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1、英英 国国 文文 学学English Literature:Romantic Period1LectureVIIEnglishLiteratureinEnglishLiteratureinthetheRomantic Period (1798-1832)I.Historical Background Romanticism in EnglandII. English Literature in this Period 1. Romanticism 2. Important poets 3. Important novelists2n n1) William Wordsworth (1770-1

2、850)(1770-1850)n n 威廉威廉威廉威廉 华兹华斯华兹华斯华兹华斯华兹华斯n n Lyrical Ballads (1798)n n She Dwelt among the Untrodden Waysn n I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud n n2) George Gordon Byron (1788-1824) (1788-1824) n n 乔治乔治乔治乔治 戈登戈登戈登戈登 拜伦拜伦拜伦拜伦n n Childe Harolds Pilgrimage n n Don Juan (The Isles of Greece) 3n n3) Percy B

3、ysshe Shelley (1792-1822) (1792-1822) n n 波西波西 比比 雪莱雪莱n n Ode to the West WindOde to the West Windn n4) John Keats ( (约翰约翰 济慈济慈, 1795-1821), 1795-1821)n n Ode to a NightingaleOde to a Nightingale夜莺颂夜莺颂n n5) Jane Austen (1775-1817) (1775-1817) 简简 奥斯丁奥斯丁n n Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏傲慢与偏18131813n n6.SirW

4、alterScott6.SirWalterScott (1771-1832)poet(1771-1832)poetandnovelistandnovelistn nIvanhoeIvanhoe(1820)(1820)4I.I.Historical Backgroundn nI.1 Romanticism in Englandn nI.1.1 Literary Characteristics of the Agen n1) The Romantic Age n nThe Romantic Age began in 1798 when Wordsworth and Coleridge publis

5、hed their joint work The Lyrical Ballads and came to an end in 1832 when the last Romantic writer Walter Scott died. .5n n2) An age of poetryn n The Romantic Period was one of poetical revival. The glory of the Romantic Age lies in the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats. n nW

6、illiam Blake and Robert Burns: Pre-Romanticism6n n3) Women novelistsn nJane Austen: charming descriptions of everyday life. She is a neoclassicism advocator.n nThe works raised woman to the high place in literaturen n4) The greatest historical novelist: n n Walter Scott 7n n6) Great eventsn n-the En

7、glish Romanticism and the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution.n n-the watchwords of the Revolution:liberty, equality and fraternityn n-Many writers got their inspirations from the revolution and wrote beautiful poems or prose.8What is Romanticism?n nRomanticism is a literary trend. It pr

8、evailed in England during the period of 1798-1832, beginning with the publication of William Wordsworths Lyrical Ballads in 1798, ending with Walter Scotts death in 1832. The English Romanticism was greatly influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution. Generally speaking, the ro

9、manticists expressed the ideology and9n nsentiment of those classes and social strata who were discontented with, and opposed to, the development of capitalism. But owing to difference in political attitudes, they split into two schools: the passive romanticists, represented by Wordsworth, Coleridge

10、 and Southey; and the active or revolutionary romanticists, represented by Byron, Shelley and Keats.10William Wordsworth (1770 -1850) 威廉威廉华兹华斯华兹华斯111.William Wordsworth (1770-1850) (1770-1850) 威廉威廉 华兹华斯华兹华斯n n1.1 His life n n-lived in the Lake Districtn n-In 1797 he met Samuel Taylor Coleridge.n n-I

11、n 1842, he received a government pension and in the following year he became Poet Laureate after Southey.12His worksn n An Evening Walk黄昏漫步黄昏漫步,1793,1793n n Lucy Poems露茜组歌露茜组歌17991799n n Ode on Intimations of Immortality不朽颂不朽颂18071807n n Ode to Duty义务颂义务颂n n The Excursion远足远足18141814n n The Prelude序

