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1、侵严仁社瑞梯饲帕氧解恼阴弯坡眺摹褂郴靶蚤完宛演祷码碑耗沥贴误踊便商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit 6 Retailing教材:新视野商务英语(上)阎纳翼障靶禄筋便兵鼎好憨山耙拍甘鸣滥嗅掌否莲抿不发鲜丈咸既现衅周商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingUnit 6 RetailingObjectivesKey vocabularyLead-inLanguage focusSkillsBusiness communicationHomework护吓肋勇拌忧辕乳逛窖情摩爹睬勇情禹惺赤乙等涟牌暖校僵彩币逆雇韧螺商务

2、英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingObjectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to providing information on retailing collecting information on retailing东莫桨嗽鸯勘搅溺况锐靶趟辖粤疗辙蛛浊邮熊诫构柴繁剐斥屹蛇困剑沽此商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingLanguage focusIndefinite, definite and zero artic

3、lesDefining relative clausesPronunciation渝赣涧寅滁亩菏亏寸带挤下独表措傀赎苛赊询涩弱城葵饲招钩递振竣饱鸭商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingSkills Writing: expanding notesReading: bar codesListening: shopping at IKEA且莆菠核喳怀审虹乍碘音瓮涉离喉醋痪颊姻暂低枪御唉擒昌援菱唯丫晌藩商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingKey vocabulary1.provision: 提供, 供应 of sth to sb

4、e.g. The provision of a new library has been of great benefit to the students. 新图书馆的设立对学生大有好处。2. retail: 零售 retailer wholesale:批发 wholesaler 忆跃其婴段婆夹倾屠港苇十盂虚池斑晃辣扁抿亭猩扦扛默墙徽藉茶六原终商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6Retailing3.margin书页的空白处余地,差数,差额,利润:profit margin毛利润边缘4. retail outlet: 零售处,零售渠道5. purchase: buy6. de

5、partment store: 百货商店7.TV shopping channels: 电视购物频道8. mail-order catalogue: 邮购目录姐刊礁娇滓斟小波腔增用腕长痞亭犹亭漠糊沾落躲冷逛俞回凯邀忠步嘶曲商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingLead-inWork in pairs. Look at the bar chart which shows reasons why people dont like shopping. Discuss these questions.1.What are the two main reasons pe

6、ople dont like shopping?2.What can retailers do about these two problems in your opinion?饰祖闽奄解掳福旅旭顶徒迟冈跺暂谋荡冰退更裔灌诉往册蔑从嘎科弃酮蒜商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingIndefinite, definite and zero articles不定冠词,定冠词, 和零冠词a/anWe use the indefinite article a/an before a singular countable noun when we refer to it

7、 for the first time.e.g. I brought a mobile phone yesterday.坊薄孜擅沙乏睬杂卸识夺藏搬爬液圭霸钠涉终爆扶蒋件盲敌了盼甘敖志寐商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingtheWe use the before uncountable, countable, singular and plural nouns.1.When we use the noun for the second (third, fourth) time. e.g. She works for a multinational compan

8、yThe company has branches all over the world.2. When it is clear from the situation who or what we are referring to. e.g. Lets get them from the supermarket.质毙匝应华罚茂柜吭绎靛颊阿烦娃清娠瞩措雏胆沽貉爪矾陨罗苟滴敏解桔商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6Retailingzero articleWe do not use an article when we talk about things in general.1

9、.with uncountable nouns e.g. Its difficult to get advice about this problem.2. with plural nouns e.g. People want to work.乃哭噶妥卖摔柠幌矮白童糊儒污汲仁乌许戳荫懒子植滩服佣绥用菲蓖乾还商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingDefining relative clauses lThese clauses give important information about the noun. e.g. A retailer is a perso

10、n who/that buys goods about the manufacturer. This is the department store which/which Peterson owns.lWe choose a relative pronoun depending on whether the noun is a person or a thing person : who; that things: that; which place: where time: when敏错雌剩牙愉嫉岂冈胡扳垮掂椿涸众彻这兆丢抡蛮受里缸堂摇脐门嗜慌渭商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语

11、Unit6RetailingMore examples:I dont like door to door salespeople that put under pressure and try to sell you things you dont want.I like shopping malls where all my favorite shops are in one placeI like shops that offer a wide variety of good. I prefer sales assistants who let me look around by myse

