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1、名词性从句在写作运用9. advocate _10.aggressive _11.considerate _12.diligent _13.alike _14.allocate _15.alternative _16.amateur_2012-2013江苏高考英语作文使用的名词性从句名词性从句是重要的语法项目之一,也是名词性从句是重要的语法项目之一,也是写作中常用的高级表达之一。写作中常用的高级表达之一。高考中五档作文高考中五档作文1. As far as Im concerned, the most important thing we should remember is that we

2、should always stay clam no matter what we face.Even when we face a rude person , what we should remember is that conflicts cannot solve any problems and what we are supposed to do is to explain the misunderstanding patiently.2013江苏英语高考作文As far as Im concerned, what the two pictures convey to us is s

3、uch a phenomenon that some people prefer to speak for protecting the earth while some would rather take action . 考点考点1. 连接词:连接词: that 与与 what 的区别的区别What he said makes me happy.That a new teacher will come is true .China is no longer what it used to be.He drove his car at what was a dangerous speed.t

4、hat 只起连接作用,无意义,在从句中只起连接作用,无意义,在从句中不充当任不充当任 何成分何成分, 且在宾语从句中可省。且在宾语从句中可省。 what 既既起起连接作用连接作用,又在从句中作又在从句中作 主语主语, 宾语宾语, 表语。表语。【高考链接】【高考链接】1.(2013北京)北京)_ makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer. A. That B. WhatC. WhoD. Which2.(2012上海)上海).Weve only got this small bookcase.

5、 Will that do? No,_ I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger. A. who B.that C.what D.which3.(2013北京北京33) Experts believe _ people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. A. whyB. whereC. thatD. whatBCC 考点考点2. what (什么什么) / which ( 表选择表选择, 哪一个哪一个) There are There are

6、4 beauties for Zhu Bajie to choose from, so he didnt know _one he could marry.A.what B. who C.which D.whom Cwhat 表什么(无选择范围)表什么(无选择范围)which表选择表选择, 哪一个(哪一个(有选择范围有选择范围) 1. -Do you know_Miss Zhus address is ? -She may live at No. 3 or No. 4 of Xianxing road. Im not sure of _. 2. I read about it in some

7、book or other, does it matter _ it was? whatwhich总结归总结归纳:纳:No. 3 or No. 4some book or otherwhich 以练促记以练促记 what / which what / which【高考链接】高考链接】1. 【2013江西江西30】_ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.A. Whoever B. Whatever C. WhicheverD. Wherever2.【2013重庆重庆28】. _struck me most in the mov

8、ie was the fathers deep love for his son.A. That B. It C. What D. WhichCC1.他犯了那样一个错误真是遗憾。他犯了那样一个错误真是遗憾。_ is a pity .2.他来不来不重要。他来不来不重要。_doesnt matter.It doesnt matter whetherThat he made such a mistakeIt is a pity that考点考点 3 :it作形式主语作形式主语(主从主从) , 形式宾语(宾从)形式宾语(宾从) 1. 当当that引导的陈述句作主语时,可换成引导的陈述句作主语时,可换成

9、it作形式主语。作形式主语。 Whether he will come or not总结归总结归纳:纳:当主语从句较长,而谓语较短时,常常将从句当主语从句较长,而谓语较短时,常常将从句_,而用,而用it作为形式主语置于句首。作为形式主语置于句首。it 也可也可作形式宾语。作形式宾语。后置后置 2. 主句的谓语动词是及物动主句的谓语动词是及物动make, find, consider, think, feel 等,则把宾语从等,则把宾语从句置于宾语补足语之后,用句置于宾语补足语之后,用it作形式宾作形式宾语语。 1. 转化句式转化句式1). That we shall be late is ce

10、rtain. - It is certain that we shall be late.2). I think that we take part in the discussion very important. -I think it very important that we take part in the discussion. Exercise1. _ is known to us all that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing. A. It B. What C. As D. Which2. He didnt

