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1、Unit1 Public signs 公共标识公共标识A: What does the sign mean?B: It meansNo smokingNo litteringNo parkingDangerDo not touchBe quietKeep off the grassNo eating or drinkingUnit1 Public signsA: What does the sign mean?B: It means we should(shouldnt)It means we shouldnt smoke here.It means we shouldnt park here

2、.It means we shouldnt litter here.It means we shouldnt eat or drink here.It means we shouldnt touch it.Point:should, must, can, may 以及以及它们的否定形它们的否定形式后面接式后面接动词动词原形。原形。Unit1 Public signsPoint:should, must, can, may 以及以及它们的否定形它们的否定形式后面接式后面接动词动词原形。原形。It means we shouldnt make noise here.It means we shou

3、ld be quiet here.It means we shouldnt walk on the grass.It means we should keep off the grass.It means we cant touch it.It means we must stay away from it.Unit1 Public signs always 总是,一直总是,一直My mother _ has a lot of housework to do.But _ she talks to her friends on Sundays. nearHe looks around,there

4、s no one _.Look,there is a mobile phone _the TV.nearbynearsometimesalwayssometimesnearbyUnit1 Public signs1 问许多问题问许多问题2 远离远离3 散步散步4 向他走来向他走来5 年仅五岁年仅五岁6 墙上的公共标识墙上的公共标识7 在草地上走在草地上走8 一个有趣的标识一个有趣的标识9 环顾环顾10捡起钞票捡起钞票11一张十元钞票一张十元钞票ask a lot of/many questionsstay away fromtake a walkcome up to himonly five

5、years oldthe public sign on the wallwalk on the grassan interesting signlook aroundpick the note upa ten-yuan noteUnit1 Public signs1. 这个标志是什么意思?它意指这个标志是什么意思?它意指“危险危险”。 What does this sign mean?It means “Danger”. 2. 那个标志什么意思?那个标志什么意思? 它意指你不应该在草地上走。它意指你不应该在草地上走。 What does that sign mean? It means you

6、 shouldnt walk on the grass.3我现在可以看电视了吗?不,你不可以。你应该先完成家庭作业。我现在可以看电视了吗?不,你不可以。你应该先完成家庭作业。Can I watch TV now?No, you cant. You should finish your homework first.4杰克只有四岁,但他总是有许多问题要问。杰克只有四岁,但他总是有许多问题要问。Jack is only four years old, but he always has many questions.5他正在问本一些有关公共标志的问题。他正在问本一些有关公共标志的问题。He is

7、asking Ben some questions about public signs.Unit2 Bens birthday 生日生日如何询问生日如何询问生日 Whens your birthday?Whens s birthday?如何回答生日如何回答生日My birthday is onIts on 如何询问生日礼物如何询问生日礼物What would you like as a birthday present?Would you like a/some ?Unit2 Bens birthday 生日生日日期的表达日期的表达one twelve two twenty three tw

8、enty-one five twenty-two eight twenty-three nine thirty (four, six, seven, ten )first (1st)second (2nd)third (3rd)fifth (5th)eighth (8th)ninth (9th)twelfth (12th)twentieth (20th)twenty-first (21st)twenty-second (22nd)twenty-third (23rd)thirtieth (30th)前必须加前必须加the月月+ +日日 / / 日日+ + of + + 月月序数词序数词Unit

9、2 Bens birthday 生日生日日期的表达日期的表达(the) 日日 of 月月/ / 月月 ( (the) 日日1月月1日日3月月8日日4月月12日日5月月3日日9月月10日日10月月31日日12月月25日日the first of January / January the 1stthe 8th of March / March the 8ththe 12th of April / April the 12ththe 3rd of May / May the 3rdthe 10th of September / Sept. the 10ththe 31st of October /

10、 Oct. the 31stthe 25th of December / Dec. the 25th在在onononononononUnit2 Bens birthday谈论某事谈论某事talk about sth.和某人谈话和某人谈话 talk to/with sb.日本卡通片日本卡通片Japanese cartoons作为一个生日礼物作为一个生日礼物as a birthday present举行生日聚会举行生日聚会have a birthday party在生日聚会上在生日聚会上 at the birthday party吹灭蜡烛吹灭蜡烛 blow out the candles 脱下戏服

11、脱下戏服take off the costumes用戏服装扮用戏服装扮dress up in costumes等会儿看等会儿看 wait and seeUnit2 Bens birthday今天几号?今天几号?What date is it today? Its 你何时过生日?我的生日是十月十八号。你何时过生日?我的生日是十月十八号。 Whens your birthday? My birthdays on the 18th of October.你想要什么东西作为生日礼物?你想要什么东西作为生日礼物? What would you like as a birthday present?我想要

