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1、Unit4-Unit4-题西方文化导论题西方文化导论Text Study _II_1.14Text StudyMain Ideas The Relationship Between Christianity and Judaism Christianity has a close relationship with Judaism, both historically and theologically. Despite its Jewish origins, it was not long before Christianity regarded itself as something ot

2、her than a new Jewish sect. In the 2,000 years of history since the birth of Jesus, the relationship between Christianity and the ancient faith in which it is rooted has often been strained. Christians have criticized Jews for rejecting Jesus as their messiah, and Jews have criticized Christians for

3、 corrupting the concept of one God and following a false messiah. The New Main IdeasText Study _II_1.15Text StudyMain IdeasTestament reports that Jews were the first to persecute Christians, and after Christians became the more powerful group, they frequently persecuted Jews. Today, theological disa

4、greements between Christians and Jews remain, but efforts are being made towards greater understanding and respect between the two great faiths. Main IdeasText Study _II_3.1Text StudyComprehension ExercisesComprehension Exercises(1) When Jesus Christ fled from his brother Esau, he imagined the ladde

5、r to heaven. (2) Christianity is a kind of culture. (3) Before the 4th century, Christians had been persecuted in Roman Empire. (4) Jewish culture and religion were immensely enriched by Christianity and Western culture.(5) The Trinity is the unity of Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit in one div

6、ine being.F _True of false questions.T_T_F _T_ In spite of the fact that the two religions both derived from Jewish culture, there are some basic differences between them. First are the different images of God. For Judaism, its God Jehovah was representation of Nature as an almighty, omnipotent and

7、omniscient supernatural being. He is expected to provide protection for the Jews who suffered so much in history and help the Jews recover their homeland. In contrast, the Christian God Jesus is both human and divine with the origin of humanity and hence shares with humans various kinds of suffering

8、.Text Study _II_4.3Text StudyThink and Discuss(2) What are the basic differences between Christianity and Judaism?Think and Discuss Second are the different views of God. Jehovah is viewed with a sort of fear and solemnity since He is like fire or wind which would bring force and harm to the human r

9、ace while the Christian God is kinder and more helpful, since He personally suffers as a human. Third is the different position each religion holds and hence different contribution each makes. For the early period of Judaism, Jehovah enjoyed every respect and worship from the Jews since Israel was a

10、 country of integrity and built up the grand temple for its God. But with the fall of the country, all were destroyed including the temple. They could do nothing about worship but keep their respect secretly in mind for their God. Comparatively Christian worship of Jesus was not allowed in the early

11、 days since the religion was illegal and only Text Study _II_4.4Text StudyThink and DiscussThink and Discusswith the improvement of the situation could the Christian disciples openly demonstrate their worship of Jesus in public. Fourth is that Jehovah was important to Jews only in theory and affecte

12、d them in spirit occasionally while Christianity became an inseparable part of the secular life of the Westerners. Pope and churches became so powerful that they even tried to seize more political power from the emperors or kings who had to depend sometimes on the Christian church for both spiritual

13、 and political support since Christianity could easily exert its influence on the church people and non-church people.Text Study _II_4.5Text StudyThink and DiscussThink and DiscussText Study _III_3.1Comprehension ExercisesText StudyComprehension ExercisesFill in the blanks.(1) is to wash off ones or

14、iginal sin by sprinkling water over ones body to indicate that ones original sin is washed off and that one is admitted into the church.(2) is a ritual where a priest put specially-made oil on the dying to show benefaction and forgiveness of the sin in that persons lifetime.(3) is a state or place o

15、f temporary punishment for the removal of sins not possible in any other ways.Baptism_Anointment_Purgatory_Text Study _III_3.2Comprehension ExerciseText Study(4) is a formal rite, ceremony or service of religious worship.(5) means a Christian is partly or completely expelled from the church, usually

16、 with the loss of his citizenship. Excommunication_The Mass_Comprehension ExercisesFill in the blanks.Text Study _IV_3.1Text StudyComprehension ExercisesMultiple choice.(1) _, the Christian Church was divided into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.A. In 1054B. In 1054 BCC. In

17、 1055D. In 380Comprehension ExercisesA. St. PeterB. Saint Leo IC. Martin LutherD. John CalvinText Study _IV_3.2Text StudyComprehension Exercises(2) In 451 AD, the archbishop of Roman Church, _, made himself Pope.Comprehension ExercisesMultiple choice.A. Lutheran ChurchB. Anglicanism C. PresbyterianD

18、. Free ChurchesText Study _IV_3.3Text StudyComprehension Exercises(3) The largest and earliest of non-Roman Catholic Groups in the West is _.Comprehension ExercisesMultiple choice.(1) The New Testament contains altogether parts, and the earliest manuscript was written in . (2) The New Testament cons

19、ists of the four , a book of , and .(3) mainly talks about the story of Jesus life. (4) is considered the most remarkable and most imaginative book of the New Testament. Text Study _V_3.1Comprehension ExerciseText StudyComprehension Exercises27_Acts of the Apostles_Gospels_Fill in the blanks.Greek_L

20、etters_The Revelations of John_The Gospel of Matthew_The Revelations of St John_Text Study _V_3.2Comprehension ExerciseText Study(5) Most part of Letters in the New Testament was written by . Fill in the blanks.St Paul_Comprehension ExercisesText Study _V_4.1Think and DiscussText StudyThink and Disc

21、ussWhat are the differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament? The Old Testament records Gods dealings with His chosen people, the Israelites, and the promise He made to them to bless the world through them. The New Testament records what the Christians believe is the fulfillment of th

22、at promise, the birth of Christ, His life and the building of His church. Those with Jewish faith regard the Old Testament as their scripture. Those with Christian faith see both the Old Testament and the New Testament as their scriptures. Testament means “covenant”. Christian Bible consist of the O

23、ld Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is essentially the Jewish Bible, also called the Tenakh. The book of the New Testament consists of the writings that document the coming of the awaited Messiah, Jesus Christ, and the development of His church. Originally, the Old Testament was th

24、e covenant between God and Abraham, wherein God promised to bless all nations through Abrahams progeny. This promise, Christians believe, pointed forward towards Christ. The Old Testament lists the law, the Ten Commandments and many rules of observance, as well as history, psalms and wisdom. In the

25、New Testament, Text Study _V_4.2Text StudyThink and DiscussThink and DiscussText Study _V_4.3Text StudyThink and DiscussJesus says “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” Christians believe the fulfillment of the law was accomplished

26、by Christs death and resurrection. Believers consider themselves not under the law of the Old Testament, but that by grace with the help of the Holy Spirit they follow the Law of Christ (Galatians 6:2) Christians believe the Old Testament is the evidence of Gods mercy and grace towards Israel and Hi

27、s wrath towards sin. Yet, in His love for them, He sent His Son to die in just payment of the sins of all mankind. In the New Testament, Think and Discussone sees that man can never keep the law perfectly and thus earn eternal life in Heaven. It is a free gift for those who trust in Christs sacrific

28、e as payment of their sins, resulting in their justification and eternal life. The Old Testament was written before Jesus was born and the New Testament was written after Jesus was born about his life. Jews and Christians believe and read the Old Testament but only Christians read the New Testament.

29、 The Old Testament is an account of the history of the Jews, and in particular their relationship with God. The New Testament is an account of the birth, the active ministry, and death of Jesus Christ and the works and writings of his apostles after his death.Text Study _V_4.4Text StudyThink and DiscussThink and Discuss结束!结束!



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