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1、初中英语词汇教与学初中英语词汇教与学湖北省天门市实验初级中学成爱菊调查内容调查内容选选“是是”的的学学生生比比例例1死记硬背34.62%2根据字母组合55.03%3根据读音规则68.05%4用联想、比较的方法36.98%5把单词放入句子中27.81%6只用早读时间记单词60.36%7常用早读和睡前记单词26.63%8常翻英语词典35.80%一、词汇教学的现状及存在的问题一、词汇教学的现状及存在的问题(一)单元词汇教学不分主次,不分顺序,平均分配时间,(一)单元词汇教学不分主次,不分顺序,平均分配时间, 造成学生词汇记忆负担过重,词汇教学效率低下。造成学生词汇记忆负担过重,词汇教学效率低下。(二


3、)明确词汇教学的五个特征(三)掌握词汇教学的方法(三)掌握词汇教学的方法(四)词汇教学的模式(四)词汇教学的模式(一)理解词汇教学的内容及意义(一)理解词汇教学的内容及意义新课程标准明确规定了词汇教学的目标和要求:培养学生根据语境或构词法知识推测词义和理解句意的能力。培养学生在阅读时能够准确的掌握同根词或多义词在文中的意思并准确地理解文章。使学生学到规定数量的单词,掌握学习词汇和快速记忆单词的方法。具体内容包括以下几个方面:1.语域2搭配3派生4语法规则5意义Whatdoesitmeantoknowaword?indiv.享受,喜欢英文释义:getpleasurefrom 【词形变化】名词:e



6、,学用结合,在运用中掌握。4训练策略,形成习惯,培养自主学习能力。5课内课外并举,拓展词汇学用渠道。6科学记忆,循序渐进,提高词汇学习效率。(三)掌握词汇教学的方法(三)掌握词汇教学的方法1直观法8、自主探究法2演示法9、归类记忆法3表演法10、猜词法4语境法11、英文解释法5联想法12、构词法6图解法13、翻译法7游戏法14、词典法直观法1 1、运用实物、运用实物2、运用照片和图片3、运用简笔画利用多媒体课件dinosaurHow to make a milk shake?Can you tell me how to make a banana milk shake?1._2._3._4._

7、5._6._ the bananas. the bananas. the bananas and ice cream into the blender the milk into the blender. the blender. the milk shake.PeelCut upPutPourTurn onDrink2演示法(enough)例1:Iamstrongenoughtobreakthebranch.Whoisstrongenoughtobreakthebranch?Whoisntstrongenoughtobreakit?演示法例2:教学Howdoyoumakeabananamil

8、kshake这一单元的生词时,教师准备了香蕉、牛奶、水果刀、榨汁机等,边说边演示。First,Peel3bananas.Then,cutthemup.Next,putthemintotheblender.Next,pourtheyogurtintotheblender.Next,turnontheblender.Finally,drinkit.peel the bananaCut up the bananasPour the milk into the blenderTurn on the blender the milk shakeDrink3表演法open,close,run,Jump,e




12、奔月,改变了她的命运。Business,公共汽车里面一只鹅和两条蛇正在谈生意。Earth,地球上的人用耳朵听话。Island,岛屿是大海中的一片陆地。(八)趣味联想(八)趣味联想6、图解法on the caseunder the casenext to the casebehind the casein the caseGostraightTurnrightTurnleft(1)倒金字塔帮你排忧解难表示数量的形容词、名词和代词连用图解(2)表示可能性程度的形容词图示法(3)图解频度副词的百分比 always usually often sometimes seldom never 100% 9

13、0% 60% 30% 1% 0%(4 4)at ( in, on) the cornerat ( in, on) the corner等四组词图解等四组词图解等四组词图解等四组词图解at the corner, in the corner, on the cornerat the corner, in the corner, on the corner(5)inthetree,onthetree(6)代词教学one another the other some others one the other one another some the others 7游戏法closeyoureyes,






