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1、Module 4 Fun time Unit 7 School clubs知识导航关键词汇1. 展览会;展销会 (n.) _2. 火箭 (n.)_3. 能;能量 (n.)_4. 参加 (v.)_5. 教;讲授 (v.)_6. 消失;消散 (v.)_7. 吃惊的;感到惊讶的(adj.)_8. 又一;另一(事物或人) (det.)_9. 令人大为惊奇的 (adj.)_fairrocketpowerattendteachdisappearsurprisedanotheramazing10. 技术 (n.)_11. 令人厌倦(或厌烦)的;乏味的(adj.) _12. 大字标题(n.)_13. 消息;资

2、料 (n.)_14. 蚂蚁 (n.)_15. 蝴蝶 (n.)_16. 蜜蜂 (n.)_17. 近来的;新近的(adj.)_skillboringheadlineinformationantbutterflybee recent重要词组1. 太阳能_2. 上个月 _3. 学习 _4. 一路上;自始至终 _5. 当然 _6. 用做_7. 遥控器 _8. 感到兴奋 _9. (在词典或参考书中)查阅,查检 _10. 出发去 _solar powerlast monthlearn aboutall the wayof courseuse to do remote controlfeel excitedl

3、ook upleave for 典型句子1. 上个月,他们参加了俱乐部展览会。(attend)_2. 首先,琳达和利奥了解了火箭俱乐部。(learn about)_3. 我们俱乐部将会教你如何制作火箭。(teach sb. how to do sth.;build)_Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair.First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club.Our club will teach you how to build rockets.4. 然后你可以将它们发射到天上。(launch into

4、the sky)_5. 火箭消失于天空中。(disappear into )_6. 它将会一路到太空去吗? (all the way)_7. 它们只利用太阳能。(solar power)_8. 她从桌子上拿了一辆玩具车,然后用一个遥控器控制着它在操场上四处跑。(take from;use to do )_Then you can launch them into the sky.The rocket disappeared into the sky.Will it go all the way into space?They only use solar power. She took a t

5、oy car from the table and then used a remote control to drive it all around the playground.第1课时 Vocabulary【要点精讲】【要点1】teach【思维导图】举例He teaches Chinese in a primary school. 他在一所小学教语文。He is an English teacher. 他是一名英语教师。Do you know the teacher who will teach us English? 你认识要教我们英语的那位老师吗?He teaches me how

6、to ride a bicycle. 他教我怎样骑自行车。应用(1) ( )She teaches _ Chinese.A. ourB. usC. we (2) She teaches the boys how _ (use) the dictionary.Bto use【要点2】disappear【思维导图】举例The rocket disappeared into the sky. 火箭消失于天空中。She appears on TV at seven every evening. 她每晚7点在电视上露面。应用 (1) The girl _ (disappear) at last. Eve

7、ryone was glad to see her. (2) ( )The black car drove away from them and disappeared. (选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)A. couldnt be seenB. could be seenC. could be heardappeared A【要点3】surprised【思维导图】举例They were very surprised. 他们感到很惊讶。But that is not surprising, either. 但那也不令人惊讶。Her beauty surprised me. 我惊讶于她的美貌。H

8、e gave his mother a big surprise. 他给了他妈妈一个大惊喜。I was surprised at the news. 这个消息令我感到惊讶。To my surprise, she made it at last. 使我惊讶的是,她最终成功了。应用(1) ( )Mary is surprised the plot(情节) of the film. A. toB. inC. at(2) To his _ (surprised), Tom finished it himself. (3) The boy felt so _ (surprise) when he hea

9、rd the news.Csurprisesurprised【要点4】another【思维导图】举例Have another piece of cake. 再吃一块蛋糕吧。This glass is broken. Give me another, please. 这个杯子破了,请给我另拿一个。(指在许多杯子或不定数杯子中的一个)He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other. 他一只手拿着一本书,另一只手拿着一支钢笔。(人只有两只手)应用( )Shall we meet at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry,

