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1、Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.Section A (3a-3c)预习展示预习展示1:中外名著列一列中外名著列一列西游记JourneytotheWest三国演义TheRomanceoftheThreeKingdoms红楼梦ADreaminRedMansions(TheStoryoftheStone)水浒传HeroesoftheMarshes;环绕世界八十天AroundtheWorldinEightyDays天方夜谭(Talesfrom)TheArabianNights罗滨逊漂流记RobinsonCrusoe汤姆叔叔的小屋UncleTom

2、sCabin老人与海Theoldmanandthesea爱丽丝漫游记TheAdventuresofAliceinWonderland安徒生童话集AndersonsFairyTales外国名著外国名著The more books you read , the cleverer you will be .turn into 变成变成 object 物体物体 nhide 隐藏隐藏 v tail 尾巴尾巴 n magic 有魔力的有魔力的 adjstick 木棍木棍 nexcite 使激动使激动 vwestern 西方的西方的 adj预习展示预习展示2知识扩一扩知识扩一扩Excite v. 使使激动激

3、动 excited 对对激动的激动的exciting 令人激动的令人激动的 west n. 西西方方 western 西方的西方的south 南方南方 north北方北方 east东方东方3aRead the passage and answer the questions.1. Which book is talked about?2. Who is the main character?Journey to the West.The Monkey King, Sun Wukong.Read carefully and finish the tasks.Task 1 Read paragra

4、ph 1 and answer. 1 When were pupils in England able to watch a new program called monkey ?In November 1979.2 were Chinese children hearing this story for the time? No,they werent.Read paragraph2 and fill. What he can doWhat he cannot domake 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into diff

5、erent animals and objectsmake his magic stick so small that he can keep it in his ear, at other times, make his magic stick big and longturn himself into a person (unless he can hide his tail)make:1.做;制作;制造Myunclewillmakemeakite.=Myunclewillmakeakiteforme.我的叔叔为我做一只风筝。2.迫使;令。如:Idontlikemilk,butshemad

6、emedrinkit.我不喜欢牛奶,可是她强迫我喝。Healwaysmakesushappy.他总是能使我们开心。(1) turn . into 把把.变成变成The magician can turn an egg into flowers.(2)turning 是现在分词作状是现在分词作状语,表伴随语,表伴随. He is standing there,crying.Read paragraph 3 and answer. 1 Why are children interested in reading the story?Because the clever Monkey King ke

7、eps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.2 When did the Monkey king come out? More than 30 years ago.Task 2 work on 3c1. Journey to the West is a _Chinese book. It tells one of the mostpopular stories in China. 2. When the English TV program Monkey_ in 1979, Western children_ this wonderful

8、story.traditionalcame outbecame interested in one of +最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数Shanghai is one of the most popular cities in China .对对感兴趣感兴趣3. The Monkey King can _ to his body. He is able to _ different animals and objects.4. The Monkey King _ make his magic stick small or large.make changesturn (himself) in

9、tocan/is able to成果展示成果展示Paragraph 11.He could make the stick big and long. (同义句)同义句) He _ _ _ make the stick big and long.2.Tom came to China _ _ _ _. (第一次)第一次)3.Do you know the man _ (call) David?4.通过预习和本课的学习,你会复述第一自然段了吗?通过预习和本课的学习,你会复述第一自然段了吗?was able tofor the first timecalledParagraph 21.It _ (看

10、起来像)看起来像)a butterfly. You _ (看起来)看起来)happy today.2.Sun Wukong can _ himself _ (变成)变成)different animals and objects.3.unless/ if_ you study hard, your grades will drop._ you study hard , you will get good grades.4.He always makes us _ (do )this or that.5.看谁能接着说。看谁能接着说。This is becauseBut unlessTo figh

11、t bad people,looks likelookturn intoUnless If dohe can make 72 changes to his shape and size,turning himself into different animals and objects.Paragraph 3 1.The _ movie _ us. We are all _ about the news. (excite)2.The baby saw his mother. The baby stopped crying.(同义句同义句 ) The baby stopped crying _

12、_ _ he saw his mother.3.Tara always keeps _ (do) housework to make her mother happy.4.在我六岁的时候我开始对读书感兴趣。在我六岁的时候我开始对读书感兴趣。 I _ _ _ reading when I was six .5. 挑战时间:挑战时间: 复述第三段复述第三段 excitingexcitesexcitedas soon asdobecame interested in总结总结组长调查本组成员,对于本课内容是组长调查本组成员,对于本课内容是否还有疑问?否还有疑问?解疑答惑解疑答惑1.at other t

13、imes 2.the weak在其它时候在其它时候at times 有时候有时候 时间;时刻(不可数)时间;时刻(不可数)常作复数常作复数时代;年代时代;年代 modern times 现代现代常作复数常作复数时期;时势时期;时势the + 形容词形容词 表一类人表一类人(做主语时视为复数)做主语时视为复数)theyoung青年theold老年thepoor穷人therich富人thesick病人 1.Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.2. The Monkey King has ex

14、cited the children of China for many years.so .that 如此如此.以至于以至于如:如:The book is so exciting that we all like it.have/ has done 现在完成时现在完成时 表示过去发生的动作对表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响和产生的结果。现在造成的影响和产生的结果。如:如:We have learned english for six years.扩展提高扩展提高Lets talk about characters in Journey to the West !(你可能会用到的词:(你可能

15、会用到的词:brave勇敢的,勇敢的, helpful , lazy ,silly傻的,傻的,honest 诚实的,诚实的,wise有智慧的,有智慧的,Monk Tang 唐僧,唐僧,Monkey King 猴王,猴王, Piggy 猪八戒,猪八戒, Sandy 沙僧)沙僧)Monk Tang唐僧唐僧Piggy 猪八戒猪八戒 Sandy 沙僧沙僧六家庭作业六家庭作业1.记会今天学习的单词,短语和句型。记会今天学习的单词,短语和句型。2.根据情况复述这篇文章的全部或者一部分。根据情况复述这篇文章的全部或者一部分。3.预习预习44页内容并完成课本内容及预习学案的内页内容并完成课本内容及预习学案的内

16、容。容。He can change his shape and size, but he cannot turn himself into a person unless he can hide his tail. He is clever, and never gives up fighting to help the weak.3. What is he like?The magician can turn an egg into flowers.give up doing 放弃做某事放弃做某事If you never give up trying , your dream will certainly come true.



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