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1、乘风破浪,世界就在眼前Basics of Basics of communicationcommunication-黄橙、王楠嵋、林楠轩、许楝骅黄橙、王楠嵋、林楠轩、许楝骅黄橙、王楠嵋、林楠轩、许楝骅黄橙、王楠嵋、林楠轩、许楝骅1)3)Denfinition of CommunicationThe basis of all human contact. The share or exchange of information, ideas, and feelings. Information - power and money. You get information through comm

2、unication. Denfinition of CommunicationCommunication,the basis of all human contact,is as old as humankind.Communication involves a message exchanged between a sender and a receiver,a channal for the message to be conveyed.There is so far no single definition of human communication has been agreed u

3、pon.Denfinition of Communicationcommunication has at least the three ways !eyecontactDgestureCbodylanguageBspokenlanguageAspoken languagebody languagegestureOKOrigin of ok有三种说法: (1)OK是okay的缩写形式,起源于all correct,意为“完全正确”。后来有人把它误拼成oll korret。为了说话方便,于是取各自的词首字母,便成了OK。如今人们常用手势来表示“OK”,即用食指和拇指构成圆圈,其余3指伸直。 (2

4、)okay是印第安人发明的。有这样一个印第安部落叫Chocktaw,居住在富饶的密西西比山谷中,以种植和捕鱼为生。每当有问题发生,Chocktaw的领导人们就和部落首领围坐一圈,共同商议,如果有人同意其他人的意见,就点头示意,然后说“Okeh”,意思为“就是这样”。欧洲人初到美洲时,听到了大量的印第安语,并将之发展为英语词汇。现在美国的许多城市、河流、山脉,其名称都源于印第安语。 (3)另外还有一种说法:Okay这个词是在19世纪由一个政治团体发明的。有一个人叫Martin Van Buren,准备参加总统竞选,他的拥护者成立了一个俱乐部为他做宣传,俱乐部的名称就叫“Okay Club”,据说

5、O和K两个字母取自于Van Buren的故乡,纽约州的Old Kinderhook,那是他出生的地方。eye contact Essential elements of Communicationat least two or more commuicatorsThe 1some contact between communicatorsCommunication2a kind of language shared by communicatorsOccurs3an exchange of imformation has taken placeWhen4 Essential elementsC

6、haracteristics of CommunicationCommunicationsystematicdynamicirreversibleconsequenceself-reflectivesymbolicmeaning-loadedCharacteristics of CommunicationIts more like a motion than a single snapshot. we can shift topics or some unpopular ideas. Once a communication event takes place, its done . and

7、the original sender cant take it back as it has been deceived.Its a system, we send and receive message not in a isolation but in a specific setting or context. Setting and environments help determine the words and actiondynamic动态的动态的irreversible不可逆的不可逆的systematic系统的系统的Characteristics of Communicati

8、onTEXTmeaning-loaded可查询可查询的的symbolic象征的象征的consequence有影响有影响的的The meanings are stored somewhere in our brains for us to retrieve and employ.What we say can reflect ourselves. This ability enables us to be participants and observers.When you receive a message, something happens to you.self-reflective反映自反映自我我Our words and actions are sets of symbols through which we convey our messages ideas and feelings.Thank You!



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