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1、应用文练习写作训练:发帖-消防演习假定你是李华,上周你参加了学校组织的消防安全演习,请你在校英文论坛发表一篇帖子,分享此次经历,内容包括:1.活动过程;2.个人感悟。【注意】1.词数 80 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:消防安全演习 fire safety drill这一类演习/演练类的文章,可以等同为“活动内容”不一样的活动文章,主要侧重还是要在演习/演练的过程描写,因为此类话题范围比较小,所以积累这篇消防安全演习以及去年浙江金华二模的急救演练基本上就 ok本篇文章虽然是帖子,但是其实就是报道类。第一段:帖子开头=报道开头(引出活动)Last week,I had the

2、 opportunity to participate in a fire safety drill organized byour school,which proved to be an eye-opening and educational experience for me.【最美结构,细节补充】【最美结构,细节补充】【大众句式】Last week witnessed my participation in.第二段:活动过程+个人感悟(也可以放 P3)#过程部分也有两种写法:用我们之前讲过的活动类活动套句:讲座+演习;纯演习的过程,这个写法更突出细节描写的能力。【写法 2】演习以一声突

3、如其来的火警开始,标志着演练的开始。随后,我们被指示迅速而有序地疏散大楼,使用指定的逃生路线。最重要的是要尽量贴近地面行动,以避免吸入烟雾。The drill began with an unexpected fire alarm,signaling the start of the exercise.We were then instructed to evacuate the building quickly and orderly,using thedesignated escape routes.The most important part was to stay low to th

4、e ground toavoid inhaling the smoke.【写法 1】演习以一场关于消防安全重要性和火灾期间应遵循的正确程序的信息性讲座开始。接着我们将分组,每个小组被指派了特定任务,如疏散大楼、灭火或提供急救。The drill commenced with an informative lecture on the importance of fire safetyand the proper procedures to follow during a fire.We were then divided into groups,each of which was assign

5、ed a specific task such as evacuating the building,extinguishing a fire,or administering first aid.第三段:个人感悟(注意“个人”)【暗连接】Personally,/On a personal level,This experience taught me the importance of being prepared and aware ofpotential dangers and also emphasized the significance of teamwork and calmne

6、ssduring emergencies.through this experience,I realized that fire safety is not just about knowing whatto do during a fire,but also about taking preventive measures to avoid one.【24 届江西萍乡二模】你校最近开展了一次消防演练活动。请你为校英文报写一份主题为“Focus on Fire Safety,Cherish Life”的新闻报道,内容包括:1.活动目的;2.活动过程和感受。【注意】1.写作词数应为 80 个左

7、右;2.参考词汇:灭火器 fire extinguishers;消防栓 firehydrants【不错范文】In order to enhancethe fire safety awareness and emergency response capabilities ofthe students,a fire drill themed“Focus on Fire Safety,Cherish Life”was successfullyconducted in our school.Initially,professionalfirefighterswereinvitedtodeliveron

8、-siteexplanations and demonstrate the correct usage of fire extinguishers and fire hydrants.Then,during the drill,the moment the alarm sounded,all students covered their mouthsand noses with wet towels bent down low,and promptly evacuated to a safe area in anorderly manner according to the predeterm

9、ined escape route.Through this fire drill,not only did weacquire essential fire prevention knowledge andskills but our fire safety awareness was further strengthened.假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华,你校即将组织急救演练,请你用英文写一则通知,内容包括:1.时间、地点及参与人员;2.具体内容;3.注意事项。注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。【下水作文】Announcement for M

10、edical Emergency DrillIn order to prepare students for any unforeseen medical emergencies that mayoccur in our daily lives,a medical emergency drill will kick off next Monday afternoonin the hall.All Grade One students are required to attend.During the drill,variousmedical emergency scenarios will b

11、e simulated,including heart attacks and injuries.In addition,students may get the hang of basic first aid skills like CPR,stitchingwoundsandbandaging,whichwillequipthemwithessentiallife-savingtechniques.The safety of everyone involved is of great significance.Please remain calmand focused throughout

12、 the exercise and follow the instructions provided by thedesignated personnel.The Student Union【参考范文】Announcement for Medical Emergency DrillAimed at preparing students for medical emergencies that may arise,a medicalemergency drill is scheduled to be conducted on the school playground this Fridayfr

13、om3p.m.to4p.m.Allstudentsandstaffmembersarerequiredtoparticipate.During the drill,a medical emergency situation will be simulated,wherethe participants will act either as first aiders or victims.The focus will be on providingbasic first aid for victims before emergency services arrive,such as CPR an

14、d Heimlichmaneuver,which can mean the difference between life and death.Please note that allthe participants must follow the instructions of the emergency personnel.Thank youfor your cooperation.你校英文报将增设主题为“讲好中国故事”的栏目,你是栏目负责人李华,请你给外教 Kate 写邮件咨询她对栏目的建议。内容包括:1.介绍设想;2.咨询建议。【注意】1.写作词数应为 80 左右;2.请按照如下格式在

15、答题卡的相应位置作答。比较常规的题目套了新的说法而已。话题还是文化类,要点 1:介绍设想 栏目介绍(目的啊内容啊皆可,这不是很常见么);要点 2:咨询建议(既然你问外教建议,所以一定是跟跨文化有关,所以可以咨询什么话题的故事外国学生会跟兴趣或者如何寻找好的资源网站,或者语言翻译上的一些求助。总体来说比较简单,但是站在学生的角度,限时的情况下,客观题的摧残下,还是有点小难度,所以朋友们淡定。)第一段:(自我介绍)+背景+写信目的#自我介绍(题干信息利用)Im Li Hua,in charge of the newly established columnTelling Chinese Stori

16、es in our schools English newspaper.#写信目的 Im reaching out to you for some advice and insights to make this columnexceptional.第二段:介绍设想+咨询建议#介绍设想 栏目介绍(内容/目的等等)-用上 SSS 的介绍套句介【栏目内容】The new column is dedicated to exploring a wide array of aspects of+细节细节 1:Chinese culture,history,and current events.细节 2:Chinese traditional festivals,historical figures,literature and arts,technologicalinnovations【目的】我们设想这个栏目不仅是向读者介绍中国的桥梁,还能够促进对中国传统文化和当代生活的更深入理解和欣赏。We envision it as a bridge that not only educates our



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