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7、lyof轻视轻视Informal(a)非正规的非正规的debate(v,n)毫无疑问毫无疑问1.survive vt &vi 幸存2.vt1 Fortunately he survived the traffic accident.2Camels can survive for many days with no water.3比.活得长;丧失(配偶,亲人等) She survived her husband by twenty years. 她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。 Vi1 Many strange customs have survived from earlier times. 有许

8、多古怪的习俗源远流长.经过很长时间仍然继续存在 2 I cant survive on 30 a week, ie It is not enough for my basic needs. 我每周收入30英镑难以活命 (survive on 是当不及无动词做“即使有很少的钱仍旧设法正常生活 ) survivor (n.) 幸存者 survival (n.) 幸存 2. search n.搜索搜索 insearchof 搜索搜索,(以以)寻找寻找inthesearchfor They are in search of the missing girl.他们正在寻找那个失踪的女孩他们正在寻找那个失

9、踪的女孩. I looked everywhere in search of my glasses. v.搜查搜查 searchsb./sth.搜身搜身/搜查搜查searchfor寻找寻找Eg:Theysearchedhim.他们搜他的身。他们搜他的身。Theysearchedforhim.他们寻找他。他们寻找他。3.select vt 挑选;选择Eg:Heselectedashirttomatchhissuit.他选了一件与他那套西装相配的衬衫。他选了一件与他那套西装相配的衬衫。Selectorn.选择器;挑选者选择器;挑选者Selectionn.选择选择Selectiveadj.选择的选择

10、的selectivesubjects选修科目选修科目requiredsubjects必修科目必修科目(1)choose用法最广,表示“选择,挑选”,侧重于通过意志或判断,是最普通的用语。 例如:You can choose a book from these.你可以从这些书中选一本。 (2)select“精选,挑选”,是指从同类的许多东西中仔细辨别后选择,挑选最合适的,从而淘汰一部分。 例如:We selected some for seeds.我们选了一些做种子。 (3)pick“挑选,挑捡”,是仔细挑剔和苛刻地选择,多指挑选有形的东西。 例如:Will you help me pick s

11、trawberries?你帮我挑捡一下草莓好吗? 常见搭配:pick ones may留心走路 pick ones words注意措辞 pick and choose挑三拣四 设计设计vtWhodesignedthesceneandcostumes?布景和服装是谁设计的?布景和服装是谁设计的? 目的是目的是(被动)(被动)Be designed to do/ for doingWas it designed, or did it just happen?这是预谋,还是碰巧?这是预谋,还是碰巧?in design在设计上在设计上by design故意地故意地4designThispieceofl

12、andisdesignedforagarden.这块地预定做花园这块地预定做花园 打算打算design doing=design to do= design that (shall)We have designed building to build a park.我们打算建一个公园我们打算建一个公园Hedesignsthatthehouseshallberedecorated.他想把这栋房子在夏季重新装修一下。他想把这栋房子在夏季重新装修一下。 (用shall)5. fancy adj. 奇特的;异样的奇特的;异样的 vt 想象;设想;爱好想象;设想;爱好(1) fancy clothes奇

13、装异奇装异服服(2) Fancy meeting you here! 想不到在这儿见到你了想不到在这儿见到你了!(3) I dont fancy walking in the rain. 我不喜欢在雨中行走。我不喜欢在雨中行走。 have a fancy for 爱好爱好,爱上爱上,入迷入迷 fancy sb. doing sth. 想象某人做某事想象某人做某事6.decoratevt装饰,装修装饰,装修decoratesthwithsth(以(以-)装饰,修饰)装饰,修饰Shedecoratedherroomwithflowersandballoons.她用花和气球装饰了房间。她用花和气球装

14、饰了房间。bedecoratedwithHerroomwasdecoratedwithflowers.decorationn装饰,装潢装饰,装潢(不可数)(不可数)装饰物,装饰品装饰物,装饰品(可数)(可数)thedecorationofaroomWeputChristmasdecorationsonthetree.7. belong to 属属于于,是是的的成成员员, 是是的的组组成成部部分分, 是是的属性的属性, 职能等职能等eg. All the goods here belong to the school. Who does this garden belong to? Tiger

