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1、 阅读理解阅读理解主要考查学生对书面语言的理解能力,着重考查学生在篇章中理解语言、获取信息、综合概括等能力。阅读理解题是中考英语分数拉开档次的题型,在某种意义上对考生试卷总分起着决定作用。一、中考英语阅读理解试题的发展趋势一、中考英语阅读理解试题的发展趋势贴近学生生活,渗透素质教育。阅读量逐步增大全面考查对书面英语的理解能力文章题材和体裁多样化二、中考英语阅读题目的命制原则二、中考英语阅读题目的命制原则考查学生对语言文字、语篇的理解能力。考查学生在阅读中准确捕获信息的能力。 要求学生既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。 要求学生既能根据材料提供的信息,结合自己应

2、有的常识正确推断、理解材料中的生词和短语的含义。三、阅读理解的题材和体裁三、阅读理解的题材和体裁幽默故事类科学普及类新闻报道类文化教育类体育世界类名人传记类文化采风类动物世界类植物世界类广告宣传类应用文体类图表信息类四、中考英语阅读理解主要题型四、中考英语阅读理解主要题型细节理解题词义推断题逻辑推理题(包括正误判断题)归纳概括题(包括标题选择题) 五、阅读理解的主要命题形式五、阅读理解的主要命题形式根据短文内容选择正确答案型。 根据短文内容完成句子型。根据短文内容用英语回答问题型。 根据短文内容判断正误型。 六、阅读理解的设题层次六、阅读理解的设题层次表层理解题即答案可以从短文中直接找到的题目

3、。 深层理解题 即答案需要透过字面去看文中的内在含义,通过分析、概括、推理、判断才能找到的题目。七、七、20012001年年20062006年年聊城市中考英语试题回顾聊城市中考英语试题回顾分析研究近年各地中考题分析研究近年各地中考题把握中考命题动向及趋势把握中考命题动向及趋势是英语复习中的重要环节是英语复习中的重要环节(一)、阅读理解在试题中所占分值(一)、阅读理解在试题中所占分值(试题总分均为(试题总分均为150150分)分)2001年三篇阅读(共15小题,均为选择题)30分2002年三篇阅读(共15小题,均为选择题)30分2003年四篇阅读(共18小题,均为选择题)27分2004年四篇阅读

4、(共20小题,15个选择题,5个回答题),40分2005年四篇阅读(共20小题,15个选择题,5个回答题),40分2006年四篇阅读(共20小题,15个选择题,5个回答题),40分(二)所选文章的题材和体裁(二)所选文章的题材和体裁2001年故事类文化风采类科普类2002年故事类文化教育类动物类2003年文化教育类图表信息类植物类新闻报道类2004年应用文体类(书信)名人传记类植物类2005年名人传记类广告宣传类动物类图表信息类2006年名人传记类广告宣传类科普类新闻报道类(共10种题材)阅读材料实用性强,并富有鲜明的时代特征 (三)题型分析(三)题型分析(以(以20052005年和年和200

5、62006年中考题为例)年中考题为例)20052005年年20062006年年细节理解题细节理解题7 7个个7 7个个词义推断题词义推断题2 2个个1 1个个标题选择题标题选择题1 1个个1 1个个归纳概括题归纳概括题2 2个个1 1个个正误判断题正误判断题2 2个个2 2个个逻辑推理题逻辑推理题1 1个个3 3个个表层理解题数为表层理解题数为7 7个,深层理解题数为个,深层理解题数为8 8个,个, 已超过总题数的一半。已超过总题数的一半。八、阅读理解不同题型的解题方法八、阅读理解不同题型的解题方法(一)细节理解题一)细节理解题 其正确答案大都可以在阅读材料中找到对应的文字部分作为验证 。如:

6、 What does Alan want to buy? What does Alan want to buy? A. A lovely Persian kitten. A. A lovely Persian kitten. B. A ticket for B. A ticket for RaindersRainders concert. concert. C. A PC in good condition.C. A PC in good condition. D. A silver ring with a stone. D. A silver ring with a stone.原文回放:原

7、文回放:PC WANTED: In good PC WANTED: In good condition.Mustcondition.Must be be at least a Pentium IV( at least a Pentium IV(奔腾四代)奔腾四代).See Alan.See Alan. (2006 (2006聊中考篇)聊中考篇)(二)词义推断题(二)词义推断题主要提问方式是:1) The underline word “that” here refers to 1) The underline word “that” here refers to _. _. (2006聊中考篇

