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1、Unit 2 CloningUnit 2 Cloning基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1 1. .D Do on nt t ( (麻麻烦烦) ) m me e w wi it th h t th he e s st tu up pi id d questions. questions.2.He 2.He ( (积存积存) a large fortune.) a large fortune.3.I could hardly 3.I could hardly ( (忍住忍住) laughing.) laughing.4 4. .H He e w wa as s n no ot t (

2、(完完 全全 地地) ) p pl le ea as se ed d with his new house. with his new house.5 5. .A As s s st tu ud de en nt ts s, ,w we e s sh ho ou ul ld d o ob be ey y s sc ch ho oo ol l ( (规定规定).).botherbotheraccumulatedaccumulatedresistresistaltogetheraltogetherregulationsregulations高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cl

3、oning6 6. .T Th he e t te ea ac ch he er r i is s c ca ap pa ab bl le e o of f m ma ak ki in ng g complicated problems complicated problems ( (简简 单的单的) for the students to accept easily.) for the students to accept easily.7.His opinion 7.His opinion d d entirely from mine. entirely from mine.8 8. .I

4、 Id d l li ik ke e t to o c co om me e, ,t to oo o, ,i if f y yo ou u h ha av ve e n no o o o . .9.We must learn to 9.We must learn to u u responsibili- responsibili- ties. ties.10.The film was a 10.The film was a c c success. success.straightforwardstraightforwardiffersiffersbjectionbjectionndertak

5、endertakeommercialommercial高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning.重点短语再现重点短语再现1.1. 沮丧;不愉快沮丧;不愉快2.2. 反对反对3.3. 赞成;支持赞成;支持4.4. 成功;得到回报成功;得到回报5.5. 使复活使复活6.6. 状况很好状况很好/ /坏坏7.7. 使使刻骨铭心刻骨铭心8.8. 白费力气白费力气9.9. 不时;偶尔不时;偶尔cast downcast downobject toobject toin favour ofin favour ofpay offpay offbring back to lifebr

6、ing back to lifein good/poor conditionin good/poor conditionstrike.into ones heartstrike.into ones heartin vainin vainfrom time to timefrom time to time高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.It is a difficult task to undertake.1.It is a difficult task to undertake.这是这是 一个很难承担的任务。一个很难承担的任务。

7、 此句中此句中itit作形式主语,可以代替由作形式主语,可以代替由 ,不定式复合结构,动名词及从句表示,不定式复合结构,动名词及从句表示 的真正主语。另外,的真正主语。另外,itit还可作还可作 ,代替,代替 由不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正宾语。由不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正宾语。ItIt 还可以用于还可以用于 结构中。结构中。考点提炼考点提炼不定式不定式形式宾语形式宾语强调强调高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning2 2. .T Th he e g gr re ea at t d dr ra aw wb ba ac ck k t to o c cl lo o

8、n ni in ng g a a g gr ro ou up p o of f a an ni im ma al ls s i is s t th ha at t t th he ey y w wo ou ul ld d a al ll l h ha av ve e t th he e s sa am me e a ar rr ra an ng ge em me en nt t o of f g ge en ne es s a an nd d s so o m mi ig gh ht t d di ie e o of f t th he e s sa am me e i il ll ln ne

9、 es ss s. .经经过过克克隆隆的的动动物物群群 体体的的最最大大缺缺点点是是:它它们们的的基基因因排排列列有有可可能能完完全全 相同,因而它们有可能会死于同一种疾病。相同,因而它们有可能会死于同一种疾病。 本句中本句中thatthat引导的从句为引导的从句为 , that that仅起仅起 作用作用, ,在从句中在从句中 , , 表语从句主要有以下两种类型:表语从句主要有以下两种类型: (1)be+ (1)be+从句从句 (2)be (2)be以外的系动词以外的系动词 (seem/look/appear/sound/taste/feel seem/look/appear/sound/t

10、aste/feel remain remain等)等)+ +从句从句考点提炼考点提炼表语从句表语从句连接连接不充当任何成分不充当任何成分高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning3.Dollys death,like her birth,was bound 3.Dollys death,like her birth,was bound to raise worries. to raise worries.多莉的死亡,就像她的出生多莉的死亡,就像她的出生 一样,必定会引起人们的恐慌。一样,必定会引起人们的恐慌。 be bound to do sth. be bound

11、to do sth. ; 。 be bound up in sth. be bound up in sth.忙于某事;热衷于某事物忙于某事;热衷于某事物 be bound up with sth. be bound up with sth.与某事物关系密切与某事物关系密切 be bound for. be bound for.去;准备去去;准备去考点提炼考点提炼一定做某事一定做某事有责任或义务做某事有责任或义务做某事高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.undertake1.undertake It is a difficult

12、 task to It is a difficult task to undertakeundertake.(.(回归回归 课本课本P P1111) )观察思考观察思考 The lawyer undertook the case without a The lawyer undertook the case without a fee. fee. 这位律师免费承办那个案子。这位律师免费承办那个案子。 He undertook to be here at ten oclock. He undertook to be here at ten oclock. 他答应十点钟到这儿来。他答应十点钟到这儿

13、来。 She undertook the organization of the She undertook the organization of the whole scheme. whole scheme. 她负责整个计划的组织工作。她负责整个计划的组织工作。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归纳总结归纳总结undertake undertake vt.vt. ; ;过去式;过去式 ,过去分词过去分词 。undertake a taskundertake a task承担任务承担任务undertake an attackundertake an atta

14、ck发动进攻发动进攻undertake to do sth.undertake to do sth.答应答应/ /同意做某事同意做某事undertake for.undertake for.为为负责负责undertaking undertaking n. n.任务任务; ;事业,企业事业,企业着手着手从事从事undertookundertookundertakenundertaken高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即学即用即学即用(1 1)他答应在星期五以前完成那份工作。)他答应在星期五以前完成那份工作。 He He the job by Friday. t

