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1、牛津英语牛津英语9B单元复习课件单元复习课件 Unit 11.在许多方面在许多方面2.在某些方面在某些方面3.照顾;照料照顾;照料4.被照顾;照料被照顾;照料5.火星上的生活火星上的生活6.够到我的食物够到我的食物7.能够做某事能够做某事8.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事9.呈现药片的形状呈现药片的形状10.使某人感到非常难受使某人感到非常难受11.使某人镇定下来使某人镇定下来12.使这个梦想成为现实使这个梦想成为现实 in many waysin some wayscare for = take care of = look afterbe cared for = be taken care

2、of = be looked afterlife on Marsget to my food = reach my foodbe able to do sth = can do sthhelp sb. with sth.= help sb. (to) do sth.in the form of pillsmake sb. feel very illmake sb. calm downmake this dream come true13.提供某物给某人提供某物给某人14.变得越来越拥挤变得越来越拥挤15.目前;现在目前;现在16.以以.速度速度17.以光速的一半运行以光速的一半运行18.首先首

3、先19.许多许多20.漂入太空中漂入太空中21.飘浮在空中飘浮在空中22.因住在那里而生病因住在那里而生病23.将将A连接到连接到B上面上面provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.become more and more crowdedat present = at the moment = nowat the speed of travel at half the speed of lightfirst of alllarge numbers of = a large/great number of = manyfloat away into

4、spacefloat in the airget ill from living thereconnect A to B24.被连接到被连接到25.进行考试进行考试26.和和.一样美味一样美味be connected to take/have examsas tasty as 27.压缩食品;干缩食品压缩食品;干缩食品 dried food28.数码相机数码相机29.伤害某人伤害某人30.去火星的旅行去火星的旅行31.太空睡袋太空睡袋32.准备做某事准备做某事33.愿意做某事愿意做某事digital camerasdo harm to sb. = harm sb.= be harmful to

5、 sbthe journey to Marsspace sleeping bagprepare to do sth.= get ready to do athbe willing to do sth.34.在太空旅行在太空旅行35.在地球的表面在地球的表面36.在电脑的控制下在电脑的控制下37. 以以.开始开始38.搬到地球之外搬到地球之外39.第一批居住在火星上的人第一批居住在火星上的人40.让某人做某事让某人做某事41.请某人做某事(让某事被做)请某人做某事(让某事被做)travel in space= space travelon the surface of Earthunder th

6、e control of computersstart with= begin withmove out of Earth=move away from earththe first settlers to live on Marshave/make/let sb. do sth.have sth. done42.担心(做某事)担心(做某事)43.某事让某人担心某事让某人担心44.害怕做某事害怕做某事worry about (doing) sth. = be worried about (doing) sth.sth. worry sb.be afraid of doing sth. = be

7、 afraid to do sth.45.让让远离远离 / 驱赶驱赶.46.花费某人一些时间做某事花费某人一些时间做某事47.阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事48.防止飘浮防止飘浮49.拍高质量的图片拍高质量的图片50.有许多存储空间有许多存储空间51.被储存很多个月被储存很多个月52.在太阳系里在太阳系里53. 很难发现很难发现54.最不重要的最不重要的keep away fromIt takes sb. some time to do sth.=sb spend some in doing sthkeep/stop/prevent sb. from doing sth.prevent floa

8、tingtake high-quality imageshave lots of memory spacebe stored for many monthsin the solar systembe hard to findthe least important55.坐在窗户旁边坐在窗户旁边56.匆匆浏览;快速阅读匆匆浏览;快速阅读57.价值多少价值多少sit by the windowrun overbe worth = cost58.值得做某事值得做某事59.2100年火星生活指南年火星生活指南60.某个安静的地方某个安静的地方61.更喜欢做某事更喜欢做某事62.(飞机)起飞;脱下(飞机)

9、起飞;脱下63.确信某事;对某事有把握确信某事;对某事有把握64.确信做某事;有把握做某事确信做某事;有把握做某事be worth doing sth.a guide to living on Mars in 2100somewhere quietprefer to do sth.=would rather do sth=like doing better thantake offbe sure/certain ofbe sure/certain to do sth.be sure/certain + that 宾从宾从Sb need to do sth. 65. 某人需要做某事某人需要做某事

10、67. 某物某物 /事需要事需要 (被做被做)Sth need(s) doing =Sth need(s) to be done 68. 车需要修理车需要修理 The car needs repairing .=The car needs to be repaired . 66. 他需要多锻炼他需要多锻炼He needs to exercise more. 69. 去过去过 (人已回人已回)70. 去了去了(人不在)(人不在)have/has been tohave/has gone to71. 去去 了某地一段时间了某地一段时间(人在某地人在某地)have/has been in 72. 他

11、去过北京两次了。他去过北京两次了。He has been to Beijing twice73. 他去了北京,他去了北京,2天后回来。天后回来。He has gone to Beijing , he will be back in two days.74. 他去北京他去北京2 年了。年了。He has been in Beijing for 2 years.fix sth. to sth. 75.把把 固定在固定在76.被固定在被固定在sth. be fixed to sth.be specially designed to be comfortable77.被专门设计得很舒适被专门设计得很舒

12、适78. 一种流行的娱乐形式一种流行的娱乐形式a very popular form of entertainment79.低重力篮球比赛低重力篮球比赛 low-gravity basketball games80. 火星生活指南火星生活指南a guide to living on Mars81.没有交通车辆引起的大气污染没有交通车辆引起的大气污染no air pollution caused by traffic82. 用激光驱赶动物用激光驱赶动物 keep the animals away with laser light83. 他太紧张而不能放松他太紧张而不能放松 He is too n

13、ervous to relax.84. 我们需要做的事做好了。我们需要做的事做好了。Everything we need to do is done.85. 公共交通系统公共交通系统the public transport system86. 供供选择选择for sb to choose from87. 会有各种款式供移民挑选会有各种款式供移民挑选88.与地球上的生活相比与地球上的生活相比89.人口仍然增长快速人口仍然增长快速There will be various designs for settlers to choose fromcompared with life on EarthT

14、he population is still increasing quicklythree-eighths90.八分之三八分之三91.住在火星上的缺点住在火星上的缺点disadvantages of living on Mars92.被固定在墙上被固定在墙上be fixed to the walls93.以一个讨论开始以一个讨论开始start with a discussion94. 每一元人民币兑换每一元人民币兑换10火星币火星币get about M$10 for every ¥195.开发出植物开发出植物develop plants 96.设想某事设想某事imagine sth97.设

15、想做某事设想做某事 imagine doing sth98. 我原以为你喜欢火星。我原以为你喜欢火星。 I thought you liked Mars.99. 太空旅行会让人不舒服太空旅行会让人不舒服Space travel will make people feel ill.Daniel is thinking about what life will be like in the future.100.Daniel在考虑未来的生活将会像什么样子。在考虑未来的生活将会像什么样子。101. 在月球上野营在月球上野营camp on the moon102.梦想做某事梦想做某事dream abo

16、ut doing sth103.随身携带某物随身携带某物take sth with sb104. 你选择的理由你选择的理由reasons for your choices105. 故障故障的原因的原因causes of problems111. 搭一个帐篷搭一个帐篷 put up a tent110. 讨厌做某事讨厌做某事hate doing sth106. 我可以问你一些问题吗?我可以问你一些问题吗?Can I ask you some questions ?107. 写一个生活在火星上的指南写一个生活在火星上的指南write a guide to living on Mars108. 钱将不会是很重要的钱将不会是很重要的.Money will not be important. 109. 你觉得你觉得.怎么样?怎么样?How do you like/ find?=What do you think of



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