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1、Experiencing EnglishBook FourUnit 4 Language and Economy ProcedureoLead-in ActivitiesnDiscussionnVideo-watching & Question-Answering oPassage AnWarm-up ActivitynCultural NotesnLanguage PointsnDifficult sentencesnSummarynFollow-up ActivitynAssignmentLead-inBeijing is ready to welcome the world for th

2、e 2008 Olympics. Some 6 million visitors are expected for this sports gala. But in Beijing , you can see some badly translated signs which may cause confusion. Have you ever found wrong translation in Beijing? If so, please exemplify it.Lead-inoNow watch a video and answer the following questions:1.

3、What are two major problems concerning bad translation mentioned in the video?2.What measure does Beijing municipal government has taken to get rid of bad English?Referenceo1. to use Chinese phonetics spelling instead of English and sometimes Chinese spelling appears with English on the same sign; a

4、nother problem is restaurant menus. oIt pulls together a number of 35 experts from home and abroad. Later this year they will work out a set of guidelines for translation of public signs in Beijing .A Stateless Language that Europe must EmbracePassage AWarm-up ActivityoWhat language do you think act

5、s as the international language? Why?oDo you think it reasonable to set English as lingua franca (通用语言) in the European Union?Culture NotesoA Bible story: The Tower of BabelNow the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land o

6、f Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and bitumen (沥 青 ) for mortar(灰泥). Culture NotesoThen they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a

7、name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. C

8、ulture NotesoAnd nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one anothers speech. So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. The

9、refore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. Culture NotesoAnd from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:1-9 in Old Testament Culture Notes The European Union: The European Union (EU), founded in 1993, is a union

10、 of fifteen independent states based on the European Communities and established to enhance political, economic and social cooperation between the member states. Culture NotesThe member states are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,

11、Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Culture NotesEuropean Union (EU) 15 member states Culture Notes Culture NotesEURO While-readingText AnalysisoParagraph 1: Present the authors view English should be accepted as Europe lingua franca. Text AnalysisoParagrap

12、h 2-3: Challenge the EUs language policy linguistic equality / multilingualismillusions.Text Analysis Paragraph 4-9: Elaborate the reasons why the use of English as lingua franca is a more appropriate choice.Text Analysis Paragraph 10: Conclusion English as lingua franca in Europe is necessary.Langu

13、age Pointssuperior (to sb / sth): a. better than someone or something else in quality or skillThese matters are left to someone superior to you.This engine is superior in every respect to that.Language Pointsin the name of: 1) for the sake of; 2) on behalf of; 3) by the authority of sthThey carried

14、out reforms in the name of efficiency.He speaks in the name of the Chinese Communist Party.Language Pointscount: v. be of value or importanceThe first trial wont count.His opinion counts because of his experience.Language Pointsset sb/sth apart (from sb/sth):make sb/sth different from or superior to

15、 othersOne day of the week should be set apart for relaxation.The teacher set the fighting boys apart from each other.Language Pointsto a large extent: to a large degreeThese policies are to a large extent responsible for the regions economic decline?These changes will affect all managers and to a l

16、arge extent some shop-floor workers.Language Pointsinvalidate: v. make something invalidThe theory was invalidated by later findings.Nothing has happened to invalidate that analysis.invalidation n.Language Pointsotherwise: ad. if not, or elseI think it will rain this afternoon, but my brother thinks

17、 otherwise.He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten.Difficult Sentences The language policy in the European Union is both ineffective and hypocritical, The language policy in the EU is inefficient and unrealistic. That is to say, making all the languages equal and keeping different l

18、anguages in an equal state in EU is costly if not impossible.Difficult Sentences Powerful translators lobbies fight for their raison detre. The translators want to translate a variety of languages to make a living.raison detre: reason for sb.s existenceDifficult Sentences In the name of the high ide

19、al of linguistic equality a time-consuming, expensive and increasingly intractable translation machinery is maintained that is doing its best to translate the illusion of equality into illusions of multilingualism and translatability. Difficult Sentences For keeping the cumbersome illusion of making

20、 all the languages equal, some huge translation machinery is maintained to translate the various languages, which costs a lot of time and money.Difficult Sentences English in no longer “owned” by its native speakers because acculturation and nativisation processes have produced a remarkable diversif

21、ication of the English language into many non-native varieties. Difficult Sentences English is no longer only spoken by its native speakers because cultural exchange has brought about a variety of English spoken by non-native speakers of different mother tongues. Summary The European Union decides t

22、o adopt a multi-approach in its organizations, therefore requiring all of its documents to be translated into each of the official language of the EU. While this is a costly and somewhat inefficient system, it does allow the EU to present an image of linguistic equality, which is symbolic of wider e

23、quality between its member states. Summary In this article, the author severely challenges the EUs language policy, by presenting the reasons why English would be a more appropriate choice as Europes lingua franca. He states that English is suitable due to its flexibility, its wide usage and its div