15、he job by Friday.(2 2)我保证你会喜欢这次旅行。)我保证你会喜欢这次旅行。 I can I can you will enjoy the you will enjoy the trip. trip.( 3 3) T Th he e n ne ew w l la ab bo or ra at to or ri ie es s w wi il ll l b be e c co on ns st tr ru uc ct te ed d t th hi is s y ye ea ar r, ,a an nd d l lo oc ca al l f fi ir rm ms s hav

16、e been asked to have been asked to the work. the work. A.assign A.assignB.manufactureB.manufacture C.provide C.provideD.undertakeD.undertakeDundertook to finishundertook to finishundertake thatundertake that高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning2.object2.object O On n t th he e o ot th he er r h ha an n

17、d d, ,D Do ol ll ly ys s a ap pp pe ea ar ra an nc ce e r ra ai is se ed d a a s st to or rm m o of f o ob bj je ec ct ti io on ns s. . . .( (回回归归课课本本 P P1212) )观察思考观察思考 We objected to leaving in such a hurry. We objected to leaving in such a hurry. 我们反对这样匆忙地离开。我们反对这样匆忙地离开。 The students objected to

18、being treated The students objected to being treated like children. like children. 学生们反对像对待孩子似地对待他们。学生们反对像对待孩子似地对待他们。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning I saw an object in the sky,but I didnt I saw an object in the sky,but I didnt know what it was. know what it was. 我看见天空中有个物体,可是我不知道它是什么。我看见天空中有个物体,

19、可是我不知道它是什么。 His object of studying English is to know His object of studying English is to know more about England and the English people. more about England and the English people. 他学习英语的目的是更多地了解英国和英国人民。他学习英语的目的是更多地了解英国和英国人民。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归纳总结归纳总结object object ;n. n. ; 。objectob

20、ject与与介词介词_或或_连用构成短语。连用构成短语。(1)object to (sb./sth.)(1)object to (sb./sth.)反对(某人反对(某人/ /某事)某事)object to doing sth.object to doing sth.反对做某事反对做某事(2)objection (2)objection n. n.反对,不赞成反对,不赞成have/take/make an objection to (doing) sth.have/take/make an objection to (doing) sth.对对表示反对表示反对raise an objection

21、 to sth.raise an objection to sth.对对提出异议提出异议objective objective adj.adj.真实的;客观的;无偏见的真实的;客观的;无偏见的vi.vi.不赞成不赞成;反对反对物体物体目标目标totoagainstagainst高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning注意注意 objectobject表示表示“反对反对”,为不及物动词,接,为不及物动词,接宾语后需加介词宾语后需加介词toto;opposeoppose表示表示“反对反对”,为及,为及物动词,接宾语后不需加介词物动词,接宾语后不需加介词toto。be o

22、pposed be opposed to.to.表示表示“反对反对;和;和相反相反”。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即学即用即学即用(1 1)我们抗议这种待遇。)我们抗议这种待遇。 We We being treated like this. being treated like this.(2 2)我提出反对意见:他太年轻不适合这个职位。)我提出反对意见:他太年轻不适合这个职位。 I I he was too young for the he was too young for the position. position.(3 3)我反对该计划的主要理

23、由是它费用太高。)我反对该计划的主要理由是它费用太高。 My main My main the plan is that it the plan is that it costs too much. costs too much.object toobject toobjected thatobjected thatobjection toobjection to高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning3.forbid3.forbid S So om me e b be eg ga an n t to o r re ef fo or rm m t th he ei

24、ir r l le eg ga al l s sy ys st te em ms s a an nd d f fo or rb ba ad de e r re es se ea ar rc ch h i in nt to o h hu um ma an n cloning,.( cloning,.(回归课本回归课本P P1212) )观察思考观察思考 T Th he e l la aw w f fo or rb bi id ds s s sm mo ok ki in ng g i in n p pu ub bl li ic c buildings. buildings. 法律禁止在公共场所吸烟

25、。法律禁止在公共场所吸烟。 W Wo om me en n a ar re e f fo or rb bi id dd de en n f fr ro om m g go oi in ng g o ou ut t without a veil. without a veil. 妇女不戴面纱禁止外出。妇女不戴面纱禁止外出。 I It ts s f fo or rb bi id dd de en n t to o m ma ar rr ry y s so om me eo on ne e w wh ho o i is s not a member of the same faith. not a

26、member of the same faith. 禁止与宗教信仰不同的人结婚。禁止与宗教信仰不同的人结婚。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归纳总结归纳总结forbid _forbid _,过去式为,过去式为_ ,过去分词,过去分词 。forbid sb.to do sth.forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事forbid doing sth.forbid doing sth.禁止做某事禁止做某事forbid that.forbid that.禁止禁止(从句中常用(从句中常用should+should+动动词原形)词原形)fo

27、rbid sb.sth.forbid sb.sth.禁止某人某事禁止某人某事forbid sb.from doing.forbid sb.from doing.禁止某人做禁止某人做Its forbidden to do sth.Its forbidden to do sth.做某事是禁止的做某事是禁止的the Forbidden Citythe Forbidden City紫禁城紫禁城vt vt. . 禁止;反对禁止;反对forbade/forbade/forbadforbadforbiddenforbidden高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即学即用即学即

28、用(1 1)新法律禁止在办公室内抽烟。)新法律禁止在办公室内抽烟。 (2 2)他们的父亲禁止他们去。)他们的父亲禁止他们去。(3 3)我禁止你进入那个房间。)我禁止你进入那个房间。 The new law forbids smoking in theThe new law forbids smoking in theoffice.office.Their father forbade them to go.Their father forbade them to go.I forbid that you (should) enter theI forbid that you (should)

29、enter theroom.room.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning4.bother4.bother H Ho ow we ev ve er r, ,t th he e p pr ro ob bl le em m t th ha at t s sh he e l la at te er r d de ev ve el lo op pe ed d a a s se er ri io ou us s l lu un ng g d di is se ea as se e b bo ot th he er re ed d scientists.( scientis

30、ts.(回归课本回归课本P P1414) )观察思考观察思考 Dont bother Mary while shes reading. Dont bother Mary while shes reading. 玛丽读书的时候不要打扰她。玛丽读书的时候不要打扰她。 I dont want to bother you with my I dont want to bother you with my problems. problems. 我不想让你因为我的问题而担心。我不想让你因为我的问题而担心。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2CloningIt bothers me t

