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1、Advanced IELTS Reading Course雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法雅思阅读的简单介绍雅思阅读的简单介绍1个小时个小时 (9:45-10:45,包括填答题卡)包括填答题卡) 3篇文章(篇文章(around 1100 for each,totally 3500)40 questions(13 13 14)8 种题型种题型Scoring CriteriaWhy Chinese often fail in IELTS reading?雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法文章类型:文章类型:Economics ,education, science (astronomy & oceanography

2、), environment, geology, plants & animals linguistics, architecture, archaeology文章来源:文章来源:Economist, Financial Times, Guardian, National Geographic, New Scientist雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Question TypesTrue/False/Not Given P19Summary P18Sentence Completion (SC) P97Flow Chart/ Table/Diagram P41,51,46Short Answer Q

3、uestions (SAQ) P116Multiple Choice (MC) P27,18List of headings P66Matching P22PS:考试中根据自己的实际情况去选择题目,考试中根据自己的实际情况去选择题目,文章。文章。雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Scoring Criteria55.566.577.5816-1920-2223-2526-2829-3132-3435-37雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法6.0分 x 4 = 24 分 = 6+6+6+66.5分 x 4 = 26 分 = 6+6+7+7 23分 / 4 =5.75 =6.0分23分 =6+6+6+5 =6+6+5

4、.5+5.5 25分 / 4=6.25分=6.5分25分 =6+6+6+7 =6+6+6.5+6.5 雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Why Chinese often fail in IELTS reading?Vocabulary?! Grammar?!Limited time?!雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Australia has been unusual in the Western World in having a very conservative attitude to natural or alternative therapies, according to Dr. Paul Lav

5、er, a lecturer in Public Health at the University of Sydney.How Australian doctors differ from those in western countries?A. they have worked closely with companiesB. they have often worked alongside other therapies.C. they have been reluctant to accept alternative therapies.D. they have regularly p

6、rescribed alternative remedies. 雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Vocabulary:CET-4 4200(6)CET-6 5500 (67)IELTS 7000(78.5)雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法过去背单词:难以背全,认真看每个词,写写画画,一天 50个,边背边忘。短期。不间断。重复的看。雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法D110:只看单词样子,中文意思,平均:只看单词样子,中文意思,平均6秒一个。秒一个。D1112:盖住意思,检测,划去认识的,标记陌生的。:盖住意思,检测,划去认识的,标记陌生的。D1315:没做记号的快速过,标记的多花时间。:没做记号的快速过,标记的多花时间

7、。D1618:适当看一看例句。:适当看一看例句。D1923:冲刺,全部重复看。:冲刺,全部重复看。A-E组3000-4000词汇1A2A+B3B+C4C+D5D+E6A+B+C7B+C+D8C+D+E9D+E+A10E+A+B11-12A+B+C+D+E13A+B+C14B+C+D15C+D+E16A+B+C17B+C+D18C+D+E19D+E+A按时按量按时按量认真认真量变到质变量变到质变20E+A+B21A+B+C22B+C+D23C+D+E雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to h

8、unger may be very hard for some countries, but in Britain, where the immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the cost and the damage of intensive farming have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible. 雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法取舍有道取舍有道牺牲小我,完成大我,田忌赛马,讲究策略。牺牲小我,完成大我,田忌赛马,讲究策略。7分并不难,分并不难,3,3,4,每种题型中的难题直接

9、放弃。遇到卡,每种题型中的难题直接放弃。遇到卡壳的题目大胆往下走。壳的题目大胆往下走。Do what we do best,meng the rest.雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法General Reading SkillsS: Skimming(1-2m)Q: Question (10s)S: ScanningR: Reading Intensively雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法SkimmingUnderstandthegist,thegeneralideaofthetextTimeRange 雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Range 文章题目文章题目副标题、介绍性文字副标题、介绍性文字小标题小标题简介

10、简介每一段的首句每一段的首句最后一段或者结论最后一段或者结论雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法练习:练习:General Nutritional Information雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Question 题目要求题目要求How 划出划出定位词?定位词?定位词:定位词:identify.1、特殊性、特殊性 2、细节性、细节性 3、不可替换性。不可替换性。雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法哪些词可做定位词?哪些词可做定位词?大写字母大写字母数字数字 时间时间与人相关的信息(与人相关的信息(人名、人名、职业、身份等)职业、身份等)特殊标点符号(引号,连词符,括号,斜特殊标点符号(引号,连词符,括号,斜体体, ,下

11、划线等)下划线等)学科学科陌生的奇怪的长单词陌生的奇怪的长单词形容词的比较级、最高级形容词的比较级、最高级雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法哪些词不能用来定位?哪些词不能用来定位?常用词常用词文章主题词文章主题词同一题型反复出现的词同一题型反复出现的词雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法1. There was strong competition between scientists and others in Renaissance Europe.Johnsons dictionary2. In 1764, Dr. Johnson accepted the contract to produce a dicti

12、onary.雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法3. Despite the 1990s Asian economic crisis, Asian students Still dominate the English language classrooms of Australia and New Zealand. 雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Scanning Looking for a specific piece of information or specific wordsLocating : Signpost keywords in the question Matching keywords i

13、n the passage ParaphrasingA-A,A-B 雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Question: 3. Despite the 1990s Asian economic crisis, Asian students Still dominate the English language classrooms of Australia and New Zealand. Passage: But even the Asian economic downturn in the 1990s has not significantly altered the demographic com

14、position of the majority of English language classroom within the region.雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Reading IntensivelySkills Required Capacity for Vocabulary7,000Proficiency in sentence analyzingWell-recognizing in cohesive devices / logical relation/ matching words/雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Question: Despite the 1990s Asian e

15、conomic crisis, Asian students Still dominate the English language classrooms of Australia and New Zealand. Passage: But even the Asian economic downturn in the 1990s has not significantly altered the demographic composition of the majority of English language classroom within the region.雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法Exercise 雅思阅读简介和文章阅读法



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