15、belongs to the cat family belong to 不用于被动语态和进行时态不用于被动语态和进行时态8. in return ( for) 回报回报, 作为报酬作为报酬 What can we do for parents in return for bringing us up ? 我们将怎样来报答父母的养育之恩?我们将怎样来报答父母的养育之恩? I gave her some roses in return for her kindness. 我送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。我送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。inturn依次,轮流依次,轮流inneed在贫穷中的,缺衣少食

16、的在贫穷中的,缺衣少食的insecret秘密的秘密的inpeace平平安安的平平安安的inparticular尤其是,特别是尤其是,特别是ingeneral大体上大体上introuble处于不幸,麻烦中处于不幸,麻烦中9. atwar处于交战状态(处于交战状态(with-)和)和-Thetwocountrieswereatwar.AtthattimeourcountrywasatwarwithJapan.at war 处于战争状态,介词处于战争状态,介词at可可表示状态或动作。表示状态或动作。 at peace at breakfast at rest at table at work at

17、school 介词介词+名词名词 (表状态表状态)at war/work/home/tableon show/duty/sale/holiday/fire/watchin trouble/danger/battle/doubtunder repair/discussion/construction 10.removev.移动,搬开移动,搬开Pleaseremoveyourshoesbeforecomingin.进屋前请脱鞋。进屋前请脱鞋。removefrom把把从某处移开从某处移开Pleaseremoveyourbagfromtheseat.请把你的包从座位上拿走。请把你的包从座位上拿走。re



20、吗?Theres no doubt that 毫无疑问毫无疑问 毫无疑问,毫无疑问,Tom 会赢得这场比赛。会赢得这场比赛。 There is no doubt that Tom will win the match.There is no doubt about/of sth. 毫无疑问毫无疑问 =We have no doubt about/of sth. There is no doubt about/of his honesty.=We have no doubt that 13. worth adj.意为意为“值得值得” be worth + n.当名词为金钱时当名词为金钱时, 表示

21、表示“ 值值得得”The car is worth 100,000.be worth doing sth. “某事值得被做某事值得被做”The book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读这本书很值得一读.14. takeapart 拆开拆开Takeawatchapart 拆开手表拆开手表Wehadtotaketheengineaparttorepair.我们不得不拆下引擎去修理我们不得不拆下引擎去修理.15. explodevi 爆炸爆炸=blowupBombswereexplodingallaroundthecity.城里到处都响起爆炸声城里到处都响起爆炸声exp

22、losionn.explosiveadj16.thinkhighlyof 看重;器重thinkhighlyof=thinkwell/muchof对某人评价好对某人评价好/看重看重thinklowly/badly/ill/little/poorlyof对某人评价不好对某人评价不好/轻视轻视Weallthinkhighlyofhim.Parentsthinkhighlyoftheirson.父母非常器重他们的儿子父母非常器重他们的儿子.InsearchoftheamberroomUnit1ReadingFrederick William I, the King of Prussia, could

23、never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history(详见难句分析1). This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it(为何用were). The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown color like hone

24、y(请分析此句主干). The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.(此句核心句型是be of抽象名词,详见难句分析2). It was also a treasure (treasure 宝藏, 珍宝- wealth财产; 财富-possession-个人财产, 私人财物) decorated with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.(sth took sb some time

25、 to do花费某人多久做)In fact, the room was not made to be(被动语态to要还原出来) a gift. It was designed for (目的是)the palace of Frederick I. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. In return, the Czar sent

26、 him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czars winter palace in St Petersburg. About four meters long, the room served as (充当来用)a small reception hall (接待室)for important visitors. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved (have sth done) to a palace outside St Peter

27、sburg where she spent her summers. (详见难句分析3). She told her artists to add more details to it. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered (consider sb./sth+.(as

28、)+形容词/名词。其中,as可以省略) one of the wonders of the world, it is now missing.In September 1941, the Nazi army was near St Petersburg. This was a time when the two countries were at war. (this was a time when详见难句分析4).Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some fur