31、hat he hasnt been telling It bothers me that he hasnt been telling me the truth.me the truth.他一直没有对我讲真话,这让我很苦恼。他一直没有对我讲真话,这让我很苦恼。I hate to be a bother,but could I use your I hate to be a bother,but could I use your phone?phone?给您添麻烦了,我可以用一下你的电话吗?给您添麻烦了,我可以用一下你的电话吗?高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归

32、纳总结归纳总结bother bother ; ;n. n. ;令人烦恼的事;令人烦恼的事或人。或人。bother sb.with/about sth.bother sb.with/about sth.为某事打扰或麻烦某为某事打扰或麻烦某人人bother about/with sth.bother about/with sth.为某事烦恼为某事烦恼bother to do/doing sth.bother to do/doing sth.操心做某事操心做某事It bothers sb.that/to do sth.It bothers sb.that/to do sth.使某人苦恼的是使某人苦恼



35、her,disturb,trouble,annoy的适当形式的适当形式填空填空(1)Stop (1)Stop me when Im working. me when Im working.(2)Whats (2)Whats youmoney problems? youmoney problems?(3)These flies are (3)These flies are me. me.(4)Dont (4)Dont the papers on my desk. the papers on my desk.botheringbotheringtroublingtroublingannoyinga

36、nnoyingdisturbdisturb高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning5.resist5.resist . . . ., ,b bu ut t o ot th he er rs s w wi il ll l s su ur rv vi iv ve e a an nd d p pa as ss s o on n t th he e a ab bi il li it ty y t to o r re es si is st t t th ha at t d di is se ea as se e t to o t th he e next generatio

37、n.( next generation.(回归课本回归课本P P1515) )观察思考观察思考 He is in good healthhe is able to He is in good healthhe is able to resist diseases. resist diseases. 他身体健康,能抵抗疾病。他身体健康,能抵抗疾病。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning I couldnt resist having a look at her I couldnt resist having a look at her diary. diary.

38、我忍不住看了一眼她的日记。我忍不住看了一眼她的日记。 There has been a lot of resistance to There has been a lot of resistance to this new law. this new law. 这项新的法律已经遇到很多的抵制。这项新的法律已经遇到很多的抵制。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归纳总结归纳总结resist resist ,多与,多与cannot,couldntcannot,couldnt连连用,后跟动词时,常用用,后跟动词时,常用 结构。结构。(1)be hard/impossi

39、ble to resist(1)be hard/impossible to resist难以拒绝难以拒绝resist sb./sth.resist sb./sth.抵抗抵抗/ /抵制某人抵制某人/ /某物某物cant/couldnt resist doing sth.cant/couldnt resist doing sth.禁不住做禁不住做某事某事resist doing sth.resist doing sth.抵制做某事抵制做某事(2)resistant (2)resistant adj.adj.抵抗的;有抵抗力的抵抗的;有抵抗力的be resistant to.be resistant

40、 to.对对有抵抗力有抵抗力(3)resistance n.(3)resistance n.抗拒;反对抗拒;反对vt.vt.抵抗;忍住resist doing sth.resist doing sth.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即学即用即学即用(1)(1)她到达那里时,忍不住想进去。她到达那里时,忍不住想进去。 When she got to the place,she could not When she got to the place,she could not . .(2)(2)我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。 I ca

41、n never I can never . .(3)(3)人们认为上了年纪的人会抵制变革。人们认为上了年纪的人会抵制变革。 Its believed that elderly people Its believed that elderly people change. change.resist going inresist going inresist an ice creamresist an ice creamare always resistant toare always resistant to高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning重点短语与句型重点

42、短语与句型6.in favour of6.in favour of Is it Is it in favour ofin favour of cloning or against cloning or against it?( it?(回归课本回归课本P P1212) )观察思考观察思考 I have told her about our plan,and she is I have told her about our plan,and she is in favour of it. in favour of it. 我对她讲了我们的计划,她表示赞同。我对她讲了我们的计划,她表示赞同。 Im

43、 all in favour of equal pay for equal Im all in favour of equal pay for equal work. work. 我完全支持同工同酬。我完全支持同工同酬。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归纳总结归纳总结in favour ofin favour of意为:意为: , 。be in/out of favour (with sb.)=be in/out of be in/out of favour (with sb.)=be in/out of sb.s favoursb.s favour得到得到

44、/ /失去某人的尊重、赞同等失去某人的尊重、赞同等in sb.s favourin sb.s favour对某人有利对某人有利in favourin favour赞同的;流行的;得宠的赞同的;流行的;得宠的out of favourout of favour失宠的;不流行的失宠的;不流行的do sb.a favour=do a favour for sb.do sb.a favour=do a favour for sb.帮某人忙帮某人忙owe sb.a favourowe sb.a favour欠某人情欠某人情favour sb.with sth.favour sb.with sth.为某人

45、做某事为某人做某事支持支持赞同赞同高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即学即用即学即用用用favourfavour的相关短语填空的相关短语填空(1 1)There were 247 votes There were 247 votes and 152 and 152 against. against.(2 2)Shes not Shes not the media the media just now. just now.(3 3)The exchange rate is The exchange rate is at at the moment. the mo

46、ment.(4 4)Could you Could you to pick up to pick up Sam from school today? Sam from school today?in favourin favourin favour within favour within our favourin our favourdo me a favourdo me a favour高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning7.pay off7.pay off But at last the determination and But at last the

47、determination and patience of the scientists patience of the scientists paid offpaid off in in 1996 with a breakthrough.( 1996 with a breakthrough.(回归课本回归课本P P1111) )观察思考观察思考 It took them three years to pay off their It took them three years to pay off their debts. debts. 他们用了他们用了3 3年才还清了债务。年才还清了债务。