11、 make _ clear when and where the meeting would be held.A. this B. that C. it D. these _ is known to us all, the Youth Olympic Games will take place in Nanjing in 2014.Exercise It is well known/reported/ thought/said that It is clear/necessary/certain/true that It is a pity/a shame/an honor that It d

12、oesnt matter whether It seems that It happens that常见的常见的It 作形式主语作形式主语考试中常见形式宾语考试中常见形式宾语think +it +adj./n.+that(find/believe/consider/feel/make/suppose/expect)hate/like it when , take it for granted that , see to it that, depend/count on it that , appreciate it if , It is +adj. /p.p (obvious / certai

13、n/ clear /important/ necessary/ unknown / reported.)+that clause1. 大家都公认,树木对于环境保护是很有必要的。大家都公认,树木对于环境保护是很有必要的。(It is universally acknowledged that.) 名词性从句与写作中的高级句式名词性从句与写作中的高级句式It is universally acknowledged that trees are necessary to environmental protection.高考链接高考链接1.【2011江苏卷江苏卷 26】It was never cl

14、ear _ the man hadnt reported the accident sooner. A. that B. how C. when D. why2. 【2011重庆卷重庆卷 22】It is still under discussion _the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not. A. whether B. when C. which D. whereDA1)The news that _excited me. 同位语从句同位语从句2) The news (that/which)_exci

15、ted me. 宾语从句宾语从句he passed the examyou told me考点考点4同位语从句同位语从句与定语从句的区别与定语从句的区别 “ “二看二看” 一看一看_是否完整;二看是否完整;二看_确定答案。确定答案。从句从句成分成分从句从句句意句意总结归纳总结归纳同位语从句和定语从句前都是名词,但同位语从句是同位语从句和定语从句前都是名词,但同位语从句是 说明说明名词的名词的内容内容,that在从句中在从句中_成分成分,不可省略不可省略;而定语从句就是对前面名词进行而定语从句就是对前面名词进行修饰限定修饰限定,关系词应代,关系词应代替先行词在从句中替先行词在从句中_句子成分句子

16、成分,做宾语时做宾语时,可省略可省略。不充当不充当充当充当分辨方法分辨方法考点考点4同位语从句同位语从句与定语从句的区别与定语从句的区别1. 【2012江苏】江苏】The notice came around two in the afternoon _ the meeting would be postponed.A.when B. that C. whether D. how 2. The suggestion _he raised at the meeting is very good. A. which B. that C. what D. /3.A modern city has b

17、een set up in _ was a wasteland ten years ago. A. what B. which C. that D. wherethe placeit选择原则:选择原则:一辨一辨二查二查三选三选:从句类型从句类型:从句缺少什么成分从句缺少什么成分:意思适合的连接词意思适合的连接词 名词性从句的运用名词性从句的运用Try to introduce yourself using Noun Clauses.Writing 2014年即将到来,在新的一年,我们将面对一场重要年即将到来,在新的一年,我们将面对一场重要的考试的考试-高考高考.1.1. 能否在英语高考中取得好

18、成绩是我一直担心的问题能否在英语高考中取得好成绩是我一直担心的问题(what(what主语从句)。主语从句)。2 2. .我发现学好英语是很重要的我发现学好英语是很重要的,那是因为它是一个国际语言那是因为它是一个国际语言.(it 作形式宾语和表作形式宾语和表语从句)语从句)3.3.在我看来,学习的成功主要取决于是否有拼搏精神在我看来,学习的成功主要取决于是否有拼搏精神(whether(whether宾语从句宾语从句) ) . .4.4.拼搏精神能鼓励我们前行拼搏精神能鼓励我们前行, ,尤其在困难时期尤其在困难时期.(.(运用运用it it 作形式主语作形式主语) )5.5.我的愿望是被一所重点

