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1、Successful WritingUnit 7 Social ProblemsUnit ObjectivesAt the end of the unit you will1. be able to recognize characteristics and organizational patterns of cause and effect in paragraph writing;2. be acquainted with relevant linking devices in cause and effect writing; and3. be able to write effect

2、ive paragraphs of cause and effect according to the instructions given.Part Warm-up ActivitiesStep One: Lets talk about college students taking part-time jobs. Why are so many students eager to find part-time jobs or summer jobs? What impact can be expected? Discuss with your partners and put down y

3、our ideas in the table. Step Two: Now try to find out any possible relations between why students take up part-time jobs (causes) and what has resulted. Then, on the basis of the group discussion, reorganize the information in the following table. After that, write one paragraph or two describing th

4、e causes and effects.Additional WorkLook at the two sets of pictures and describe possible causes and effects.Here are some words you may use: be severely ill, worry about, temporary, recover, urgent, strike a balance between and , doze off, dozeaway, distractPart Cause and EffectOrganizational Stru

5、cture Sample 1 Suggested answers to the questions1.This paragraph is developed around the problem of “the lack of parking” complaint about by US city residents.2. The pattern of single effect and multiple causes. After the problem is clearly presented at the beginning, the rest of the paragraph is d

6、evoted to the exploration of its causes. Altogether three major causes are discussed. In this way, the writing shows a logical cause-and-effect pattern, which might consequently attract more concern or efforts in the problems solution.3. The three causes are presented from the most direct/obvious to

7、 the most indirect/obscure.SummaryThis pattern of organization is single effect vs. multiple causes. In this pattern, you may state the issue, i.e. the effect, right at the beginning, and then guide the reader to track down some important evidence for the causes. The causes can be traced from the mo

8、st superficial to the deepest, from the most direct to the most indirect, etc. In the end, it is advisable to suggest some solutions to the problem, so that the whole writing has some significance. Sample 2 Suggested answers to the questions1.The problem addressed refers to the issue of terrorist at

9、tacks. This issue has brought about at least three major aspects of consequence or effect.2.The paragraph addresses the cause rather than effects right at the beginning.3. No. it follows a pattern of single cause and multiple effects. Sample 2 states briefly at the beginning the issue of terrorist a

10、ttacks as a direct cause, and then dwells upon three major effects, some factual and some predicted.Summary sample 2: from the matter-of-fact to something predicted. This is called the single-cause-and-multiple-effect pattern. The writer structures his paragraph mainly around points of effects inste

11、ad of causes, reasoning along the logical sequence of events. Like sample 1, transitions are also used here so as to avoid abrupt idea development.The single-cause-and-multiple-effect pattern works best with issues that turn out to be far-reaching or influential. It can bring into sharp focus of the

12、 relationship between causes and effects of an issue under discussion. Linking DevicesSampleSuggested answers to the questions1.Both paragraphs deal with the same topic: private tiger keeping.2.Paragraph B is easier to understand.3. The paragraph contains certain words and expressions, which help cl

13、arify the causes and effects in the paragraph.4. This paragraph is structured on the pattern of multiple causes and multiple effects, or of chains of causes and effects.Words and phrases that indicate either cause or effect in Para.BJust asisThe result is thatis precisely whymay be among other reaso

14、nsa list of expressions to indicate cause and effectCause/Reason:may be among other reasonsThanks toto account / find some reason for to attribute A to Bto be due to several factorsto be partly caused byto be precisely whyWhy? For one thingto stem from the fact thatto view as a response toEffect/ Im

15、pactis the net result It leaves some serious consequencesIt may give rise to a host of problemsThe effect is evidentThe immediate result is produces isThe influence has not been confined to The result is thatThere are a number of effectsto bring aboutto cause a sweeping changeto lead toto result inS

16、ummary Paragraph B is more effective in shifting between causes and effects of the issue. The main reason is that paragraph B uses some words and phrases (e.g. the result is that, just as is, is precisely why, may be among other reasons) to indicate the relevance of cause/ effect and shift from one

17、cause or effect to another. This shows that linking words or phrases play an important role in ensuring a smooth and coherent flow from cause to effect, or from effect to cause.Unit Summary1.How many patterns of organization used in cause and effect have been discussed in this unit? 2. Why do we use linking devices?



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