48、 John studied hard before the examination, John studied hard before the examination, and it paid off. and it paid off. 约翰考试前学习很刻苦,因此得到了好成绩。约翰考试前学习很刻苦,因此得到了好成绩。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归纳总结归纳总结pay offpay off意为:意为: ; ; 。pay sth.offpay sth.off全部偿还;偿清(债务)全部偿还;偿清(债务)pay sb.for sth.=pay sth.to sb

49、.for sth.pay sb.for sth.=pay sth.to sb.for sth.付钱付钱给某人作为给某人作为的费用的费用pay for sth.pay for sth.为某事吃苦头或受惩罚为某事吃苦头或受惩罚pay backpay back还钱;报复还钱;报复pay a price for.pay a price for.为所得付出代价为所得付出代价得到好结果得到好结果取得成功取得成功偿清偿清高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即学即用即学即用用用paypay的相关短语填空的相关短语填空(1 1)T Th he ey y t to oo ok k

50、a a h he el ll l o of f a a r ri is sk k b bu ut t i it t . .(2 2)Can you lend me 100 Can you lend me 100 yuanyuan?Ill ?Ill you you on Friday. on Friday.( (3 3) )I Il ll l m ma ak ke e h he er r r ru ui in ni in ng g m my y chances! chances!paid offpaid offpaypaybackbackpay forpay for高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知

51、识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning8 8. .T Th he en n c ca am me e t th he e d di is st tu ur rb bi in ng g n ne ew ws s t th ha at t D Do ol ll ly y h ha ad d b be ec co om me e s se er ri io ou us sl ly y i il ll l. .接接着着传传 来多莉病重的坏消息。来多莉病重的坏消息。典例体验典例体验 He had no idea He had no idea whenwhen she would come back. s

52、he would come back. 他不知道她何时会回来。他不知道她何时会回来。 The thought The thought thatthat Lao Li would open a Lao Li would open a restaurant in New York surprised his wife. restaurant in New York surprised his wife. 老李要在纽约开饭店的想法让他的妻子非常吃老李要在纽约开饭店的想法让他的妻子非常吃 惊。惊。 He got a message from Mr.Johnson He got a message fr

53、om Mr.Johnson thatthat the the manager could not see him that afternoon. manager could not see him that afternoon. 他从约翰逊先生那里得到消息,经理那天下午他从约翰逊先生那里得到消息,经理那天下午 不能同他会面了。不能同他会面了。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归纳总结归纳总结此句中的此句中的thatthat引导的从句为引导的从句为 ,thatthat仅起仅起 作用,无意义。作用,无意义。(1 1)常见的后接同位语从句的抽象名词有:)常见的后接同

54、位语从句的抽象名词有:fact,news,hope,truth,idea,suggestion,thought,fact,news,hope,truth,idea,suggestion,thought,question,order,problem,belief,fearquestion,order,problem,belief,fear等。等。(2 2)同位语从句常用)同位语从句常用thatthat引导,也可以由连接代词引导,也可以由连接代词who,what,whose,which,who,what,whose,which,连接副词连接副词how,when,where,how,when,whe

55、re,whywhy或连词或连词whetherwhether来引导。来引导。同位语从句同位语从句连接连接高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即学即用即学即用(1 1)He must answer the question He must answer the question ( (他是否同意他是否同意).).(2 2) ( (有消息传来说有消息传来说) a woman ) a woman in the capital died of the H1N1 flu in the capital died of the H1N1 flu virus. virus.whe

56、ther hewhether heagrees or notagrees or notWord came thatWord came that高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning9 9. .D Di iv ve er rs si it ty y i in n a a g gr ro ou up p m me ea an ns s h ha av vi in ng g a an ni im ma al ls s w wi it th h t th he ei ir r g ge en ne es s a ar rr ra an ng ge ed d i in n

57、d di if ff fe er re en nt t w wa ay ys s. .群群中中的的多多样样性性指指的的是是拥拥有有 基因排列方式不同的动物。基因排列方式不同的动物。典例体验典例体验 Dont sleep Dont sleep with the windows openwith the windows open. . 别开着窗户睡觉。别开着窗户睡觉。 The room was dark The room was dark with all the lights offwith all the lights off. . 电灯都熄灭了,房间里漆黑一片。电灯都熄灭了,房间里漆黑一片。

58、 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning She sat there She sat there with a smile on her facewith a smile on her face. . 她坐在那里,满面笑容。她坐在那里,满面笑容。 With nothing to do With nothing to do ,I went out for a walk.,I went out for a walk. 因无事可做,我出去散了散步。因无事可做,我出去散了散步。 The thief was brought in The thief was brought

59、in with his handswith his hands tied behind.tied behind. 小偷被带上来,双手绑在身后。小偷被带上来,双手绑在身后。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning归纳总结归纳总结.with their genes arranged in different .with their genes arranged in different waysways引导的句子作引导的句子作 。 (表状态)(表状态) 副词副词 现在分词(表主动)现在分词(表主动) (表被动)(表被动) 不定式(表不定式(表 )withwith结构在句

60、中作定语或状语。结构在句中作定语或状语。状语状语with+with+n. n./ /pron.pron.+ +形容词形容词介词短语介词短语过去分词过去分词将来将来高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即学即用即学即用(1 1)All the morning he workedAll the morning he worked ( (锁着门锁着门).).(2 2) ( (冬天来了冬天来了),its ),its time to buy warm clothes. time to buy warm clothes.(3 3)I cant go outI cant go

61、out ( (因为所有这些碟子都要洗涮因为所有这些碟子都要洗涮).).with thewith thedoor lockeddoor lockedWith winter coming onWith winter coming onwith all these disheswith all these dishesto washto wash高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】Wow!Youve got so many clothes.Wow!Youve got so many clothes. But But of them are

62、 in fashion of them are in fashion now. now. (上海高考)(上海高考) A.all A.allB.bothB.both C.neither C.neitherD.noneD.none 解解析析 由由答答语语中中的的B Bu ut t可可知知上上下下句句为为转转折折关关系系, 句句意意为为:“哇哇,你你有有这这么么多多的的衣衣服服”“但但现现在在 没没有有一一件件是是时时尚尚的的”。因因此此可可排排除除A A、B B两两项项, 而而C C项是表示两者之间项是表示两者之间“没有一个没有一个”,故应排除。,故应排除。 课文原文课文原文 Then Then