10、 lets make it time.A. others B. the other C. anotherC【要点5】amazing【思维导图】举例Where are those amazing photos taken from? 那些神奇的照片是在哪里拍的?We were amazed at the news. 我们对这个消息感到大为惊奇。 应用(1)我得到了一份令人惊奇的工作。(根据汉语意思补全句子)I got _ _ job.(2)她感到如此惊奇以至于跑过去看看发生了什么事情。(根据汉语意思补全句子)She was so _ that she ran to see what happen

11、ed.an amazed amazing【要点6】boring【思维导图】举例The film is very boring. 这部电影很乏味。I felt bored in this class.这堂课让我感到很乏味。It was boring to sit there without anything to do. 坐在那儿无所事事是很乏味的。She is bored with her present job. 她对她目前的工作感到厌烦。应用The book is _(bore). I dont want to read it again. boring课堂练习一、根据要求写出相应的单词1

12、. rocket _(复数形式)2. power _(adj.)3. teacher _ (v.)4. appear _(反义词)5. surprising _6. skill _(复数形式)7. interesting _8. bee _ (复数形式)9. butterfly _(复数形式)10. recently _(adj.)rocketspowerfulteachdisappearamazingskillsboringbeesbutterfliesrecent二、词汇测试i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项。( )1. I will call you

13、when I am free. OK!A. not busy B. happy C. hungry( )2. People were surprised when they heard the news. Because it was a surprising news.A. nervous B. excited C. amazedA C( )3. You should fill a form (填写表格) if you want to take part in the activity. No problem.A. arrive at B. join in C. make friends w

14、ith( )4. Its amazing for people to use power from the Sun. Yes. People are great.A. wonderful B. surprising C. importantB B( )5. What did your classmates do on Friday afternoon?Most of them attended the violin class on Friday afternoon. A. left B. visited C. went to( )6. He was talking with me all t

15、he way while I was driving. It was very dangerous.A. from the beginning to the endB. by the wayC. from time to timeCA ( )7. How can you play the guitar so well? I asked my brother to teach me to play the guitar. A. ask me to play B. show me how to playC. learn about playing( ) 8. Why are you going t

16、o the fair?Because a lot of delicious food is on show.A. show B. cinema C. theatreB Aii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。( )9. If you a subject, you help students learn about it. A. know B. teach C. are interested in( )10. If something , you can no longer see it. A. appears B. disappears C. floa

17、tsB B( )11. thing or person means an additional thing or person of the same kind. OK, I get it.A. Every B. Boring C. Another( )12. How can she get to the destination (目的地)? She walked to get to the destination.A. all way B. all the way C. all waysC B( )13. Why has he improved his English a lot?Becau

18、se he an English club last year and practised his English a lot.A. protected B. produced C. joined( )14. What do you think of fruitpicking?Fruit-picking is , badly paid and very hard work.A. bored B. good C. boringC C( )15. Do you want to go to Taiwan or Tibet for holiday? _ A. Yes, I do. B. Good id

19、ea!C. I want to go to Taiwan.C第2课时 Reading【要点精讲】【要点1】Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair. 上个月,他们参加了俱乐部展览会。 【用法】attend是动词,意为“参加;出席”,其名词形式为attendance(出席;参加)。Thousands of people attended the funeral. 数千人参加了葬礼。辨析 attend, take part in, join, join in与enter for(1)attend指参加会议或仪式、婚礼、典礼、葬礼、上课、上学、听报告等,强调的

20、是这一动作本身,不强调参加者在活动中起的作用。Mr Smith attended the meeting. 史密斯先生出席了这次会议。(2)take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。Well take part in the social practice during the summer holiday. 暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。(3)join 指加入某个组织或团体,成为其成员之一,如参军、入团、入党等。When did your brother join the army? 你哥哥什么时候参军的?(4)join in 多指参加

21、小规模的比赛或活动等,常用于日常口语。Why didnt you join in the talk last night? 昨晚你为什么没参加座谈?(5)enter for指报名参加某项比赛。I have entered for a competition. 我已经报名参加比赛。应用 用 attend, join in, join, enter for和take part in的适当形式填空(1)Come and _ the ball game.(2)She _ the Young Pioneers(少先队).(3)We should _ school activities.(4)He was

