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1、Not just watching a filmWhatistherobotdoinginthispicture?Serving dinner for the master.Discussthefollowingpicturesinpairs:Picture oneWhatelsecanarobotdo?Robots can do a lot of repetitive rpettvrpettv(重复的重复的) or dull things for human beings, such as doing housework; producing more high-tech products,

2、 and doing boring or dangerous work.Picture one The robot is serving d_ for the master. He can do a lot of things for h_, for example, they can help people do h_. They will make peoples lives more c_. inneruman beingsouseworkonvenientPicture twovWhere are the passengers going?vDo you believe that tr

3、avelling to the Moon would be just like travelling to another city?vIf you had a chance, would you like to fly to the Moon or another planet?Differentgatestodifferentplanets木星火星Picture threeWhat are the people in this picture doing?How old is the man?What do you think a 200-year-old man would look l

4、ike? Do you think the man in the picture looks that old?Do you think people can live that long in the future? Why or why not?Because of genetic research.1.Canyoutellwherethese“people”areworking?2.Canyoutellwhothese“people”areandwhattheyaredoingthere?In the office.3.Whatproblemsarethealiensandthepeop

5、leprobablytalkingabout?4.Whatistherelationshipbetweenthem?Workmates. Peace issues in the Galaxy Peace issues in the Galaxy glksglks( (银河系银河系银河系银河系) or trade affairs ) or trade affairs between other planets and the between other planets and the Earth.Earth.Picture fourPicture four_and_are_todiscuss_b

6、etweenotherplanetsandtheEarth.Theyalsotalkaboutthe_issuesintheGalaxy(银河系银河系).the alienshaving a meetingbusiness affairsHuman beingspeaceSuppose you want to visit the U.S. now. How will you travel? What about in the future?Many people violate the traffic rules nowadays. What should we do to punish th

7、ose who dont obey the traffic rules?泡沫令人不快的事物使垂直;探测,探索WelcometoPandora(潘多拉星球)!Whatrethevideosabout?Doyouknowwhat3Dis?3D = three dimensionaldamnnl (三维的三维的, 立立体的体的)Theyre trailers追踪者追踪者 (advertisements) for Journey to the Center of the Earth, a popular 3D science fiction movie released发布发布 in 2008. It

8、 is a film people watch with a special pair of spectaclesspektk()lz眼镜, which gives a three-dimensional effect (立体效果)(立体效果)with images in the dimensions of width, height and depth.Today well learn a new kind of film RealCine. Do you know it? Lets read the business proposal and learn about it.3Dfilm:4

9、D film-It is a 3D film with an added environmental effect, such as water or wind in the cinema. Virtual reality could change the way we watch films.Skimmingtogetgeneralideas 1.Whatisthenameoftheproduct?A virtual reality cinema called RealCine.2.Howmanyoftheviewerssensesdoesthisproductexcite?3.Whatar

10、etheadvantagesofusingRealCineforurbanplanning?All five of our senses. CarefulreadingtosolvedifficultpointsInformationIn which paragraph(s)How RealCine worksWhy it is better than ordinary cinemaHow it can be used in other waysParagraphs 3 Paragraphs 2, 5 and 6. Paragraph 6 Detailed readingHowcanRealC

11、ineexcitetheviewersfivesenses?Sense ThingsneededEffectsinRealCineSightSpecialVRheadsetsViewerscanseeaworldof3danimationallaroundthem.SoundSmellTouchTasteSpecial VR headsetsViewers can hear the sounds clearly all around them.Smells are given out.Small openings in the headsetSmall glovesViewers can to

12、uch people and objects in the filmA straw sensorSpecial food and drink chemicals are placed into the viewers mouth.Scanningtogetdetailinformation 1.Whattechnologyisbehindthisproduct?The technology behind this product is virtual reality.2.Whatdoviewerswearsotheyfeelthattheyareactuallyinthefilm?They w

13、ear special VR headsets and gloves.SkimmingReading Comprehension I 3.WhydosomepeoplethinkthatuserswillbedisappointedbyRealCine?4.WhatdidtheteenagerexperienceinRealcine?He attended a World Cup final as the captain of the Brazilian football team and scored the winning goal. He was asked to sign his na

14、me for his fans.BecauseVRisnotreal. 5.WhatmightpeopleuseRealCinefor?6.Howcouldfirefightersbetrainedwiththisnewtechnology?They could be trained using RealCine without the risk of being sent into a burning building. Theycanuseitinmakingfilms,treatingpeoplewithsocialproblems,trainingandeducation,andals

15、ourbanplanning.After reading this business proposal, it can be inferred that the author thinks that RealCine _.A. is not so good as ordinary cinemaB. disappoints many viewers because it is not realC. is an excellent technology which should be widely usedD. is uselessPost-readingactivities1.Decidewhe


17、somepeoplethinkthatviewerswillbedisappointedbyRealCinebecauseVRisnotinteresting.FirefighterscouldbetrainedusingRealCinewithouttheriskofbeingsentintoaburningbuilding.ComprehensionIIITFFTspecial food and drink chemicalsmouthrealFa feeling of happiness and a sense ofachievementTA_forRealcineIntroductio


19、regivenout_smallopeningstheWhyitisbetterthanordinarycinemaWithVR,wecandosomethingsthatcouldneverbe_inreallifeHowitcanbeusedinotherwaysSkilltrainingand_ConclusionRealcineisafantastic_forthefilm-makingindustry.proposaltechnologyworkssenses directionglovesthroughachievedopportunityteachingComprehension

20、 IIHowRealCine1.Thetechnology2itisVR.Itcanconnectwithyourfivesensesina(n)3way.SpecialVRheadsetsmove4thedirectionwheretheuserwantsthemtogo.Specialglovescanhelpyouhave5topeopleandobjectsthatyouseeinthefilm.Smallopeningsintheheadsetsgiveoutsmellsto6theenvironment.DifferentopinionsUsedinotherwaysFirefig




24、thegovernmentusethis_inthefutureplanningofthiscity7this_willgiveyousomeinformationaboutRealCine,_itworks,_itisbetterthanafilm,and_itcanbeusedin_ways.theRealCine_willamazeyou,andyouwillagreethisisan_thatdeservestobe_furtherFillinblanksHomework Do Parts A1 and A2 on page 106 of your Workbook.Read Part

25、 A first and then do Part Bin the Writing section of this unit on page 113 of your Workbook. 不知道自己缺点的人,一辈子都不会想要改善。成功的花,人们只惊慕她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。成功的条件在于勇气和自信,而勇气和自信乃是由健全的思想和健康的体魄而来。成功了自己笑一辈子,不成功被人笑一辈子。成功只有一个理由,失败却有一千种理由。从胜利学得少,从失败学得多。你生而有翼,为何一生匍匐前进,形如蝼蚁。你一天的爱心可能带来别人一生的感谢。逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。只有承














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