63、nonenone of them would be left to of them would be left to continue the species. continue the species.D高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning【例例2 2】His efforts to raise money for his His efforts to raise money for his program were program were because no one showed because no one showed any intention to

64、 take a cent out of their any intention to take a cent out of their pockets. pockets. (湖北高考)(湖北高考) A.in place A.in placeB.in sightB.in sight C.in effect C.in effectD.in vainD.in vain 解解析析 i in n p pl la ac ce e在在适适当当的的位位置置;i in n s si ig gh ht t在在视视 力力所所及及范范围围之之内内;i in n e ef ff fe ec ct t实实际际上上;i i

65、n n v va ai in n 徒徒劳劳。由由状状语语从从句句中中的的n no o o on ne e s sh ho ow we ed d a an ny y intention intention可知,他筹钱的努力失败了。可知,他筹钱的努力失败了。 D高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning 课文原文课文原文 All efforts of cloning an animal will be All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vainin vain if there is not enough diversi

66、ty if there is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses. in the group to overcome illnesses.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning【例例3 3】It was announced that only when the It was announced that only when the fire was under control fire was under control to return to to return to their ho

67、mes. their homes. (江西高考)(江西高考) A.the residents would be permitted A.the residents would be permitted B.had the residents been permitted B.had the residents been permitted C.would the residents be permitted C.would the residents be permitted D.the residents had been permitted D.the residents had been

68、 permitted 解解析析 句句意意为为:据据宣宣布布, ,只只有有在在火火势势被被控控制制住住的的 时时候候居居民民们们才才被被允允许许回回到到家家中中。t th ha at t从从句句中中 o on nl ly y引引导导的的时时间间状状语语从从句句位位于于句句首首, ,t th ha at t从从句句需需 用部分倒装结构。用部分倒装结构。 C高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning 课文原文课文原文 Then came the disturbing newsThen came the disturbing news that Dolly that Doll

69、y had become seriously ill. had become seriously ill.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning【例例4 4】Is there any possibility Is there any possibility you you could pick me up at the airport? could pick me up at the airport? No problem. No problem. (浙江高考)(浙江高考) A.when A.whenB.thatB.that C.whether C.whether

70、D.whatD.what 解析解析 Is there any possibility that.Is there any possibility that. 有有的可能吗?的可能吗?thatthat在句中引导同位语从在句中引导同位语从 句,补充说明句,补充说明possibilitypossibility的具体内容。的具体内容。thatthat在在 从句中无实际含义,但不可省略。从句中无实际含义,但不可省略。 课文原文课文原文 The fact The fact thatthat she seemed to develop she seemed to develop normally was v

71、ery encouraging. normally was very encouraging.B高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning【例例5 5】The growing speed of a plant is The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, influenced by a number of factors, are are beyond our control. beyond our control. (湖南高考)(湖南高考) A.most of them A

72、.most of them B.most of which B.most of which C.most of what C.most of what D.most of that D.most of that 解解析析 句句意意为为:植植物物的的生生长长速速度度受受诸诸多多因因素素的的 影影 响响 , 绝绝 大大 多多 数数 的的 因因 素素 是是 我我 们们 控控 制制 不不 了了 的的 。 w wh hi ic ch h引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,且且作作介介词词o of f的的宾宾 语。语。B高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning课文原文课文

73、原文The popularity of films such as The popularity of films such as Jurassic Jurassic ParkPark, ,in whichin which a scientist clones several a scientist clones several kinds of extinct dinosaurs,. kinds of extinct dinosaurs,. 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning写作技能写作技能英语写作中的经典句型英语写作中的经典句型 句型句型1 1 The r

74、easons are chiefly as The reasons are chiefly as follows.Firstly.Secondly.follows.Firstly.Secondly.理由主要如下理由主要如下: :首先首先其次其次 The reasons are chiefly as follows. The reasons are chiefly as follows.Firstly,trees can take in a lot of carbon Firstly,trees can take in a lot of carbon dioxide which is harmf

75、ul to our health.dioxide which is harmful to our health.Secondly,trees can make our city more Secondly,trees can make our city more beautiful.beautiful. 理由主要如下理由主要如下: :首先首先, ,树木可以吸收大量的对树木可以吸收大量的对我们有害的二氧化碳。其次,树木能使我们的城我们有害的二氧化碳。其次,树木能使我们的城市更加美丽。市更加美丽。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning 句型句型2 2 Actions

76、 should be taken to.Actions should be taken to.必必须采取措施去须采取措施去 Actions should be taken to get rid of Actions should be taken to get rid of all kinds of pollution.all kinds of pollution. 必须采取措施清除所有污染。必须采取措施清除所有污染。 句型句型3 3 There are good reasons to.There are good reasons to.完完全有理由去全有理由去 There are good

77、reasons to cancel this There are good reasons to cancel this impractical plan.impractical plan. 完全有理由取消这个不切实际的计划。完全有理由取消这个不切实际的计划。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning 句型句型4 4 Therefore I strongly recommend Therefore I strongly recommend that.that.因此,我强烈建议因此,我强烈建议 Therefore I strongly recommend that w

78、e Therefore I strongly recommend that we should write more interesting books for should write more interesting books for children in case they should indulge in children in case they should indulge in obscene readings.obscene readings. 因此,我强烈建议我们应该为孩子们多写一因此,我强烈建议我们应该为孩子们多写一些有趣的书籍,以免他们沉迷于色情读物。些有趣的书籍,

79、以免他们沉迷于色情读物。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning句型句型5 5 A hot topic discussed today A hot topic discussed today is.is.现在人们讨论的一个热点问题是现在人们讨论的一个热点问题是 A hot topic discussed today is whether A hot topic discussed today is whether we should clone human beings.we should clone human beings. 现在人们讨论的一个热点问题是我们是