22、 ill and didnt _ the meeting.(5)I have _ the high jump competition.join injoinedtake part inattendentered for【要点2】Our club will teach you how to build rockets. 我们俱乐部将会教你如何制作火箭。【用法】teach sb. how to do sth. 意为“教某人怎样去做某事”。结构中的sb.如果用人称代词,则要用人称代词的宾格形式。He teaches me how to take a photo. 他教我怎样拍照。拓展(1)teach

23、 sb. sth. 意为“教某人某事”。Mr Lin teaches us Maths this term. 林老师这学期教我们数学。(2)teach sb. to do sth. 意为“教某人去做某事”。Johns father is teaching him to make a cake. 约翰的父亲正在教他做蛋糕。注意:teach 的过去式和过去分词都是taught。 应用(1)你可以教我怎么开车吗?(根据汉语意思补全句子)Can you teach me _ _ _a car?(2)我将会教他画画。(根据汉语意思补全句子)I will teach _ _ _ pictures.how

24、drivehim draw to to一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Playing basketball more often can help you improve your basketball _(skill).2.The Fashion Show is _(amaze). Young people like it so much.3.We were _ (surprise) that he got the first prize in the game.4.I am so busy that I have no time to attend the Trade _(fair).5.

25、Did you know the _(recent) news about the poor man in our town?skillsskillsamazingamazingsurprisedsurprisedFairFairrecentrecent6.There is much _ (information) on learning English in my teachers blog(博客).7.I feel _(boring) this weekend. Do you have any plans?Well, why not go hiking?8.Lily, do you kno

26、w that Alice got married last month?Yes, I do. I _(attend) her wedding at that time.informationinformationboredboredattendedattended9.The teacher taught the students _(play) the piano.10.Our country is going to _ (launch) a rocket into space next year.to playlaunch二、阅读理解 Come and play sports! We hav

27、e many clubs at our school this term.Football Club Its open from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday. Here you can play football and watch matches of our players. Of course, you can make many friends!Swimming Club Do you like swimming? If you cant swim well, dont worry. Just come and learn to swi

28、m. You can come to our club from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday.Volleyball Club We have a cool volleyball club! But its only for girls! We have great teachers to teach girls volleyball. Come from 2:40 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.Tennis Club Its only open from 10 a.m.

29、 to 11:30 a.m. every Saturday. You can watch tennis matches on TV here. Of course, you can learn to play tennis here.( )1. What cant you learn to do in our school clubs according to the passage?A. Play volleyball. B. Play basketball.C. Swim. D. Play tennis.( )2. When can you go to the Swimming Club?

30、A. At 2 p.m. on Friday.B. At 4 p.m. on Tuesday.C. At 6 p.m. on Friday.D. At 4 p.m. on Wednesday.B D( )3. How often can Nancy go to the Volleyball Club?A. Once a week. B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.D. Four times a week.( )4. How long can you play in the Tennis Club a week?A. For half an hour.

31、 B. For an hour.C. For an hour and a half.D. For two hours.C C第3课时 Grammar语法聚焦【知识点思维导图】一般过去时一些常见的不规则动词的过去式构成如下:bewas/weregivegavesleepsleptbreakbroke gowent taketook bringbrought leaveleft thinkthought feelfelt makemade wearwore课堂练习一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I _(finish) my homework before nine oclock last nig

32、ht.2. Who _ (give) you so much money yesterday?3. _(do) you _(go) to the bank last night?No, I _(not).4. Tom _ (plan) to go to visit Beijing last weekend.finishedgaveDidgodidntplanned5. My family _(move) into a new house last year.6. I _(not want) to go to school this morning, because it rained heav

33、ily.7._(be) you tired after finishing all the work yesterday?8. Which city _(do) she _(go) to last vacation?moveddidnt wantWeredidgo9. Tom _ (like) doing sports. He _(play)football with Jim yesterday afternoon.10. I often _ (walk) to school. But I _ (take) the bus to school yesterday.likesplayedwalk