24、ersity. Summary The author argues the common fears that a widespread use of English in EU member states will challenge other European languages, or destroy the identities of these languages altogether. He also addresses the concern that English carries a cultural identity Summary which will be used

25、as a form of cultural domination over non-native speaking countries. The author concludes that English has great potential for uniting the people of Europe, promoting mutual understanding and could in fact strengthen their own national identities at the same time. Follow-up Activities What role will

26、 English play in China? What would be the status of English in China? Do you think English should be studied/taken as a foreign language or as a second language in China?AssignmentoWork with a peer and take turns to start the conversation based on Task 1 Passage B Could “Japanglish” Be a Legitimate

27、Language?ProcedureoWarm-up ActivityoCultural NotesoLanguage PointsoDifficult sentencesoSummaryoFollow-up ActivityoAssignmentWarm-up Activity Discussion: Do you think Chinese English should be accepted as a variety of English? Why or why not?Culture NotesPrime MinisterKeizo Obuchi: He took office Jul

28、y30, 1998, asJapanese 84th PrimeMinister. On April 2,2000, he suffered astroke and lapsed ina coma and died onMay 14, 2000.Culture NotesJunichiroKoizumi: A Japanesepolitician. He was sworn in as the countrys 87th Prime Minister in April 2001,Culture Notesafter he was electedpresident of the ruling L

29、iberal Democratic Party.Culture NotesDaily YomiuriOne of the most famous Japanese newspapers. oParagraph 1-4: the controversy over the status of Japanglis.oParagraph 5-12: Mr. Childs positionJapanglish is acceptable.Text Analysis oParagraph 13-16: Mr. Websters opposing view.oParagraph 17-19: The sta

30、tus of Japanglish will be a continuing concern. Text AnalysisLanguage Pointsclaim: n.1) right to sth2) statement of sth as a factThe victory claims on the part of the aggressors were mere propaganda.His claim to know the answer was not believed.Language Pointsshame sb into / out of doing sth: v. cau

31、se sb to do / not to do sth by making him feel shameHis wife shamed him into handing the money back.He was shamed out of his bad habits.Language Pointssign up for: v. enroll on a courseI have signed up for an evening class.Over half the people who signed up for the police force were women.Language P

32、oints set back: v. 1) delay or hinder 2) costThe Culture Revolution set back the modernization of China by many years. The new laptop from Toshiba will set you back a cool $30000.Language Pointssheer: a. complete; thorough; utterIt was sheer bliss not having to get up.What he said is sheer nonsense.

33、Language Pointsdraw up: v. write out sth (a plan/ a contract / a check)They drew up a list of candidates.Mr. Smiths secretary hasnt yet drawn up vacation plan.Difficult Sentences We wish all the time to be able to provide you fresh bread . This is an example of Japanese English, meaning that we hope

34、 that we will always be able to provide you with fresh bread and help you enjoy your dinner with our fresh bread. Mostly, we want our bread to be your main food for dinner.Difficult Sentences Japanese English has as much claim to legitimacy as the English spoken in, for example, India, Jamaica and t

35、he Philippines. Japanese English is as legitimate as Indian, Jamaican and Philippine English.Difficult Sentences The result is a waker-upper for those who expected standard syntax, but the meaning is usually perfectly comprehensible. The result is a great surprise for those who expect standard Engli

36、sh, but the meaning of Japanese English is usually completely understandable.Difficult Sentences The experience set her back several years and several million yen. The experience of learning pronunciation from the very beginning took her several years and cost her several million yen.Difficult Sente

37、nces People in Asia and the Caribbean who speak those other kinds of English People in Asia and the Caribbean who speak the kinds of English to which Mr. Childs compares Japanese English can talk fluently in them with each other and with foreigners.Difficult Sentences The idea, which would oblige th

38、e government, local councils and other official bodies to .Difficult Sentences The idea, which would force the government, local councils and other official bodies to use both Japanese and English in drawing up documents is thought to be a concession to western erosion of Japanese culture and has be

39、en criticized by some people.oThe article explore the status that should b e assigned to “Japanese English”. It presents the controversial position of Marshall Childs, an American academic in Japan, who believes that Japanese English should be accepted as one of many varieties o f English. He argues

40、 that Japanese English should be encouraged. SummaryoOther scholars present the opposing viewpoints and argue that Japanese English is not a high enough standard since it does not allow for ease of communication with foreigners in business and diplomacy, nor can Japanese students understand foreign

41、literature or films. SummaryoThe status of Japanese English will be a continuing concern due to calls to raise English proficiency in schools and in the workforce and to perhaps make English the second official language of Japan. SummaryFollow-up Activity Discussion: Do you think Chinese English should be accepted as one of the many varieties of English? Why or why not?AssignmentoSpeech Preparation on the topic of “Problems of English Education in China and Possible Resolution”.



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