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1、高考英语作文高频高分词热衷于be keen on/about=be enthusiastic aboutas soon as +主语+动词,+主句(主语+动词)=on/upon sth/doing sth, +主语+动词 一,就在方面扮演重要角色play a big/an important part in (doing) sth play a big/an important role in (doing) sth不知道be unaware of=be unconscious of对有信心 be confident of=have confidence in因为某事感激某人be thankf

2、ul to sb for doing sth =be grateful to sb for doing sth=be obliged to sb for doing sth完成 finishcomplete, accomplish获得 getgain, acquire, obtain实现 e true, realize achieve, accomplish找出、想出 find out, think offigure out努力 try hard to/ work hard tospare no effort,strive for,endeavor to do, devote oneself

3、to sth共同努力 work hard togethermake joint/combined effort坚持 keep doingpersist in doing惊讶 震惊 surpriseshock, amaze, astonishbe amazed at/ shocked at/ astonished at担心 be worried aboutbe concerned about买 buypurchase试图try to doattempt to do, intend to do, seek to do 想要 want to dodesire to do, attempt to do

4、, intend to do感兴趣 喜欢 be interested in, likebe absorbed in,be fascinated by,appeals to sb, be passionate/enthusiastic about, 对不起 sorryapologize for,express/extend my sincere apology我相信 I believeIm firmly convinced that.期望 期待expect/ anticipate理解understandcomprehend出现 浮现show upemerge致力于be committed to

5、sth/be devoted to/be dedicated to 问(询问 咨询)askconsult转变changeconvert/ transform比.重要be more important thanoutweigh结合、与一起together with combined with安排planschedule/arrange/intend对.更了解熟悉have a better understanding ofhave a deeper insight into使丰富enrichdiversify使接触expose sb to sth; 使学生有更多机会.expose students

6、 to more opportunities to. be exposed to 在于belie in/consist in使从(不好的境遇中)解脱relieve sb of/ liberate sb from;eg: 使我不再沮丧 relieve me of depression, liberate me from depression.被困于 be trapped in (depression, adversity.)be caught in /be stuck in 有关/关于 with regard to =in regard to=with respect to=in respect

7、 of=concerning=regarding=as to=about, on提升 提高 improveenhance享受 enjoy sthget/be immersed in激发兴趣stimulate/arouse passion for增强兴趣 improvefuel our passion/ enthusiasm for促进 使便利 promotefacilitate/boast关于 aboutconcerning越来越流行 be more and more populargain growing popularity培养 developcultivate不愿不想做.unwillin

8、g,dont wantbe reluctant to do退淡fade以.为特点,特点是feature融入integrate招聘employrecruit; recruitment值得deserve积累accumulate提交 hand insubmit拥抱embrace(a promising future, the rewarding chance)追逐 go afterpursue (my dream)询问 askinquire要求,应该 shouldbe required/supposed to do熄灭 put offextinguish萦绕 staylinger回荡echo提议pr

9、opose proposal难过的saddepressed, frustrated高兴的happydelighted毫无疑问no doubtundoubtedly特别 独特 specialunique, distinctive好 goodexcellent, amazing, fantastic, impressive, fascinating,brilliant,superior(极好的).困惑的 at a lossconfused没想到 意外的 surprisingunexpected紧张的 nervousstressed, tensed经常的 oftenfrequently/ const

10、antly/ regularly突然 suddenly instantly可爱 cuteadorable累 tiredexhausted令人疲惫的 exhausting非常 very /quiteexceedingly,extremely真诚 sinceregenuine/ heartfelt小心地 carefullycautiously偶尔occasionally 如果 ifin case杰出的 outstandingdistinguished,superior, superb许多 many / a lotnumerous(数量上多)困难的difficulttough,challenging

11、, tricky清楚 清晰 clearobvious/evident/apparent快速地 quicklyswiftly有能力,能胜任的 be able tobe competent in doing/be capable of 丰富的(经验/资源)richabundant擅长 精通 be good atbe a master of/an expert in.have a good command/grasp ofhave a comprehensive knowledge ofhave a deep insight intobe competent in doing sthbe profi

12、cient in有助于 be helpful tobe contributive tobe beneficial to重要的 importantsignificant,vital,crucial,essential,critical广泛的 wideextensive各种各样的 all kinds ofvarious/a variety of /a wide range of 严重地 seriouslyseverely光明的 有前途的Promising壮丽 壮观的splendid非凡的 outstandingmarvelous/ breathtaking/ remarkable有经验的 资深的

13、experiencedSenior, veteran著名 有名的 famousrenowned, distinguished(杰出 优秀的)历史悠久的 with a lonwg historytime-honored (adj)独特的 special , uniquedistinctive美味的appetizing/tasty巨大的(进步)tremendous/ enormous progress开放、可用的 openavailable/ accessible真实 地道 trueauthentic有启发性的inspiring,enlightening,illuminating可得到的 可使用的available勤奋的 努力的 hard-workingdiligent迫不及待be eager to do/cant wait to do 重要地、显著地significantly无限的infinite令人疲惫的exhausting引人注目的,非凡的remarkable有回报的rewarding有决心的determined不知不觉地unconsciously脆弱易碎的fragile强烈的intense6学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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