grandparents grow corn and vegetables their farm.7.First, pour some water the pot.8.The children should take 1.5(spoon)of this medicine each time.9.He went to apply for(申请)a job by(fill)in the form with his name , phone numbe

3、r andaddress.10. How yogurt do we need for the milk shake?11. Let s (make) fruit salad!12. how onions did you cut up for the pizza?13. Here s a recipe a great turkey hamburger!14. Put the egg the bread.15. how much is the broccoli?Two(yuan) a kilo.二.单项选择1.Let me show you how(make)dumplings.A.to make

4、 B.making C.make2.My mother alwaysA.serves B.to serve C.serving3.holes do we have to get ready for planting the young trees?A.How many B. How much C.what4. (serve)me delicious food when I come home.一eggs do we need to make the soup? Only one.A.How much B. How many C.what5.sugar do you need?1 / 6人教版八

5、年级上unit8基础检测无听力一One spoon, please.A. How much B.Which C. How many6.一?Yes, please. I like some lettuce.A. Can you help me B. What are you C. Can I help you7.Do you know how a strawberry milk shake?A. make B. to make C. do make8.Please the blender. Let s taste the juice.A. turn on B. turn up C. turn o

6、ff9.We need four to make super chicken hamburgers.A. slice of bread B. slice of breads C. slices of bread10. Please 1ll the cup1m.盛满)water and pass it to me.A. inB.withC. into三。按要求完成句子1.你需要在高温下烹肉很长一段时间。(补全句子)You need to cook the meat _2 . People usually eat some traditional food对划线部分提问)3 .We need so

7、me butter for dinne r.(对戈U线部分提问)4.我不喜欢三明治里放生菜。(补全句子)I dont like lettuce.5.放一些水果在搅拌机里。(补全句子) _ the blender6.不用忘记打开搅拌机。(补全句子)_ the blender7 .首先把香蕉去皮,然后把它们切碎。(补全句子)First, peel the bananas. Then.8 . I want some salt for dinner.(对戈U线部分提问)2 / 6人教版八年级上unit8基础检测无听力9 . I can make a banana milk shake变一般疑问旬)10

8、.我们需要一勺蜂蜜来做水果沙拉。(补全句子)We need to make fruit salad.四。完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(A、B、C和D)Jennys mother 1 nearly seventy, and Jenny and her husband wanted2 the old lady a nice birthday party.She liked drinking _3_ so Jenny bought anelectric(电的)machine.It could 4 the tea

9、and then 5 you up in the morning.She put _6_in a box and gave it to her mother 7 her birthday.Her mother opened the box and Jenny showedher _8_ to use it.“9 you go to bed, put some tea in the pot and water in the kettle(E), she10 the old lady. And dont forget1 the electricity on.Then, when you wake

10、up in themorning, your tea _12 ready. ”After _13_ days, Jennys mother telephoned and said _4_ Im rather silly(笨的),but theres one thing I dont understand.Why do I 15 go to bed to make the tea ”()1.A.is)2.A.give)3.A.tea)4.A.cook)5.A.open)6.A.him)7.A.with)8.A.how)9.A.Before)10.A.said)11.A.turn)12.A.wil

11、l be)13.A.a few)14.A.Luckily)15.A.mustB. areB. gaveB. coffeeB. makeB. cutB. itB. inB. whatB. AfterB. toldB. turningB. wereB. fewB. HardlyB. have toC. wasC. to giveC. waterC. offerC. wakeC. herC. byC. whenC. FirstC. spokeC. to turnC. wasC. a littleC. UsuallyC. canD. wereD. givingD. beerD. boilD. turn

12、D. themD. onD. whichD. FinallyD. talkedD. turnsD. areD. littleD. ProbablyD. should五.语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空白处填入 一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Dear Mary,Hows it 1(go) ? Things are fine here.I am very happy every day.Last week on the GoodCook on CCTV-2, I learnt 2(make)the kebabs烤肉用).And I want to

13、tell you 3 to do it.3 / 6人教版八年级上unit8基础检测无听力Before _4_(start)to cook, we should have some meat,vegetables and some sauce.Of course, we need tools, too, likeBthe barbecue传肉架)and the charcoa住炭).Now you can start! 5(one), cut up some meat and vegetables/HESEskewers偌肉签),and put them in a bowl with your

14、favorite sauce.Mix them up.20 minutes _6_(late) put themeat and vegetables on the skewers.Then put charcoal in the barbecue and light it.After that ,put the kebabs on the barbecue and cook for 10 minutes _7_ 15 minutes, turning them overfrom time to time._8_ (final) , take the kebabs off the barbecu

15、e and enjoy _9_(they)!I tried this recipe.It is really great! I hope you can have _10_ try. Best wishes!Yours,Amanda六。阅读理解。Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza. Indians like to eat hotfood. Japanese like to eat fish. Often they don t cook it.In England, one of the most pop

16、ular kinds of food is fish and chips. People usually buyit in a fish and chip shop. They put it in paper bags, and take it home, or to their workplace.Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road. The world s favorite food is Americanfast food. If you go to some important cities in the world, yo

17、u can find people eatinghamburgers and chips.Fish and chips, and Chinese take-away food are very popular in England. But they areless popular in the USA, they eat take-away food, too, like chicken.But the most popularkind of take-away food is the hamburger. It looks like bread with meat in it. Ham (

18、火腿)isa kind of pork, but the hamburger does not have any pork in it. The beef is inside a kind ofcake hamburgers are delicious. They are also popular in England and Australia.( )1. Italians like to eat.A. dumplings B. pizza C. hot food D. fish( )2. Fish and chips are very popular in.4 / 6人教版八年级上unit

19、8基础检测无听力A. England B. Australia C. the USA( )3. In different countries people eat food.D. CanadaA. different B. the same C. the different D. same( )4. The hamburger does not have any in it.A. beef B. pork C. fish D. chips()5. Hamburger is a kind of.A. meatB. drink C. food D. vegetable答案:一。1.pouring

20、2.in 3.Which 4. Autumn 5.setting 6.on 7.into 8. Spoons 9.filling10.much11.make 12.many 13.for 14.into15.yuan二。答案:1-5AAABA 6-10 CBCCB三1 .at a high temperature for a long time.2 .What do people usually eat?3 .How much butter do we need?1.1 n a sandwich5 .Put the fruit in6 .Don t forget to turn on7 .cut them up8 .How much salt do you want for dinner?9 .Can you make a banana milk shake?10.a spoon of honey四.1.CCABC 6.BDAAB 11.CAADB五.1 . - going 2. to make 3. how 4. starting 5.First6. later 7.to 8. Finally 9. them六1-5BAABC5 / 6



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