29、niture (不可数)and small art objects from the Amber Room. However, some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. There is no doubt that (毫无疑问详见难句分析5)the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that t

30、ime a German city on the Baltic Sea. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery(详见难句分析6). Recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace. By studying old photos of the former Amber Room, they have made the new one look like the old one. In 2003

31、 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city. 1. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世永远想象不到他赠给俄罗斯人民的最厚重的礼物会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。

32、 句子分析:句子分析:本句中could never have imagined为情态动词表推测的用法,can和 could可以用在否定句和疑问句中,1.后接完成式,表示对已发生的事情的惊讶、怀 疑、猜测或不相信等;2.或接进行时,表示对正发生的事情的惊讶、怀疑、猜测或不相信等;3.或接原形,表示对现在或一般情况的否定推测。could have done本可能做某事、可能已经做了某事。仿写:仿写: (1) 他对日语一无所知,因此他不可能学过。_(2) 他本来可以赶上早班车的,但他的自行车在路上坏了。_(1) He knew little about Japanese, so he couldnt

33、 have learned it.(2) He could have caught the early bus, but his bike broke down on the way.2 The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days. 在那个时候,奇异风格的房间设计很流行。句子分析:句子分析:be of +抽象名词,相当于be + adj表示主语的性质和特征,如果要表达“非常”之意时,常在名词前加上great,而形容词前加上very。 仿写:仿写: (1) 英语和其他科目一样重要,所以我们应该重视。_(

34、2) 父亲经常对我们讲,他在我们这个年龄的时候,就去打仗了。_(1) English as well as many other subjects, is of great importance (Not only English but also other subjects are of great importance), so we must pay more attention to it.(2) My father often tells us that when he was of our age, he entered the war.3. Later, Catherine I

35、I had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St. Petersburg where she spend her summers. 后来,凯瑟琳二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外避暑的宫殿中。 句子分析:句子分析:(1)have sth. done让某事被做,have sb. do sth.命令某人去做某事,have sb. doing sth.允许某人在做某事。(2)该句是一个定语从句,先行词为a palace,在从句中作状语,应该用where。仿写:仿写: (1) 两个骗子让灯整夜亮着。_(2) 虽然农场很大,但我父亲只雇了两个人为他工作。

36、_(3) 我要用这种布料做一套新衣服。_(1) The two cheats had the lights burning all night long.(2) Although the farm is large, my father has only two men working for him.(3) I have a new suit made of this cloth.4. This was a time when the two countries were at war. 这正值两国交战时期。句子分析:句子分析:(1)this可以改换成that, there。(2)when引

37、导定语从句,指代先行词time,在定语从句中作状语。仿写:仿写: (1) 每年六七月份,这正是大学生忙着毕业考试及找工作的时候。Every June and July, _ in graduation examination and looking for a job.(2) 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。There are times _.(1)this is a time when college students are busy (2) when anyone has to give up5. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put

38、on a train for Konigsberg 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡句子分析:句子分析:There is no doubt that毫无疑问的是。that引导同位语从句,that不可省略。仿写:仿写: (1) 她聪明又勤奋,毫无疑问我们很看重她。(doubt; think highly of)(2) 毫无疑问,除非净化我们的环境,否则人类将无法生存。(clean up; survive)(1) She is clever and diligent, so there is no doubt that we think highly of her.(2) There

39、is no doubt that human beings may not survive unless we clean up our environment.6. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. 从那以后,琥珀屋的最终所归便成了一个谜。 句子分析:句子分析:remain a mystery为系表结构,在该结构中,remain为系动词,意为“(继续)保持,仍然处于(某种状态)”,后接名词、形容词、分词、介词短语等作表语。what在该句中引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。引导主语从句的词有连词that,

40、 whether; 疑问代词 who, which, whoever; 疑问副词when, where, why, how等。仿写:仿写: (1) 他去了哪里仍然是个谜。_ (2) 虽然我们在防止污染方面取得了一些进展,但是要做的事仍然还有很多。(make progress in)_ (1) Where he has gone remains a mystery.(2) Even though we have made much progress in preventing pollution, yet much remains to be done.1.We all like the tea