19、sdogsvegetableswheatricetractorsWhat can robots do ?humans, snake, huge arm, spiderhomeworkplay with me play football What can robots look like?超级链接dangerousmore intelligentstronger BadGoodhomeworkhouseworkplay with melook for peopleunpleasant jobswalk and dancetalk意义归类adventuredangerousroughastonis


21、词You shouldnt have blamed him for that, for it wasnt his fault All his attempts to unlock the door was futile, because he was using the wrong key.通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词.He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother. In the ancient city of Rome , we visited every mansion , church, battle site, theatr

22、e and other public halls.Twelve-year-old Sally was an active girl. But her sister was quite sedate. 通过构词法猜词dis-im-un-表否定ful-less-ous-是形容词后缀等。要求学生掌握一些常用的词根、前缀、后要求学生掌握一些常用的词根、前缀、后缀等语法知识。如缀等语法知识。如dis- im- un- 表否定;表否定;-ful less ous是形容词后缀等。是形容词后缀等。He has renamed the restaurant “Paradise通过定义或释义关系来推测词义定义或释

23、义常用定义或释义常用is, or, that is, in other words, be called,或破折号等来表示。或破折号等来表示。 A calendar is a list of the days ,weeks, months of a particular year.The herdsman , who looks after sheep, earns about 650yuan a year.通过上下文来推测词义Chicken becomes rotten very quickly.It can go bad in a refrigerator if left there fo

24、r more than a week. 通过描述猜词I ts very big and heavy. It has a long nose and big ears. What is it? 11、英文解释法同义词、近义词或反义词解释词dumbIf you are dumb, you cannot speak. prettybeautiful, dullboring, dangerousnot safe下定义法Snake-wild animal, long,soft,legless,dangerous,poison词汇互释Lately-if something has happened lat

25、ely,it has happened recently12、构词法(1)合成,即由两个或更多的词合成一个词。例如:pea(豌豆)nuts(坚果)-peanut(花生)(2)派生,即加前缀或后缀构成另一个词,happy-unhappy(加前缀)happiness(加后缀)(3)转化)转化 例如:例如: picture(n)画画-picture(v)描绘描绘 water(N)水水-water(v) 浇水浇水13、翻译法翻译法就是将英语单词的意思直接翻译成汉语。翻译法比较适用于那些不便用直观法、表演法和构词法等教学的词汇,尤其是一些专业术语或表示抽象概念的词汇,如basic,challenge,t

26、hepresentperfecttense和thepassivevoice等。14、词典法让学生将一组单词按字母顺序排列,这是查词典的基本能力;用比赛的方式让学生在词典中快速查找单词,以训练他们查词典的能力;要求学生根据上下文快速选择单词的词义,训练他们正确理解文章和准确选择词义的能力。(四)词汇教学模式导入操练运用小结拓展和延伸布置作业sunnyrainycloudysnowyhowistheweather?droughtthunderHeavysnowMilk shake blender n. 果汁机;搅拌器果汁机;搅拌器milk bananasice cream Yogurt 酸酸 奶奶

27、ingri:djnt配料配料,成份成份peel剥;削(水果等的皮)剥;削(水果等的皮)cut up切切 碎碎put into 放入放入之内之内pour into .倾倒,灌入倾倒,灌入之内之内turn on打开(电器)打开(电器)drink喝喝Peel the bananas.Cut up the bananas.Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender.How to make a banana shake ?Pour the milk into the blender.Turn on the blender.Drink the milk s

28、hakeListening:Task1: listen, then fill the verbs in the blanks. peel cup up put pour turn on drink_ the blender._ the bananas._ the milk shake._ the milk into the blender._ the bananas and ice cream into the blender._ three bananas.Turn onpeeldrinkpourputcup up_ Turn on the blender._ Cut up the bana

29、nas._ Drink the milk shake._ Pour the milk into the blender._ Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender._Peel three bananas.Task2: Listen and put the instructions in the correct order.123456PAIR WORKB: First, _ the bananas. Next, _the bananas. Next, _the bananas and ice cream into the blender.

