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1、Lesson 5No wrong numbers无错号之虞无错号之虞New words and Expressions21. message (n.)消息消息 ,信息,留言,信息,留言v leave sb. a message 给给留便条留便条v 你愿意给他留个口信吗?你愿意给他留个口信吗?v Would you like to leave him a message?vinformation (n.) 消息消息 (不可数不可数)va piece of information32. cover (1) vt. 盖,覆盖:盖,覆盖: Snow covered the whole village.

2、 大雪覆盖了整个村庄。大雪覆盖了整个村庄。(2)vt. 行过(一段距离),走过:行过(一段距离),走过:He covered sixty miles this morning. 他今天上午走了他今天上午走了60英里。英里。( 3)n. 覆盖物,盖子,罩子,套子:覆盖物,盖子,罩子,套子: Put a cover on the box! 给这盒子加个罩!给这盒子加个罩!43. distance (n.)远处远处,距离距离,路程路程u in the distance 在远处在远处u keep distance with 保持距离保持距离u你可以在远处看见我们的学校。你可以在远处看见我们的学校。Yo

3、ucanseeourschoolinthedistance.u我想和他保持距离。Iwanttokeepdistancewithhim.5u distant adj. 远处的,远方的远处的,远方的Wesawherinthe_(distant).Youcanviewfroma_(distance)land. (以以-ce结尾的名词,形容词一般以结尾的名词,形容词一般以-t结尾结尾) importance n. important adj. difference n. different adj. patience n. patient adj.distancedistant4. request(1

4、) n. 要求要求,需要需要;at sbs request = at the request of sb. 应某人的要求应某人的要求(2) vt. 请求请求,索取索取; request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事=request that sb. (should) do sth.7v翻译:他应我的要求而来。翻译:他应我的要求而来。He came at my request.v翻译:他们要求他离开。翻译:他们要求他离开。They requested him to leave. They requested that he (should) leave.5. spa

5、re (1)vt. 抽出(时间等),让给:抽出(时间等),让给: vHave you got five minutes to spare? v你能抽出你能抽出5分钟时间吗?分钟时间吗? (2)vt. 饶恕,赦免:饶恕,赦免: vThe robbers spared his life. v强盗们饶恕了他的命。强盗们饶恕了他的命。 (3)adj. 多余的,空闲的,备用的:多余的,空闲的,备用的: vspare time 空闲时间空闲时间vspare room 闲置的房间闲置的房间spare part96. service(1) n. 服务,接待服务,接待u那家旅馆的服务很不错。uTheservic

6、einthathotelisquitegood.(2) n. 业务,公用事业业务,公用事业uthetelephoneservice电话业务uatravelservice旅行社 serve v. 服务,接待服务,接待10Notes of text !v听录音,跟读课文,注意画线单词的读音!v Mr. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott can

7、not get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one

8、 garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.1. Mr. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.the other: 两者之中的另一个两者之中的另一个another: 三个或三个以上的另一个三个或三个以上的另一个Ihavetwopens,oneisred,theotherisblack.Pleasebringmeanotherchair

9、.13(1)这这句句话话由由3个个部部分分组组成成。but引引导导的的句句子子与与前前面面的的句句子子为为并并列列关关系系,so引引导导的的句句子子表表示示结果。结果。2. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons.143. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.

10、The bird covered the distance in three minutes.fromto表示从一个地方到另一个地方。表示从一个地方到另一个地方。他从北京坐飞机去莫斯科。他从北京坐飞机去莫斯科。He flew from Beijing to Moscow. 他把这姑娘从头到脚打量了一下。他把这姑娘从头到脚打量了一下。He looked at the girl from head to foot. 154. Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent me

11、ssages from one garage to the other. up to now相当于相当于until/till now,意思是,意思是“迄迄今、到目前为止今、到目前为止”,一般与,一般与现在完成时现在完成时连用:连用:到目前为止,他一直很用功。到目前为止,他一直很用功。Up to now,hehasbeenveryhard-working.16u a great many +可数名词复数可数名词复数表示表示“许多,好多许多,好多”好多树被毁坏了。好多树被毁坏了。 A great many trees were destroyed. u urgent :dnt adj. 紧急的紧急