8、) A. working for moneyA. working for money B. sending medicine home B. sending medicine home C. his crazy father D. his adopted sister C. his crazy father D. his adopted sister 原文回放: Hong sold pens, books and tapes to Hong sold pens, books and tapes to make money.make money. “ many people looked dow

9、n on me “ many people looked down on me for for that.”Hongthat.”Hong remembered. “But I didnt remembered. “But I didnt care.”care.”2) The underlined word “ mute ” here 2) The underlined word “ mute ” here means means _.(2005聊中考篇) A. unable to speakA. unable to speak B. unhealthy B. unhealthy C. frus

10、trated D. not clever C. frustrated D. not clever 原文回放:原文回放:Not long after that ,she Not long after that ,she became mute too. From then became mute too. From then on,heron,her world was silent.world was silent. 3) The Chinese for “3) The Chinese for “thinning”(inthinning”(in the the fourth paragraph

11、) is “_”. fourth paragraph) is “_”. (2004聊中考篇)A. 拔苗.间苗.除草.育苗原文回放:If you have planted seeds, you If you have planted seeds, you can expect too many plants to come out. You can expect too many plants to come out. You have to clear some away, so that the plants have to clear some away, so that the plan

12、ts left will have room to left will have room to grow.Thisgrow.This is called is called thinning.thinning. (三)归纳概括题(三)归纳概括题主要提问方式是:1)1)Which is the best title of this passage? Which is the best title of this passage? (2006(2006聊中考聊中考c c篇)篇) A. Snow A. Snow ColourColour B. SnowflakesB. Snowflakes C.

13、White Stars D. Snowflakes Shape C. White Stars D. Snowflakes Shape2)2)The first two paragraphs mainly tell us The first two paragraphs mainly tell us that _. (2006that _. (2006聊中考篇)聊中考篇) A. sometimes snow has different A. sometimes snow has different colourscolours B. snow flakes look like white sta

14、rs. B. snow flakes look like white stars. C. there is different snow in different C. there is different snow in different countriescountries D. snow can be mixed with other things. D. snow can be mixed with other things. 3) What is the advertisement about? (20053) What is the advertisement about? (2

15、005聊中聊中考考B B篇)篇) A.shoppingA.shopping B.BusinessB.Business C. TravelC. Travel D.HikingD.Hiking4) From the text we know that_. (20044) From the text we know that_. (2004聊聊中考中考B B篇)篇) A. Yi A. Yi JianlianJianlian is a player of the Chinese is a player of the Chinese Basketball Team Basketball Team B.

16、Yi B. Yi JianlianJianlian will will jionjion Yao Ming in the Yao Ming in the NBA next season NBA next season C. Yi C. Yi JianlianJianlian is a basketball is a basketball playerwithplayerwith a bright future a bright future D. Yao Ming is the first person playing in D. Yao Ming is the first person pl

17、aying in the NBA the NBA (四)逻辑推理题(四)逻辑推理题主要提问方式是:1)1)Why did Hong take Why did Hong take chenchenchenchen along with him to the along with him to the Senior High School? (2006Senior High School? (2006聊中考聊中考A A篇)篇) A. His school was far from his home.A. His school was far from his home. B. Nobody but

18、 Hong could look after her.B. Nobody but Hong could look after her. C. He wants others to know about his family.C. He wants others to know about his family. D. She could help him sell things.D. She could help him sell things.原文回放:原文回放: When he was 12, When he was 12, his father suddenly went his fat

19、her suddenly went crazycrazy and killed his one year- old sister. The and killed his one year- old sister. The family then adopted a baby girl called family then adopted a baby girl called ChenchenChenchen. .Later, Later, Hongs mother ran away from homeHongs mother ran away from home. She . She coul

20、dnt stand Hongs mad fathers beating. couldnt stand Hongs mad fathers beating. Hong Hong had to support the family and bring up had to support the family and bring up ChenchenChenchen by by himself. himself. 2) According to the passage ,we2) According to the passage ,westudents students should_. (200

21、6should_. (2006聊中考聊中考A A篇)篇)A. give money to the poorA. give money to the poorB. put our time and energy into many thingsB. put our time and energy into many thingsC. learn to help ourselvesC. learn to help ourselvesD. sell things to support our familiesD. sell things to support our families原文回放:原文回

22、放:When Hongs story became public, When Hongs story became public, many people wanted to give him money. But many people wanted to give him money. But Hong refused. Hong refused. “Poverty(Poverty(贫穷贫穷)and suffering should not be )and suffering should not be an excuse for begging sympathy(an excuse fo

23、r begging sympathy(同情同情)and help )and help from from societysociety,”said,”said Hong. “ Hong. “I think its I think its most important for a man to support himself most important for a man to support himself and be strong.”and be strong.”3) The writer of this The writer of this passagpassag thinks_.

