医学教学课件英文版:Radiodiagnosis in the respiratory system

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《医学教学课件英文版:Radiodiagnosis in the respiratory system》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《医学教学课件英文版:Radiodiagnosis in the respiratory system(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2024/8/11281Radiodiagnosis in the Respiratory System2024/8/11282Questions F1. What is the general principle in writing radiological reports?F2.What is the basic structure of radiological reports? F3.What is the descriptive order in writing radiological reports?F4. How to master professional terms in

2、 writing radiological reports?F5. Why should the doctor sign the name on the radiological reports?2024/8/11283Significance and RequirementsFThe writing of a radiodiagnostic report has to be a precise work because it is not only a consulting suggestion for clinicians but also a medicolegal document.

3、The radiologists should choose words carefully and exactly and try to make the report in clarity of description and a reasonable analysis. 2024/8/11284Common expression vs Medical termsFFeel sick FFaint FDizziness FBreakFBleedingFObstruction FNausea FCollapse FVertigo FFracture FHemorrage FInfarct (

4、 infarction)2024/8/11285Aim and Requirements F1.To make familiar with basic anatomical terms in the Chest.F2.To master some important pathological terms in the Lung.F3.To know well the descriptive patterns in basic pathological changes in the Chest. F4.To write a report about the changes of the lung

5、 fields. 2024/8/11286Fluoroscopyl多方向、呼吸时肺野透光度多方向、呼吸时肺野透光度变化,膈肌运动、心脏搏动变化,膈肌运动、心脏搏动2024/8/11287Plain radiographl清晰显示胸部结构,清晰显示胸部结构,保存保存l胸部后前位摄影胸部后前位摄影2024/8/11288Plain radiographl胸部侧位摄影胸部侧位摄影DRDRlHigh kilovoter radiograph :心脏:心脏及膈顶后方病变及膈顶后方病变2024/8/11289胸部CT2024/8/1128102024/8/112811FThe thoracic cage

6、remains symmetrical. All the seen bones are nothing remarkable. The soft tissues are completely intact in the root of the neck and thoracic wall. The trachea locates centrally without deviation. The lungs are clear, while the lung markings are natural and regular. Both pulmonary hila show neither en

7、largement nor decrease. The heart and great vessels appear normal in their position, size and shape. The diaphragm has a smooth surface with sharp costophrenic angles. 2024/8/112812l胸膜l伴随阴影影像解剖影像解剖2024/8/112813叶间裂叶间裂2024/8/112814 2024/8/112815叶间裂叶间裂2024/8/112816副叶裂副叶裂- -奇叶奇叶 2024/8/112817Lung fields

8、 and Pulmonary zones2024/8/112818FBased on the anterior ends of the 2nd and 4th ribs, a lung is demarcated into 3 sections, named upper, middle and lower lung fields respectively. From the hilum to the outer margin of a lung, the lung is separated into 3 zones called inner, middle and outer zones re

9、spectively. 2024/8/112819Right Lung F apical segment of superior lobe F posterior segment of superior lobeF anterior segment of superior lobeF lateral segment of middle lobeF medial segment of middle lobeF posterior segment of inferior lobeF anterior basal segment of inferior lobe F medial and later

10、al basal segments of inferior lobeF posterior basal segment of inferior lobe2024/8/112820Left LungF apicoposterior segment of superior lobeF anterior segment of superior lobeF superior lingular segment of superior lobe F inferior lingular segment of superior lobeF posterior segment of inferior lobeF

11、 anteromedial basal segment of inferior lobeF lateral basal segment of inferior lobeF posterior basal segment of inferior lobe2024/8/112821F superior lobe of right lungF middle lobe of right lungF inferior lobe of right lungF superior lobe of left lungF inferior lobe of left lung2024/8/1128222024/8/

12、112823FA fog-like shadow indicates an irregular opacity in a dim density with a fuzzy margin. It represents an early acute exudative lesion, hemorrhage or edema. Sometimes, an air bronchogram can be seen. (Fig. 2-10)2024/8/112824FConsolidation in a pulmonary segment, a pulmonary lobe or a whole lung

13、 in a hemithorax (Fig. 2-11): Segmental, lobular or sided pulmonary consolidation shows a uniform opacity which often delineates a part of the margin of the pulmonary segment or lobe. It is often found in pneumonia, atelectasis, tuberculosis, pulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary fibrosis and pleural thick

14、ening. 2024/8/1128252024/8/112826FA soft tissue mass is often larger than 3.0 cm in diameter. If the margin reveals the spiculation, incisural, lobulated, or umbilication sign, it often indicates a primary malignant tumor. Except for those, some other diseases can also be involved such as pulmonary

15、abscess, metastasis, inflammatory pseudotumor, hamartoma, hematoma, liquid-containing cyst, pleural tumor, granuloma, pulmonary parasite and etc.2024/8/112827Questions F1.How to take the radiographies of PA and LA?F2.What are the normal findings of the lung ?F3.How to demarcate the lung fields and pulmonary zones?F4.To describe the lung anatomy.F5.To describe lesions in mass and exudation in the lung. 2024/8/1128282024/8/112829FAny advices and suggestions are warmly welcome.FCell-phone:13694208683FThank You for your attention



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