30、Next, _the milk into the blender. Then, _the blender. Finally, _the milk shake. A: How do you make a banana milk shake?peelcut upputpourturn ondrinkMake a banana milk shake by yourself ! Apple milk shakeStrawberry milk shakeBanana milk shakeMango milk shakewritingChooseamilkshakethatyoulikeandwrited


32、kemyfatherscometopasssevenyearshassofastwakemeupwhenseptemberendsherecomestherainagain fromthestarsdrenchedinmyagainbecomingwhowearesummerseptembergonefallingpainTryEnjoy the song and fill in the blanksIf i walk, would you _ ? If i stop, would you _ If i say youre the one, would you _ me?If i ask yo

33、u to _ , would you show me the way?Tell me what to say so you dont _ me.The world is catching up to you.While youre running away to chase you _. Its time for us to make a move cause we are asking one another to change,and maybe Im not ready but Ill _ for your love. Weve been hiding enoughruncomebeli

34、evestayleavedreamtry1、听歌、学单词Enjoy the song and fill in the blanksStanding on a mountain _Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky I _ go and see some friends. But they dont really comprehend Dont need too much talking without saying anything. All I need is _ who makes me wanna sing. Take me to y

35、our heart take me to your soul. Give me your hand before Im old. Show me what love is - havent got a clue_ me that wonders can be true. They say nothing lasts forever.Were only here today. Love is _ or never.Bring me far away highshouldsomeoneShownow听歌记单词2、赏诗,记单词例1:学生初学英语数字时,教师可以选取这首小诗:One,two,three



38、aboy,threeboysnoboy.一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃Astitchintimesavesnine.一针及时省九针4、猜的活动猜,永远是学生最感兴趣的活动之一,猜猜,永远是学生最感兴趣的活动之一,猜词不仅可以营造轻松和谐的课堂氛围,还词不仅可以营造轻松和谐的课堂氛围,还能检测词汇学习效果,训练学生思维敏捷能检测词汇学习效果,训练学生思维敏捷性性 “猜一猜猜一猜”“Whatsinmybag?”上课时,教师出示一个包,告诉学生里面装了学习用品或玩具等,让学生猜一猜。学生的好奇心很快被激发,都想知道包里的东西,不停地用以前学过的单词猜包里的东西(没学过的单词可以用中文

39、)。如果猜不到,还可以让学生摸一摸、闻一闻摸一摸、闻一闻,然后再猜。最后教师出示答案,呈现新的单词。猜动物名称.T:Ihavefourlegs.Ihaveashell.Imoveveryslowly.Ss:Tortoise.T:Ihavelongears.Ieatlotsofvegetables.Ss:Rabbit.T:Ihavefur.Isleepalot.Myfavouritefoodisfish.Ss:Cat.趣味猜单词Family的含义是什么?Golf的含义是什么?News的含义是什么BusinessIslandEarthWhere is the picture ?It could /

40、 might be on 学习情态动词学习情态动词It must be on the plate. Whoishe?Hecantbe_.Hecould/mightbe_.Hecantbe_.Hecould/mightbe_.Whoishe? Hemustbe_.Shecantbe_.Shecould/mightbe_.Shemustbe_.4、看图,训练重点词句Though(1)Thoughthefarmerisold,hewearsthebeautifulclothes.(2)Thoughthefarmerispoor,heishappy.(3)Thoughheistired,hegoeso

41、nworking.(4)Thoughitisdark,hestillworks.(5)Thoughthereisnothinginthefield,hekeptondiggingWhatdoeshe/shelooklike?blackhairblondehair long hair short hair straight hair short hair curly hair long hair curly hair straight hair He has short, straight, hair.She has long, straight hair.She has long, curly

42、 hair.She has long hair.She has straight hair.He has short hair. She has curly hair.What does he/she look like?What does he/she look like?Reach a better understanding of the new words and target languages and make the class livelytallshortHe is of medium buildHe is not thin, and he is not heavy.He i

43、s short.He is tall.What does he/she look like?What does he/she look like?She is of medium height.Step 2 PresentationGeorge BushJack BushDavid Bushis of medium build.is heavy.is thin.What does she look like?She is heavy/ fat.She is of medium build.She is thin.She has She has short curly short curly h

