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1、英语(九年级上册) Unit 6 TV programmes Task I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. learn to make an outline before writing; 2. learn to create a simple TV drama script. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: gun, twin, burglar, receive a me

2、ssage, ask for help, call the police, three men in police uniforms, with guns in their hands, be pushed into a minibus, open the back door of ; 2. New structures: The twins saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns in their hands. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted ar

3、ea of difficulty To teach the students how to create a TV drama script. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in T: Do you like watching drama series? Now lets watch a short video first. (Show drama series to the students) What do you think of the drama series? S: They are exciting/interesting/humorou

4、s T: Do you know this man? He is good at writing stories. He wrote the TV drama script for the Modern Family. Because of his good writing, we can enjoy such exciting drama series. 【设计意图:通过电视剧引出编剧,让学生对于本课的写作任务有初步的认识。 】 Step 2 Learn about the outline 1. Learn about the background. T: Look, Millie is w

5、riting a TV drama script for a competition. To write a good TV drama script, she made an outline before writing. Now lets take a look at the first half of her outline. How many parts are there in the outline? What are they? S: There are two. They are the background and the story. T: Read the backgro

6、und first. What information can be introduced in this part? S: We can introduce characters, time, place, events and so on. T: Read the background carefully and answer these questions. (1) who: the twins Justin and Luke; their friend Sarah (2) when: one day (3) where: The twins were at home. Sarah li

7、ved in Hill building. (4) what: The twins received a message from Sarah, who was asking for help. There were some burglars in Hill Building. 【设计意图:通过分析 outline,帮助学生逐步形成认识,为下面的写作做好铺垫。 】 2. Learn about the story. T: What happened then? Read the outline carefully and answer these questions. (1) What di

8、d the twins do after they received the message? They called the police at once and then ran there quickly. (2) What did they see when they got there? They saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns in their hands. (3) What happened to the twins then? They were pushed into

9、a minibus. (4) What did they do on the bus? They tried to use a knife to open the back door of the minibus. 【设计意图:让学生阅读 Story,回答问题,为下一步的阅读任务打好基础。 】 3. Help Millie finish her writing. T: Can you help Millie finish the first half of the story? 4. Learn about ways to write a good beginning. T: After re

10、ading the first paragraph of the story, do you want to know what happened next? S: Yes. T: So remember that a good writer should catch readers attention in the first paragraph. 【设计意图: 关于电视剧本开头部分的写作给学生提出一点建议, 为接下去的写作做铺垫。 】 5. Learn about ways to write a good story. T: What did the twins do in the sto

11、ry? S: a. called the police b. ran to Hill Building at once c. saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns when they arrived there d. thought e. ran towards the three men f. tried to stop them from leaving g. were pushed into a minibus T: After reading these sentences, what

12、 do you think of the twins? What kind of people are they? S: They are helpful and brave. T: So remember that a good writer can make readers know what the characters are like by their actions, thoughts, appearance and speeches. 【设计意图:罗列故事主体部分,帮助学生更清楚地了解电视剧剧本的写作特点和方法。 】 T: The twins were pushed into a

13、 minibus. It seemed that they were trapped and in danger. However, it was clever of them to take a knife with them. Isnt it surprising? Can they open the back door with the knife and get away from the minibus? S: T: Remember that a good writer often describes what happens, what the characters do and

14、 where the turning points are to attract readers attention. Whats more, he or she often chooses two or more scenes for the story. 【设计意图:通过创设开放性问题引发学生的思考和讨论,为接下去续写故事做准备。 】 Step 3 Writing 1. Help Millie finish the rest of her story. T: Can the twins get away from the minibus? If they opened the back d

15、oor, what would happen next? If the burglars found them opening the back door and stopped them, what would happen next? Lets have a discussion and continue Millies story. T: Lets share our stories together. 【设计意图:写作任务分两步开展,其一是续写故事。经过之前的诸多铺垫,此时的续写已经水到渠成。教师抽取学生的故事在全班分享,使学生能够互相取长补短。 】 2. Tips for creat

16、ing an interesting story. T: Here are some tips for creating an interesting story. If you are interested in creating your own TV drama script, you can follow these tips. 3. Show some pictures to the students and ask them to write a story about them. T: Look, here are some pictures. Can you create a

17、TV drama script according to these pictures? As a good writer, youd better make an outline before writing. Today we learn to create a TV drama script and continue Millies story. After class, can you finish your TV drama script? If you are interested in it, you can also create your own TV drama script. By writing you learn to write. 【设计意图:写作任务二是看图编写故事。受课堂时间的限制,教师可安排学生在课堂上列出写作提纲,在课后完成写作任务。 】 V. Homework 1. Review the different ways to create a TV drama script; 2. Finish the TV drama script according to your outline.



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