80、否可现在人们讨论的一个热点问题是我们是否可以克隆人。以克隆人。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning 句型句型6 6 There is no evidence to suggest There is no evidence to suggest that.that.认为认为是毫无根据的。是毫无根据的。 There is no evidence to suggest that we There is no evidence to suggest that we must depend on Western countries to develop must dep

81、end on Western countries to develop our economy.our economy. 认为我们必须依靠西方国家来发展经济是毫认为我们必须依靠西方国家来发展经济是毫无根据的。无根据的。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning 句型句型7 7 When it comes to.many people When it comes to.many people believe that.believe that.当说到当说到时,许多人认为时,许多人认为 When it comes to global warming,many When i

82、t comes to global warming,many people think it is dangerous for human people think it is dangerous for human beings.beings. 当说到地球变暖的问题时,许多人认为这对当说到地球变暖的问题时,许多人认为这对人类是危险的。人类是危险的。 句型句型8 8 Now it is time something was Now it is time something was done to.done to.现在是采取措施做现在是采取措施做的时候了。的时候了。 Now it is time

83、 something was done to Now it is time something was done to get rid of pollution.get rid of pollution. 现在是采取措施清除污染的时候了。现在是采取措施清除污染的时候了。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning 句型句型9 9 From what has been discussed From what has been discussed above,we may.above,we may. 根据以上讨论我们可以根据以上讨论我们可以 From what has b

84、een discussed above,we From what has been discussed above,we may conclude that it is necessary to may conclude that it is necessary to collect money to build a bridge.collect money to build a bridge. 根据以上讨论,我们可以得出结论,必须集根据以上讨论,我们可以得出结论,必须集资建桥。资建桥。 高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning 句型句型10 10 It goes

85、without saying that.It goes without saying that.是不言而喻的。是不言而喻的。 It goes without saying that doing well It goes without saying that doing well in lessons will make our parents happy.in lessons will make our parents happy. 学习好能让父母高兴这是不言而喻的。学习好能让父母高兴这是不言而喻的。高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning即时练习即时练习翻译句子

86、翻译句子1.1.理由主要如下:首先,吸烟有害健康;其次,理由主要如下:首先,吸烟有害健康;其次, 吸烟可能引起火灾。吸烟可能引起火灾。 2.2.必须采取措施解决这个问题。必须采取措施解决这个问题。 3.3.完全有理由实施鼓励储蓄的计划。完全有理由实施鼓励储蓄的计划。 The reasons are chiefly as follows:The reasons are chiefly as follows:Firstly,smoking does harm to our health.Firstly,smoking does harm to our health.Secondly,it may

87、cause fires.Secondly,it may cause fires.Actions should be taken to solve theActions should be taken to solve theproblem.problem.There are good reasons to carry out theThere are good reasons to carry out theplan to encourage savings.plan to encourage savings.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning4.4.因此我强

88、烈建议学校采取措施保证每个学生的因此我强烈建议学校采取措施保证每个学生的 安全。安全。 5.5.现在人们讨论的热点问题是房价是否会持续上现在人们讨论的热点问题是房价是否会持续上 涨。涨。 Therefore I strongly recommend that ourTherefore I strongly recommend that ourschool should do something to ensure theschool should do something to ensure thesafety of all the students.safety of all the stu

89、dents.A hot topic discussed today is whetherA hot topic discussed today is whetherthe price of the houses will keep goingthe price of the houses will keep goingup.up.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1 1. .S Sh he e p pu ut t s so om me e d d o on n t th he e C Ch hr ri is st tm ma

90、as s tree. tree.2 2. .W We e h ha av ve e m ma ad de e a an no ot th he er r b b i in n space exploration. space exploration.3 3. .S Sm mo ok ki in ng g i is s f f i in n p pu ub bl li ic c p pl la ac ce es s. .4.He cant bear the complicated p4.He cant bear the complicated p for applying for a visa.

91、 for applying for a visa.5 5. .T Th he e d di ir re ec ct to or r a an nn no ou un nc ce ed d t th ha at t a an ny y r r suggestion would be adopted. suggestion would be adopted.ecorationsecorationsreakthroughreakthroughorbiddenorbiddenrocedurerocedureeasonableeasonable高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Clo

92、ning6 6. .A A t te ea am m f fr ro om m t th he e U UK K w we er re e t th he e f fi ir rs st t t to o successfully successfully c c an animal. an animal.7.He decided to open a small shop after his 7.He decided to open a small shop after his ( (退休退休) in order to make a ) in order to make a living. l

93、iving.8 8. .I It t i is s ( (强强 制制 的的) ) f fo or r a al ll l motorcyclists to wear helmets. motorcyclists to wear helmets.9 9. .H Hi is s a ac ct ti io on ns s w we er re e b ba as se ed d o on n a a f fa al ls se e ( (假设假设).).10.This is the one major 10.This is the one major ( (缺点缺点) of ) of the ne

94、w system. the new system.loneloneretirementretirementcompulsorycompulsoryassumptionassumptiondrawbackdrawback高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning.短语运用短语运用in favour of,cast down,object to,be bound in favour of,cast down,object to,be bound to,pay off,bring back to life,in vain,in to,pay off,bring back t

95、o life,in vain,in good condition,strike.into ones heart,good condition,strike.into ones heart,from time to timefrom time to time1.He is not easily 1.He is not easily ,because he is ,because he is a strong a strongminded person.minded person.2.I 2.I the plan on the grounds the plan on the grounds bec

96、ause it is too expensive. because it is too expensive.3.After 10 years of hard work,they3.After 10 years of hard work,they their debts at last. their debts at last.cast downcast downobject toobject topaid offpaid off高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning4.You 4.You feel nervous about your feel nervous a

97、bout your job interview. job interview.5.The current government is5.The current government is his economic theories. his economic theories.6.She went upstairs to see if he was still 6.She went upstairs to see if he was still asleep asleep . .7.The old lady couldnt7.The old lady couldnt by the doctor

98、s because she stopped by the doctors because she stopped breathing so long. breathing so long.8.They tried 8.They tried to persuade her to go. to persuade her to go.9.The poor boy cant 9.The poor boy cant his fear and his fear and experience in the earthquake _ experience in the earthquake _ peoples