24、thinks_. (2005(2005聊中考聊中考C C篇)篇)A. sharks are useful to usA. sharks are useful to usB. sharks are dangerous to usB. sharks are dangerous to usC. sharks are able to treat cancerC. sharks are able to treat cancerD sharks are the largest animal in the oceanD sharks are the largest animal in the ocean原文

25、回放:原文回放:For For example,cancerexample,cancer is common in many is common in many animals,includinganimals,including people.Howpeople.How ever,itever,it is rare is rare in in sharks.Scientistssharks.Scientists want to find out why want to find out why sharks almost never get sharks almost never get c

26、ancer.Maycancer.May be this be this information can help people information can help people prenventprenvent cancer cancer too.too.4) Right after the summer course ,Mariko 4) Right after the summer course ,Mariko KoboryKobory will probably_. will probably_. (2004 (2004聊中考聊中考A A篇)篇) 5) Which of the f

27、ollowing is true? 5) Which of the following is true? (2006 (2006聊中考聊中考B B篇)篇)回答问题或完成句子型阅读理解(即回答问题或完成句子型阅读理解(即阅读理解第二节)阅读理解第二节)这类题有两种考查方式:一是每小题为一个句子,句中留空一个,要求学生填写适当单词。二是在短文后设问题,要求学生根据短文内容,用英语正确回答。如:1. In which country will the 2006 World Cup be held?(2006聊中考)2. The 2006 World Cup lasts for _. (2006聊中考

28、)答题时的注意事项学会判断问题的句式。问题的句式有四种:(1)一般疑问句(2)特殊疑问句(3)选择疑问句(4)反意疑问句不同的句式有不同的回答方式。正确理解题干的含义。学会简洁的语句概括大意。回答时间或地点时,注意介词的使用。填入单词时注意词形的变化。注意单词的大小写和句子的标点符号。注意书写整洁美观。九、阅读理解应试策略九、阅读理解应试策略浏览问题,明确要求 略读全文,了解梗概 通篇寻读,猎取信息逐渐分析,对号入座 复读全文,验证答案 阅读五忌 一忌不带问题 二忌草率行事三忌主观印象四忌囫囵定案 五忌忽略时间 十、阅读理解训练策略十、阅读理解训练策略注意力高度集中注意力高度集中 克服指读和声

29、读不良习惯克服指读和声读不良习惯 注重长句、复杂句的理解注重长句、复杂句的理解 扩大知识面扩大知识面 进行计时和限时阅读训练进行计时和限时阅读训练 十一、我在平时阅读教学中的具体做法十一、我在平时阅读教学中的具体做法对阅读材料进行归类 阅读材料形式多样化 ,不只局限于阅读题。帮助学生分析问题的题型 ,掌握做题的方法。 尝试让学生分析讲解 对学生进行限时阅读的训练 让学生坚持对课文进行缩写 ,培养抓关键词、关键句的能力。强调阅读在中考中所占的分量及重要性,引起学生充分重视 。英语中考词汇表 A1.ability n. 能力2.absent a. 缺席的3.accent n. 口音4.ache n

30、. 疼痛5.achieve v. 完成;到达6.active a.活跃的;积极的7.advantage n. 优势8.agreement n. 同意9.airline n. 民航公司10.ant n. 蚂蚁11.appear v. 出现;看起来12.available a.可用的可得到的13.avoid v. 避免;避开B B14.background n. 背景15.balloon n. 气球16.basic a. 基础的;基本的17.behaviour n.行为;举止18.birth n. 出生19.bitter a. 苦的;有苦味的20.boring a. 令人厌烦的21.boss n.