34、took二、选择填空( )1. Oh no, I cant find my mobile phone. Well, where you last put it? (2017菏泽)A. have B. do C. did D.does ( )2. My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I half of it. (2017无锡)A. missed B. was missingC. will miss D. would missC A( )3. Last week Vivian a dress for her mother with he

35、r first salary. (2017上海)A. buy B. bought C. will buy D. would buy( )4. Linda is not coming for the party tonight. But she .(2017武汉)A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promiseB B( )5. Simon looks worried because he a writing competition and now hes waiting for the result. (2017温州)A. enters

36、 B. entered C. will enter D. is enteringB三、语法填空 Daniel is a ten-year-old boy. He is 1._ (young) than other 2._(student) in his class. They dont like to play with him. One day, his teacher told him about the animals 3._ a farm. Daniel loved animals. He wanted to visit a farm and see the animals. He a

37、sked his parents 4._ (take) him to a farm. He wanted to see the cows, the chickens and the pigs. He wanted to pet the animals. He wanted toyoungerstudentson to takefeed them and play with them. He even 5. _(want) to live with cows, chickens and pigs on a farm. He 6. _(not have) any friends in school

38、. They would be his friends. When Daniel saw those animals, he was 7. _(excite) and had 8._ good time there. His parents also 9._ (buy) two chickens 10._ him. Now Daniel has two good friends.wanteddidnt haveexcitedabought for第4课时 Listening and speaking口语无忧 本单元我们学习了有关学校俱乐部的话题。那么我们应该如何询问别人要参加什么俱乐部或者俱乐

39、部里有什么活动呢?现在让我们一起围绕“讨论学校俱乐部”这一话题展开口语练习吧! 话题七 讨论学校俱乐部【1】相关词组(请大声朗读以下词汇,看谁读得更标准地道)photography, rocket, solar power, attend, teach, launch, disappear, surprised, another, amazing【2】你问我答A. 请运用下列句子与你组内的一个同伴(四人小组)进行你问我答。然后互换角色,再进行问答。1. How many clubs are there in your school?2. What kinds of clubs do you p

40、refer?3. What do you think of the clubs in your school?4. Do you often take part in the activities in school clubs?B 接下来在组内换一个同伴相互问答。【3】情景说话 你遇见了一个朋友,你和他聊起了关于上周参加学校俱乐部活动的话题。请模仿下列形式跟你的组员们进行对话。You: Alex, which club did you go to last week?Your friend: I went to the Basketball Club.You: When did you me

41、et?Your friend: We met on Monday afternoon.You: Where did you meet?Your friend: We met on the playground.You: What did you do at the club?Your friend: We learnt some skills to play basketball.You: Do you like the club?Your friend: Yes, I did. It was very interesting. Playing basketball can also help

42、 me keep healthy. And I make many new friends there. 接下来,请你向全班同学介绍你朋友上周参加的学校俱乐部活动内容。Report like this:Report like this:_ Alex, one of my friends, joined the Basketball Club last week. They met on the playground on Monday afternoon. They learnt some skills to play basketball. He likes the club very mu

43、ch because it was really interesting. In addition, it can help him to keep healthy. Also, he can make many new friends there. He hopes that more students can join the Basketball Club together.一、补全对话A. It can help you draw better.B. Are you in any school clubs this year?C. How about joining the Baske

44、tball Club?D. Well, do you like drawing?E. You like playing football, right?A: What do you do after school? 1. _B: No, but Im thinking about it.A: Well, how about the Football Club? 2._B: I liked it in the past, but not now.A: 3. _B: I dont like it, either.A: 4. _B: Yes, I do. My dream is to be a fa

45、mous artist.B E C DA: How about joining the Art Club? 5._ B: Hmm That sounds a good idea. I will have a try. A二、思维导图复述根据教材P87的课文内容完成下面的思维导图,再根据思维导图,复述该篇课文的内容。build rocketslaunched itwonderful machinesremote controlvery excited课文复述:_ Linda and Leo attended the Clubs Fair last month. The Rocket Club t