12、曲序曲1805-18501805-1850n n Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集抒情歌谣集1798179813 Literary Position of Wordsworthn n- the most famous Lake Poet. He was a poet of nature.n n-All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.n n-his poems about nature and the life of ordinary peoplen n-I Wandered Lonely as a

13、 Cloud独自云游独自云游 -Lucy Poems n n-The Solitary Reaper14I Wandered Lonely as a Cloudn nA. Brief introductionn n-This is from “Poems of the Imagination”n n-on the beauty of naturen nB.Questions to studyn n- What is the importance of the cloud comparison in the first line?n n- What is the tone of this poe

14、m? 15n n- What do elements help to create the tone?n n- Pay attention to What he saw? What he felt?n n- Pay attention to the change of thought.n n- What does this poem mainly write about?n n- The rime scheme in each stanza is _.n n 16n nRydal MountRydal Mount17II. George Gordon Byron (1788-1824)182.

15、 George Gordon Byron (1788-1824)1. George Gordon Byron (1788-(1788-1824) 1824) 乔治乔治. .戈登戈登. .拜伦拜伦1) His life2) His works3) The Isles of Greece19A. Byrons Lifen n-He was born in a noble family and his mother -He was born in a noble family and his mother petted and abused him.petted and abused him.n n

16、-Byron was handsome, with passionate temper, -Byron was handsome, with passionate temper, but he had been born with a clubfoot.but he had been born with a clubfoot.n n-He was educated at Harrow School and in -He was educated at Harrow School and in Cambridge University. Cambridge University. n n-It

17、was at Cambridge that he began to write poetry. -It was at Cambridge that he began to write poetry. n n-In 1809, he graduated from Cambridge, entered -In 1809, he graduated from Cambridge, entered the House of Lords, and started on a tour of the House of Lords, and started on a tour of Europe.Europe

18、.20n nHis famous two long poems: n nChilde Harolds Pilgrimage (1812,1817,1818) (1812,1817,1818) 恰尔德恰尔德. .哈洛德游记哈洛德游记n n Don Juan (1818-1823)(1818-1823)唐璜唐璜- his masterpiece21n nOther famous poems:Other famous poems:n n 3) 3) Oriental TalesOriental Tales (1813-1816)(1813-1816)东方叙事诗东方叙事诗n n 4) 4) Manfr

19、edManfred (1817)(1817)曼弗雷德曼弗雷德- -dramadraman n 5) 5) The Prisoner of ChillonThe Prisoner of Chillon (1816)(1816)契伦的俘虏契伦的俘虏- -sonnetsonnetn n 6) 6) Cain Cain (1821) (1821) 该隐该隐-drama-draman nThree great political satires:Three great political satires:n n 7) 7) The Irish AvatarThe Irish Avatar (1821),

20、(1821), n n 8) 8) The Vision of JudgmentThe Vision of Judgment (1822)(1822)审判的幻景审判的幻景n n 9) 9) The Age of BronzeThe Age of Bronze (1823) (1823) 青铜世纪青铜世纪22Lord Byron23n nByronic heroes n n Byronic heroes are men with fiery passions and unbending will and express the poets own ideal of freedom. These

21、heroes rise against tyranny and injustice, but they are merely lone fighters striving for personal freedom and some individualistic ends.24n nC) Byrons contributionn n As a leading Romanticist, Byrons chief contribution is his creation of the Byronic hero, a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble o

22、rigin. With immense superiority in his passions and powers, this Byronic hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would rise single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion, or in moral principles with un

23、conquerable will and25n ninexhaustible energies. The conflict is usually one of rebellious individuals against outworn social systems and conventions. Such a hero appears first in Childe Harolds Pilgrimage, and then in other works. The figure is, to some extent, modeled on the life and personality o

24、f Byron himself, and makes Byron famous both at home and abroad.26n nTwo controversial opinions on Byron:n n1. He was regarded as the perverted man, the satanic poet;n n2. While on the continent, he was described as the champion of liberty, poet of the people.n n 27n nBecause of the English prejudic