12、一个日本卡通片的光盘。我想要一个日本卡通片的光盘。 Id like a VCD of Japanese cartoons.你们经常举行生日聚会吗?你们经常举行生日聚会吗? Do you often have a birthday party?本正和他的家人讨论关于他的生日聚会的事。本正和他的家人讨论关于他的生日聚会的事。Ben is talking to his family about his birthday party.Unit3 It was there原型原型现在式现在式 过去式过去式否定形式否定形式beamisarewasntwerentwaswere Be动词儿歌动词儿歌 (现在

13、时)(现在时) (过去时)(过去时) 我用我用am, 你用你用are; 我用我用was,你用你用were;单数单数is, 复数复数are。 单数单数was,复数复数were。Unit3 It was there excited 兴奋的,激动的兴奋的,激动的 exciting 令人兴奋的令人兴奋的,令人激动的令人激动的&形容形容人人兴奋用兴奋用_形容形容事情、场面事情、场面令人兴奋用令人兴奋用_excitedexciting glasses a pair of glasses&glasses是_数,be动词用_或_a pair of glasses 是_数,be动词用_或_。Unit3 It w

14、as there复复arewere单单iswasThere is a pair of glasses on the desk.There were glasses on the desk just now.Unit3 It was thereSports Day 体育运动日体育运动日 all the students 所有的学生所有的学生 watch a running race 观看赛跑观看赛跑 just now a moment ago刚才刚才 behind the door 在门后面在门后面look for my mobile phone寻找我的手机寻找我的手机cant find 找不到

15、找不到 pick them up 把它们捡起来把它们捡起来a roll of film 一卷胶卷一卷胶卷 a new diary一本新日记本一本新日记本on the ground 在地上在地上 try to remember 试着记住试着记住Unit3 It was there我的日记在哪里?它在课桌上。我的日记在哪里?它在课桌上。Wheres my diary? Its on the desk.它现在不在那里了。一会儿前它还在的。它现在不在那里了。一会儿前它还在的。It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago. 你的眼镜在哪里?它在我的笔袋旁。你的

16、眼镜在哪里?它在我的笔袋旁。Where are your glasses? Theyre beside my pencil case. 它现在不在那里了。刚才还在的。它现在不在那里了。刚才还在的。They arent there now. They were there just now.Unit5 On the farm 第五单元是围绕第五单元是围绕the National Day holiday这一这一话题,主要询问过去发生的事情,使用的句型:话题,主要询问过去发生的事情,使用的句型:What did you do?回答:回答:I/We 特别要注意在特别要注意在“一般过去时一般过去时”的句

17、式中,动词要用的句式中,动词要用过去式过去式。 助动词用助动词用did。见到助动词。见到助动词动词用原形动词用原形。1. you (taste)oranges last weekend?2. Where you (go)last May Day? I (go)to Beijing. 3. I (not) (eat)moon cakes yesterday.Didtastedidgowentdidnteat动词的动词的过去式过去式形式形式(一)规则动词的过去式词尾变化有几种:(一)规则动词的过去式词尾变化有几种:1.一般情况下加ed, 如wateched, planted, watered, c

18、limbed.2.以不发音的字母e结尾的加d, 如liked, tasted, danced.3.以辅音字母+y结尾的变y为i再加ed, 如studystudied, crycried. (二)不规则动词的过去式变化则没有什么规律。例如:(二)不规则动词的过去式变化则没有什么规律。例如: is/amwas, arewere, dodid, have/hashad, makemade, gowent, flyflew, eatate, readread,sitsat, getgot, seesaw 等等。 (三)动词过去式(三)动词过去式ed读音读音1.在清辅音后读t, 如liked, watc

19、hed, washed, danced, helped.2.在浊辅音和元音后读d,如lived, listened, pulled, watered, played.3.在t, d 音后读id, 如visited, tasted, collected.Unit5 On the farmUnit5 On the farmearlylast meet 遇见,见到遇见,见到 visit 拜访,参观拜访,参观&before & after在在之前之前在在之后之后mountain & hill 1 Where were you last weekend? 2 Where did you go last

20、weekend?3 What did you do last weekend?上个周末你在哪里的?上个周末你在哪里的?上个周末你去了哪里?上个周末你去了哪里?上个周末你干了什么?上个周末你干了什么?on the farm 在农场visit a farm 参观农场the first day of school 上学第一天last week 上星期before class 上课前watch a film 观看一场电影 pull up carrots 拔胡萝卜collect eggs 收集鸡蛋pick a lot of oranges 摘许多橘子taste them 品尝它们milk cows 挤牛

21、奶walk in the mountains在山上行走 at a camp 在野营营地cook a lot of food 煮很多食物last National Day去年国庆节 Unit5 On the farmUnit5 On the farm你在上周做了些什么?我和我的父母一起看了场电影。你在上周做了些什么?我和我的父母一起看了场电影。What did you do last week? I watched a film with my parents.你们在农场做什么?我们浇树和拔胡萝卜了。你们在农场做什么?我们浇树和拔胡萝卜了。 What did you do on the farm

