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1、新概念英语第一册-L67-the-weekend资料1.一般一般过去去时v 描述过去的事实或状态,描述过去描述过去的事实或状态,描述过去的动作。在英语中,非现在的以前都叫过的动作。在英语中,非现在的以前都叫过去。过去发生的而现在已经结束的动作要去。过去发生的而现在已经结束的动作要用一般过去时来表示。用一般过去时来表示。v 1、表示过去某个点上特定的时间存在的、表示过去某个点上特定的时间存在的状态,事实,或发生的动作。状态,事实,或发生的动作。v 2、表示在过去的一段时间内经常发生的、表示在过去的一段时间内经常发生的动作或反复的习惯。动作或反复的习惯。1.与与ago 连用:用:a momentt

2、wo minutesthree hoursfive daysone weeksix monthsfour yearsago用于一般用于一般过去去时的的时间状状语lasttimenightweekmonthtermMondayyesterdaymorningafternooneveningthe day before yesterday 2.与与last 连用用3.与与yesterday 连用:用:4.与与one 连用:用:onemorningevening dayMonday afternoon5.与与that 连用:用:thatmorningwinterdayyearjust nowin t

3、he old daysin those daysin 1980the other dayat that timeonce upon a time6.其他其他时间状状语:一般一般过去去时的构成的构成所有时态都是通过所有时态都是通过动词变化动词变化来表现的来表现的vE.g.v You are right.v 一般现在时一般现在时一般现在时一般现在时v I want to go to school.v We are doing our housework now.v 正在正在正在正在 v The bus is leaving at 8:00. 进行进行进行进行 v 时时时时v主语主语+ be动词动词

4、(was,were)+其他其他v主语主语 + 实意动词的过去式形式实意动词的过去式形式+其他其他v(实意动词:实意动词:有确切含义的动词,可以单独做谓语有确切含义的动词,可以单独做谓语,如如:played等等) 例如:vThey were happy.vWe didnt have breakfast this morning.vHe played football.vYou did your homework.v1、一般的动词后面、一般的动词后面直接加直接加-ed 清辅音后面加清辅音后面加ed,读,读t asked 浊辅音或元音后面加浊辅音或元音后面加ed,读,读d cleaned d/t +

5、ed id dusted 动词的过去式动词的过去式变化规则变化规则v2、以不发音的字母不发音的字母e结尾的动词,结尾的动词,直直接加接加d。 hoped,lived, believedv3、辅音字母加、辅音字母加y结尾的单词,要把结尾的单词,要把y变变i加加ed studied,worried, v4、重读闭音节单词需重读闭音节单词需双写双写最后一个辅最后一个辅音字母,再音字母,再 加加ed。 fitted ,stopped, shipped 5、有些动词不符合上面的规则,需有些动词不符合上面的规则,需要要特殊记忆。特殊记忆。 vam/is-was, are-were, vgo-went, d

6、o-did veat-ate, swim-swam, vbuy-bought, bring-brought, vthink-thought see-saw, vteach-taught, fall-fell, vhurt-hurt, break-broke, vwin-won, lose-lost1.当我是个孩子时,我喜欢游泳。当我是个孩子时,我喜欢游泳。2. 我下午三点完成的工作。我下午三点完成的工作。When I was a child/boy/girl, I liked swimming.I finished the work at 3 oclock.3. 我今天早上去购物了我今天早上去

7、购物了I went to shopping this morning.4. 总经理参加了今天下午的会议。总经理参加了今天下午的会议。Our General Manager attended the meeting this afternoon.用括号里动词的适当形式填空。用括号里动词的适当形式填空。1. He _ (read) that book last week.2. Last night he _ (arrive) just in time for the show.3. Mary _ (marry) Thomas yesterday.4. Tom _ (show) us where t

8、o sit at the meeting yesterday.5. Last summer we _ (visit) Uncle Jack.6. It _ (rain) almost every day last month.7. John _ (like) to play piano when he was in secondary school.8. Betty _ (work) hard all last year.9. We _ (change) the color of our uniforms last Christmas.10. Last year Cindy _ (buy) h

9、er mother a pretty watch for her birthday.readarrivedmarriedshowedvisitedrainedlikedworkedchangedboughtNew Wordsgreengrocer ri:nrus n. 蔬菜水果零售商absent bsnt adj. 缺席的Mondaymndi n. 星期一Tuesdaytju:zdi n. 星期二Wednesday wenzdi n. 星期三Thursday :zdi n. 星期四keep ki:p v. (身体健康)处于(状况)spend spend v. 度过weekend wi:kend

10、 n. 周末Friday fraidi n. 星期五Saturdaystdi n. 星期六Sunday sndi n. 星期日country kntri n. 乡村lucky lki adj. 幸运的 greengrocer ri:nrus n. 蔬菜水果零售商在英文中,表示店在英文中,表示店铺、住宅、公共机构、公共、住宅、公共机构、公共建筑物以及教堂的名字或某人家建筑物以及教堂的名字或某人家时,名名词所有格所有格后后常不出常不出现它所修它所修饰的名的名词: at the greengrocers 在蔬菜水果店在蔬菜水果店greengrocergreengrocers/ri:nrus/butc

11、herbutchers/but/ at the butchers at the dentists at the hairdressers at the stationers at my mothers在肉店里在肉店里在理发店在理发店在文具店在文具店在牙医的诊所在牙医的诊所在我妈妈家在我妈妈家 I am going to stay at my mothers this Friday. 这周五我将在我妈妈家住。 They are going to stay at her grandfathers this weekend. 他们这周末要在她爷爷家住。 absent adj. 缺席的 bsnt be