25、e, Byron was refused to be buried in the Poets Corner when he died. Only in 1969 was this prejudice against Byron finally overcome by the British critical circle. A white marble-floor memorial to Lord Byron was set up in Westminster Abbey.28She Walks in Beautyn nQuestionsn n1.What is the color of th

26、e ladys dress? How do you know?n n2.What does their dwelling place refer to in the last line of the second stanza?2930The Isles of Greecen nQuestionsn n1. How does Byron try to arouse the patriotic feelings of the Greek people?n n2. What is the poets purpose of his frequent referring to the glory an

27、d fame of the ancient 31III. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)323. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) (1792-1822) 波西波西 比比 雪莱雪莱n nHis lifen nHis worksn nOde to the West Wind33A. Shelleys Lifen n-Born in a noble family, Shelley was gentle and kind by nature.n n-stout heart, could not stand any injusticen

28、 n- At 18 he went up to Oxford from Eton.n n- He was expelled from the university because of his pamphlet, The Necessity of Atheism.34n n-Shelleys marriage with Harriet had proved short-lived and the couple agreed to separate in 1814. Therefore he left London with the novelist William Godwins gifted

29、 daughter Mary. n n-He was compelled to leave England in 1818 and spend the rest of his life in Italy because of a scandal made by his political enemies.n n-In 1822, he was drowned at the coast of Italy.35B. Shelleys Worksn n Queen Mab (1813),n nIt It was was called called by by Marx Marx “the “the

30、Chartists Chartists BibleBible. .( (宪章主义的圣经宪章主义的圣经) ) n nPrometheus Unbound (1819) (1819) poetic dramapoetic draman n The Cenci(1819)(1819)钦契钦契poetic dramapoetic draman n Song to the Men of England (1819) (1819) powerful powerful political lyricpolitical lyric 36n nEngland in 1819(1819)(1819)powerfu

31、l political lyricpowerful political lyricn nOde to the West Wind(1819) (1819) 西风颂西风颂n nlyric on nature and lovelyric on nature and loven nOde to a Skylark (1820) (1820) 云雀颂云雀颂n n lyric on nature and lovelyric on nature and love37n n -Engels Engels said: said: Shelley, Shelley, the the genius, genius

32、, the the prophet, prophet, Shelley. Shelley. Shelley Shelley was was the the first first poet poet in in Europe Europe who sang for the working class.who sang for the working class.n n- a greatest theorist of poetry. - a greatest theorist of poetry. n n A Defence of Poetry A Defence of Poetry (1821

33、) (1821)诗辩诗辩n n- To him nature exists as an unseen Life of the - To him nature exists as an unseen Life of the Universe, and his love of nature is almost Universe, and his love of nature is almost boundless. In his lyrics, nature is endowed with boundless. In his lyrics, nature is endowed with life,

34、 and the poet merges himself in it.life, and the poet merges himself in it.38C. Shelleys Love Viewn n In his love lyrics, Shelley regards love as the In his love lyrics, Shelley regards love as the noblest thing in the universe, as the thing of noblest thing in the universe, as the thing of extreme

35、purity and as a feeling of devotion extreme purity and as a feeling of devotion and worship. He believes that the noblest and worship. He believes that the noblest love in the human world may lead mankind love in the human world may lead mankind to a state of harmony, happiness, peace and to a state

36、 of harmony, happiness, peace and perfection.perfection. 39D. Ode to the West Windn nA) Introductionn n In In this this poem, poem, the the poet poet associates associates the the stormy stormy struggles struggles of of revolution revolution in in the the world world with with the the storm storm or

37、 or tempest tempest in in the the nature. nature. Shelley Shelley wrote wrote this this poem poem to to prophesy prophesy the the coming coming of of revolutionary revolutionary tempest tempest or or storm, storm, to express his passionate feelings.to express his passionate feelings. 40n n-terza rim