44、airhair and she and she is very heavy.is very heavy.What does she look like?Whatshelike?Hehasalongbeardandwearsglasses.Who is she?ShorthairWhatdoesshelooklike?SheisLiYuchunShehasshorthair.Whatdoesshelooklike?Shesreallybeautiful.ShesbeautifulAndshehascurlyhair.Whataboutshe?Shesthinandshehaslonghair.s

45、traighthairWhatdoesyourfriendlooklike?mediumbuildWhoshe?Whatdoeshelooklike?likesplayingbasketballshortblackhaircoolandhandsomeverytallmediumbuildfromChinaHe hasHe is Everyone is special!Everyone is important! Dont judge the others by their appearances !人人都很特别!人人都很特别! 人人都很重要人人都很重要!不要以貌取人不要以貌取人 Achiev

46、e the moral objectExtension 5、编故事,巩固关键词教师可以挑选一些重要的词,让学生编故事,以培养学生创造性使用词汇的能力。如,学习了一些有关看病的词汇,教师可以让学生运用下列词汇创编一个故事:examine,patient,atthedoctors,advise,berichin,putonweight,loseweight。下面是一位学生创编的故事:Therewasapatientatthedoctors.Shelikedtoeatmeatandsugar.Whicharerichinfat.Sosheputonweight.Thedoctorexaminedhe









55、ess-like(似)的childlikelifelike后缀(2)2)名词-a/an人musician-ee(被动接受的)人employeetrainee-or/er(主动实施的)人 engineervisitor-ist家,者communistmoralist-ess(女)人hostesshuntress-hood时期/身份childhoodneighborhood-ese语ChineseJapanese-ism主义communism-ology学科physiologytechnology词的复合(compoundword)n.n.landlordbathroomadj.n.blackbo





60、果较好。(三)词汇教学中应注重的几个方面(三)词汇教学中应注重的几个方面1、注重语音教学、注重语音教学2、注重词的外延与内涵、注重词的外延与内涵3、注重词的搭配:、注重词的搭配:4、注重词的呈现、注重词的呈现 5 、注重中西方文化差异、注重中西方文化差异6 、注重词汇教学的时机、注重词汇教学的时机7 、注重对词汇的及时复习及检测、注重对词汇的及时复习及检测8、注重在课堂上注入时代气息的新词、注重在课堂上注入时代气息的新词注重词的外延与内涵woman的语义特征为:female,human,adult;词的内涵意义,是词的附加意义或联想意义。这种附加意义是人们对该词或短语所指的人或事物所持有的特殊





65、词的呈现Howwouldyoupresentit?hospital1. 教师将教师将hospital写在黑板上,将写在黑板上,将“医院医院”写在单词旁边。指着单词说,写在单词旁边。指着单词说,Say after me, hospital. 然后指着中文说,然后指着中文说,hospital的意思的意思是是“医院医院”。 2. 教师将一张医院的图片贴在黑板上,指着教师将一张医院的图片贴在黑板上,指着图片对学生说,图片对学生说,Look, its a hospital. Say after me, hospital. 3. 教师将教师将hospital一词写在黑板上,对学生一词写在黑板上,对学生说,

66、说,Listen, a hospital is a place. Doctors work in a hospital, nurses work in a hospital too. What is a hospital? 学生回学生回答,答,“医院医院”。 结合上述案例,重看前面提到的呈现单词意义的十种方式,思考并下列问题:1)1)这些呈现方式各有什么利弊?这些呈现方式各有什么利弊?2)2)有没有哪些方法是特别适合呈现某一有没有哪些方法是特别适合呈现某一 类单词的?类单词的?3)3)有没有哪些方法是特别适合哪一个学段有没有哪些方法是特别适合哪一个学段 的学生的?的学生的?4)4)在选择单词呈