12、 absent from 不在,缺席 be absent from school 缺课 be absent from work 旷工 She doesnt like school, so she is often absent from school. 她不喜欢上学,所以她经常缺课。 周一到周末Monday n. 星期一Tuesday n. 星期二Wednesday n. 星期三Thursday n. 星期四Friday n. 星期五Saturday n. 星期六Sunday n. 星期日 keep v. (身体健康)处于(状况);); ki:p 保存,保留保守;储藏1)处于 Keep the

13、 fire burning.让火一直燃烧。2) 保住 He would not be able to keep his job. 他保不住自己的工作了。3)保存,保管Would you keep my things for me while Im away? 当我离开的时候,你能为我保管一下我的东西吗? spend v. 度过 spend v. 花(时间等););度过spend + n./pron. 度过 We are going to spend several days at my mothers.我们要在我妈妈家呆几天。I want to spend my holiday in the

14、country this weekend. 我想这周末在乡下度假。 v. 用(钱),),花费spend 时间/金钱 + on +sth. Women spend a lot of money on clothes.女人都花很多钱来买衣服 Children spend a lot of time on Internet. 孩子们花费很多时间上网。spend 时间/金钱 +(in) doing sth. The manager spent 2 hours(in)explaining the plan at the meeting. 在会上,经理用两个小时来解释这个计划cost 物做主语,表示物的售

15、价 I bought a new necklace, it costs me 2000 dollars. 我买了一条新项链,花了我2000美元afford 人作主语,支付得起,腾出时间 I cant afford it. 我付不起。 I can afford one day for you. 我为你能腾出一天时间。spend,cost,afford,take,pay的的区区别take 花时间,但是要用 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 我花了3个小时来解释这个计划。 It took me 3 hours to explain this plan.pay 人做主

16、语,人为某物付钱 pay for sth I paid him for the rent. 我付给他房租 country kntri n. 乡村 n. 国家;国土;故乡 India, a former British colony, is now a fully independent country. 曾一度为英国殖民地的印度如今已是一个完全独立的国家。 n. 乡下,乡村 country表示“农村”时, 前面一定要加定冠词the adj. 乡下的;乡村风味的I prefer country life to life in the city. 乡村生活与城市生活相比,我更喜欢乡村生活。Afte

17、r nearly thirty years in the city, hes still country. 他在城里住了将近三十年,可还是土气十足。 lucky adj. 幸运的幸运的 lki adj. 有好运的,幸运的 She was lucky to get such a well-paid job. 她能得到这样一个报酬优厚的工作真幸运。 adj. 侥幸的,碰巧的 He didnt really know the answer - it was just a lucky guess. 他并非真知道答案那不过是个侥幸的猜测。 Its lucky hes here. 他碰巧在这儿。Lucky

18、 dogThats my destiny.Listen,Read and answer questionsMrs.JohnsonMrs.Williams 1.Was Mrs.Johnson at the butchers?2.Where was she?3.Who was at the butchers?Mrs.Johnson:Hello. Were you at the butchers?Mrs.Williams:Yes,I was. Were you at the butchers,too?Mrs.Johnson:No,I wasnt. I was at at the greengroce

19、rs. How is Jimmy today?Mrs.Williams:Hes very well,thank you.Mrs.Johnson:Was he absent from school last week?Mrs.Williams:Yes,he was. He was absent on Mon,Tues, Wed,and thurday. How are you all keeping?Mrs.Johnson:Very well,thank you. We are going to spend three days in the country. We are going to s

20、tay at my mothers for the weekend.Mrs.Williams:Friday,Saturday and Sunday in the country! Arent you lucky!1.Was Mrs.Johnson at the butchers?No,she wasnt.2.Where was she?She was at the greengrocers.3.Who was at the butchers?Mrs.Williams was.Note on the text课文注释2.How is Jimmy today? 吉米几天怎么样?How are yo

21、u? How is she/he? How are they?3.How are you all keeping?你们身体都好吗?问人怎么样也可以说:How are you doing? How is everything/it going?Whats going on?3.Very well.很好Not bad.Pretty well. Great.Im OK.4. in the country =in the countryside(在乡下)5.Arent you lucky!你们真幸运!否定疑问句的感叹形式否定疑问句表示双重肯定表示说话者惊异的情绪、责难的口吻或赞叹;也可表示说话者的某种

22、建议、邀请、请求或看法等Didnt I asked you? 难道我没问过你吗?Arent you a student? 难道你不是学生吗?Cant you wait a moment? 你不能等一会儿吗?回答这种问题这种问题时,根据事实,根据事实,用简略回答。(注意:不要受中文影响)。(注意:不要受中文影响)如果事实事实是肯定的,就用Yes如果事实事实是否定的,就用No。-Dont you know English? -Yes, I do.(不,我懂英文。)不,我懂英文。)-No,I dont. (是的,我不懂英文。)是的,我不懂英文。) -Arent you a student?- Yes,I am.(不,我是一个学生。)不,我是一个学生。)-No,I am not.(是的,我不是一个学生。)Lesson 68Whats the time? New wordsNew Words church t:t n.教堂 dairy dri n.乳品店 baker bek n.面包师傅 grocer rus n.食品杂货店church t:t n.教堂 dairy n.乳品店 英dri 美dri baker bek n.面包师傅 grocer rus n.食品杂货店谢谢!



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