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1、 Li Ming is a student of Grade Seven. He likes his school life very much because he thinks its very interesting. He usually gets up at 6:00 a.m. Then he reads English for half an hour. After that, he has breakfast at twenty to seven. Then he goes to school by bus. He has four classes in the morning

2、and two in the afternoon. He studies English, math, Chinese, art and some other subjects. He has lunch at school because he has no time to go home for lunch. School is over at 4:30 p.m. After school, he does some sports with his friends. Then he goes home for dinner. After dinner, he does his homewo

3、rk for an hour. After doing his homework, he reads some books or takes a walk in the park. At about ten, he goes to bed. He is busy but very happy. 1.我们该上课了。我们该上课了。2.2. 晚饭后我经常散步半小时。晚饭后我经常散步半小时。3.3. 何不上楼看一下我的书房呢何不上楼看一下我的书房呢? 听起来不错。听起来不错。4.4. 桌子旁边有把椅子吗?是的。不,没有。桌子旁边有把椅子吗?是的。不,没有。5.5. 树上有鸟吗?是的。不,没有。树上有鸟

4、吗?是的。不,没有。Its time for us to have class.After supper, I often take a walk for half an hour.Why not go upstairs and have a look at my study? Sounds good!Is there a chair next to the desk? Yes, there is . No, there isnt.Are there any birds in the tree? Yes, there are. No, there arent. 1.It takes me ha

5、lf an hour to get to the zoo.2. There is something wrong with my bike.3. Why not help him do some cleaning?4. Why dont you help him find the way to the park?5. Walk on until you get to the end of the street.到达动物园花费我半小时。到达动物园花费我半小时。我的自行车坏了。我的自行车坏了。何不帮助他打扫卫生呢?何不帮助他打扫卫生呢?何不帮助他找到去公园的路呢?何不帮助他找到去公园的路呢?一直走

6、直到你到达路的尽头。一直走直到你到达路的尽头。6. Which bus do I need to take?7. You mustnt play on the street . Its too dangerous.8. There is a bank across from the school.我需要乘坐哪路公交车?我需要乘坐哪路公交车?你不能在马路上玩。太危险了。你不能在马路上玩。太危险了。学校对面有一家银行。学校对面有一家银行。9. What do you like doing in your free time?10. If everyone obeys the traffic rul

7、es, the road will be very safe.11. There are many trees on both sides of the road.你在业余时间里喜欢你在业余时间里喜欢 做什么?做什么?如果人人遵守交通规则,道路将会很安全。如果人人遵守交通规则,道路将会很安全。在路的两侧有很多树。在路的两侧有很多树。1.树上有多少苹果?有十个。树上有多少苹果?有十个。2.2. 我的书房在二楼。我的书房在二楼。3.3. 在我的业余时间里,我喜欢游泳、听音乐等等。在我的业余时间里,我喜欢游泳、听音乐等等。4.4. 这个女孩穿上这条裙子看起来很漂亮。这个女孩穿上这条裙子看起来很漂亮。

8、5.5. 穿长裙的那个女孩看起来很漂亮。穿长裙的那个女孩看起来很漂亮。How many apples are there on the tree? There are ten.My study is on the second floor.In my free time, I like swimming, listening to music and so on.The girl looks beautiful in this dress.The girl in a dress looks beautiful.1.墙上有什么?有一个钟表和一张中国地图。墙上有什么?有一个钟表和一张中国地图。2.

9、2. 他是我的一位朋友。他是我的一位朋友。3.3. 你家有几口人?有三口。你家有几口人?有三口。4.4. 你何不和我一起散步呢?太棒了!你何不和我一起散步呢?太棒了!Whats on the wall? There is a clock and a map of China. He is a friend of mine.How many people are there in your family? There are three.Why dont you go for a walk with me? Thats great!1.礼拜天是一周的第一天。礼拜天是一周的第一天。2.2. 请把它

10、们收起来放好。你应该照顾好你的物品。请把它们收起来放好。你应该照顾好你的物品。3.3. 瓶子里没有水。瓶子里没有水。4.4. 墙上有四扇窗户。墙上有四扇窗户。Sunday is the first day of a week.Please put them away . You should look after your things.There isnt any water in the bottle.There are four windows in the wall.1.我们可以在电脑上学习。我们可以在电脑上学习。2.2. 不要摆弄卡片。不要摆弄卡片。3.3. 书架上有如此多的书。书架

11、上有如此多的书。4.瓶子里有如此多的果汁。瓶子里有如此多的果汁。5.5. 门后面有什么?有只猫。它在玩球。门后面有什么?有只猫。它在玩球。We can study on the computer.Dont play with cards.There are so many books on the shelves.There is so much juice in the bottle.Whats behind the door? There is a cat. Its playing with a ball.1.He likes drawing pictures.2.2. What time

12、 does the class begin?3.3. What time is school over?4.4. Lets have a talk with him.5.5. Dont put your books here and there. Please put them away .他喜欢画画。他喜欢画画。这节课什么时间开始?这节课什么时间开始?几点钟放学?几点钟放学?咱们和他谈一下吧!咱们和他谈一下吧!不要把你的书到处乱放。把它们收起来放好。不要把你的书到处乱放。把它们收起来放好。6. What kinds of rooms are there in your home?7. The

13、re are so many books on the shelves.8. I often take a walk for an hour after supper.9. Its easy for me to study English.10. Its time for us to speak English.你家有什么样的房间?你家有什么样的房间?书架上有如此多的书。书架上有如此多的书。晚饭后我经常去散步一小时。晚饭后我经常去散步一小时。对我来说学英语很容易。对我来说学英语很容易。我们该讲英语了。我们该讲英语了。根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.The Gre

14、ens have four c_. Jim is the o_ boy.2.2. This is a l_bedroom. There are four beds in it. 3.3. There are many beautiful f_in the garden.4.4. The child has three m_cars on is desk.5. He loves playing with them.6.5. There is a big y_in front of the house.7. We like playing games there. 1. I love _( pla

15、y) computer games, but I dont like_today.(play)2. There are _trees in front of the house, but there arent _flowers there. (some)3. I want to go shopping today, but my baby is too young. Please_(照顾好她)。照顾好她)。4. Dont put your books_( 到处到处). 请把请把它们收起来放好它们收起来放好.playing to playsome anylook after her. here and therePlease put them away .4. 桌子上有多少朵花?有十朵桌子上有多少朵花?有十朵.5. 瓶子里有多少牛奶瓶子里有多少牛奶?只有一点只有一点.How many flowers are there on the desk? There are ten.How much milk is there in the bottle? There is only a little.



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