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1、室外吸烟区的设置室外吸烟区设置原则远离人流多的地方离开门窗不能太舒适要有明确的指示要有禁烟标示Designated smoking area at Beijing Olympics: Outdoor, no roof, no services, no rest area, no seating. Away from: pedestrian areas, entrances, congested areas, Organisational (Olympic) signage.WayfindingWayfinding signage at Shanghai Expo indicating loca

2、tion of designated outdoor smoking areaEducational material Educational material on the harms of on the harms of tobacco on display tobacco on display in designated in designated smoking areas in smoking areas in Shanghai Expo.Shanghai Expo.A designated smoking area in a health facility: it should b

3、e 10m from the window or any air intake for the building.A designated smoking area in a hospital. This area does not have a roof and is NOT in a high traffic pedestrian area/transit zone.Ministry of Health designated smoking area. This Ministry of Health designated smoking area. This area has no roo

4、f above it and is about 10m from area has no roof above it and is about 10m from the building. It is out of sight of the main entrance.the building. It is out of sight of the main entrance.“Smokers Body” “Smokers Body” poster in the Ministry poster in the Ministry of Health designated of Health desi

5、gnated smoking area. smoking area. Smoking areas Smoking areas should have warnings should have warnings on the harms of on the harms of tobacco and tobacco and information on where information on where to get help to quit to get help to quit smoking. The smoking. The national national quitline is:

6、4008105180 Staff/employees should not smoke in front of the building.No one should smoke under a roof.Keep designated smoking areas 10m away from pedestrian areas, buildings, entrances, windows, air intakes. They should not have a roof.Good example of signage.Good example of signage.Staff including guards Staff including guards and cleaners are and cleaners are authorised and authorised and encouraged to encouraged to enforce the smoke-enforce the smoke-free policy.free policy.香港“室外”的定义



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