38、a, a variant of the original Italian -terza rima, a variant of the original Italian pattern: five 14-lined stanzas of iambic pattern: five 14-lined stanzas of iambic pentameter, each of the stanzas containing pentameter, each of the stanzas containing four tercets and a closing couplet. four tercets

39、 and a closing couplet. n n-The rime scheme is: aba, bcb,cdc,ded,ee-The rime scheme is: aba, bcb,cdc,ded,een n-run-on -run-on lines, lines, the the form form of of which which express express the the unrestrained unrestrained feelings feelings of of the the poet poet and and also also shows shows pr

40、operly properly the the image image of of the the free free violent violent West Wind.West Wind.41n nTheme: Theme: Ode to the West Wind Ode to the West Wind is one of is one of Shelleys best known political lyrics. The poet Shelleys best known political lyrics. The poet describes vividly the activit

41、ies of the West Wind describes vividly the activities of the West Wind on the earth, in the sky and on the sea and then on the earth, in the sky and on the sea and then expresses his envy for the boundless freedom of expresses his envy for the boundless freedom of the west wind and his wish to be fr

42、ee like the wind the west wind and his wish to be free like the wind and to scatter his words among mankind. The poet and to scatter his words among mankind. The poet will be the winds active cooperative instrument, will be the winds active cooperative instrument, scattering his words among mankind.

43、 The scattering his words among mankind. The celebrated final line of the poem, “If Winter celebrated final line of the poem, “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” can best comes, can Spring be far behind?” can best express Shelleys optimistic belief in the future of express Shelleys optimist

44、ic belief in the future of mankind.mankind.42IV. John Keats (1795-1821)434. John Keats ( (约翰约翰 济慈济慈, 1795, 17951821)1821)n nA. His lifeA. His lifen nWhen Keats was nine years old his father died, When Keats was nine years old his father died, and his mother died when he was 15.and his mother died wh

45、en he was 15.n nHe worked as a surgeons helper in a London He worked as a surgeons helper in a London hospital. Though skillful enough as a surgeon, he hospital. Though skillful enough as a surgeon, he abandoned his profession in 1817, and devoted abandoned his profession in 1817, and devoted himsel

46、f entirely to poetry.himself entirely to poetry.n nHe died in 1821. All his poetry was done in three He died in 1821. All his poetry was done in three or four years.or four years. 44 B. Keats well-known worksn nKeats famous odes:n nOde to a Nightingale (1819) 夜莺颂夜莺颂n nOde on a Grecian Urn (1819) (18

47、19)希腊古瓮颂希腊古瓮颂n nOde to Autumn (1819) (To Autumn) (To Autumn) 秋颂秋颂n nOde on Melancholy (1819)(1819)忧郁颂忧郁颂n nOde to Psyche 心灵颂心灵颂45n nOther poemsOther poemsn nEndymion Endymion (1818)(1818)恩底弥翁恩底弥翁a long narrative a long narrative poem.poem.n nIsabella Isabella (1820)(1820)伊莎贝拉伊莎贝拉_ a long narrative _

48、 a long narrative poempoemn nLamia Lamia (1820)(1820)拉米雅拉米雅 a long narrative a long narrative poempoemn nThe Eve of St. AgnesThe Eve of St. Agnes (1820) (1820)圣圣 阿格尼斯之阿格尼斯之夜夜n nHyperionHyperion (1820) (1820)许佩里翁许佩里翁- an unfinished - an unfinished long epiclong epic46n n-Keats odes have generally bee

49、n considered as Keats odes have generally been considered as his most important works.his most important works.n n-Keats is a writer of -Keats is a writer of pure poetry, pure poetry, a sort ofa sort of art art for arts sake”.for arts sake”.n n -His leading principle is: Beauty is truth, truth -His

50、leading principle is: Beauty is truth, truth beauty. I am certain of nothing, he wrote, but beauty. I am certain of nothing, he wrote, but the holiness of the hearts affections, and the Truth the holiness of the hearts affections, and the Truth of Imagination. What the Imagination seizes as of Imagi