99、 heart. peoples heart.10.The plants grow best 10.The plants grow best . .are bound toare bound toin favour ofin favour offrom time to timefrom time to timebe brought back tobe brought back tolifelifein vainin vainstrikestrikein good conditionin good conditionintointo高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Clonin

100、g.完成句子完成句子1.1.如果你坚持努力像这样工作,你的研究必定会如果你坚持努力像这样工作,你的研究必定会 获得成功。获得成功。(be bound to)(be bound to) 2.2.他昨晚回来很晚,确切地说是今天早上两点钟。他昨晚回来很晚,确切地说是今天早上两点钟。 (to be exact) (to be exact) If you keep working hard like this,yourIf you keep working hard like this,yourresearch is bound to obtain great success.research is b

101、ound to obtain great success.He came back very late at nightHe came back very late at nightyesterday,to be exact,200 this morning.yesterday,to be exact,200 this morning.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning3.3.在许多人看来,在许多人看来,“超女超女”的表演有一些商业化。的表演有一些商业化。 (commercial) (commercial) 4.4.这个国家的经济实力这些年似乎在增加。这个国家

102、的经济实力这些年似乎在增加。 (accumulate) (accumulate) In the opinion of many people,the show ofIn the opinion of many people,the show of“Super Girls” is a little bit commercial.“Super Girls” is a little bit commercial.The economic power of this country seemsThe economic power of this country seemsto have been ac

103、cumulating these years.to have been accumulating these years.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning5.5.看足球回来后,那个男孩整天都很沮丧。看足球回来后,那个男孩整天都很沮丧。(cast (cast down down)6.6.如何度假,她总是与我有分歧。如何度假,她总是与我有分歧。(differ)(differ) A Af ft te er r r re et tu ur rn ni in ng g f fr ro om m w wa at tc ch hi in ng g t th he e fo

104、otball match,the boy was cast down all football match,the boy was cast down all day.day.She always differs from me about how toShe always differs from me about how tospend the vacation.spend the vacation.高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning.单项填空单项填空1 1. .M My y d da au ug gh ht te er r l li iv ve ed d

105、 i in n F Fr ra an nc ce e f fo or r f fi iv ve e y ye ea ar rs s a an nd d n no ow w s sh he es s w wo or rk ki in ng g i in n a a foreign company. foreign company. i is s n no o w wo on nd de er r t th ha at t s sh he e s sp pe ea ak ks s s su uc ch h excellent French. excellent French. A.It A.ItB

106、.ThereB.There C.That C.ThatD.ThisD.This 解解析析 此此题题考考查查固固定定句句式式。I It t i is s n no o w wo on nd de er r t th ha at t. . . .不不足足为为奇奇,是是固固定定句句式式,其其中中i it t作作 形式主语,形式主语,thatthat从句为真正主语。从句为真正主语。A高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning2.The plane cannot 2.The plane cannot or land safely or land safely every tim

107、e. every time. A.take in A.take inB.take onB.take on C.take over C.take overD.take offD.take off 解解析析 题题干干是是一一个个部部分分否否定定句句,n no ot t. . . .e ev ve er ry y t ti im me e表表示示“并并非非每每次次”;t ta ak ke e i in n意意为为“接接收收; 吸吸收收;理理解解;注注意意到到;欺欺骗骗;t ta ak ke e o on n披披上上;呈呈 现现;具具有有;雇雇用用;承承担担;t ta ak ke e o ov ve

108、er r把把从从一一 地地带带到到另另一一地地;接接收收;接接管管;t ta ak ke e o of ff f起起飞飞; 拿拿掉掉;取取消消;脱脱衣衣;成成功功。句句意意为为:飞飞机机并并不不 是每次都能安全起飞或降落。是每次都能安全起飞或降落。D高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning3.She has worked at the bank for many 3.She has worked at the bank for many years,nine years,nine . . A.generally speaking A.generally speaki

109、ng B.believe it or not B.believe it or not C.to be exact C.to be exact D.to be honest D.to be honest 解解析析 g ge en ne er ra al ll ly y s sp pe ea ak ki in ng g一一般般来来说说;b be el li ie ev ve e i it t o or r n no ot t信信不不信信由由你你;t to o b be e e ex xa ac ct t确确切切地地 说;说;to be honestto be honest说实话。说实话。C高考一轮

110、复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning4 4. .I It ts s c cl le ea ar r t th ha at t n ne ei it th he er r h he e n no or r h hi is s p pa ar re en nt ts s t th he e p pl la an n p pu ut t f fo or rw wa ar rd d a at t the family meeting. the family meeting. A.agrees to A.agrees toB.are forB.are for C.is in fa

111、vor of C.is in favor ofD.agree onD.agree on 解解析析 n ne ei it th he er r. . . .n no or r连连接接两两个个并并列列的的主主语语时时, 谓谓语语采采用用临临近近原原则则,所所以以谓谓语语的的数数应应由由h hi is s p pa ar re en nt ts s来来决决定定。因因为为h hi is s p pa ar re en nt ts s是是复复数数,所所 以以a ag gr re ee es s t to o和和i is s i in n f fa av vo or r o of f都都可可以以排排除除;

112、 a ag gr re ee e o on n的的主主语语必必须须是是达达成成共共识识的的人人们们或或者者单单 位,故答案只能选位,故答案只能选B B项。项。B高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning5 5. .S So om me e b bl lo oo od d t ty yp pe es s a ar re e q qu ui it te e c co om mm mo on n, ,o ot th he er rs s a ar re e r re eg gi io on na al ll ly y, , a an nd d s st ti il ll l

113、 o ot th he er rs s are rare everywhere. are rare everywhere. A.distributed A.distributedB.contributedB.contributed C.obtained C.obtainedD.convincedD.convinced 解解析析 d di is st tr ri ib bu ut te e分分散散,分分布布;c co on nt tr ri ib bu ut te e贡贡 献献;导导致致;o ob bt ta ai in n得得到到;c co on nv vi in nc ce e使使某某人人确