67、现方式时,你需要考虑哪在选择单词呈现方式时,你需要考虑哪 些因素?些因素?在选择单词呈现方式时,教师们需要考虑:1 1)目标词汇本身的特点,如是具体事物还是抽)目标词汇本身的特点,如是具体事物还是抽 象概念;象概念;2 2)学生的知识水平,如是否具有理解英文解释)学生的知识水平,如是否具有理解英文解释 的知识和技能基础;的知识和技能基础;3 3)学生的年龄,如对低龄学生更适于用实物、)学生的年龄,如对低龄学生更适于用实物、 图片、动作、表情等呈现单词,而高年图片、动作、表情等呈现单词,而高年 级的学生则易于接受比较抽象的语言解释。级的学生则易于接受比较抽象的语言解释。4 4)准备工作所需要的投

68、入。为呈现一个单词而)准备工作所需要的投入。为呈现一个单词而 投入太多的时间和精力去准备材料显然也不投入太多的时间和精力去准备材料显然也不 现实。现实。 成功呈现示例 教师在黑板上写上一个学生已经学过的单教师在黑板上写上一个学生已经学过的单词词want,问学生问学生, What word is this? 学生说学生说,Want. 老师说,老师说,Good, its want. 接着,老接着,老师将字母师将字母t擦去,指着擦去,指着wan问学生,问学生,How do you say this? 学生回答,学生回答,/ /. 老师在老师在wan前面加了一个字母前面加了一个字母s,指着指着swan

69、问学生,问学生,Now how do you say this word? 学生回学生回答,答,Swan. 老师说,老师说,Excellent. Its swan. But what is a swan? 学生沉默,这时,老学生沉默,这时,老师拿出一张天鹅的图片贴在单词师拿出一张天鹅的图片贴在单词swan旁边,旁边,指着图中的天鹅说,指着图中的天鹅说,Look, this is a swan. 6、注重对词汇的及时复习及检测(1)课后要及时布置有关词汇的作业(2)词汇听写。(3)词汇阶段检测(4)词的专项训练词的专项训练选词填空题选词填空题题型简介题型简介短文填空题就是非选择题的完形填空题短文

70、填空题就是非选择题的完形填空题, 在近几在近几年的各地中考中主要有以下几种形式年的各地中考中主要有以下几种形式:一是给出词语一是给出词语,然后选用最恰当的单词然后选用最恰当的单词,且用其适当形且用其适当形式填空式填空.二是在文章空白处填上恰当的单词二是在文章空白处填上恰当的单词,有的有首字母提有的有首字母提示示.三是在文章空白后有一个单词三是在文章空白后有一个单词,作适当变化后填空作适当变化后填空. 无论哪种形式无论哪种形式,都是考查学生运用语言知识的能力都是考查学生运用语言知识的能力.针对今年中考,我们主要学习第一种选词填空题。针对今年中考,我们主要学习第一种选词填空题。How to sta

71、y happy?one, he ,good, foot, look, by, with, think, something,worry, hand,worse,sad, happyThe day was like the other day in his life. Tom walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped1 _ at the front row of shoes, and he was happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still

72、there. Looking down, he felt sorry for 2_He really wanted to have them for his birthday. to look himself He walked away3 _ and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him4 _he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at5_,

73、 as he looked6 _ and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass . Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair. He noticed that the boy moved the chair 7 _ his hands. sadlyanythingonceworriedwithone, he ,good, foot, look, by, with,thinksomething,worry, hand,worse,sad, happyone, he

74、 ,good, foot, look, by, with,thinksomething,worry, hand,worse,sad, happyTom looked at him carefully and wassurprised to see the boy had no8 _.He looked at his own feet.“Itsmuch9_to be withoutshoes than without feet ,”he thought.There was no reason for him to feel sorry and sad. He went away and smil

75、ed,10 _ he was happier.feetbetterthinking1.sad-sadly( 副词修饰动词)副词修饰动词) eg. He is singing a song happily.2.worry-worried(连系动词后用形容词)连系动词后用形容词) eg. The soup tastes delicious. 3.think-thinking(动词的现在分词做伴随动词的现在分词做伴随状语)状语) eg. There are many teachers here, listening to us.常见词性变化常见词性变化动词动词- eg. look-to look,

