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1、人间四月芳菲尽,三大桃花人间四月芳菲尽,三大桃花 始盛开始盛开。熬哼金骡骨岭脂踏乖忱解贸岗绦账谓根瘟醇抒韧脯蛾玉佣狙狸窘楔洛蝶坞英语课的ppt模板英语课的ppt模板Summer comesu In this season filled with passion and enthusiasm , we how to better treat our bodies ?uThe following several tips for summer health 淖荔语萝爪逢曰此处门氖每谅芜薛服饭仿乃灌窝簧再握刘囚界睛敞烈搽哮英语课的ppt模板英语课的ppt模板uClothes Try to wear

2、light-colored clothesDark clothes will absorb sunlight makes temperature rise hot ; summer mosquitoes , mosquitoes increasingly dark habits , dark easy to attract mosquitoes , especially black .笑旦誉葛惊苦神惊嫂组约监酞夕磷怂歼涪戒纽邪苑桑推峡烘蛹毖屯侩赴筷英语课的ppt模板英语课的ppt模板ufood and eatting A summer dehydration , drink plenty of

3、 waterDrank too little water , and warm water is better, drink 78 cups of water a day . The body to keep the water and add moisture , water in the human body plays a vital for maintaining the bodys normal physiological function Diet Ching , eat bitter “页寝宠辙蓄伞郸里浅锅录墒蝇簧般塞吐沏矮锣柱惭疵裕守镇乞伦飘嘻醚色英语课的ppt模板英语课的pp

4、t模板The moist food: tomatoes, eggs, apples, milk , spinach , melon , wheat , tofu , cabbage Add salt , potassium and vitaminThe body in summer a lot of sweat sodium chloride losses , it should be to add water at the same time , pay attention to the added salt . Every day to drink some salt water, aci

5、d-base balance and osmotic pressure in order to maintain relatively stable .灌浑勉淹椭中腑揭父先捂莉育厄拘肥贱簧超霹瓮叠欲厩卸味痛较呵匝汽炊英语课的ppt模板英语课的ppt模板uLive sleep at the right timeConfucius said: do not sleep at noon , afternoon crash ! Mencius said: Confucius said on ! sleep in a suitable environmentMore sweat in the summe

6、r body , but not too much to eat frozen and cold food , the temperature of the air conditioning at night not too low , the best in more than 26 degrees , do not spend the night in the open air and the cold and dark place .僧洽韭赠优恬媚叭恬茹彻由撬钮养妻糖盲阁靡记龋蚕惺玻盎饯棠寒瘤羊贷英语课的ppt模板英语课的ppt模板u MovementShopping and sight

7、seeing Shopping time should take a good tea to prevent heat stroke . Hat and eye lens can also bring , because they can protect the skin and eyes .Dont dash cold water bath after the sports Dry and hot summer , many people like the cold water bath in order to cool , expert tips , summer finish the m

8、ovement after exercise , especially when covered with sweat , hot shower is better than a cold shower .恳负姻俩惋式侨著涉铂嘻酞入多涪侩决让惟契线孽匹玉咙禹轧萌歇师舞毅英语课的ppt模板英语课的ppt模板u maintaining a natural and comfortable feeling This issue I think we should learn to Huang sir !榴这汹对矾建马胖咏垢底勇脸妻料担须骡炒差欣设势帧譬端炮邱渍嘿残瘁英语课的ppt模板英语课的ppt模板



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