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1、CourseG6 1Research TrainingInitial Design Decisions3. The Start of a ProjectKate BoltonBeijing, 8-12 July 2002C Kate Bolton 06/2002CourseG6 2ObjectivesRole of the buyerTaking a briefUnderstanding business objectivesSetting research objectivesCourseG6 3The research buyerResearchAgencyResearchBuyerCou

2、rseG6 4The research buyerResearchAgencyResearchBuyerInternal ClientsCourseG6 5“We need to do some research”CourseG6 6“We need to do some research”Why?CourseG6 7What does (should) the research buyer do?Is it worth doing?Understand how it will help the business decisionGauge importanceCheck if data ex

3、ists alreadyEvaluate the requestInvolve all key players:Common view of objectivesRealistic view of outputsAware of practicalitiesManage expectationsSet project scope & sizeAchieve budget sign-offCourseG6 8Choosing an agencyResearch buyer matches needs of project with agency offering:Practical Consid

4、erationsExpertiseHistoryChemistryCourseG6 9Before you get started.If the client has written the brief.Challenge itCourseG6 10Before you get started.If the client has written the brief.If youve pieced the brief together.Challenge itWrite it up & get them to confirmCourseG6 11Where does the agency sta

5、rt?“Id like you to pitch for this job”ClientAgencyWhat do I need to know?”CourseG6 12Exactly WHY the Exactly WHY the research is neededresearch is neededWhat OTHER factors What OTHER factors may have a bearingmay have a bearingIts difficult to write a successful proposal unless you know.Good researc

6、h briefGood detective workCourseG6 13Briefs come in all shapes & sizes“Brief”CourseG6 14Ideally.A written document with all the relevant information.But if not, its YOUR responsibility a) to work out what is missing, and b) to ask questions so that you can fill in the gaps.CourseG6 15Agency Briefing

7、 Checklist (i) 1. Do YOU understand the BUSINESS OBJECTIVES?CHECK:What decisions will be made on the basis of the research?How important are those decisions?ASK YOURSELF:What background do you need to know about:-the issue-the market-the clientCourseG6 16ExampleBusiness ObjectiveBusiness ObjectiveTo

8、 increase profit margins on a product.Options:Put up the priceCut costs: - make production process more efficient- reduce packaging & marketing costs- make with cheaper ingredientsCourseG6 17Business ObjectiveBusiness ObjectiveTo increase profit margins on a product - considering cost cutting option

9、 of cheaper ingredientsResearch ObjectiveResearch Objective- an information need- expressed as something that can be measuredNeed to translate business objective into.CourseG6 18ExampleResearch ObjectiveResearch ObjectiveE.g.To measure whether people notice a difference.To measure whether people lik

10、e the revised product.CourseG6 19Be wary of broad objectives“To understand the shampoo market”“To assess potential of a new photocopier”“To track advertising”OK as OVERALL objectives - but what are theOK as OVERALL objectives - but what are the specific MEASURABLE objectives? specific MEASURABLE obj

11、ectives?CourseG6 20Often useful to split the research objectivesOverall Research ObjectiveOverall Research ObjectiveTo investigate the risk of introducing the revised product.Specific Research ObjectivesSpecific Research ObjectivesTo assess consumer acceptability of the revised product.To understand

12、 areas of criticism.To investigate reaction to the smaller piece size.To assess influence on perceptions of value for money.To give an indication of influence on future purchase.To highlight highest risk consumer groups .CourseG6 21It is vital you get the research objectives right the list of object

13、ives is your contract with the client. you are committing to design and run a study that will answer them. what you will be able to deliver must be clear. almost every other decision you make on a project will depend on these objectives.CourseG6 22give guidanceinvestigateexploredeterminemeasureevalu

14、ateassess(Harder)(Easier) Choose words carefullydiscoveridentifyhighlightconfirmestimatepredict!CourseG6 23Check the order of priorityDesign recommendations may vary across objectives are those at the top of the list the most important? which do they have no previous information on?CourseG6 24Often

15、useful to split the research objectivesOverall Research ObjectiveOverall Research ObjectiveTo investigate the risk of introducing the revised product.Specific Research ObjectivesSpecific Research Objectives1To assess consumer acceptability of the revised product. 2To highlight highest risk consumer

16、groups .3To assess influence on perceptions of value for money.4To understand areas of criticism.5To investigate reaction to the smaller piece size.6To give an indication of influence on future purchase.CourseG6 25Clear, logical, detailed objectives Give you the best chance of:a running a methodolog

17、ically sound piece of research that the client will be able to useand that the agency can run profitably.CourseG6 26Briefing Checklist (ii) 2. If the CLIENT PROVIDES the research objectivesDo YOU agree with them?ASK YOURSELF:Are their research objectives a sensible translation of the business object

18、ives?Are they achievable?What do they know already?CourseG6 27ExampleResearch ObjectiveResearch ObjectiveTo assess consumer acceptability of the revised product.Need to translate research objective into.Action StandardAction StandardCriterion for decision makingCourseG6 28Briefing Checklist (iii) 3.

