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1、Following a dream1、 vet /vet/兽医兽医2、 flightattendant /tendnt/ 空乘空乘3、 pilot/palt/飞行员飞行员4、 architect/ktekt/建筑师建筑师5、 ofcourse /ks/当然当然6、 information/nfmen/信息信息7、 technology/teknldi/技术技术8、match/mt/比赛、匹配比赛、匹配9、professionally/prfenli/专业的专业的10、almost/lmst/几乎几乎Formula 1 方程式锦标赛,简称方程式锦标赛,简称F1Formula 1 is the h

2、ighest class of car racing, in which cars race at speeds of up to 360km/h.go-kart 卡丁车卡丁车竞赛竞赛is a sport in which small four-wheeled vehicles called karts or go-karts race round tracks. 刘易斯刘易斯汉密尔顿汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton),),1985年年1月月7日出生,日出生,英国英国F1车手,车手,2008、2014、2015、2017、2018年五届年五届F1世界冠世界冠军得主,军得主,F1史上第一位

3、黑人车手。史上第一位黑人车手。 汉密尔顿出生在英国一个普通的工薪家庭,父母在他两岁那年汉密尔顿出生在英国一个普通的工薪家庭,父母在他两岁那年离婚,他跟着父亲安东尼长大。为了培养刘易斯走上赛车之路,离婚,他跟着父亲安东尼长大。为了培养刘易斯走上赛车之路,安东尼曾一度每天要打三份工。而小刘易斯也很懂事,在服装店安东尼曾一度每天要打三份工。而小刘易斯也很懂事,在服装店做小工也去过酒吧打零工。做小工也去过酒吧打零工。 汉密尔顿自小就显现出来赛车天赋,从汉密尔顿自小就显现出来赛车天赋,从8岁起开始练习卡丁车,岁起开始练习卡丁车,展现了对速度的掌控能力,开始赢得各种各样的胜利。展现了对速度的掌控能力,开始

4、赢得各种各样的胜利。10岁时,岁时,他已是英国卡丁车全国冠军。汉密尔顿与他已是英国卡丁车全国冠军。汉密尔顿与迈凯轮迈凯轮结缘于结缘于1994年的年的一次赛事晚宴,年仅一次赛事晚宴,年仅9岁的他径直走到了迈凯轮车队老板岁的他径直走到了迈凯轮车队老板罗恩罗恩丹丹尼斯尼斯的面前,介绍了自己,并表示希望有朝一日为迈凯轮开车。的面前,介绍了自己,并表示希望有朝一日为迈凯轮开车。 丹尼斯经过了几年的考察,丹尼斯经过了几年的考察,13岁时,汉密尔顿签约迈凯轮的岁时,汉密尔顿签约迈凯轮的车车手发展计划手发展计划,成为与,成为与F1正式签约车手,随后夺得雷诺方程式的冠正式签约车手,随后夺得雷诺方程式的冠军,欧洲

5、军,欧洲F3年度冠军,年度冠军,GP2年度冠军年度冠军。1. athlete/lit/运动员运动员2. fame /fem/ 名声名声3. competition/kmptn/比赛比赛4. acoupleof /kpl/ 两个两个5. autograph /tgrf/签名签名6.championship/tmpnp/锦标赛锦标赛7. programme /prgrm/计划计划 8. quality/kwlt/优质的、品质优质的、品质9.aheadof胜过、提前胜过、提前Following a dream Lewis Hamiltons parents came to Britain from

6、the island of Grenada in the 1950s. Lewis was born in 1985, and his parents named him after the American athlete Carl Lewis. Did they know that sporting fame was waiting for their son, too?运动员运动员名声名声格林纳达岛格林纳达岛When Lewis was six, his father gave him a radio-controlled car and he began to win competit

7、ions, even against adults. From this very young age, Lewis dream was to become a Formula 1 driver so his father bought him a go-kart and he started go-kart racing in 1993 when he was only eight years old. He won a couple of races, and he knew that he had to win more.无线电控制的无线电控制的卡丁车卡丁车比赛比赛两个两个One day

8、, when he was 10 years old, Lewis met a man called Ron Dennis. Dennis was the boss of the Mclaren Formula 1 team. Lewis asked Dennis for his autograph, saying, “ My names Lewis Hamilton and one day I want to drive your cars.” Ron Dennis wrote in his autograph book, “Phone me nine years from now, wel

9、l sort something out.” 签名签名整理、解决整理、解决 In fact, when Hamilton won his first go-kart championship a few years later, Ron Dennis phoned him, and in 1999 Hamilton joined Mclarens “ Young Drivers” programme. He was the youngest person ever do this.锦标赛锦标赛计划计划 In 2001, world Formula 1 champion Michael Schu

10、macher raced against Hamilton in a go-kart race and said, “ Hes a quality driver, very strong and only 16. If he keeps this up, Im sure he will reach F1.”优质的、品质优质的、品质 Schumacher was right. Lewis Hamilton started as a driver in F1 races in 2007. In his first six races, he came third, second, second,

11、second, second and first. Then he came first again in his next race. He finished the season in second place, behind Kimi Raikkonen. Then in 2008, at the age of 23, Hamilton became the youngest world champion in F1 history when he finished one point ahead of Felipe Massa.胜过、提前胜过、提前 Lewis Hamilton had

12、 a dream, and he followed it and found what he wanted. And thats success!1. When did Hamiltons dream to be a Formula 1 driver begin?2. What did he do when he was eight?When he was very young.He started go-kart racing.3. What did he tell Ron Dennis when he was ten?4. Why did Ron Dennis phone Hamilton

13、?He told him that he wanted to drive Mclaren Formula 1 cars one day.Because Lewis had won a go-kart championship and Ron wanted to invited him to join Mclarens “ Young Drivers” programme.5. How old was Hamilton when he joined Mclarens programme?6. What happened when Hamilton started driving in Formula 1 races?19.In his first six races, he came third in the first race, second in the next four and then first.1、 athlete/lit/运动员2、 fame /fem/ 名声3、 competition/kmptn/比赛4、 acoupleof 两个5、 autograph /tgrf/签名6、championship/tmpnp/锦标赛7、 programme /prgrm/计划8、 quality/kwlt/优质的、品质9、aheadof胜过、提前 https:/



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