114、确 信信;使使某某人人明明白白。句句意意为为:一一些些血血型型很很普普通通, 一一些些只只分分布布在在局局部部地地区区,另另外外还还有有一一些些在在哪哪儿儿 都很罕见。由句意可知都很罕见。由句意可知A A项正确。项正确。A高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning6.Believe me,all your efforts will 6.Believe me,all your efforts will some day. some day. Thanks for your encouragement. Thanks for your encouragement. A.p

115、ay back A.pay backB.pay downB.pay down C.pay off C.pay offD.pay forD.pay for 解析解析 句意为:相信我,你所有的努力总有一句意为:相信我,你所有的努力总有一 天会有回报的。天会有回报的。pay backpay back偿还;偿还;pay downpay down即时即时 支付;付定金;(分期付款等)付额款;支付;付定金;(分期付款等)付额款;pay pay off off付清;偿清;有回报;付清;偿清;有回报;pay forpay for为为付款。付款。 由句意可知,由句意可知,C C项符合题意。项符合题意。C高考一轮

116、复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning7.Dont 7.Dont your father about it now;he is your father about it now;he is very tired. very tired. A.care A.careB.botherB.bother C.set C.setD.getD.get 解析解析 bother sb.about.bother sb.about.麻烦某人麻烦某人。句。句 意为:现在不要拿这个去麻烦你父亲,他很累意为:现在不要拿这个去麻烦你父亲,他很累 了。了。B高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8

117、Unit2Cloning8.If you sleep short of 7 hours,you are 8.If you sleep short of 7 hours,you are three times three times to catch a cold. to catch a cold. A.possible A.possibleB.certainlyB.certainly C.probable C.probableD.likelyD.likely 解解析析 句句意意为为:如如果果你你的的睡睡眠眠(时时间间)少少于于7 7个个 小小时时,你你患患感感冒冒的的可可能能性性会会是是(原原

118、来来的的)3 3倍倍。 s sb b. .i is s l li ik ke el ly y t to o d do o s st th h. .是是固固定定表表达达,表表示示 “ “某人有可能做某事某人有可能做某事”。所以选。所以选D D项。项。D高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning9.What is the way David thought of 9.What is the way David thought of his debts? his debts? A.paying off A.paying offB.being paid offB.being

119、paid off C.to pay off C.to pay offD.being paid forD.being paid for 解解析析 t to o p pa ay y o of ff f 修修饰饰 w wa ay y, ,作作定定语语,表表示示 “还还清清债债务务的的方方法法”。D Da av vi id d t th ho ou ug gh ht t o of f 是是定定 语从句,也修饰语从句,也修饰 way way。C高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning10.Dont give up.10.Dont give up. But what can w

120、e do?I cant see there But what can we do?I cant see there is a chance is a chance we will win. we will win. A.if A.ifB.whichB.which C.whether C.whetherD.thatD.that 解解析析 考考查查名名词词性性从从句句。i if f不不能能引引导导同同位位语语从从 句句,故故首首先先应应排排除除;w wh he et th he er r意意义义不不合合适适,故故也也 被被排排除除;另另外外,此此处处所所选选词词语语不不作作任任何何成成分分, 故只

121、能选用故只能选用thatthat。D高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning11.The chairman asked the members to 11.The chairman asked the members to their votes for or against the proposal. their votes for or against the proposal. A.bid A.bidB.offerB.offer C.cast C.castD.throwD.throw 解解析析 句句意意为为:主主席席要要成成员员们们投投票票表表决决是是同同意意

122、 还还是是反反对对这这个个提提议议。b bi id d出出价价,投投标标;命命令令,吩吩 咐咐;o of ff fe er r提提供供;c ca as st t投投(票票),c ca as st t a a v vo ot te e 投票,为固定搭配;投票,为固定搭配;throwthrow投,掷。投,掷。C高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning12.12. was known to all that Bob had was known to all that Bob had broken his promise broken his promise he woul

123、d give he would give them a rise. them a rise. A.As;which A.As;whichB.What;thatB.What;that C.It;that C.It;thatD.It;whichD.It;which 解解析析 第第一一个个空空需需要要一一个个形形式式主主语语,只只有有代代词词 i it t可可作作形形式式主主语语;p pr ro om mi is se e诺诺言言,后后面面跟跟了了一一个个 同位语从句,需用同位语从句,需用thatthat引导。引导。C高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning13.13.

124、a terrible storm would take place a terrible storm would take place in Hainan. in Hainan. A.Word came which A.Word came which B.Word came that B.Word came that C.Word that came C.Word that came D.Words came that D.Words came that 解析解析 考查名词性从句。考查名词性从句。wordword作作“消息,音讯消息,音讯” 讲时,只用单数,不加冠词,排除讲时,只用单数,不加冠

125、词,排除D D项;另外此项;另外此 处选用处选用thatthat引导同位语从句,引导同位语从句,thatthat不作成分,不作成分, 也无任何意义,只起连接作用。也无任何意义,只起连接作用。B高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning14.Although metals 14.Although metals widely in widely in qualities,qualities, such as strength and hardness,they all such as strength and hardness,they all have certain

126、qualities in have certain qualities in . . A.vary;general A.vary;general B.differ;common B.differ;common C.react;particular C.react;particular D.refer;details D.refer;details 解析解析 differ indiffer in在在不同;不同;in commonin common共同共同 的,共有的。的,共有的。B高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning15.It is only 6.7% of Ko

127、rean students 15.It is only 6.7% of Korean students h ha av ve e e ev ve er r r re ea ad d C Ch hi in ne es se e b bo oo ok ks s o or r w wa at tc ch he ed d Chinese TV programs. Chinese TV programs. A.which A.whichB.whoeverB.whoever C.that C.thatD.whatD.what 解解析析 考考查查强强调调句句。本本句句强强调调的的是是句句子子的的主主语语 only 6.7% of Korean students only 6.7% of Korean students。C返回高考一轮复习(新人教版英语)知识点梳理选修8Unit2Cloning



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