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1、unit5-Chinese-Cuisineunit5-Chinese-Cuisine民以食为天。民以食为天。 食色,性也食色,性也 。 食不厌精食不厌精Chinese Idioms vs CuisineChinese Idioms vs CuisinenFood is the first necessity of subsistence.The desire for food and sex is part of human nature. One does not object to the finest food.Chinese Idioms vs Cuisinen对酒当歌,人生几何?对酒

2、当歌,人生几何?n 酒逢知己千杯少。酒逢知己千杯少。n天下无不散的宴席天下无不散的宴席。Chinese Idioms vs Cuisinen Enjoy wine and song while we can, for life is short.nFor a congenial friend a thousand toasts are not enough.nAll good things must come to an end.The Five TastesnSournSweetnBitternHot nSaltyCommon Staplesn食用油食用油 cooking oil 葱葱 sc

3、allionn酱油酱油 soy sauce 姜姜 gingern醋醋 vinegar 大蒜大蒜 garlicn麻油麻油 sesame oil 花椒花椒 cayenne peppern 辣椒粉辣椒粉 chilin 胡椒胡椒 pepperPreparing the Materialsn切块切块 cut into chunksn切丁切丁 dicen切片切片 slicen切丝切丝 shredn剁碎剁碎 minceCooking Methods and Common Menu (interpret!)n煮煮 boil boiled shrimps with saltn蒸蒸 steam steamed b

4、ass with scallion and black beansCooking Methods and Common Menun煲、焖煲、焖 stew stewed chicken in casserole double-stewed soupn红烧红烧 braise braised pork legCooking Methods and Common Menun干烧干烧 fry fried prawnsn煎煎 pan-fry pan-fried shrimps with egg whiten炸炸 deep-fry deep-fried spring chickenCooking Metho

5、ds and Common Menun炒炒 stir-fry stir-fried ricen爆爆 quick-fry quick-fried pork and scallionsCooking Methods and Common Menun烤烤 roast roasted suckling pign烘烘 bake baked cookies n熏熏 smoke smoked porkCantonese CuisinenThe Cantonese style of cooking is probably the most familiar to the Western palate, for

6、 the greater number of Chinese restaurants established outside China are of this type. Features of this style are the great variety of dishes and the beauty of their presentation. n广东菜也许是西方人最熟悉的,因为中国境外广东菜也许是西方人最熟悉的,因为中国境外的中餐馆大多是广东菜馆。广东菜的特色是种的中餐馆大多是广东菜馆。广东菜的特色是种类多样,外观悦目。类多样,外观悦目。nSteam and water are

7、used in preparation more than frying, and vegetables are cooked for the shortest time possible to maintain their natural crispness. The dishes have a slight tendency to be sweet and spices are used with moderation.烹制多用蒸和煮,少用油炸。炒菜力求快烹制多用蒸和煮,少用油炸。炒菜力求快速以保其脆口,口味偏甜,清淡。速以保其脆口,口味偏甜,清淡。中国菜中国菜中国的烹饪技术要满足三种感觉

8、:香,形,中国的烹饪技术要满足三种感觉:香,形,味。首先,某一盘菜的味道不能盖住其味。首先,某一盘菜的味道不能盖住其他的菜。此外,菜必须有悦目的外观,他的菜。此外,菜必须有悦目的外观,不但颜色,而且材质都要相佩。味则咸,不但颜色,而且材质都要相佩。味则咸,甜,酸,辣俱全。甜,酸,辣俱全。nIn Chinese gastronomy three senses must be satisfied: smell, sight and taste. To begin with, a dish should not have a strong aroma dominating the other dis

9、hes. In addition a dish must be of an appearance and composition that is pleasing to the eye, and there should be a balance not only of colors but of different texture. As for taste, there are four considered necessary: salty, sweet, sour and hot.除了味道力求平衡,口感也要搭配。桌子除了味道力求平衡,口感也要搭配。桌子上既有干,粘,也有爽脆,汁多的菜式

10、。上既有干,粘,也有爽脆,汁多的菜式。通常是上完爽脆就上汁多的,或者上完通常是上完爽脆就上汁多的,或者上完咸就上甜的。咸就上甜的。And balance is not limited to taste alone: the texture of food in the mouth must vary. A banquet should contain dry and sticky dishes as well as crisp and juicy ones. Usually a crisp dish is followed by a smooth one, and the salt dish

11、followed by a sweet one, and so on.上海菜上海菜上海菜的味道比广东菜重,制作也稍微长些。很上海菜的味道比广东菜重,制作也稍微长些。很多的食物要炸,而且使用大量的麻油和多的食物要炸,而且使用大量的麻油和 醋。上醋。上海菜使用姜,大蒜,小辣椒等香料。海菜使用姜,大蒜,小辣椒等香料。nShanghai food tends to be heavier than the Cantonese variety and takes slightly longer to prepare. Much of the food is fried and there is a gre

12、ater use of sesame oil and vinegar. Spices like ginger, garlic and small red pepper are used.虽然大米是主食,但喜用面条。上海地区虽然大米是主食,但喜用面条。上海地区做菜多用红烧,即把切成块的猪肉放在做菜多用红烧,即把切成块的猪肉放在糖,酱油,姜和其他的香料里煮很长的糖,酱油,姜和其他的香料里煮很长的时间。另一种著名的做法是糖醋,特别时间。另一种著名的做法是糖醋,特别是糖醋鲤鱼。是糖醋鲤鱼。Noodles are favored although rice is the staple food in the region. One of the favored ways of preparing dishes in the region is the “ the red-cook “ method, where chunks of pork are cooked for a long time in sugar, soy, ginger and other spices. The other is the well-known sweet- and- sour method of preparing food, particularly carp.



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