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1、Unit-3-Topic-1-Unit-3-Topic-1-Section-CSection-Cspeaklaywaterdigdividestick spoke spoken dug watered watered laid laid stuck stuck dugdivided divided Verb Past Tense Past Participle被动结构的基本构成:被动结构的基本构成: be +过去分词过去分词ReviewArticle5_popwin_in the world 1. 你可以把它贴在墙上。你可以把它贴在墙上。2 .我会见到更多的卡通人物。我会见到更多的卡通人物。3

2、 .世界上数以百万的人都喜欢迪士尼乐园。世界上数以百万的人都喜欢迪士尼乐园。4 .我迫不及待地想飞到哪儿呢!我迫不及待地想飞到哪儿呢!You can stick it on the wall.I will be able to see more cartoon characters.Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of pepole from all over the world.I cant wait to fly there!KEYKEYKEYKEYTranslationArticle5_popwin_embarrassed1 5 .你在那儿将有一个练习

3、英语的好机会。你在那儿将有一个练习英语的好机会。6 .英语在美国被当作主要语言使用。英语在美国被当作主要语言使用。7 .西班牙语和英语相似吗?西班牙语和英语相似吗?8 .你与人交流可能会遇到一些麻烦吗?你与人交流可能会遇到一些麻烦吗?KEYYou will have a good chance to practice English there.English is spoken as the main language in America.Is Spanish similar to English?Is it possbile for you to have trouble communi

4、cating?KEYKEYKEYArticle5_popwin_embarrassed2 KEY 9 .如果有必要,我会请一名翻译帮忙。如果有必要,我会请一名翻译帮忙。10 .祝你成功!祝你成功! If necessary,Ill ask an interpreter for help. I wish you success!KEYArticle5_popwin_embarrassed2 母语母语起源,根源;根;词根起源,根源;根;词根商人,买卖人商人,买卖人出生地的,当地的出生地的,当地的讲(某种语言)的人;发言者讲(某种语言)的人;发言者外国的外国的根据;根基;总部;以根据;根基;总部;以

5、.为基础为基础欧洲的欧洲的王国;管辖范围;领域王国;管辖范围;领域旅游业;观光旅游业;观光会议,商谈会议,商谈旅游者;游客旅游者;游客mother tonguetraderrootnativespeakerforeignbaseEuropeankingdomtourismconferencetouristNew wordsthe U.S.A.CanadaNew ZealandAustraliathe United KingdomIreland English-speaking countriesthe root of EnglishEnglish is widely used througho

6、ut the world.European countriesWhen and where do you use English?We use English when wetravel in foreign countriesgo on businessBrainstormWe use English when wewatch international matchessee English filmsIs English spoken by the largest number of people in the world?NOChinese is spoken by the larges

7、t number of people in the world.Fast readingRead 1a and complete the following tasks.Find out what the red numbers refer to.Just find the numbers and read the information around them.3 000500 million309 million300 millionmore than 3 000 language spoken in the worldmore than 500 million people speak

8、English as their mother tonguethe population of the United Statesabout 300 million people speak English as their second languageFast reading1c Read 1a again and fill in the blanks._It is used as a native language, such as in _ and _.It is used as the _ language.It is used as a foreign language, such

9、 as in some European countries, _ and _ .It is used as the _ language for international business, the worlds airline and the _ . Underline the topic sentence of the passageEnglandthe United StatessecondChinaJapanbaseInternetOf all these languages, English is the most widely used.Careful reading1. Th

10、ere are more than 3000 languages are spoken in the world.世界上有世界上有3000多种语言在流通。多种语言在流通。 over“超过超过, ,多于多于” + +数词数词 e.g: more than ten men 十多人十多人 more than 比比更更, , more后面跟后面跟n./多音节多音节adj./adv.E.g: 到目前为止,我已收集了到目前为止,我已收集了300300多张邮票。多张邮票。 I have collected_ so far. 他比吉姆更认真。他比吉姆更认真。 He is _than Jim. (careful

11、)more than 300 stampsmore carefulLanguage points2. Recent surveys show that over 500 million people speak English as their mother tongue. 最近的调查显示,有超过最近的调查显示,有超过5 5亿的亿的人把英语作为母语。人把英语作为母语。 show sb. sth./ show sth to sb. 出示某物给出示某物给某人某人showv.show sb. the way to 告诉某人去告诉某人去的路的路n.表演表演fashion show / talk sho

12、w / flower showe.g: : 让我带你去我的书房。让我带你去我的书房。 请给我出示你的护照。请给我出示你的护照。Let me show you to my study.Please show me your passport./Please show your passport to me.showshowedshown3. There are even more people , like some in Europe as well asin China and Japan, who study English as a foreign language.Who study

13、English as a foreign language 定语从句,修饰名定语从句,修饰名词词people,译为译为“把英语当做第二语言学习把英语当做第二语言学习的的人人。as well as : 和和 也也 在句中连接并列成分,当连接在句中连接并列成分,当连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词和两个并列主语时,谓语动词和as well as 前保持一致。前保持一致。(主主谓一致谓一致)e.g. (1)Guo Moruo is a famous writer as well as a great poet. (2)Mother as well as I goes to the supermarket

14、every Saturday. (3)The teacher as well as the students _ (invite) to visit the new museum.is invited4. It is clear that the English language is becoming more important.显而易见,英语变得更重要了。显而易见,英语变得更重要了。 It is +clear that 显而易见显而易见.;显然显然.It is clear that she did so on purpose.(1)很明显她是故意那样做的。很明显她是故意那样做的。(2)显

15、而易见,我需要更多的时间。显而易见,我需要更多的时间。It is clear that I need more time.It is adj. that It is adj. for sb to do sth. 2 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs.English is the most widely used international language nowadays. It _ (speak) as the mother tongue in such countries as the United King

16、dom, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In many other countries, people _ (speak ) English as their second language. There are about 750 million English speakers in the world. English _(use) in many different fields of life, such as business, tourism and technology. Business peopl

17、e _ (use) English at international conferences, and tourists _ (speak) English when they go abroad. Many English signs _(see) in public places. A wide knowledge of English helps us follow English television programs and _ (enjoy) interesting films. The English language _(play) an important part in o

18、ur lives.is spoken speakis usedusespeakare seen/can be seenenjoyplays1. She will visit some interesting places _ (和)和)famous museums.2. English is spoken as the _ (母母 语)语) in most of the _ (欧洲国家)欧洲国家).3. _ (丰富的电脑知识)丰富的电脑知识) can help us to learn more information.4. The Chinese Characters _(起重要起重要作用)作

19、用)in the world history.as well asplay an important part inA wide knowledge of computerEuropean countriesmother tongueExercises3a Work in groups and find the answers to the questions on the Internet. Then share the information with your group members.1.Where is Chinese mainly spoken?2.How many people

20、 speak Chinese as their second language? Where are they from?3.How many people are learning Chinese as a foreign language? Why are they learning Chinese?3b Write a passage based on the study in 3a.You may start like this: Nowadays Chinese is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Its mai

21、nly spoken in1.There are more than 3000 languages in the world.2.Of all these languages,English is the most widely used.3.Recent surveys show that more than 500 million people speak English as their mother tongue.4.The population of the United States is 309 million,making it the country with the lar

22、gest number of native English speakers.5.About 300 million pepole speak English as their second language.6.There are even more pepole,like some in Europe as well as in China and Japan,who study English as a foreign language.7.Whatever language people speak,they need to know some English if they work in these fields.8.English language is becoming more important.Assignment:Thank you for listening!结束结束



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