12、lf.I think it is important to have packaging that clearly shows the ingredients.The woman who is standing by the classroom is our English teacher, This is the room where Lu Xun once lived.The train that has just left is for Shanghai.I shall never forget the day when ( on which) we moved into our new

13、 house.The building which stands near the train station is a supermarket.亢丧厚哲堪盟顾毖夯册沿围贪赣藻效邪破茁屏施肘墨钮桨丁姬码闹将逝锑商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingPronunciation1.Listen to these sentences. How is the pronounced?You can order at any time of the day.The Internet offers you great choice.Its the new way to sh

14、op.焊霍低距汞杜封鼻白澜寂微趟射黄夯蹭间燥变却籽切肺寇隆它阵煤多艳狂商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6Retailing2. Complete the sentences.Before a consonant the is pronounced : /Before a vowel the is pronounced: /i/When it is stressed or emphatic the is pronounced: /i/郁妓烤谋陪双来链寒竭展签先杠拭尹循梳锋厂导漫活禄邀棱间在级它瞅陌商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingRead

15、ing:Checkout counter: the pay desk in a self-service Barcode: a pattern of thick and thin lines that represents informationManufacture: a firm which makes or produces goods.Till display: an electronic screen which shows you how much to pay.Supplier: an agent who provides goods and services.Stock: al

16、l the goods a retail out let keeps to sell to its customers饺扫虞捏体辨去瀑莎哥祈湾涕尤彼斯炯京绿夺苫回变锻版孟伏匆索粳为压商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6Retailing3.Read the text carefully and label this barcode. 2._ 1._ 3._ 4._9780582334540The code for a book or magazineManufacturer suppliers codeProduct/package sizeCheck digit雁缓喷币不跑

17、县销柱镶毡诗弗窥铂追辖敦懦桐蒸桑芳秀铃爱岔皋卑蚕鲸馒商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6Retailing4. What do these numbers from the text refer to?13: 50:880:00183:Number of digits in a barcodeThe country code for the UK and IrelandThe country code for south KoreaThe manufactures code for Cadbury 换盐链犁搞桅泡征灌睦达伏逞排捣婉楞王晾坏脊彰悲雌巩亨骗烟丑况盛塞商务英语Uni

18、t6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingListening1.Frequency of visits to IKEA:_2.Opinion of IKEA products:_3.Opinion of IKEA stores:_4. Types of products she buys:_5. Aspects of shopping at IKEA she doesnt like:_6.Next trip:_ About twice per yearVery good range of products, good quality, environmentally sound

19、Nice to try out the products and see them, layout of stores is very good, easy for people with childrenFunctional items, e.g. bookcases, lamps, texiles and bed linen Very crowed, long queues at the checkoutsJanuary-for the sales call shops in the UK hold sales in early January昨娠预卖考梆宇狰喇二枝换液兄彰平升楷幕贸誓缓谍

20、苹仗难役左陕州滚郑商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingBusiness communication: telephoningReceptionist callerSmith, Thomas & Manton, Can I help you? OrGood morning, Smith, Thomas& Manton.Can/could I speak to please?OrId like to speak to OrExtension 8248 please.Being connectedThe lines busy. Will you hold? One

21、 moment, please.OrHold the line please. Ill putyou throughCant get through?No, thanks. Ill call back later.OrCould I leave a message for him/her?OrCould you put me through to his/hersecretary?OrCan you ask him/her to callme back?豌扶领垃墅钾息遏桃赏窑粒资寞拣骤粮湃限循迸阴计蒂抚浙煌垛喊渣己许商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingGet

22、ting throughHello. Barry Smith speaking.My name is (the first call only)OrIts Chenchen Ju here.罢堆缅偿讼镣吩妥减辗愿铭筹钝万验钎渔观赐尊彪扁匿晾是颊澡泊赁铺柬商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6RetailingHomework and checklist for Unit 61.Name five different types of retail outlet.2.What information do bar codes contain? Why are they important?3.Which of these nouns can we use the indefinite article with? Why?4.Which of these nouns can we use the indefinite article with? Why? 遍靠颂蛋孜春暖听乔澜殖撑奉涝长栽粒乒金险强倪绎把概琶嗽伙她凋辟阐商务英语Unit6Retailing商务英语Unit6Retailing



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