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1、 On Catherines Dual Personality in Wuthering Heights论呼啸山庄中凯瑟琳的双重性格指指导老老师:班班 级:答答辩学生:学生:学学 号:号:AbstractAbstract A A Christmas Christmas Carols Carols is is one one of of the the classic classic Christmas Christmas novels novels of of Charles Charles Dickens, Dickens, having having been been loved lov

2、ed by by people people and and being being passed passed on on the the Christmas Christmas custom custom from from then then on. on. The The novel novel describes describes the the whole whole process process the the protagonist protagonist as as a a mean mean and and unkind unkind miser miser turns

3、 turns into into a a generous generous and and kind kind person, person, visited visited by by three three spirits spirits respectively respectively from from the the past, past, the the present present and and the the future. future. Combined Combined with with the the miserable miserable childhood

4、 childhood experience experience in in the the Victorian, Victorian, the the thesis thesis also also analyses analyses the the influence influence of of the the three three spirits spirits visiting visiting and and reflects reflects the the character character of of capitalist capitalist loving lovi

5、ng money money to to death death and and miserable miserable fate fate of of the the poor poor by by new new historicism historicism in in historicity historicity of of texts texts and and textuality textuality of of history. history. This This novel novel not not only only tells tells the the explo

6、itations exploitations which which capitalist capitalist brings brings to to the the poor, poor, but but also also reveals reveals the the truth truth that that human human being being good good by by nature. nature. People People should should be be encouraged encouraged to to get get rid rid of of

7、 all all kinds kinds of of temptation temptation and and being being warm-hearted warm-hearted to to help help others, others, which which makes makes us us live live in in the the harmonious society. harmonious society. ContentsContents1 1IntroductionIntroduction2 2New HistoricismNew Historicism 2.

8、1 The Definition of New Historicism 2.1 The Definition of New Historicism 2.2 The Developmet of New Historicism 2.2 The Developmet of New Historicism 2.3 The Characteristics of New Historicism 2.3 The Characteristics of New Historicism 2.3.1 Textuality of History 2.3.1 Textuality of History 2.3.2 Hi

9、storicity of Texts 2.3.2 Historicity of Texts3 3Personalities of ScroogePersonalities of Scrooge 3.1 Redemption and Confusion 3.1 Redemption and Confusion 3.1.1 Marleys Death 3.1.1 Marleys Death 3.1.2 Constraint by Money 3.1.2 Constraint by Money 3.2 Loneliness and Miesry 3.2 Loneliness and Miesry 3

10、.2.1 The Spirit of the Past 3.2.1 The Spirit of the Past 3.2.2 Introduction on Dickens 3.2.2 Introduction on Dickens 3.3 Criticism and Disaster 3.3 Criticism and Disaster 3.3.1 The Spirit of the Present 3.3.1 The Spirit of the Present 3.3.2 Introduction on Victorian Era 3.3.2 Introduction on Victori

11、an Era 3.4 Kindness and Gratefulness 3.4 Kindness and Gratefulness 3.4.1 The Spirit of the Future 3.4.1 The Spirit of the Future 3.4.2 Cultural Influence on Christmas 3.4.2 Cultural Influence on Christmas4 4New Historicism in A Christmas CarolsNew Historicism in A Christmas Carols 4.1 Different peri

12、ods of Scrooge 4.1 Different periods of Scrooge 4.2 Marginalized Characters 4.2 Marginalized Characters 4.2.1 Dead Marley 4.2.1 Dead Marley 4.2.2 Poor Bob 4.2.2 Poor Bob5 5ConclusionConclusionS Significance of Writing this Thesisignificance of Writing this ThesisS Significance of Writing this Thesis

13、ignificance of Writing this ThesisS Significance of Writing this Thesisignificance of Writing this ThesisContentsContents1 1IntroductionIntroduction 1.1 The Objective of this Thesis 1.1 The Objective of this Thesis 1.2 The Methodology of this Thesis 1.2 The Methodology of this Thesis 1.3 The Structu