76、think-thinking形容词形容词.副词副词- eg. sad-sadly, good-better名词名词- eg. foot-feet代词代词- eg. he-himself 数词数词- eg. one-once/first时态时态.语态及非谓语动词等形式语态及非谓语动词等形式词性互换及等级变化或其反义词词性互换及等级变化或其反义词单复数及所有格的变化单复数及所有格的变化主格与宾格主格与宾格.形容词性与名词性物主代词形容词性与名词性物主代词.反身代词反身代词, 不定代词的变化不定代词的变化基数词与序数词或其他词类的变化基数词与序数词或其他词类的变化How to deal with p

77、roblems?what, face, compare, physics, poor, how,regard,look,succeed,change,develop, with. Rich or 1 , young or old, we all have problems. And unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect 2 we do things at school. It can alsoinfluence the ways

78、 we behave with ourfamilies. So how do we deal with ourproblems. There are many ways. poorhowBy 3 problems as challenges Many students often complain about school. They might feel they have too much work to do sometimes, or think the rules are too strict. We must learn how to 4_ these “problems” int

79、o “challenges”. Education is an important part of our5_. As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education6 the help of our teachers.regardingchangedevelopmentwithwhat, face,compare, physics,poor,how. regard,look,succeed,change,develop,withwhat, face,compar

80、e, physics,poor,how. regard,look,succeed,change,develop,with By thinking of something worse By 7 yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible. Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientst, who regards his many 8_ problems as unimportant. He cant walk

81、or even speak, but he has become very famous and 9_ .We are probably quite healthy and smart. Lets not worry about our problems. Lets 10 the challenges paringphysicalfacesuccessful Key points:单词的词性变化单词的词性变化: eg. prep+v.ing, adj+n/pron, adv+adj, v+adv, much/even+比较级比较级, too/so/very+原级原级, one of/序数词序数

82、词+最高级最高级词组的固定搭配词组的固定搭配: eg. regard.as., compare.to with the help of, at once语言的规范通俗语言的规范通俗: eg. how we do things, face the chanllege文意的理解运用文意的理解运用: eg. rich or poor, stop to look事件的客观真实事件的客观真实: eg. have no feet, look worriedSteps(步骤)(步骤):First(首先)首先)Second(第二步)(第二步).Next(接下来)(接下来).Then(然后)(然后)Finall

83、y(最后)(最后).Summary方法步骤方法步骤一。一。泛读文章泛读文章, 了解大意了解大意. 不要孤立地理解某个句子不要孤立地理解某个句子, 以免断章取义以免断章取义.二。二。细读文章细读文章, 确定词义确定词义. 联系文章大意和逻辑联系文章大意和逻辑,常识性知识和语法结构,常识性知识和语法结构,确定所缺单词或词组确定所缺单词或词组.三。三。结合语法结合语法, 确定词性或词组的正确形式确定词性或词组的正确形式. (“常见词性变化常见词性变化”已小结)已小结)四。先易后难四。先易后难, 逐一落实逐一落实. 难题先放在一边难题先放在一边, 最后结合文章的整体内最后结合文章的整体内容分析容分析,

84、仔细体会作者意图仔细体会作者意图, 再作答再作答.五。重读文章五。重读文章, 检查答案检查答案. 代入答案后检查意思是否通顺代入答案后检查意思是否通顺.流畅流畅,是否是否符合文章主旨大意和逻辑关系符合文章主旨大意和逻辑关系, 同时检查单同时检查单词拼写和形式是否有误词拼写和形式是否有误,发现问题及时纠正发现问题及时纠正.Passage3Howtokeephealthy?balance stress out stay away from balance stress out stay away from the risk of even if as if healthy that it the

85、risk of even if as if healthy that it prefer to be in agreement too much westprefer to be in agreement too much westTraditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example , are you often weak and tired ? Maybe you have 1_ yin . You should eat hot yang foods,

86、 like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. But people who are too 2_ and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese medicine is now popular in many 3_ countries. Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and its

87、important to eat a balanced diet. Most people 4_ that fruit and vegetables are good for health, so I eat mainly fruit and vegetables , and I 5_ sugar. I want to take care of my health. I believe that fast food 6_ isnt always bad for us, but too much of it is not good. I love to eat meat thats well c