31、 老板22.brain n. 脑;脑力 C C23.camp n.& v. 营地;宿营24.cancel v. 放弃;取消25.captain n.队长;船长26.certain a. 肯定的;确定的27.chairman n.主席(chairwoman n. 女主席)28.cheat v. 欺骗29.check n.& v. 检验;检查30.church n. 教堂31.coal n. 煤32.coke n. 焦炭33.college n. 大学;学院petition n. 比赛position n. 作文36.concert n.音乐会37.condition n. 条件;状况38.con

32、ference n. 会议39.consider v. 考虑;认为40.correct v.&a.改正;正确的41. couple n. 一对夫妻;夫妇42. cruel a. 残忍的 D D43.daily a.& ad.& n. 每日的;日常的44.dialogue (Am dialog) n. 对话45.dig (dug ;dug)v.挖洞46.direct v. 直接的;指示47.director n. 导演;主演48.discovery n. 发现; 被发现的49.discussion n. 讨论50.dismiss v. 开除51. disturb v. 打扰52. downsta

33、irs ad. 楼下53. dozen n. (一)打;十二个54. drawer n. 抽屉55. drug n. 药56. DVD n. 数字式光盘57. effort n. 努力58. elder a. 年长的; 年龄较大的59. enemy n. 敌人 F F60.fan n.扇子;狂热爱好者61.fantastis a. 想像的;极好的62. fisherman n. 渔民63. flat n. 公寓64. flu n. 流感65. force v. 强迫;强使66.gesture n. 姿势;姿态67. giraffe n. 长颈鹿68.glove n. 手套69. guard n

34、. 警卫 H H70. handwriting n. 书法71. heaven n. 天堂72. hen n. 母鸡73. inch n. 英寸74. increase v. 增加75. industry n. 工业76. insist v. 坚持;强调77.intention n.意图;打算 L L78. labour n. 劳动79. lamb n. 小羊80. lemonade n. 柠檬水81. license n.执照许可证 M M82. magic a. 魔法的83. marriage n. 结婚84. master v.& n.精通; 能手85. method n. 方法86.

35、mirror n. 镜子87. motorcycle n. 摩托车88. Mr. (mister) n. 先生89. Mrs. (mistress)n.夫人90. murder v. 谋杀;凶杀 N N91.necessary a. 必要的92.note n. & v. 笔记;便条;记录 O O93.object n. 物体;实物94.overcoat n. 大衣 P P95. passport n. 护照96. path n. 小路 ;人行道97. penny n. 便士 (复数 pennies)98. period n. 期间;时期99. picnic n. 野餐100. pioneer

36、n. 先锋; 先驱 ; 探险者101.plain a.& n.明显的;清楚102.position n.位置;职业103.ride n. 自豪104.prisoner n. 囚犯105.private a. 私人的106 proper a.恰当的;合适的107 purpose n.目的 ;意图 R R108.raincoat n. 雨衣109 remain v. 仿照110.require v. 要求111.retell v. 复述;重讲112. review v. & n. 评比113. risk n. 冒险;风险114. row v. 划船115. rubber n. 橡胶;橡皮116.

37、ruler n. 统治者;直尺 S S117.sail n. & v. 帆;乘船118.satisfy v. 使满意119. seldom ad. 很少120. sense n. 知觉; 感觉121.separate v. & a. 分开; 分开的122.servant n. 佣人123.service n. 服务124. shame n. 惭愧;羞愧125. silence n. 寂静的126. silent a. 安静的127. similar a. 相似的128.smart a. 聪明的机敏的129. sofa n. 沙发130. sour a. 酸的131. spread v. 伸开;

38、铺开132. standard n. 标准133. state n. 状态;状况134. steel n. 钢135. strict a. 严厉的 T T136. tale n. 故事137. task n. 任务138. tent n. 帐篷139. text n. 正文;课文140. thread n. 线141. toothbrush n. 牙刷142. toothpaste n. 牙膏143. total a. 总数144. tour n. 旅游;游览145. tourist n. 游客146. towel n. 毛巾147. trade n. 贸易148. treasure n. 财富149. treatment n.治疗方法 U U150. ugly a. 丑陋的;难看的151. upon prep. 在.上面 V V 152. value n. 价值,益处153. vehicle n. 交通工具154. video n. 录像机;录像带 W W155. wealth n. 财富;财产156website n. 网址157. wolf n. 狼中考寄语 如果我们确实搞好阅读理解和完形如果我们确实搞好阅读理解和完形填空的复习训练,学生的英语成绩填空的复习训练,学生的英语成绩将会有大幅度的提升,会有更多的将会有大幅度的提升,会有更多的孩子踏进幸运之门孩子踏进幸运之门



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