14、res of this Thesis. 1.3 The Structures of this Thesis. 1.4 The Significance of this Thesis 1.4 The Significance of this ThesisContentsContents 2 2New HistoricismNew Historicism 2.1 The Definition of New Historicism 2.1 The Definition of New Historicism 2.2 The Development of New Historicism 2.2 The

15、Development of New Historicism 2.3 The Characteristics of New Historicism 2.3 The Characteristics of New Historicism 2.3.1 Textuality of History 2.3.1 Textuality of History 2.3.2 Historicity of Texts 2.3.2 Historicity of Texts 3 3Personalities of ScroogePersonalities of Scrooge 3.1 Redemption and Co

16、nfusion 3.1 Redemption and Confusion 3.1.1 Marleys Death 3.1.1 Marleys Death 3.1.2 Constraint by Money 3.1.2 Constraint by Money 3.2 Loneliness and Miesry 3.2 Loneliness and Miesry 3.2.1 The Spirit of the Past 3.2.1 The Spirit of the Past 3.2.2 Introduction on Dickens 3.2.2 Introduction on Dickens 3

17、.3 Criticism and Disaster 3.3 Criticism and Disaster 3.3.1 The Spirit of the Present 3.3.1 The Spirit of the Present 3.3.2 Introduction on Victorian Era 3.3.2 Introduction on Victorian Era 3.4 Kindness and Gratefulness 3.4 Kindness and Gratefulness 3.4.1 The Spirit of the Future 3.4.1 The Spirit of

18、the Future 3.4.2 Cultural Influence on Christmas 3.4.2 Cultural Influence on Christmas ContentsContents 4 4New Historicism in A Christmas CarolsNew Historicism in A Christmas Carols 4.1 Different periods of Scrooge 4.1 Different periods of Scrooge 4.2 Marginalized Characters 4.2 Marginalized Charact

19、ers 4.2.1 Dead Marley 4.2.1 Dead Marley 4.2.2 Poor Bob 4.2.2 Poor Bob ContentsContentsContentsContents5 5ConclusionConclusion Many Many people people have have made made invaluable invaluable contributions, contributions, both both directly directly and and indirectly indirectly to to my my thesis.

20、thesis. I I would would like like to to express express my my warmest warmest gratitude gratitude to to Associate Associate Prof. Prof. Xie Xie Li, Li, my my supervisor, supervisor, for for her her instructive instructive suggestions suggestions and and valuable valuable comments comments on on the

21、the writing writing of of this this thesis. thesis. Without Without her her invaluable invaluable help help and and generous generous encouragement, encouragement, the the present present thesis thesis would would never never have have been been accomplished. accomplished. She She has has gave gave

22、me me a a hand hand to to hidden hidden my my horizons horizons and and thoughts thoughts so so that that I I can can have have one one more more new new prospective prospective to to think think about about this this novel, novel, this this writer writer and and social social meaning meaning to to

23、us. us. My My supervisor supervisor also also has has spent spent much much her her personal personal time time to to know know what we really want to write and made it more reasonable.what we really want to write and made it more reasonable. At At the the same same time, time, I I am am also also g

24、rateful grateful that that Associate Associate Prof. Prof. Huaying Huaying and and Lecturer. Lecturer. Li Li Liantao Liantao provide provide me me with with valuable valuable advice, advice, and and give give me me related related resources resources on on my my thesis. thesis. Both Both of of them

25、them suggest suggest me me to to find find a a related related theory theory to to support support this this thesis, thesis, which which help help me me a a lot lot in in some degree. some degree. Its Its my my supervisor supervisor who who has has help help me me and and support support me me durin

26、g during the the whole whole writing, writing, besides, besides, the the other other two two teacher, teacher, Huaying Huaying and and Li Li Liantao Liantao give give me me some some pretty pretty awesome awesome suggestions suggestions which which make make my my thesis thesis more more reasonable reasonable and and more more valuable. valuable. In In a a word, word, thanks thanks all all of of my my dear dear teachers.teachers.AcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsThank you !Thank you !Please give me some valuable Please give me some valuable advices and suggestions!advices and suggestions!



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