51、nation. What the Imagination seizes as Beauty must be Truth, whether it existed before or Beauty must be Truth, whether it existed before or not.not. 47C. Ode to A Nightingale夜莺颂n n- The poem consists of eight stanzas, each consisting of ten lines of iambic pentameter and a rime scheme of ababcdecde

52、, with the exception of the eighth line which has only three feet.48V. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) poet and novelistn nHis achievementsn n-He wrote 25 novels, for which he is known as the -He wrote 25 novels, for which he is known as the father of a new form of literature, historical novel.father o

53、f a new form of literature, historical novel.n n-His masterpiece-His masterpiece n nIvanhoeIvanhoe (1819) (1819)艾凡赫艾凡赫49n nFeatures of his Historical Novelsn n1. 1. Scott is the first novelist to recreate the past. His Scott is the first novelist to recreate the past. His novels, which combine histo

54、rical fact with novels, which combine historical fact with romantic imagination, give a picturesque romantic imagination, give a picturesque representation of many historical personages and representation of many historical personages and events.events.n n2.In 2.In Scotts Scotts novels, novels, hist

55、orical historical events events are are closely closely interwoven with the fates of individuals. interwoven with the fates of individuals. 50n n3. Scott is always mindful of 3. Scott is always mindful of the role and the role and fates fates of the ordinary people.of the ordinary people.n n4.Scott

56、is a romantic.4.Scott is a romantic.n n5.Scott is a conservative in politics.5.Scott is a conservative in politics.n n Scotts novels are the developments of the Scotts novels are the developments of the realistic novels by Fielding and realistic novels by Fielding and n nSmollett. Smollett. They The

57、y paved paved the the way way for for the the development development of the realistic novel of the 19of the realistic novel of the 19thth century. century. 51VI. Jane Austen (1775-1817)简奥斯丁n nA. Her life and positionn n-Austen -Austen has has been been regarded regarded as as one one of of the the

58、greatest greatest English English novelists. novelists. She She is is a a gifted, gifted, bright, bright, attractive attractive little little woman. woman. Although Although she she belongs belongs to to the the age age of of Walter Walter Scott Scott (the (the Romantic Romantic Period), Period), he

59、r her realism realism would would place place her her with with the the realistic realistic novelists. novelists. n n-She -She was was the the daughter daughter of of a a country country clergyman clergyman and and passed passed all all her her life life in in doing doing small small domestic domest

60、ic duties duties in the countryside.in the countryside. 52n n-She never married throughout her life and led an -She never married throughout her life and led an unevenful life.unevenful life.n n-She was the founder of the novel which deals -She was the founder of the novel which deals with unimporta

61、nt middle-class people and of with unimportant middle-class people and of which there are many fine examples in latter which there are many fine examples in latter English fiction. English fiction. n n-She was educated at home and began to write at -She was educated at home and began to write at an

62、early age.an early age.53n nB. Her novelsn nSense Sense and and SensibilitySensibility理理智智与与情情感感1811 1811 (began in 1797) ;(began in 1797) ;n nPride Pride and and PrejudicePrejudice傲傲慢慢与与偏偏见见-1813 -1813 (Finish in 1796)(Finish in 1796); n nMansfield ParkMansfield Park曼斯菲尔德公园曼斯菲尔德公园18141814;n nEmmaEm

63、ma爱玛爱玛18161816;n nNorthanger AbbeyNorthanger Abbey诺桑觉寺诺桑觉寺 1818 1818;n nPersuationPersuation好事多磨好事多磨18181818。n n 54n n-Her works show a wealth of character studies, -Her works show a wealth of character studies, and abound in wit, humor and charm. Her novels and abound in wit, humor and charm. Her n

64、ovels are calm pictures of society life.are calm pictures of society life.n n- She brought the novel of family life to its - She brought the novel of family life to its highest point of perfection.highest point of perfection.55n nHer works were untouched by the ugliness of the Her works were untouch