12、的 urgent message 急件急件 something urgent 紧急的事情紧急的事情175. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.v在课文中,在课文中,service的意思是的意思是“业务业务”。vEg: the mail service(邮政业务)(邮政业务) the telephone service(电话业务)(电话业务) a travel service(旅行社)(旅行社) a news service(通讯社)(通讯社)v文文中中的的“ telephone service”实实际际上上是

13、是个个大大词,有一种幽默感。词,有一种幽默感。18短语:短语:1 越过一段距离越过一段距离2 用三分钟用三分钟3 到目前为止到目前为止4 许多,大量许多,大量5 对某物的请求对某物的请求6 备用零件备用零件7 以这种方式以这种方式8 私人电话业务私人电话业务1 cover the distance2 in three minutes3 up to now4 a great many5 request for6 spare part7 in this way8 private telephone serviceP29: Key structures 关键句型关键句型一般过去时VS现在完成时20第

14、第3课关键句型,注意时间状语:课关键句型,注意时间状语:vIwrotetohimlast month.vIboughtthiscarlast year.vHecametoseemethis morning.vIsawhimten minutes ago.v一般过去时一般过去时:用来表示过去某一特定时间发生的事情或动作。第第4课关键句型,注意时间状语:课关键句型,注意时间状语:vThetrainhasjustleftthestation.vIvealreadyseenthatfilm.vHehasbeenabroadfor six months.vHaveyouevermethimbefore?

15、vIhavenevermethimbefore.vIhavenotfinishedworkyet.vTherehavebeenagreatnumberofaccidentslately.vUp till nowhehaswonfiveprizes.v总结:现在完成时的时间状语标志:just, already, lately, so far, neverup till now, for six months, since 疑问句:ever否定句:(not) yet基本结构:基本结构:have(主语是复数主语是复数/I) + done has(主语是单数主语是单数)+ done表示一个动作发生在过

16、去但对现在仍然有影响。 或过去持续到现在的动作。现在完成时现在完成时25比较:比较:vHe has lived in China for ten years.vHe lived in China ten years ago.v判断对错?判断对错?vTom has written a letter to his parents last night.vTom wrote a letter to his parents last night.FT26Exercise 练习练习 B :P29vhas bought (现在完成时现在完成时)vhas bought (现在完成时现在完成时)vcarrie

17、d (一般过去时一般过去时)vcovered (一般过去时一般过去时)vhas sent (现在完成时现在完成时)vhas begun (现在完成时现在完成时)Exercise 练习练习 C :P301.What did you buy yesterday?2.Uptillnow,henever has lent meanything.3. Havent you (burn) those oldpapersyet?4.He fought inFlandersintheFirstWorldWar.5.Theyalreadyhave left.6.When did you lose yourumb

18、rella?7. Did you listen totheconcertlastnight?8.Wejust have won thematch.P30: Special difficulties 难点难点1. Please move this chair. It is in the way.Do your work in the way I have shown you. in the way:挡路,以这种方法挡路,以这种方法2. On the way to the station, I bought some chocolate. on the way(to): 在去在去.的途中的途中 o

19、n the way home 在回家的途中在回家的途中313. He saves old envelopes. In this way, he has collected a great many stamps. in this way: 这样这样,以这种方式以这种方式4. By the way, have you seen Harry recently? by the way: 顺便说一声顺便说一声/问一下问一下5.Inaway,itisanimportantbook. in a way : 从某种意义上来说从某种意义上来说总结:总结:way 的短语的短语 in the way:挡路,以这种

20、方法挡路,以这种方法 on the way(to): 在去在去.的途的途中中 in this way: 这样这样,以这种方式以这种方式 by the way: 顺便说一声顺便说一声/问一下问一下 in a way : 从某种意义上来说从某种意义上来说P30: Exercise 练习练习用带有用带有way的短语填空的短语填空v1 On the way v2 in the way v3 By the way v4 in this/a way v5 in the way P31: Key to multiple choice questionsv1c2a3d4b5c6dv7a8b9c10b11a12d36



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