19、 Have any ACTION STANDARDS been set?CHECK:What results are expected?What business outcomes have been discussed?Are there any benchmarks for interpreting the results?CourseG6 29Research ObjectiveResearch ObjectiveTo assess consumer acceptability of the revised product.Action StandardAction StandardOp

20、tions:The revised product must- be liked as much as the current product, OR- be only slightly less liked(definition of slightly less = ?)CourseG6 30Business ObjectiveBusiness ObjectiveTo increase profit margins on a product by using cheaper materials.Research ObjectivesResearch ObjectivesTo assess c

21、onsumer acceptability of the revised product.Action StandardAction StandardOpinion of revised product must not be substantially worse that current. i.e. average overall rating must be at least 7 out of 10. (Current achieved score of 7.5 in last test)CourseG6 31Briefing Checklist (iii) 3. If the clie

22、nt has set the ACTION STANDARDS.ASK YOURSELF:Are their action standards sensible/realistic?What implications does this have for survey design?- e.g. qualitative or quantitative?sample structure?sample size?CourseG6 32Briefing Checklist (iv) 4. Are the AGENCYS RESPONSIBILITIES clear?CHECK:Sample list

23、s/stimulus: will the client provide?What level of reporting -data, tables, presentation, report?ASK YOURSELF:Sample/stimulus: whats your preference - them or you?Can you persuade them to have a presentation?CourseG6 33Briefing Checklist (v) 5.What PRACTICAL CONSTRAINTS are there?Timing:CHECK:Are the

24、re deadlines/key marketing dates?Stimulus: CHECK:Is the number/format limited?Budget:CHECK:What has been discussed?ASK YOURSELF:Are these constraints ABSOLUTE or NEGOTIABLE?CourseG6 34Finding out about the budget.“You tell us what it costs to do the job properly”ClientBut clients almost always have

25、a rough idea of how much they are prepared to spend.CourseG6 35Finding out about the budget.“Were you thinking nearer to 10K or 50K?”“What cost would scare the life out of you/your boss?”AgencyCourseG6 36Summary:Essential Components of BriefBusiness Objectives (including necessary background)Researc

26、h ObjectivesAction StandardsAgency ResponsibilitiesPractical ConstraintsCourseG6 37Before you get started.If the client has written the brief.Challenge itCourseG6 38Challenging A Brief? Logic (does it make sense?)? Assumptions (are they sound?)? Ambiguities (clarify meaning)? Duplication (other rese

27、arch?)? End user (who really needs the data?)? Pitfalls (previous problems?)CourseG6 39Before you get started.If the client has written the brief.If youve pieced the brief together.Challenge itWrite it up & get them to confirmCourseG6 40How to avoid unsatisfying & disappointing projects?CourseG6 414

28、 Key PointsCourseG6 42Work hard to get the RESEARCH OBJECTIVESFocused1CourseG6 43 Research objectives1Often too vague/woolly:-tighten them up (are they actionable)Off pat - standard: -what do you really need in this instance- make them issue basedCourseG6 44 Research objectives1Too many - shopping l

29、ist: -prioritise (set achievable scope)Too many descriptive objectives:-think more diagnosticallyCourseG6 45 Research objectives1Know where youre going at all timesCourseG6 46Make sure you manageCLIENT EXPECTATIONSAT THE OUTSET2CourseG6 47 Client expectations2“The data will tell us what to do”“We ca

30、n sit back and listen” “It will tell us things we never knew”“New opportunities will be obvious”CourseG6 50Client expectations2 Get the client to buy in and be involvedCourseG6 51Be realistic about DATA QUALITY3CourseG6 52Data quality3Long questionnaires/overloaded groups result in poor quality data

31、-bored respondents give ill considered answers-by the end of the interview they have become atypical/oddCourseG6 53Data quality3Cant realistically get breadth AND depth-you may need two studiesCourseG6 54Data quality3Dont compromise other aspect of the design for the sake of qaire/group length-usual

32、ly false economy-aim for larger better quality sample & focused interview/discussionCourseG6 55Data quality3 Once the qaire/discussionbecomes unmanageable its all down-hillfrom thereCourseG6 56Keep the SPECIALIST TECHNIQUESUNDER CONTROL4CourseG6 57 Specialist Techniques4Very rarely give magical solutionsAre not a substitute for interpretationOften the root cause of overpromisingConfusion caused by explanation often outweighs benefitsCourseG6 60Specialist Techniques4 Dont let the tail wag the dog



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