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1、浙江浙江 2 2 节课的教学设计节课的教学设计Primary Longman Express 3A Module 2 Unit 2Primary Longman Express 3A Module 2 Unit 2Things we can doThings we can do 教学设计教学设计教教师师姓姓名名胡洁浙江湖州爱山小学教育集团四年级单单位位上课年级上课年级课题名称课题名称Things we can doThings we can do设设计计思思路路本课内容选取朗文Primary Longman Express教材作为教学材料,主要围绕“Things we can do”开展教学活

2、动,要求学生使用情态动词can 来谈论自己某一方面具有的能力,同时能意识到自己的不足之处(cant ),学会取长补短,结合自己的特点来体验参与学校竞赛和社会实践的经历。我将本课教学设计意图定位在学生较为熟悉并喜欢的话题的基础上来将新知和旧知结合起来并能在自己熟悉的体育、音乐等领域中来进一步讨论 abilities,通过情景练习,注重学生语言知识及语言运用能力的培养。选取这一语言材料,期望能够通过该教材优美、生动的语言片段来达成本课的教学设计意图。Language Skills:Language Skills:The kids will be able to understand & use t

3、he followingWords & expressions: play football/ play basketball / play table tennis / dokaratePatterns : : 1. I can and 2. I can but I cant 3. I cantorLearning skills:Learning skills:1.To talk about things people can or cant in a logical way.2.Using the sentence patterns to express their own idea.3.

4、Be able to use the new sentences to communicate with others.Affection:Affection: The kids will learn to appreciate others ;Raise their consciousnessof cooperation教教学学目目标标Key Points:Key Points:重重点点难难点点The sentence patternsDifficult points:Difficult points:* word: karate* Sentence patterns:Eg, I can p

5、lay football and basketball.I cant play football or basketball.Things we can doI canand板板书书设设计计I can_,_ and_ .I can play basketball and football.I canbut I cantI cant play the violin or the piano.教学步骤和说明教学步骤和说明:教学程序安排教学程序安排Warming- upWarming- upactivities:activities: A songFree talkFree talkSelf-int

6、roductionSelf-introductionQ & A: What canyou do?BrainstormBrainstormPresentation:Presentation:Of expressions.学生活动安排学生活动安排The kids will listen to thesong & enjoy itThen theyll follow theteachers instructions as theychantThe kids will giveanswers to the teachersquestionsSs will tick the thingsthey can

7、 do on a sheetKids will tell theirpartners what they can do or设计意图及说明设计意图及说明This is meant to warm up thewhole class, to go over words ofbasic abilities, such as jump, run,skip, etc.This is meant to furtherarouse words kids have learnt,and let them try to know moreabout their own abilities.Make surec

8、ant & can forfurther use.New pattern will be listed onwhat they cant do.The kids will look at thesheet& give feedback tothe teachers questions.the blackboard at the same time.(I canandIcan_,_ and_ .I can play basketball andfootball.)The teacher will ask somequestions to ensure the kidsThe kids will

9、answerteachers questionsThe kids will look at PPTFurtherFurtherPresentation:Presentation:of the new phrases:and learn the new phases andpattern.The kids will look at theirsheet and use the new patternto express their own idea in alogical way.understanding of the structure.New pattern will be listed

10、onthe blackboard at the same time.Play footballPlay basketballPlay table tennisI cant but I canPresentationPresentation&PractisePractise: :of the difficultpoints:The kids will watch apiece of funny video, thendiscuss with their partner:What can /cant Paul do?What can/cantwonderboy do?The kids will f

11、inish a taskThe kids will be given a fewminutes to get prepared beforethey give feedback.New pattern will be listed onthe blackboard at the same time.I cantor The teacher will highlight thelast sentence and then go back tothe cans & cants listed on theand then find out whichcompetition their friends

12、 canMake an interviewMake an interviewenterblackboard.Ask the kids to make up adialogueUsing patterns weve learnttoday.Written: Copy the newwords & expressionsHomeworkHomeworkAfter class, the teacher issupposed to check the individualMake up sentences using:work so as to give personalized1.I can and

13、 help.2. I can but I cant 3. I cantor牛津英语上海版牛津英语上海版6B Module 3 Unit 2 Open Day6B Module 3 Unit 2 Open DayOpen DayOpen Day 教学设计教学设计温州市实验小学 夏恩力教教师师姓姓名名夏恩力设设计计思思路路单单位位上课年级上课年级课题名称课题名称温州市实验小学六年级Open DayLanguage Skills:Language Skills:The kids will be able to understand & use(if they need to) the followi

14、ngWords & expressions: open day/visit/information board/classproject/choir/programme/教教学学目目标标Patterns : : 1. They can;2. They will;3. First; Next; Then; Afterthat; Finally;Ability:Ability:1.Design Open Day activities;2.Reasonably order these activities;3.Make a programme, write a proposal(with the h

15、elp of structures)Affection:Affection: The kids have the desire to introduce their school and school life toparents;Key Points:Key Points:重重点点难难点点Design Open Day activities and order them;Difficult points:Difficult points:Kids have no Open Day experience and seldom heard of it. They will confuseit w

16、ith Parents Meeting;Some words are hard to explain, eg. Project/information;Kids have to organize Open Day activities logically;Open Day板板书书设设计计Firstvisit classrooms;Nextlook at class projects;Thenlisten to the school choir;After thatlook at English club information board;Finallymeet teachers教学步骤和说明

17、教学步骤和说明:/教学程序安排教学程序安排Warming- upWarming- upactivities:activities:Define Open DayDefine Open Day学生活动安排学生活动安排1.How much do you knowabout our school;2.How much do yourparents know about ourschool;1.Define Parents meeting;设计意图及说明设计意图及说明问答热身,激活与校园及校园生活相关的语言;让学生意识到家长们对校园及校园生活的了解的不足;与家长会的区分,让学生更2.Read and

18、get thedefinition of Open Day;清楚地了解开放日;阅读,提取关键信息;3.Top 3 Places Ss wanttheir parents to visit;1.Read the PPT: More thanvisiting;Redefine Open DayRedefine Open Day2.Differentiate Open Day与学生的真实校园相联系;对开概念的再次补充完善,输入关于 Open Day 的信息; 了解 Open Day 还能做的事情;with Parents Meetingagain;3.Design some Open Dayacti

19、vities;1.Read the text, list OpenDay activities in RGS;2.List the places they willgo on Open Day;3.Order these activities;4.Find the reason ofordering;5.Order activities designedby Ss1. Act out Open Dayactivities;2. Make an Open DayProposal;学生了解 Rose GardenSchool 的开放日活动,并通过与该学校的校园平面图的联系,了解顺序背后的原因,并能为自己的开放日活动设计合理的顺序;Organize OpenOrganize OpenDay Activities;Day Activities;通过表演,让学生有直观体验;学校从未有过开放日活动,学生设计开放日提案;Further TaskFurther Task



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