65、ed by the ugliness of the outside world; she kept the action to scenes outside world; she kept the action to scenes familiar to her through her own experience.familiar to her through her own experience.n nIn In this this novel, novel, she she probe probe into into human human nature nature very very

66、 successfully successfully through through dealing dealing with with domestic domestic life life and and family family circle. circle. She She begins begins with with dialogue. dialogue. All All her focus of attention is upon her characters.her focus of attention is upon her characters.56 C. Pride a

67、nd Prejudicen n1. Introductionn nGenre: noveln nAuthor: Jane Austenn nType: Social customs comedyn nTime: early 19th centuryn nPlace: countryside in Englandn nFirst Edition: 181357n nMain Characters: n nMr. Bennet and Mrs Bennet;Mr. Bennet and Mrs Bennet;n nElizabeth Bennet and Elizabeth Bennet and

68、Fitzwilliam Darcy,Fitzwilliam Darcy,n nJane Bennet and Charles Bingley, Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley, n nMary Bennet, Kitty Bennet, Lydia Bennet; Mary Bennet, Kitty Bennet, Lydia Bennet; n nCaroline Bingley Caroline Bingley n nWilliam CollinsWilliam Collinsn nLady Catherine de BourghLady Catherin

69、e de Bourgh58n nChapter IChapter In n-Style: lucid and graceful, with touches of humor Style: lucid and graceful, with touches of humor and mild satire. and mild satire. n n-Mild satire: found in the authors seemingly -Mild satire: found in the authors seemingly matter-of-fact description of very or

70、dinary, matter-of-fact description of very ordinary, practical family conversation.practical family conversation.n n-View of marriage: eligible and attractive young -View of marriage: eligible and attractive young man: rightful property, prospective propertyman: rightful property, prospective proper

71、tyn n-Characters of Mr and Mrs Bennet (See the last -Characters of Mr and Mrs Bennet (See the last paragraph)paragraph)59n n2.Rhetorical devices and2.Rhetorical devices and featuresn n- - Her Her style style is is easy easy and and effortless. effortless. One One of of the the fine fine points point

72、s of of her her art art shown shown in in her her novels novels is is her her skill skill in in the the treatment treatment of of conversation. conversation. The The characters characters are are made made to to reveal reveal themselves themselves through through their their own own words.words.n n-

73、 - Austen Austen can can use use the the precise precise expression. expression. Her Her style style is is an an almost almost perfect perfect instrument instrument for for her her purpose_ purpose_ simple, simple, clear, clear, quiet, quiet, precise, precise, keen, keen, suggestive suggestive and a

74、nd mildly ironical. mildly ironical. n n- wit humor, mild irony- wit humor, mild irony,comic tonecomic tone60n n-The successful characterization has made the -The successful characterization has made the Pride and Prejudice become the best novel in Pride and Prejudice become the best novel in Englis

75、h fictions. Its structure is well balanced, and English fictions. Its structure is well balanced, and its plots are richly varied.its plots are richly varied.n n- Narration: The novel is employed in third person - Narration: The novel is employed in third person narration.narration.n n-Language: -La

76、nguage: The The author author uses uses a a simple, simple, concise concise prose prose style. style. Its Its pure pure English. English. Through Through interesting interesting and and humor humor dialogues dialogues the the characteristics characteristics of of the the characters have been depicte

77、d.characters have been depicted.61n n3 3. . TheThe themetheme of the novel is the conflict between of the novel is the conflict between the prejudice of Elizabeth and the pride of Mr. the prejudice of Elizabeth and the pride of Mr. Darcy. Darcy. n n1) love and marriage: three conditions: a) love; b)

78、 1) love and marriage: three conditions: a) love; b) personal merits; c) economic conditionpersonal merits; c) economic conditionn n2) the first impressions2) the first impressionsn n4)4) Content Content: People engaged in parties, ball, : People engaged in parties, ball, involved in a group of people.involved in a group of people.62



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