22、? We watered trees and pulled up carrots.你们还做了什么?我们摘苹果并品尝了他们。你们还做了什么?我们摘苹果并品尝了他们。What else did you do?We picked the apples and tasted them.上周在营地我妈妈做了许多美味的食物。上周在营地我妈妈做了许多美味的食物。My mother cooked a lot of delicious foodat the camp last week.Unit6 Holidaysational Dayid-Autumn Festivalay Dayragon Boat Fes

23、tivalalloweenhristmaseachers Dayasteromens Daypring Festivalew Years Dayhildrens Day HolidaysWhen What do people do?New Years DaySpring FestivalWomens DayEasterMay DayDragon Boat FestivalChildrens DayTeachers DayMid-Autumn FestivalNational DayHalloweenChristmas1月月1日日10月月1日日9月月10日日3月月8日日6月月1日日5月月1日日9

24、月月10月月5月月6月月1月月2月月3月月4月月10月月31日日12月月25日日have a party / visit their relativesgive some presents to teachersgive some presents to mumsing and dance / have a partyhave a long holidaywatch the moon / eat moon cakeseat rice dumplings / watch racevisit the relatives and friendseat chocolate eggsdress up i

25、n costumesgive some presents to each otherhave a long holidaydelicious 美味的美味的 big 丰盛的丰盛的Unit6 Holidayshave a big lunch 吃一顿丰盛的午饭吃一顿丰盛的午饭eat a lot of delicious food 吃许多美味的食物吃许多美味的食物also 也也,还还 & else别的,其它的别的,其它的春节在什么时候?它在一月或二月。春节在什么时候?它在一月或二月。Whens Spring Festival? Its in January or February.在春节人们通常会做什

26、么?他们通常吃许多美味的食物。在春节人们通常会做什么?他们通常吃许多美味的食物。What do people usually do at Spring Festival? They usually eat a lot of delicious food. 去年春节你吃了许多美味的食物了吗?是的。去年春节你吃了许多美味的食物了吗?是的。 Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival? Yes, I did.你你去年去年中秋节开晚会了吗?中秋节开晚会了吗? 没,没有。没,没有。 Did you have a party last

27、Mid- Autumn Festival? No, I didnt.我特别喜爱的节日是万圣节。我特别喜爱的节日是万圣节。My favourite holiday is Halloween. Unit6 HolidaysUnit7 At Christmas 本单元是有关本单元是有关寻找物主寻找物主的话题,询问物品是的话题,询问物品是谁的,使用的句子是谁的,使用的句子是 Whose is it/are they?回答:回答:Its/Theyre s.1 它是谁的镜子?是我妈妈的。它是谁的镜子?是我妈妈的。2 这些是谁的书?是我同学们的。这些是谁的书?是我同学们的。3 那是谁的皮夹?是我爸爸的。那是

28、谁的皮夹?是我爸爸的。4 那些是谁的杂志?是我的。那些是谁的杂志?是我的。Whose mirror is it? Its my mothers.Whose books are these? Theyre my classmates.Whose wallet is that? Its my fathers.Whose magazines are those? Theyre mine.Unit7 At Christmas 本单元最重要的知识是本单元最重要的知识是人称代词人称代词。名称名称我我你你/你们你们他他她她我们我们他们他们它它用用 法法主主 格格I youheshewetheyit宾宾 格格

29、 形形 代代 名名 代代me you him her us them 作主语(开头)作主语(开头)跟在动词介词后跟在动词介词后my your his her our their 后面一定接名词后面一定接名词mine yours his hers ours theirs 后面不能接名词后面不能接名词it its itsUnit7 At Christmason Christmas Day在圣诞节上under the Christmas tree 在圣诞树下in his grandparents house 在他祖父母家里a nice wallet 一个漂亮的皮夹so many presents 那

30、么多的礼物at the back of the bus 在公共汽车后面Youre welcome.不用谢。under the seat 在座位底下have a Christmas party举办一个圣诞聚会get off 下车in front of me 在我前面the woman beside him 在他旁边的女士Unit7 At Christmasask & answer 问问 回答回答get on & get off 上车上车 下车下车 in front of 在在前面前面 & at the back of 在在后面后面Unit7 At Christmas这是谁的梳子?它是我的。这是谁的梳子?它是我的。Whose comb is it? Its mine. 这个礼物是谁送的?是我爸爸送的。这个礼物是谁送的?是我爸爸送的。 Who is the present from?Its from my Dad. 这些滑板是谁的这些滑板是谁的? 是他们的。是他们的。 Whose skateboards are they? Theyre theirs. 它们是谁送的它们是谁送的? 是李老师送的。是李老师送的。Who are they from? They are from Mr Li.



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