41、chers class is interesting and creative.A. which B. whose C. that D. to whom2.He is the only student plays table tennis better than Jim.A. why B. where C. who D. which3.Do you know the reason they didnt agree with us?A. that B. why C. where C. when4.This is the scientist we have learn a lot.A. from

42、who B. from whom C. to whom D. for who5.The place _interested me most was the Childrens Palace.A. which B. where C. what D. in which6.This is the hotel _last month.A. which they stayed B. at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D. where they stayed7.Do you know the year _the Chinese Communist Par

43、ty was founded?A. which B. that C. when D. on which8.That is the day _Ill never forget.A. which B. on which C. in which D. when9.The factory _well visit next week is not far from here.A. where B. to which C. which D. in which10.This is one of the best films _.A. that have been shown this year B. tha

44、t have shownC. that has been shown this year D. that you talkedA.考点分析:本句话的先行词应该是films,因此,关系代词that是复数概念,其谓语动词应用复数的被动语态have been shown。如果句中的one前面使用了定冠词the,则the one 应该视为先行词。11. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of _sat a small boy.A. whom B. who C. which D. thatC.考点分析:in front of which 即in front of

45、 a farmhouse. In front of which在从句中作状语.12. Im interested in _you have said.A. all that B. all what C. that D. which提问:此句如何改成宾从?13. I want to use the same dictionary _was used yesterday.A. which B. who C. what D. as14. .He isnt such a man _he used to be.A. who B. whom C. that D. as解析: such as是固定用法,as

46、引导定语从句时,可以作主语,宾语或表语.在本题中,as作表语.15. He is good at English, _we all know.A. that B. as C. whom D. whatAs作关系代词可以单独用来引导非限制性定语从句。这时as所指代的不是 主句中某个名词,而往往指代整个主句的含义 16.He talked a lot about things and persons _they remembered in the school.A. which B. that C. whom D. what17. The letter is from my sister, _is

47、 working in Beijing.A. which B. that C. whom D. who18. In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of _are women.A. them B. which C. whom D. who19. I lost a book, _I cant remember now.A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that20. Last summer we visited the West Lake,

48、_ Hangzhou is famous in the world. A. for which B. for that C. in which D. what21. I can never forget the day _ we worked together and the day _ we spent together.A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when22. This is the reason _he didnt come to the meeting. A. in which B. with wh

49、ich C. that D. for which23. This machine, _for many years, is still working perfectly.A. after which I have looked B. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked after D. I have looked after24. The reason _he didnt come was _ he was ill. A. why; that B. that; why C. for that; that D. for which ;w

50、hat25. My neighbors used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _was very kind of them.A. who B. which C. that D. it 解析: 非限制性定语从句常用which引导,which表示前句话的整个含义. 26This is the magazine _ I copied the paragraph. A. that B. which C. from that D. from which 解析:陷阱题 copy from意为“从复制”,又因magazine是先行词,指物,故用which. 2

51、7. You can depend on whatever promise _ he makes. A. / B. why C. when D. whose 28. Smoking, _ is a bad habit, is, however, popular. A. that B. which C. it D. though 29. The number of the people who _ cars _ increasing.A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are 解析:本句话的定语从句是who own cars. 其先行词是peo

52、ple,因此,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own。 30. Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn? A. that B. / C. which D. it 解析:先行词gas被only修饰,关系代词要用that,而不用which 31. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ he could see _was going on Inside house. A. which; what B. through which; what C. through that; what D. what; that 32

53、. Is _ some German friends visited last week? A. this school B. this the school C. this school one D. this school where33. all that can be eaten _ eaten up. A. are being B. has been C. had been D. have been 考点分析:本句话中,主句的主语是all,为抽象概念。因此,其谓语应用单数的has been。关系代词that引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。34.The house, _ was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired.A. the roof of which B. which roof C. its roof D. the roof解析:先行词是the roof of the house, 因为屋顶是物,用which, 前面有介词of。 Goodbye!Thankyouforyourattention!



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