88、ooked. Ive heard eating burnt food can increase _7_ cancer. People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than 8_ who only eat biscuits and hamburgers, shouldnt they? I 9_ only eat food that I like, but isnt it important to eat food thats healthy, 10_ you dont like it?two muchstressed outwester

89、nare in agreementstay away fromitselfthe risk ofthoseprefer to even ifThe keys to P3(How to keep healthy):1.too much 2. stressed out 3. western 4. are in agreement 5.stay away from 6. itself 7. the risk of 8. those 9. prefer to 10. even if1.it-itself(反身代词作主反身代词作主/宾语同位语)宾语同位语) eg. Jack himself often

90、washes his clothes.2.that-those(不同范围的同类事物不同范围的同类事物 作比作比较较,后者单数或不可数名词用后者单数或不可数名词用that, 复数复数用用those. eg. The weather in Shenzhen is warmer than that in Beijing in winter. The trees here are stronger than those on that hill. Passage4Howtobehavewell?a bit of, challenge, be different from, speak, a bit o

91、f, challenge, be different from, speak, even, think, another, keep, get, improve, even, think, another, keep, get, improve, pretty, be the same as, a littlepretty, be the same as, a littleIm having a great time on my exchange program in France . Its1_better than I thought it would be. I was 2_ nervo

92、us before I arrived here, but there was no reason be. My host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And you wouldnt believe how quickly my French has 3_ !Im very comfortable 4_ French now. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like it used to

93、be. My biggest 5_ is learning how to behave at the dinner table. As you can imagine ,things 6 _ the way they are at home. For example, youre not supposed to put your bread on your plate . Youre supposed to put it on the table ! I thought that was 7_strange at first, but now Im used to it. Youre not

94、supposed to eat with your hands except bread ,not even fruit! 8_ thing is that it is very rude to say youre full. If you dont want any more food, you should just say, “It was delicious.” Also, its rude to put your hands in your lap. You should always 9_your hands, but not your elbows, on the table.

95、I have to say , I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually 10_used to things and dont them so strange any more.evena littleimprovedspeakingchanllengeare different fromprettyAnotherkeepgettingThe keys to P4:(How to behave well)1 even 2. a little 3. improved 4. speaking 5.challenge 6

96、.are different from 7. pretty 8.Another 9. keep 10. gettingPassage5Teenagersdreamsprovide, choose, will , similar , achieve, seem, provide, choose, will , similar , achieve, seem, enjoy, common, cross, dream, come true, enjoy, common, cross, dream, come true, offer.offer. What would you like to do a

97、fter finishing your education? It1 _that some students would like to start to work as soon as possible , so that they can help 2_ better lives for their parents. Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school and to go to university. Although money is important, many teenagers said

98、they want to do jobs they 3 _. According to the survey, the most popular4 _of job is computer programming. Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. According to the survey, less realistic dreams are also5 _, but many students reported that they were 6_to work hard to achieve their dreams. Quite a few dre

99、am of becoming famous, perhaps famous sports people or singers. Some said theyd love to go on exciting trips. One student said shed love to sail 7_ the Pacific Ocean. And then there are dreams that are impossible: some students said theyd like to be able to fly! It was clear from the survey that tee

100、nagers have 8 _hopes. It seems that most students hope to have a good education and find a good job. On the other hand, students dream of very different things :good things, and even crazy things. It is very important to9 _,so hold on to your dreams , one day they may just come true. Can you tell so

101、mething about your dreams and how to 10 _them?seemsprovideenjoychoicecommonwillingacrosssimilardreamachieveThe keys to P5:About teenagers dreams1.seems 2.provide 3.enjoy 4.choice mon 6.willing 7.across 8.similar 9.dream 10.achieve.Show yourselves!Show yourselves!What is your dream?How do you plan to

