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1、Unit4 基础写作专题讲解基础写作专题讲解 基础写作的评分标准 内容 5分 语言 7分 连贯性 2 分书写 1分句子内容的完整性完整性(Completeness)句子结构的正确性正确性(correctness)句子结构的复杂性复杂性(Variety)句子内容的连贯性连贯性(Coherence)处理理词语 写出句子写出句子 连接句子,接句子,变身复句。身复句。1. 某事某事值得做得做 sth is worth doing 值得得(花花费金金钱,时间) worthwhile2. 日常生活日常生活 daily life 3. 饥饿 starvation 4. 卫星星 satellite 通通讯传播

2、播 communication5. 天气天气预报 weather forecast6. 能源短缺能源短缺 energy shortages写作内容:写作内容:最近,你班同学就最近,你班同学就“太空探索是否值得太空探索是否值得”这一话题展开了一场讨论这一话题展开了一场讨论.请你根据下表提请你根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文介绍讨论的供的信息,用英语写一篇短文介绍讨论的情况。情况。30%的同学反对:的同学反对:1. 离我们及我们的日常离我们及我们的日常生活太远生活太远 2. 浪费金钱,这些金钱本可以浪费金钱,这些金钱本可以用来解决饥饿,污染等问题。用来解决饥饿,污染等问题。70%的同学赞成:的

3、同学赞成:1. 已使用卫星进行通讯已使用卫星进行通讯传播,天气预报等;传播,天气预报等;2.有望解决地球能源有望解决地球能源短缺问题短缺问题. 1.There are 30% of the students think that space is worth exploring. 30% of the students think that space is worth exploring.错误诊断错误诊断:there be 句型使用错误句型使用错误. . 中国式英语中国式英语 2. 70% students think that is worthwhile to explore space.

4、 70% of the students think it is worthwhile to explore space. 错误诊断断:百分比和名:百分比和名词之之间要用要用of, of之后的之后的 名名词要有要有the that是从句是从句标记,要有主,要有主语 3. And had 30% the students are agree the idea of explore space. 30% of the students agree with the idea of exploring space. 错误诊断:断:have的用法的用法错误 百分数后用of连接名词 sb agree w

5、ith sb/sbs idea of是介词,后用名词或者动名词写写说明文或介明文或介绍性的文章性的文章时, ,时态要用要用现在在时, ,注意句子注意句子结构构, ,尤其是主句尤其是主句, ,从句从句结构要清晰构要清晰, ,复复杂, ,主句主句, ,状状语部分要用恰当部分要用恰当, ,不要逐句翻不要逐句翻译. .找出找出错误,修改,修改标注出你注出你认为他他/ /她写得好的句子她写得好的句子The discussion of seeking the space Today, our class had a discussion, which talk about if the seeking o

6、f the space have a worthwhile.Those who are in favor of seeking the space claim that it has a lot of advantages. For example, the satellite was used to communication and the whether forecast, also the seeking could make the earth full of energy.But some students who disagreed with it said: “ Maybe t

7、he seeking is right, but its too far to know it in our daily life, the money used to seeking the space should be useds the deal with the starvation and the pollutions.on my views, I think the seeking of the space is worthwhile to do it.The discussion of seeking the spaceIs space exploration worthwhi

8、le?Is space worth exploring?Today, our class had a discussion, which talk about if the seeking of the space have a worthwhile.discuss sth discussion on/about sth it is worthwhile to do sthRecently, we have had a discussion on whether it is worthwhile to explore space. Whether the space exploration w

9、orthwhileThose who are in favor of seeking the space claim that it has a lot of advantages. be in favor of 赞成成 claim 声称,宣称声称,宣称Those who are in favor of (赞成成) exploring space claim that it has a lot of advantages. 70% of the students who are in favor of exploring space claim that it has a lot of adv

10、antages.For example, the satellite was used to communication and the whether forecast, also the seeking could make the earth full of energy.1. 拼写拼写错误 whether 2. 时态错误 For example, satellites have been used for communication and weather forecast, and the exploration can enable us to solve the problem

11、of energy shortages on the earth if we find new resources on other planets. But some students who disagreed with it said: “ Maybe the seeking is right, but its too far to know it in our daily life, the money used to seeking the space should be useds the deal with the starvation and the pollutions.Bu

12、t 30% of the students who disagree with it feel that space is too far from our daily life and the money spent on space exploration can have been used to deal with problems such as starvation and pollution.On my views, I think the seeking of the space is worthwhile to do it.In my view, space is worth

13、 exploring.In my opinion, space is worth exploring.As far as I am concerned, spacePersonally speaking, I think1.Recently, our classmates have held a discussion whose topic of that was whether worth exploding in space.Recently, our classmates have held a discussion whose topic is whether space is wor

14、th exploring.Recently, our classmates have held a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.2. 30% students disagree because they considered that it was far away from us and our daily life. 30% of the students disagree because they consider that space is far away from our daily life.3. Besides,

15、 it wasted money which should have solved some problems such as starvation and pollution.Besides, it wastes a lot of money, which could have been used to solve problems such as starvation and pollution.4. But the others agreed with the opinion that was worth doing that and gave some reason about tha

16、t it benefited solving earths energy shortages problem. 结构混构混乱乱 But the others who agree with this idea that space exploration is worthwhile claim that we have benefited a lot from space research and it may help us to solve the earths energy shortage problem.5. And it is known to all the satellite i

17、s used to make communication or forecast. It is known to all that satellites have been used for communication and weather forecast.被用来做某事被用来做某事1. be used to do sth2. be used for sthSample 1Recently, our class has held a discussion about whether space is worth exploring. 30% of the students object th

18、e idea of exploring space. They feel that its a waste of time and resources to do so and the large sum of money spent on the exploration could have been used to deal with problems such as starvation and pollution. However, 70% of the students consider it worthwhile to explore space. As we all know,

19、satellites have been used for communication as well as weather forecast, which make our lives more convenient. Besides, if resources are found on other planets, energy shortages on our earth can be solved.Sample 2 Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth explor

20、ing. 30% of the students think space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life, and the money spent on space exploration can have been used to solve problems such as starvation and pollution. 70% of the students think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it, such as using satellites for communication and weather forecast. Also, space research will enable us to find new resources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth.



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