46、eaches the members how to build rockets. A boy took a rocket and launched it into the sky. The Solar Power Club makes wonderful machines using solar power. A girl took a toy car and used a remote control to drive it all around the playground. After the fair, they felt very excited and wanted to join

47、 all the clubs.第5课时 Writing写作乐园话题七 周末出游【短文写作】 假设上周末你和班上的同学到方山去游玩了,且玩得很开心。请以“My Happy Weekend”为题,根据下面的内容要点写一篇短文。 内容包括: 1. 时间是星期天早上8点。 2. 在学校门口集合,人到齐后就出发。 3. 骑自行车去目的地,大约用了30分钟。 4. 有拍照、游戏、野餐等活动。 5. 大家都度过了一个快乐的周末。作文要求:1.词数:60词左右。(短文的标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数)。2.文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可作适当发挥。3.条理清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书面规范。注意一般过去时的使

48、用。My Happy WeekendMy Happy Weekend Last weekend, my classmates and I went to Mountain Fangshan. It was so interesting._【写作指导】 此篇作文以谈论周末出游为主线,主要内容是谈论周末出游的时间、地点、活动安排。写作内容渗透着本单元的话题和语言目标谈论活动时间和地点。 写作过程中要明确以下几点: 1. 由作文要谈的内容“my happy weekend”决定我们在写作中要用到一般过去时。 2. 结合话题内容,我们在写作过程中会多次用到有关活动时间和地点的表达方式。【范文赏析】My

49、 Happy WeekendMy Happy Weekend Last weekend, my classmates and I went to Mountain Fangshan. It was so interesting. At 8:00 on Sunday morning, we got together at the school gate. When everyone arrived, we started. We like riding, so we went there by bike. After about 30 minutes ride, we got there. We

50、 found a beautiful place to have a rest. And we took many beautiful photos and played games together. When we felt a little hungry, we took out our food to have a picnic. Everyone ate a lot. We all had a happy weekend.课堂练习一、写作仿写1. so that 如此以至于【例句】I was so excited that I could not sleep. 我很兴奋以至于睡不着觉

51、。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)小女孩如此可爱以至于所有人都喜欢她。_(2)俱乐部太好了以至于很多学生都想加入。_The little girl is so lovely that everyone loves her.The club is so good that many students want to join it.2. teach sb. (how) to do sth. 教某人(如何)去做某事【例句】Our club will teach you how to build model cars. 我们的社团将会教你如何制作汽车模型。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)他教会我怎样骑自行车。_(2

52、)爱丽丝教会我们制作蛋糕。_He taught me how to ride a bicycle.Alice taught us to make cakes.3. It is / was time (for sb.) to do sth. 到了(某人)做某事的时间了。【例句】It is time (for us) to rest from work.该是(我们)放下工作休息的时候了。【扩展】Its time for sth. 到了(做)某事的时间了。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)该是开始我们计划的时候了。 _(2)到休息的时候了,我们去打篮球吧! _It is time to begin our p

53、lan.Its time to have a rest. Lets play basketball!二、书面表达 你的学校有英语俱乐部吗?假如你是其中的会员,请谈谈加入英语俱乐部的好处,并根据下面的内容提示写一篇文章介绍加入英语俱乐部的好处。 内容包括: 1. 我去年加入英语俱乐部。对我非常有用,它教我如何学好英语。 2. 能够观看英语电影。 3. 在英语俱乐部里有很多的书籍和报纸,我们在空闲时借阅。 4. 能够和外国老师交谈。 5. 去年暑假,我到英国参观,和外国学生交谈,并向他们学习。 作文要求: 1. 词数:60词左右。 2. 文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可作适当发挥。 3.不得出现真实

54、姓名和校名。 4. 条理清晰,语句通顺,意思连贯,书面规范。 参考词汇:外国的foreign;英国Britain I joined the English Club last year. It was very useful to me. The club taught me how to learn English well. I also watched many English films there. There were a lot of English books and newspapers in the club, so we could borrow and read them in our spare time. We could talk with foreign teachers often. During the last summer holiday, I visited Britain. At that time, I talked with foreign students and learnt a lot from them._Thank you!



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