19、大学录取,我的愿望是被一所重点大学录取,(表语从句)(表语从句)6.6.可是事实是我的成绩不是很理想(可是事实是我的成绩不是很理想(同位从句同位从句)。)。7.7.但我有一个信念但我有一个信念: :坚信人人都有获得成功的潜力坚信人人都有获得成功的潜力. . ( (同位语从句同位语从句) )8.8.总之,我会加倍努力来实现我的梦想。总之,我会加倍努力来实现我的梦想。9.9.同学们,我们好好努力吧!我们一起去实现我们的梦想同学们,我们好好努力吧!我们一起去实现我们的梦想-我们考上一个好大学!我们考上一个好大学!那时,我们会很自信地说:老师,我们没有辜负你们的希望那时,我们会很自信地说:老师,我们没

20、有辜负你们的希望!Writing 高考在即高考在即,我们将面对一场重要的考试我们将面对一场重要的考试-高考高考.1.1. 能否在英语高考中取得好成绩是我一直担心的问题能否在英语高考中取得好成绩是我一直担心的问题(what(what主语从句)。主语从句)。2 2. .我发现学好英语是很重要的我发现学好英语是很重要的,那是因为它是一个国际语言那是因为它是一个国际语言.(it 作形式宾语和表作形式宾语和表语从句)语从句)3.3.在我看来,学习的成功主要取决于是否有拼搏精神在我看来,学习的成功主要取决于是否有拼搏精神(whether(whether宾语从句宾语从句) ) . .4.4.拼搏精神能鼓励我

21、们前行拼搏精神能鼓励我们前行, ,尤其在困难时期尤其在困难时期.(.(运用运用it it 作形式主语作形式主语) )5.5.我的愿望是被一所重点大学录取,我的愿望是被一所重点大学录取,(表语从句)(表语从句)6.6.可是事实是我的成绩不是很理想(可是事实是我的成绩不是很理想(同位从句同位从句)。)。7.7.但我有一个信念但我有一个信念: :坚信人人都有获得成功的潜力坚信人人都有获得成功的潜力. . ( (同位语从句同位语从句) )8.8.总之,我会加倍努力来实现我的梦想。总之,我会加倍努力来实现我的梦想。9.9.同学们,我们好好努力吧!我们一起去实现我们的梦想同学们,我们好好努力吧!我们一起去

22、实现我们的梦想-我们考上一个好大学!我们考上一个好大学!那时,我们会很自信地说:老师,我们没有辜负你们的希望那时,我们会很自信地说:老师,我们没有辜负你们的希望! What worries me most is whether I can pass English exam in college entrance exams.I find it is important to learn English. In my opinion, success in life depends mainly on whether one can have great determination. It e

23、ncourages us to move forward, especially during our hard times. My hope is that I can be admitted to a key university. However, it is a fact that I dont do well in study. But I hold a belief that everyone has the potential to achieve success. All in all, I will work harder to make my dream come true

24、. It is our responsibility that we should do whatever we can to realize our dreams that well be admitted into good universities. We are confident to tell the teachers that we will live up to your expectations.volunteers The pictures tell us about v_ work.The pictures tell us that we should do some v

25、oluntary work.Its our social responsibility.That we should do some voluntary work.“It” refers to?Replace “it “! That we should do some voluntary work is our social responsibility. 宾语宾语宾语从句宾语从句 充当主语充当主语 subject主语从句主语从句Develop itIts our social responsibility that we should do some voluntary work .形式主语

26、形式主语 Our social responsibility is _ we should do some voluntary work.Our social responsibility _ we should do some voluntary work is necessary.thatthat表语从句表语从句 同位语从句同位语从句 oluntary人们参加志愿者活动的原因是他们有社会责人们参加志愿者活动的原因是他们有社会责任感。作为一名学生,我会做我能做的事情任感。作为一名学生,我会做我能做的事情来奉献社会。让陷入困境的人们感到温暖是来奉献社会。让陷入困境的人们感到温暖是非常重要的。志

27、愿者相信世界上有一部分最非常重要的。志愿者相信世界上有一部分最幸福的人就是那些给别人带来快乐的人。幸福的人就是那些给别人带来快乐的人。The reason why we take part in the voluntary work is that we have their social responsibilities. As a student, I will do whatever I can to devote myself to our society. It is very important that we should let people in need feel warmer. Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others. Translation



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