102、 achieve it?注重在课堂上注入时代气息的新词没门(noway),留守学生(stay-at-homestudent),猪流感(swineflu),下线(getoffline),allingoodtime(别着急)amazing!-太神了anytime!-随时吩咐awful!-好可怕啊Fresh!-好有型!afteru-您先noway没门allset?-一切妥当allowme!-让我来behave!-放尊重点bingo!-中了boring!-真无聊crazy!-疯了deal!-一言为定Exactly!-完全正确!Fantastic!-妙极了!Fifty-fifty!-对半分!一堂词汇教学

103、课(Period 1)WhatWhats his favorite drink?s his favorite drink?shakebanana milk shakeWhat kind of shake is it?strawberry shakechocolate shakeapple shakewatermelenshakepeelcutupblenderturn onpourPeel _.the bananasCut up_the bananas.the bananas Put_and ice cream in the _.Complete the sentences!Complete

104、the sentences!blenderPour the _into _.milkthe blenderTurn on _ the blender._ the milk shake.Drink LOOK and GUESS :What does she want to do?Drink .Peel .Cut PutPourTurn DrinkDrinkPourPourPeelPeelCut upCut upTurn onTurn onPutPut273中国英语教师网 Lets chantPeel,peel,peel the banana.Cut,cut,cut up the banana.P

105、our,pour,pour the milk.Turn,turn,turn on the blender.Peel,peel,peel the banana.Cut,cut,cut up the banana.Pour,pour,pour the milk.Turn,turn,turn on the blender.Game:Game:Listenandputtheinstructionsinthecorrectorder.( )Turn on the blender.( ) Cut up the bananas.( ) Drink the milk shake.( ) Pour the mi

106、lk into the blender.( ) Put the bananas and the ice cream into the blender.( ) Peel three bananas. 542613Listen again and answer the questions as quickly as you can .1.Hows the boy feeling now? He is feeling very hungry.2.What do they want to make? A banana milk shake.3.How many bananas do they need

107、? Three.4.What do they put in the blender? The bananas and ice cream. 5.Is shake a drink? Yes,it is.firstnextthenandafter thatfinallyGROUP WORKGROUP WORKfirstnextthenandafter thatfinallyPAIK WORKPAIK WORKA:Imhungry!letsmakeB:Howdoyoumake?A:Well,firstnextthen.andafterthatfinallyB:Ok!.Step 1:Peel the

108、bananas.280中国英语教师网Cut up the bananas.281中国英语教师网Step 3:Put the bananas and ice cream intothe blender.282中国英语教师网Step 4:Pour the milk into the blender.283中国英语教师网Step 5:Turn on the blender.284中国英语教师网Step 6:Drink the milk shake.285中国英语教师网onoffabcdefPeel the bananas.Cut up the bananas.Put the bananas and

109、ice cream in the blender.Pourthemilkintotheblender.Turnontheblender.Drinkthemilkshake.onoffblendermilkbananaice cream What kind of shake is it?pear milk shakeapple milk shake Fill in the blanks:A:Iamhungry.letsmakeanorangemilkshake.B:OK.Whatdoweneed?A:Weneedsomeorangesandmilk.B:Howm_orangesdoweneed?

110、A:Weneedthree.B:OK.Howm_milkdoweneed?A:Onecup.B:Nowhowtomakeit?A:First,p_theoranges.Next,c_uptheorangesandthenputthemintheb_.P_themilkintotheblender,too.Thent_ontheblenderforabout3minutes.Finally,pourthemixture(混和物)intoaglassandenjoyit.B:Thatmustbemuchmoredelicious.anyucheelutlenderurnour请您回答:请您回答:1. 您认为单词教学重要吗?您认为单词教学重要吗?2. 单元生单词何时教单元生单词何时教? 3. 如何教?如何教?4. 每单元做词汇专项练习吗?每单元做词汇专项练习吗?5. 学生记忆单词有困难吗?学生记忆单词有困难吗?6. .您感觉单词教学中有哪些疑问?您感觉单词教学中有哪些疑问?7. 您是如何帮助学生落实单词的?您是如何帮助学生落实单词的?8. 您有没有经常教学生记单词的方法?您有没有经常教学生记单词的方法?



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